Can non-profit organizations exist without for profit organizations??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There is a thread title: 'Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field " which triggered my title.
After all what is the source of almost all "non-profit" organizations?

Nonprofits can and do utilize the following sources of income to help them fulfill their missions:
Sources of Revenue for Reporting Public Charities..
23.2% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from Government...
52.4% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from private sources
13.6% -- Corporate contributions/ Individual donations and major gifts Bequests
8.9% -- Foundation grants Government grants and contracts
2.1% -- Other

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How are nonprofits funded

SO non-profits by definition make NO profits hence no taxes!
Right away non-profits are living off the fact that those evil profit making people/companies MAKE profits and then they pay taxes!
And then... after PAYING taxes 32.1% of payments from government collected TAX money goes for goods/services to non-profits and
government grants!

HOW will non-profits exist if most of the "for profits" are out of business?
After all Obama has stated clearly he'd prefer the 1,300 insurance companies go out of business that PAY $100 billion in taxes!
Where will the non-profits get money of billions of for profit companies TAX revenue goes away???
Well if for-profit organizations didn't exist - then EVERY organization would be a not-for-profit wouldn't it?

Which means if all were non-profit that means NO tax revenue for Federal/State/Local governments.
Then what happens?
Before Reagan screwed with the non-partisan HMO act, non-profit HMO's kept prices lower within the healthcare insurance industry by creating competition. Look at what's happened since.

Don't worry, even with the ACA mandated 80-20 rule, healthcare insurance companies will continue to make BILLIONS.
Well if for-profit organizations didn't exist - then EVERY organization would be a not-for-profit wouldn't it?

Which means if all were non-profit that means NO tax revenue for Federal/State/Local governments.
Then what happens?

Don't non profits hire people that pay taxes?

Buy stuff and pay sales tax?

Buy buildings and pay rent that creates taxes?

You do know that EVERY city, county, and State are non profit. Right?
There is a thread title: 'Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field " which triggered my title.
After all what is the source of almost all "non-profit" organizations?

Nonprofits can and do utilize the following sources of income to help them fulfill their missions:
Sources of Revenue for Reporting Public Charities..
23.2% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from Government...
52.4% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from private sources
13.6% -- Corporate contributions/ Individual donations and major gifts Bequests
8.9% -- Foundation grants Government grants and contracts
2.1% -- Other

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How are nonprofits funded

SO non-profits by definition make NO profits hence no taxes!
Right away non-profits are living off the fact that those evil profit making people/companies MAKE profits and then they pay taxes!
And then... after PAYING taxes 32.1% of payments from government collected TAX money goes for goods/services to non-profits and
government grants!

HOW will non-profits exist if most of the "for profits" are out of business?
After all Obama has stated clearly he'd prefer the 1,300 insurance companies go out of business that PAY $100 billion in taxes!
Where will the non-profits get money of billions of for profit companies TAX revenue goes away???

I have actually run two non-profits. I am the president of one registered non-profit, and was chairman for several years of one that was not registered.

All of our donations come from hard working people. Ordinary people. No companies.

Those who donate to the registered non-profit are given a receipt so they can use it for a tax deduction, if they so wish. Those who donated to the unregistered non-profit were not able to get a deduction.

I'm sure some people donate big bucks to registered charities for the tax deduction, but that is not the case with the ones I have experience with. People were just as generous with the unregistered charity as they are with the registered charity.

None of us who serve these charities are paid in any way. In fact, we pay all the government fees required of a registered charity out of our own pockets so that every single penny donated to us goes to the people we serve.

I think you need to catch your breath and stop foaming at the mouth.
Well if for-profit organizations didn't exist - then EVERY organization would be a not-for-profit wouldn't it?

Which means if all were non-profit that means NO tax revenue for Federal/State/Local governments.
Then what happens?

Don't non profits hire people that pay taxes?

Buy stuff and pay sales tax?

Buy buildings and pay rent that creates taxes?

You do know that EVERY city, county, and State are non profit. Right?

But WHERE do the non-profits get THEIR MONEY???

Sources of Revenue for Reporting Public Charities..
23.2% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from Government... (DUH... where does the government get their $$? TAXES!
52.4% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from private sources (DUH.. and private sources pay TAXES... which again...
13.6% -- Corporate contributions/ Individual donations and major gifts Bequests..(Again where do they get their money..profits!
8.9% -- Foundation grants Government grants and contracts--- Profits generate taxes generate govt. grants...
2.1% -- Other

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How are nonprofits funded
I've asked this question because Obama's entire work experience consists of working with almost ALL non-profit organizations.

And psychologists will tell you when you have to constantly beg for sustenance rather then create sustenance you resent those that you are dependent on.. i.e. Obama resents for profits, his mom resented her mom because her mom sustained Obama's mom's galavanting around the world doing "good"!

This should be the lesson ALL of us including myself should learn...
"give a person a fish you feed them for a day;teach them to fish, you feed them for a life time."

We now see the destructive results of Obama's hatred of capitalists.
When Obama said he prefers a single payer health system he meant he wants to see 1,300 health ins.companies stop paying $100 billion a year in taxes
and 400,000 more people unemployed. Because that is what a single payer system would do!

Who's fault is this that this anti-capitalist is president?
Any of us that think by giving money we help the beggar rather then teaching the beggar how to feed themselves.

There is a solution... stay tuned.........
Topic is meaningless. There is nothing inherently wrong with making a profit in the healthcare field, but when it starts causing poverty, misery and death is when people start having an issue with the non medical, capitalist part of the healthcare racket. That part cannot be defended as directly beneficial to a medical outcome.
Can non-profit organizations exist without for profit organizations??

unimportant distraction
Topic is meaningless. There is nothing inherently wrong with making a profit in the healthcare field, but when it starts causing poverty, misery and death is when people start having an issue with the non medical, capitalist part of the healthcare racket. That part cannot be defended as directly beneficial to a medical outcome.

When does making a profit cause misery,death???
Who is making a profit that causes that?
Are you saying lawyers that make $270 billion a year should NOT be allowed to make any money EVEN THOUGH 90% of physicians say that they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists ALL out of FEAR of lawsuits and as a result they order $850 billion or more A YEAR
in duplicate tests,etc.!
So let's make ALL LAWYERS non-profits! After all 90% of doctors say they are spending $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Talk about DEATH!!
"Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.

76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits. DEATH???
Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery. DEATH??

Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.

Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the Federal Tort Claims Act.
Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
[Do you understand this? Doctors being paid by Govt. don't waste money on duplicate tests - can't be sued!] Versus private non-government doctors...they can be sued!
89% of physicians support a patient’s right to be compensated fairly for true negligence.
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

YET NOWHERE in the ACA was there the equivalent of a 10% tax on lawyers as there was on tanning salons because tanning causes cancer!
Why a 10% on something that costs less the $500 million a year in claims,etc. AND not one cent tax on lawyers that cause $850 billion!
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Which means if all were non-profit that means NO tax revenue for Federal/State/Local governments.
Then what happens?

Don't non profits hire people that pay taxes?

Buy stuff and pay sales tax?

Buy buildings and pay rent that creates taxes?

You do know that EVERY city, county, and State are non profit. Right?

But WHERE do the non-profits get THEIR MONEY???

Sources of Revenue for Reporting Public Charities..
23.2% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from Government... (DUH... where does the government get their $$? TAXES!
52.4% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from private sources (DUH.. and private sources pay TAXES... which again...
13.6% -- Corporate contributions/ Individual donations and major gifts Bequests..(Again where do they get their money..profits!
8.9% -- Foundation grants Government grants and contracts--- Profits generate taxes generate govt. grants...
2.1% -- Other

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How are nonprofits funded

You stated:

Which means if all were non-profit that means NO tax revenue for Federal/State/Local governments.
Then what happens?

I stated:

Don't non profits hire people that pay taxes?

Buy stuff and pay sales tax?

Buy buildings and pay rent that creates taxes?

You do know that EVERY city, county, and State are non profit. Right?

Which disproves your theory of no tax revenue for Federal/State/Local governments.
I've asked this question because Obama's entire work experience consists of working with almost ALL non-profit organizations.

And psychologists will tell you when you have to constantly beg for sustenance rather then create sustenance you resent those that you are dependent on.. i.e. Obama resents for profits, his mom resented her mom because her mom sustained Obama's mom's galavanting around the world doing "good"!

This should be the lesson ALL of us including myself should learn...
"give a person a fish you feed them for a day;teach them to fish, you feed them for a life time."

We now see the destructive results of Obama's hatred of capitalists.
When Obama said he prefers a single payer health system he meant he wants to see 1,300 health ins.companies stop paying $100 billion a year in taxes
and 400,000 more people unemployed. Because that is what a single payer system would do!

Who's fault is this that this anti-capitalist is president?
Any of us that think by giving money we help the beggar rather then teaching the beggar how to feed themselves.

There is a solution... stay tuned.........

The difference between profit and non-profit in business is an IRS rule.

Also, wasn't the Heritage Foundation pushing ACA type insurance in the late 80's?

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