Can numbers LiE ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Depends.Unlike " Depends " incontinence underwear.For men.
Or how Trump has More Followers on Twitter { over 87 Million }
than Current Potus Joe with about half that.
And Trump has yet to go back and use his reinstated Twitter
account.In Case some like to count on stuff.
Like how many little marshmellows were in Grandmas little
Thanksgivings side dish { Sweet Potato Casserole }.
Or as Jackie Gleason was known to say ... :
" And Awaaay We Go! "
Factual numbers can be used to tell lies. The most effective lies are supported by factual data while omitting other factual data that would expose the lies.
Depends.Unlike " Depends " incontinence underwear.For men.
Or how Trump has More Followers on Twitter { over 87 Million }
than Current Potus Joe with about half that.
And Trump has yet to go back and use his reinstated Twitter
account.In Case some like to count on stuff.
Like how many little marshmellows were in Grandmas little
Thanksgivings side dish { Sweet Potato Casserole }.
Or as Jackie Gleason was known to say ... :
" And Awaaay We Go! "
What makes you think that someone who follows Trump on Twitter plans to vote for him?

Biden doesn’t have many followers because he does not post controversial material
Depends.Unlike " Depends " incontinence underwear.For men.
Or how Trump has More Followers on Twitter { over 87 Million }
than Current Potus Joe with about half that.
And Trump has yet to go back and use his reinstated Twitter
account.In Case some like to count on stuff.
Like how many little marshmellows were in Grandmas little
Thanksgivings side dish { Sweet Potato Casserole }.
Or as Jackie Gleason was known to say ... :
" And Awaaay We Go! "

Can numbers lie? The entire field of accounting depends on numbers lying.

Old joke,

What is pi?

To a mathematician - 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062

To an engineer - about 3

To an accountant - anything you want to to be, boss....
What makes you think that someone who follows Trump on Twitter plans to vote for him?

Biden doesn’t have many followers because he does not post controversial material
Now That's Satire.That Biden does not post controversial
material.Yowser Bowser.He only gives the most insulting Speeches
of any Potus.Lies more than all the lies combined by all Presidents.
Plus Governs as if his Policy's are Golden.
Like some version of - Goldfinger - { 1964 } hooks up
with - Jason and the Argonauts - { 1963 } for strategy sessions
on how best to field a large picnic.
So you planned ahead and put it in "Satire" knowing I would come along and make it "Satire".. Good job! :)
Um call it being psychic or reading a Fortune Cookie over
the weekend.That I will be introduced to by a self-proclaimed
version of Nostradamus at a stage rehearsal
Not too far removed from the Vincent Price/Diana Rigg cult classic :
- Theatre of Blood - { 1973 } with characters Edward and Edwina

It's been said that lying comes in three sizes...
Big lies
and Statistics
Take it up with SocialBlade { 87,282,388 } Twitter followers as of
Nov.20th and thousands more each day afterwards.
As Reported by Newsweek's Ewan Palmer with the Header :
- Donald Trump's Twitter Has Gained This Many
Followers Since Being Reinstated -

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