Can Paris summit save two-state solution?

he result is a large stateless refugee population

Au contraire. Palestinian Arabs aren't stateless because of Israelis. They are stateless because their leadership have turned down every offer of statehood the multiple times it has been offered.

Palestinian leadership don't want a recognition of statehood, they want the state of Israel.
Oh, jeese. :eusa_doh::cuckoo:

Your usual deflection with silly one-liners and emojis isn't going to help. You are hoping to ignore the ideologically inspired hatreds for Jews (and all competing religions), that is the cornerstone of Islamist ideology. You are hoping to ignore the Khartoum Resolution wherein Arab-Moslem'ism - with regard to recognition of Israel, was explicitly delineated. You are hoping to ignore the Hamas charter that once again reaffirms an absolute refusal on the part of Arabs-Moslems to make any real efforts toward statehood that would include recognition of Israel.

You also hope to ignore that the status quo - exploitation of the forever, UN funded welfare fraud - benefits an entire lineage of Arab-Moslem thieves (alternately known as the PA and Hamas "leadership") who have amassed fortunes in personal wealth. There is no reason to believe that these fine folks are going to jeopardize their welfare checks and foreign bank accounts to accept the role of managing civil affairs of government.

You're doing nothing but perpetuating acceptance of ineptitude and incompetence on the part of Arab-Moslem welfare cheats and social misfits.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

it is DOA, but not because of Israelis. IT is DOA because pals have never wanted peace. they do not want a two-state solution. they want a "palestinian state".

but thanks for getting it all butt backwards. your "experience" is deluded and counter to reality and history. but no doubt the jew-haters will love you.

have a good life.
They do not need to attack so called Israel. The root of Israel's settler colonialism is to get rid of the Palestinians and move in illegal Israeli settlers. What the Palestinians do or do not do does not change Israel's standard policy.

I think that does happen sometimes.

I haven't seen nearly as much proof of this, as claimed, but I think it does happen now and then.

Israel hasn't been given much reason to work with the Palestinian authority, and Hamas is a terrorist organization at heart.

So naturally it's difficult to get building permits approved. Thus many buildings are built without permit or property right. Which then causes those buildings to be demolished.

However, this is the land of Israel. It is rightfully Israeli land.

The Bible has predicted this for thousands on thousands of years. You need to either be Israeli citizens, and live under Israeli law... or leave. You are not going to win this fight. I promise you.
Forget the Bible. Establishing a Jewish state in the middle of Arab land has caused all the bloodshed. The land is rightfully Arab regardless of the Biblical myths. By going one step further and occupying the West Bank and blockading Gaza, the Israelis went one step too far. The world has had its fill of the half century brutal occupation and if the two-state solution is not saved then neither will Israel even as a pretended democracy. It is probably too late for the Paris conference to day to do anything.

And yet everything written down for thousands of years, is coming true in explicit detail.

But ok, lets look beyond that.

By what logic is the land 'rightfully' Arab? They are new to the land. Newer than the Jews who have been in the land for over 3,000 years. In fact they are the only group of people who have been in the land consistently since 1,500 BC.

Moreover, the Arabs have tons of land.
View attachment 106779

If the Jews don't have a rightful claim to the land, then what exactly would give you a rightful claim?
If Israel isn't the right place for the Jews, then where would you suggest?

It would be hard for me to imagine any other group, when any greater established claim, with a greater body of evidence to support that claim, than the Jews on Israel.

The native American Indians have a far less established claim on America, than the Jews do on Israel, because the native Americans didn't have nearly the amount of recorded and examinable history.

Every time Jewish history says there is a city at X spot, they go and dig, and find a city. Every time the Bible or some other book, says there is a civilization or people group at such and such location, they dig there and find it.

Originally, in 1917 when the move towards a national homeland for the Jews was first pushed, many Arabs around the world agreed with this. After all, a brief history of 'Palestine' shows that barely 300,000 people lived there, the land was desolate and empty, with spare populations. Jerusalem itself was empty of people, comparable to China's now infamous ghost cities.

The Arabs at that time showed the same mentality that left-wingers today have. If it is worthless and ruined, they don't want it. Until someone shows up, and starts making money off it, then they want to control it, regulate it, and tax it.

When Israel was deserted, and turning into desert and swamp land, they didn't have a problem with the Jews coming back to Palestine.

Then when the Jews did start coming back, the economy started to grow, and the land became valuable, suddenly Arabs started migrating to Palestine, and suddenly maybe we don't want these Jews coming here.

There's a reason why the non-jewish population in Israel not only didn't increase, but fell between the 1500s, and the 1880s. The land was ruined (just as the Bible said it would be), and the non-Jews didn't want it.

The Jews on the other hand continued in the land forever.

Additionally, when the Jews started coming back in large numbers, they started working the land, and repairing the infrastructure. Suddenly the Arabs which had been neglecting the land, now that the Jews made it worth something, started flooding into Palestine.

Now after the Jews start making the land worth something again, magically all these Arabs show up, call themselves Palestinians, and claim they have a right to the land?

Sounds like opportunistic thievery to me.

On the map: Where is Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Somalia, Bahrain, etc.

Depending on exactly which qualifications you use, and which exceptions you run with, depends on what countries you would include in the list.

Different scholarly work, comes to different conclusions, based on their perspective of what is, and what isn't, part of the Arab world, or the Islamic World, or the Islamophere.

For example, do you include countries where the majority self-identify as Islamic, while the culture is not Arabian, or they speak Arabic? Do you include countries where there is little to no people of Arab decent, but is Islamic culturally?

Do you consider country which are merely influenced by Arabian culture, but otherwise have nothing common?

So depending on what sources you look at, will determine how many, or how few of the dozens of countries are included as being part of the Arab-world.

However the point is, and remains that no matter what standards you use, how strict, or lenient they may be, in the end there are literally over 5 million square miles of land ruled by, owned by, and lived on by Arab/Muslim peoples.

At the very least, they have as much land as the entire United States, to live in. While Israel has 8,000 square miles, are barely more than New Jersey.

Additionally, Israel has few natural resources, other than lots of sun, where as the Islamic Muslim lands combined have more natural resources, than any other country on the face of the Earth.

Lastly, Israel prior to the 1900s (referring to the land not the nation obviously), was a barren wasteland, the Islamic Muslim countries had developed economies and growing standards of living.

The only reason the Arabs want the land of Israel, has nothing to do with needing land. It has to do with hating Jews, and wanting to destroy the nation of Israel.

If the Arabs truly had their way, they would kill the jews, and desert the land of Israel, letting it rot away to a barren wasteland again, just like they did in the 1700s to 1800s. If the Arabs had really wanted the land itself, they could have had a booming metropolis across Palestine. Instead, they had barely 200,000 people in the land, and most were impoverished subsistence farmers.

Remember until the Jews started coming back to Israel, the population levels were falling. It was only when the Jews started coming back, that suddenly the Arabs thought they needed that land.
Why should Palestinians who were born in the Holy Land move to Morocco while Jews born in Russia have the right to live in the West Bank? The obnoxious racism of Zionists is obvious to all but themselves.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

it is DOA, but not because of Israelis. IT is DOA because pals have never wanted peace. they do not want a two-state solution. they want a "palestinian state".

but thanks for getting it all butt backwards. your "experience" is deluded and counter to reality and history. but no doubt the jew-haters will love you.

have a good life.
Palestinian-haters are against the Palestinian people having a right to their own state in their native homeland. This is the cause of the trouble there for half a century of blockading and brutal occupation.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

it is DOA, but not because of Israelis. IT is DOA because pals have never wanted peace. they do not want a two-state solution. they want a "palestinian state".

but thanks for getting it all butt backwards. your "experience" is deluded and counter to reality and history. but no doubt the jew-haters will love you.

have a good life.
Palestinian-haters are against the Palestinian people having a right to their own state in their native homeland. This is the cause of the trouble there for half a century of blockading and brutal occupation.

i don't hate palestinians. i hate terrorists.

hamas is a terrorist organization.

but please, let me know when there's an israelli terrorist micky mouse. and let me know when israelis send 1,000 missiles into the territories before the pals respond.

but keep making up BS.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

it is DOA, but not because of Israelis. IT is DOA because pals have never wanted peace. they do not want a two-state solution. they want a "palestinian state".

but thanks for getting it all butt backwards. your "experience" is deluded and counter to reality and history. but no doubt the jew-haters will love you.

have a good life.
Palestinian-haters are against the Palestinian people having a right to their own state in their native homeland. This is the cause of the trouble there for half a century of blockading and brutal occupation.

I'll go 4.5 / 5.0 for continued use of silly clichés and slogans:

brutal occupation

May I suggest:

the plight of the poor, oppressed Pal'istanians, representing the Peaceful Inner Struggle, because as we know, Islam is the Religion of Peace™


"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)."
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

it is DOA, but not because of Israelis. IT is DOA because pals have never wanted peace. they do not want a two-state solution. they want a "palestinian state".

but thanks for getting it all butt backwards. your "experience" is deluded and counter to reality and history. but no doubt the jew-haters will love you.

have a good life.
Palestinian-haters are against the Palestinian people having a right to their own state in their native homeland. This is the cause of the trouble there for half a century of blockading and brutal occupation.

i don't hate palestinians. i hate terrorists.

hamas is a terrorist organization.

but please, let me know when there's an israelli terrorist micky mouse. and let me know when israelis send 1,000 missiles into the territories before the pals respond.

but keep making up BS.
Israeli state terrorism is not limited to ineffective firecrackers or the odd knife attack. Zionist terrorism uses state of the art precision rockets that can pinpoint children playing football on a beach, or hospitals and schools. The Israeli Defense Force also have a navy that can shoot Palestinian fishermen and their sons trying to make a living and also from ships they can bombard civilian neighborhoods. Israeli tanks have no match in Gaza or the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. And for every young Palestinian who hits back with a kitchen knife there are hundreds of armed and enthusiastic brainwashed soldiers who would put a bullet in the head of a prisoner and be lionized by half the state of Israel and top politicians there.

The Paris call for a two-state solution will be ignored by the occupiers with the support of the British who invented a Jewish state in Palestine and the American politicians who are under the thumb of the Jewish Lobby. There was never any chance of the rest of the world achieving anything in Paris yesterday.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.
You must know the Zionists already have no credibility outside of Britain and the USA.
Photos of the Paris Summit.


Nah, that's a Likud rally.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.
You must know the Zionists already have no credibility outside of Britain and the USA.

Not so much in Britain either, outside of the "Westminster bubble".
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

it is DOA, but not because of Israelis. IT is DOA because pals have never wanted peace. they do not want a two-state solution. they want a "palestinian state".

but thanks for getting it all butt backwards. your "experience" is deluded and counter to reality and history. but no doubt the jew-haters will love you.

have a good life.
Palestinian-haters are against the Palestinian people having a right to their own state in their native homeland. This is the cause of the trouble there for half a century of blockading and brutal occupation.

i don't hate palestinians. i hate terrorists.

hamas is a terrorist organization.

but please, let me know when there's an israelli terrorist micky mouse. and let me know when israelis send 1,000 missiles into the territories before the pals respond.

but keep making up BS.
Israeli state terrorism is not limited to ineffective firecrackers or the odd knife attack. Zionist terrorism uses state of the art precision rockets that can pinpoint children playing football on a beach, or hospitals and schools. The Israeli Defense Force also have a navy that can shoot Palestinian fishermen and their sons trying to make a living and also from ships they can bombard civilian neighborhoods. Israeli tanks have no match in Gaza or the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. And for every young Palestinian who hits back with a kitchen knife there are hundreds of armed and enthusiastic brainwashed soldiers who would put a bullet in the head of a prisoner and be lionized by half the state of Israel and top politicians there.

The Paris call for a two-state solution will be ignored by the occupiers with the support of the British who invented a Jewish state in Palestine and the American politicians who are under the thumb of the Jewish Lobby. There was never any chance of the rest of the world achieving anything in Paris yesterday.

Ahh, those harmless Pal'istanian acts of war and those odd knife attacks by "Peaceful Inner Strugglers".

What a shame that anyone would be offended by such things.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.

"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.


Please describe, what is the status of Jews, former Israeli Christians, Druze, Muslims, Baha and others.
Can Jews pray at The Temple Mount? Can Jews be Israelis and have their own army and state? Where is the Jewish capital?
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
the Israeli government imposes entry limits to Temple Mount for political and security reasons. In addition, Jewish law imposes restrictions on entering Temple Mount.
Temple Mount entry restrictions - Wikipedia
P F Tinmore, et al,

If that were true, the the committee that defines Colonization (Special Committee 24) would have it on the listing to address [Table of Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGT)]:

The United Nations and Decolonization - Committee of 24
This is the site for The United Nations and Decolonization. ... (Special Committee on Decolonization) ... the Special Committee annually makes recommendations ...
This is the United Nations entity exclusively devoted to the issue of decolonization, was established in 1961 by the General Assembly with the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the Declaration (General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960).
It affects the rest of the world

How ... precisely ... does it affect the rest of the world? Any more than any other regional dispute? Why not have 75 nation summits over Ukraine or Kashmir or the Chagos Archipelago?

It is one of the longest running conflicts.
It has been a source of fuel for terrorism.
It's a contributing factor to the instability in the region.

It is one of the longest running conflicts. --- the dispute over Kashmir by India and Pakistan is older

It has been a source of fuel for terrorism. -- also has generated significant terrorist activities -- including recent attacks on the Indian national parliament building itself

It's a contributing factor to the instability in the region -- is a major source of regional instability and has led directly to Pakistan and India both acquiring nuclear weapons.

Yet ... where is the international outrage? Where are the condemnations, UN resolutions, and 70 nation circle jerks decrying this most heinous of all human catastrophes?

They don't exist ... do they? Most people in the world have never heard of Kashmir. And Kashmir is just one of dozens of regional conflicts with the potential to erupt into world conflict ... why only concentrate on the single conflict where Jews are involved? Motives?

I think there are some differences here. The Kashmir dispute involves two nations fighting over a piece of land.

The Israeli Palestinian conflict involves one nation, and a people without a nation. It's more complex.

The Kashmir conflict also, is limited in effect to just those two countries. It is not the cause of instability beyond the participants.

There are also no refugees involved and no major human rights issues to resolve.

Now I'll agree that there are other conflicts that deserve more attention but are sadly ignored for some reason: the long ongoing conflict in the Congo, which has resulted in horrific brutality. The treatment of the Rohinga by the Burmese. But just because there are other conflicts doesn't mean this one should be ignored.

I think it would be good to remove one major source of anti-semitic fuel in the Middle East...don't you?
I believe that Palestine is the only remaining settler colonial project. This involves a large, unresolved refugee population. I don't see any resolution to the problem other than decolonization. The resolution is already laid out in international law and UN resolutions. Sadly, these will not be mentioned in Paris. They will only push for what has failed for the last 80 years and it will fail again.

This is another prefect example where the anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic, and Pro-Arab Palestinian movements take something and shape it the way they think it should be. They twist the facts to fit there agenda and then justify their actions base on something that is simply NOT TRUE. There are only 4 countries in the world that are considered Administering Powers of one (or more) NSGTs. Three of the four (America, UK, and France) are are original WWII Allied Powers; with the fourth (New Zealand) being a dependent State and British Commonwealth of a parent Allied Power.

AND --- Decolonization is a form of breaking down the principle Government and replacing it with another government. In this case, breaking the ties to the Government of Israel --- a promising and successful government (18th on the Human Development Scale) and replacing it with a much less successful Arab State in the zone approaching a radical Islamic State. (Just what the region needs.)

Already, the Palestinians have allowed the influences of DAESH to put hooks into the PA/HAMAS territories of control. This requires local material support from the community. While pro-Arab Palestinians keep saying they do not support terrorism, the ties with DAESH (committed to establishing an Islamic caliphate entire Middle East) are becoming more apparent.

Support for Daesh growing in besieged Gaza | › NewsMenaPalestine
Support for Daesh growing in besieged Gaza. ... Palestinian Salafists wave flags during a ... experts see an increasing use of Daesh-style rhetoric to attract support.
Militants inspired by Daesh’s ideology are seeking to benefit from the desperation of young Palestinians to strengthen their foothold in the Gaza Strip.

ISIS Blamed for Attack in Jerusalem Killing 4 and Injuring 15 Others · 6 days ago
Yet again, an individual representing the Islamic State has rammed a vehicle into unsuspecting pedestrians in the name of Allah, this time in Israel ... ISIS …

Yet another reason to quarantine the West Bank and Gaza even further.

Most Respectfully,
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
If a two-state solution is agreed instead of a one-state Israel, then it should be possible for the Israelis to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinians. After all, it is convenient for the Israelis to have the uncritical backing of the USA but even American Jews are getting on with their lives successfully way over in the USA. They are not in the Middle East and they can therefore act irresponsibly. For the Jews who are in Israel, for all their longing for a European culture (which is not particularly Jewish), they have left Europe and wanting to have a European colony among Semites is quite a dream. So, for those Jews in Israel, it makes sense to live in peace with Palestinians and quit the occupation. Israel has treaties with other close neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan.

For this to happen, overcoming all the bad will generated by decades of massacre and occupation, summary executions, and demolitions, Israel will need to go the extra mile and do something about the right of return of Palestinian refugees and accept that Jerusalem is a cherished city by Christians and Muslims alike. The Jews cannot have it all. Best would be for Jerusalem to be an open city for all faiths and under international or Israeli/Palestinian care with both having their capitals there.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all? That all depends on what is meant by "Jewish". If it means having gay nightlife in Tel Aviv, singing in Hebrew in the Eurovision Song Contest, and having the Star of David on a flag, then what's the harm. If it means that minorities in Israel are to continue with a second class citizenship, well, you have a problem there.

I have answered your questions as best I can although I concede my vision is a dream.

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