Can Paris summit save two-state solution?

"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
the Israeli government imposes entry limits to Temple Mount for political and security reasons. In addition, Jewish law imposes restrictions on entering Temple Mount.
Temple Mount entry restrictions - Wikipedia

Of course since any Jews visiting there are met with violent protesters of the Waqf. Sometimes the violence spreads to the outside Wailing Wall area, when those same protesters throw down rocks at the visitors.

Therefore for security resons Israeli police has to organize groups at certain time to give them protection.
Eloy, et al,

I see this quest and I wonder: Where is the other half of the issue; where is the flip-side.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?

If this is a valid question, then so is the question: "Can any state be Islamic and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?"

To be honest, I'm not sure that this is even a valid question:

If the domestic population cannot determine its own identify, is it under a free and democratic rule?

Islamic Countries and Holy See.jpg

Most Respectfully,
Eloy, et al,

I see this quest and I wonder: Where is the other half of the issue; where is the flip-side.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?

If this is a valid question, then so is the question: "Can any state be Islamic and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?"

To be honest, I'm not sure that this is even a valid question:

If the domestic population cannot determine its own identify, is it under a free and democratic rule?

Most Respectfully,
Has it come to this now? Israel comparing/contrasting itself with Muslim countries?
"A summit taking place in Paris on Sunday is expected to try to signal to Israel and the next US president that establishing a Palestinian state is the only path to peace."
Can Paris summit save fading two-state solution? - BBC News
Increasingly, with the increase of Israeli settlements all over the West Bank and the annexation of East Jerusalem, it looks as if the two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict proposed by the United Nations four decades ago has become a pipe dream.

Seventy countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region.

According to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, the conference will urge Israel and the Palestinians “to officially restate their commitment to the two-state solution.”

It also will affirm that the international community “will not recognize” changes to Israel’s pre-1967 lines without agreement by both sides.

The draft says that participants will affirm “that a negotiated solution with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to achieve enduring peace.”
News from The Associated Press

After the conference, French President Hollande intends to meet separately with Benjamin Netanyahu and also with President Mahmoud Abbas.

There is only one objectionable point in the draft statement that the Palestinians could object to and that is the idea of a two-state solution needing to be "negotiated". Experience tells us that talking to the Israelis is pointless as the time is used merely to construct more Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Israelis will have none of it because it is their position that what they do in the Occupied Territories is no business of other countries and that they prefer to talk directly to the Palestinians ... and talk and build, and talk and build, and talk and build ad infinitum.

Verdict: It takes two to tango. This conference is D.O.A.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
If a two-state solution is agreed instead of a one-state Israel, then it should be possible for the Israelis to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinians. After all, it is convenient for the Israelis to have the uncritical backing of the USA but even American Jews are getting on with their lives successfully way over in the USA. They are not in the Middle East and they can therefore act irresponsibly. For the Jews who are in Israel, for all their longing for a European culture (which is not particularly Jewish), they have left Europe and wanting to have a European colony among Semites is quite a dream. So, for those Jews in Israel, it makes sense to live in peace with Palestinians and quit the occupation. Israel has treaties with other close neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan.

For this to happen, overcoming all the bad will generated by decades of massacre and occupation, summary executions, and demolitions, Israel will need to go the extra mile and do something about the right of return of Palestinian refugees and accept that Jerusalem is a cherished city by Christians and Muslims alike. The Jews cannot have it all. Best would be for Jerusalem to be an open city for all faiths and under international or Israeli/Palestinian care with both having their capitals there.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all? That all depends on what is meant by "Jewish". If it means having gay nightlife in Tel Aviv, singing in Hebrew in the Eurovision Song Contest, and having the Star of David on a flag, then what's the harm. If it means that minorities in Israel are to continue with a second class citizenship, well, you have a problem there.

I have answered your questions as best I can although I concede my vision is a dream.

All I see here is what Israel has to do and what Jews are...mixed with same racist ideas...

Can You simplify?

I understood that the You last conditions are: RoR and Palestinian capital in Jerusalem (which part?)
Please be more specific about any conditions for Palestinians.
Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
If a two-state solution is agreed instead of a one-state Israel, then it should be possible for the Israelis to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinians. After all, it is convenient for the Israelis to have the uncritical backing of the USA but even American Jews are getting on with their lives successfully way over in the USA. They are not in the Middle East and they can therefore act irresponsibly. For the Jews who are in Israel, for all their longing for a European culture (which is not particularly Jewish), they have left Europe and wanting to have a European colony among Semites is quite a dream. So, for those Jews in Israel, it makes sense to live in peace with Palestinians and quit the occupation. Israel has treaties with other close neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan.

For this to happen, overcoming all the bad will generated by decades of massacre and occupation, summary executions, and demolitions, Israel will need to go the extra mile and do something about the right of return of Palestinian refugees and accept that Jerusalem is a cherished city by Christians and Muslims alike. The Jews cannot have it all. Best would be for Jerusalem to be an open city for all faiths and under international or Israeli/Palestinian care with both having their capitals there.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all? That all depends on what is meant by "Jewish". If it means having gay nightlife in Tel Aviv, singing in Hebrew in the Eurovision Song Contest, and having the Star of David on a flag, then what's the harm. If it means that minorities in Israel are to continue with a second class citizenship, well, you have a problem there.

I have answered your questions as best I can although I concede my vision is a dream.

All I see here is what Israel has to do and what Jews are...mixed with same racist ideas...

Can You simplify?

I understood that the You last conditions are: RoR and Palestinian capital in Jerusalem (which part?)
Please be more specific about any conditions for Palestinians.
I couldn't help but notice the same one-sided demands. All concessions are the responsibility of the Israelis.
The only reason the Arabs want the land of Israel, has nothing to do with needing land. It has to do with hating Jews, and wanting to destroy the nation of Israel. If the Arabs truly had their way, they would kill the jews, and desert the land of Israel, letting it rot away to a barren wasteland again, just like they did in the 1700s to 1800s. If the Arabs had really wanted the land itself, they could have had a booming metropolis across Palestine. Instead, they had barely 200,000 people in the land, and most were impoverished subsistence farmers. Remember until the Jews started coming back to Israel, the population levels were falling. It was only when the Jews started coming back, that suddenly the Arabs thought they needed that land.

Absolutely correct. Just like with lebanon, algebra, and so many other things/places, the muslims take something/gravitate towards what others have built and like the plague/virus/cancer they are - they destroy it, claim it for themselves, and claim they created it/it is theirs, and always has been.

My other thread that arab culture is garbage is historically accurate, and the leftist trash here has made little effort to argue against it.
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There you go. Call all counter information "propaganda", and ignore it.

Ok. I can play that too, right? The Arabs claiming they are not immigrants, is just propaganda by the PA.

Hey, works for you, so it works for me. Right? That's the rules of this discussion according to you, so here we go.

Almost 100% of the pro-arabs here have almost zero intelligence, don't even know a fraction of the region's current situation or history, etc. I've been hoping for better pro-arab posters to come to this forum for years, but few have joined. The ones here are pathetic trash.
Has it come to this now? Israel comparing/contrasting itself with Muslim countries?

Asshole moron, why are the 60 muslim countries off the table? That 1/3 of all countries on earth - why are they exempt from discussion? Are they filled with retarded trash like you with no brains, so they cannot be expected to act civilized?
Eloy, et al,

Not exactly. This is a question as to the validity of the original question...

Eloy, et al,

I see this quest and I wonder: Where is the other half of the issue; where is the flip-side.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?

If this is a valid question, then so is the question: "Can any state be Islamic and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?"

To be honest, I'm not sure that this is even a valid question:

If the domestic population cannot determine its own identify, is it under a free and democratic rule?

Most Respectfully,
Has it come to this now? Israel comparing/contrasting itself with Muslim countries?

The idea behind self-determination is at issue. The people of any given state, once the sovereignty is established, have the right to determine the nature and character of their country.

• Israel wants to be a Jewish State; just as it was called in Part II Boundaries - Section B (Jewish State) A/RES/181(II) 29 November 1947. Just because it is a "Jewish State" does not mean that the "Freedom of conscience and the free exercise of all forms of worship, subject only to the maintenance of public order and morals, shall be ensured to all." Israel is more diverse that either the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.

The domestic issue is for the people of Israel to decide; and NOT for the external Arab influence to decide. Or said another way: "No matter what self-righteous stand the Arab Palestinians takes --- they have NO right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of Israel."

The more valid questions are:

• Can a nation's people be threatened or denounced for deciding to be Jewish by non-Jewish neighbors?
• And if the people of Israel are "forced" to rescind their choice to be a Jewish Nation; is it then made to take this action based on the respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples?
• Or is it being said that the rights of the Israeli people are sanctioned, if and only if, the Arab Palestinian approves?


States are juridically equal, enjoy the same rights, and have equal capacity in their exercise. The rights of each one do not depend upon the power which it possesses to assure its exercise, but upon the simple fact of its existence as a person under international law.


The fundamental rights of states are not susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever.


The recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable.


The recognition of a state may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act which implies the intention of recognizing the new state.


No state has the right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of another.

Islamic States.png

The very idea that the Arab Palestinians, or indeed the entire Arab League, --- even the entire International Community has the right to coerce Israel by threatening the peace, to change their character under the false color of law, and convert Israel away from being Jewish, is simply wrong.

Forced conversion is adoption of a different religion or irreligion under duress.
Should we hold "peace" hostage until the Israeli people are force to capitulate and bend to the will of the Arab Majority having Islam as their official state religion?

Most Respectfully,
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And they should. It is rightfully Israeli land.

Plus, if you attack Israel, you should have your house bulldozed.
They do not need to attack so called Israel. The root of Israel's settler colonialism is to get rid of the Palestinians and move in illegal Israeli settlers. What the Palestinians do or do not do does not change Israel's standard policy.

I think that does happen sometimes.

I haven't seen nearly as much proof of this, as claimed, but I think it does happen now and then.

Israel hasn't been given much reason to work with the Palestinian authority, and Hamas is a terrorist organization at heart.

So naturally it's difficult to get building permits approved. Thus many buildings are built without permit or property right. Which then causes those buildings to be demolished.

However, this is the land of Israel. It is rightfully Israeli land.

The Bible has predicted this for thousands on thousands of years. You need to either be Israeli citizens, and live under Israeli law... or leave. You are not going to win this fight. I promise you.
Forget the Bible. Establishing a Jewish state in the middle of Arab land has caused all the bloodshed. The land is rightfully Arab regardless of the Biblical myths. By going one step further and occupying the West Bank and blockading Gaza, the Israelis went one step too far. The world has had its fill of the half century brutal occupation and if the two-state solution is not saved then neither will Israel even as a pretended democracy. It is probably too late for the Paris conference to day to do anything.

Why do you call Israel "a pretended democracy"?
Israel is not a true democracy because 20% of its citizens are treated as 2nd class. You see, in a true democracy mob rule is countered by civil rights for minorities. Even the state of Israel calls itself a "Jewish" country, thereby discriminating against the 20% who are not Jews. Israel is not dissimilar to the sovereign state of Alabama half a century ago.

Probably, but at least they are talking about it and the more obstructionist the Zionists become, the more their credibility will be eroded in the minds of the general public. Endorsing BDS might be a step forward; if Europe reduced or stopped trading with Zionist Israel, that might just put enough pressure on Nutandhayoo and his thugs to negotiate in good faith....there's a first time for everything I suppose, but I won't hold my breath.

Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
If a two-state solution is agreed instead of a one-state Israel, then it should be possible for the Israelis to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinians. After all, it is convenient for the Israelis to have the uncritical backing of the USA but even American Jews are getting on with their lives successfully way over in the USA. They are not in the Middle East and they can therefore act irresponsibly. For the Jews who are in Israel, for all their longing for a European culture (which is not particularly Jewish), they have left Europe and wanting to have a European colony among Semites is quite a dream. So, for those Jews in Israel, it makes sense to live in peace with Palestinians and quit the occupation. Israel has treaties with other close neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan.

For this to happen, overcoming all the bad will generated by decades of massacre and occupation, summary executions, and demolitions, Israel will need to go the extra mile and do something about the right of return of Palestinian refugees and accept that Jerusalem is a cherished city by Christians and Muslims alike. The Jews cannot have it all. Best would be for Jerusalem to be an open city for all faiths and under international or Israeli/Palestinian care with both having their capitals there.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all? That all depends on what is meant by "Jewish". If it means having gay nightlife in Tel Aviv, singing in Hebrew in the Eurovision Song Contest, and having the Star of David on a flag, then what's the harm. If it means that minorities in Israel are to continue with a second class citizenship, well, you have a problem there.

I have answered your questions as best I can although I concede my vision is a dream.

All I see here is what Israel has to do and what Jews are...mixed with same racist ideas...

Can You simplify?

I understood that the You last conditions are: RoR and Palestinian capital in Jerusalem (which part?)
Please be more specific about any conditions for Palestinians.
I answered your questions as best I can. I told you this. But you accuse me of having racist ideas. I don't know what else I can write or how to simplify what I already wrote. I suppose I could put some things another way but I dare not try.

The Paris Conference called for two states along the 1967 ceasefire line or border. This has been the recommendation of the international community for decades. It makes sense to me, sorry.
"No matter what self-righteous stand the Arab Palestinians takes --- they have NO right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of Israel."
Since you keep bring up the defunct Resolution 181. Resolution 181 specified that all Palestinians living in the territory that becomes the Jewish state shall become citizen of that state. That means that the Palestinian refugees are Israeli citizens.*

It would be the same without Resolution 181 as that is also part of international law regarding state succession.

*This assumes that Israel is the successor state and not just an occupation of Palestine.
Palestinians get all they want. Whats next?
Please describe how You see the development of the region and the Jews in it.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
If a two-state solution is agreed instead of a one-state Israel, then it should be possible for the Israelis to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinians. After all, it is convenient for the Israelis to have the uncritical backing of the USA but even American Jews are getting on with their lives successfully way over in the USA. They are not in the Middle East and they can therefore act irresponsibly. For the Jews who are in Israel, for all their longing for a European culture (which is not particularly Jewish), they have left Europe and wanting to have a European colony among Semites is quite a dream. So, for those Jews in Israel, it makes sense to live in peace with Palestinians and quit the occupation. Israel has treaties with other close neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan.

For this to happen, overcoming all the bad will generated by decades of massacre and occupation, summary executions, and demolitions, Israel will need to go the extra mile and do something about the right of return of Palestinian refugees and accept that Jerusalem is a cherished city by Christians and Muslims alike. The Jews cannot have it all. Best would be for Jerusalem to be an open city for all faiths and under international or Israeli/Palestinian care with both having their capitals there.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all? That all depends on what is meant by "Jewish". If it means having gay nightlife in Tel Aviv, singing in Hebrew in the Eurovision Song Contest, and having the Star of David on a flag, then what's the harm. If it means that minorities in Israel are to continue with a second class citizenship, well, you have a problem there.

I have answered your questions as best I can although I concede my vision is a dream.

All I see here is what Israel has to do and what Jews are...mixed with same racist ideas...

Can You simplify?

I understood that the You last conditions are: RoR and Palestinian capital in Jerusalem (which part?)
Please be more specific about any conditions for Palestinians.
I answered your questions as best I can. I told you this. But you accuse me of having racist ideas. I don't know what else I can write or how to simplify what I already wrote. I suppose I could put some things another way but I dare not try.

The Paris Conference called for two states along the 1967 ceasefire line or border. This has been the recommendation of the international community for decades. It makes sense to me, sorry.

There has to be some land swaps to account for population shifts. The 1967 lines aren't sacrosanct. Anyway Eloy, what should be the situation with Joseph's and Rachel's Tombs and the Cave of Machpelah (where Abraham lies)? Joseph's Tomb has already been set on fire by the Arabs many times.
Eloy, et al,

Not exactly. This is a question as to the validity of the original question...

Eloy, et al,

I see this quest and I wonder: Where is the other half of the issue; where is the flip-side.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?

If this is a valid question, then so is the question: "Can any state be Islamic and remain a democracy with equal rights for all?"

To be honest, I'm not sure that this is even a valid question:

If the domestic population cannot determine its own identify, is it under a free and democratic rule?

Most Respectfully,
Has it come to this now? Israel comparing/contrasting itself with Muslim countries?

The idea behind self-determination is at issue. The people of any given state, once the sovereignty is established, have the right to determine the nature and character of their country.

• Israel wants to be a Jewish State; just as it was called in Part II Boundaries - Section B (Jewish State) A/RES/181(II) 29 November 1947. Just because it is a "Jewish State" does not mean that the "Freedom of conscience and the free exercise of all forms of worship, subject only to the maintenance of public order and morals, shall be ensured to all." Israel is more diverse that either the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.

The domestic issue is for the people of Israel to decide; and NOT for the external Arab influence to decide. Or said another way: "No matter what self-righteous stand the Arab Palestinians takes --- they have NO right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of Israel."

The more valid questions are:

• Can a nation's people be threatened or denounced for deciding to be Jewish by non-Jewish neighbors?
• And if the people of Israel are "forced" to rescind their choice to be a Jewish Nation; is it then made to take this action based on the respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples?
• Or is it being said that the rights of the Israeli people are sanctioned, if and only if, the Arab Palestinian approves?


States are juridically equal, enjoy the same rights, and have equal capacity in their exercise. The rights of each one do not depend upon the power which it possesses to assure its exercise, but upon the simple fact of its existence as a person under international law.


The fundamental rights of states are not susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever.


The recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable.


The recognition of a state may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act which implies the intention of recognizing the new state.


No state has the right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of another.

The very idea that the Arab Palestinians, or indeed the entire Arab League, --- even the entire International Community has the right to coerce Israel by threatening the peace, to change their character under the false color of law, and convert Israel away from being Jewish, is simply wrong.

Forced conversion is adoption of a different religion or irreligion under duress.
Should we hold "peace" hostage until the Israeli people are force to capitulate and bend to the will of the Arab Majority having Islam as their official state religion?

Most Respectfully,
Your post is too long for me to answer.

In your comment you wrote:
"The idea behind self-determination is at issue. The people of any given state, once the sovereignty is established, have the right to determine the nature and character of their country."

You appear to be suggesting that sovereignty comes after a state exists but this is seldom the case when it comes to a demand for the right of self-determination. People who call for self-determination are usually a minority in a state. It is not only a state that has sovereignty but also a people.
Oh! Please. Palestinians are not apes in a zoo who are satisfied with some bananas. "get all they want" indeed.
Palestinians want a state of their own in their homeland.

How I see the region developing? One of two ways:
Option 1 The Israelis stop their obstruction to a Palestinian state and a change of heart to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinian people. This option is ruled-out by Zionists.
Option 2 The Israelis will continue the occupation and eventually annex all of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem with Reservations for Palestinians under an apartheid system. Israel will be like their old allies, the "Europeans" of Apartheid South Africa.

All I asked was what happens next, when Palestinians get ALL their preconditions and new conditions. Is there Israel, Jerusalem as Jewish capital, can the Jews pray at The Temple Mount, what happens to other minorities?

And I'm still interested in an answer.
If a two-state solution is agreed instead of a one-state Israel, then it should be possible for the Israelis to live in peace with their nearest neighbors, the Palestinians. After all, it is convenient for the Israelis to have the uncritical backing of the USA but even American Jews are getting on with their lives successfully way over in the USA. They are not in the Middle East and they can therefore act irresponsibly. For the Jews who are in Israel, for all their longing for a European culture (which is not particularly Jewish), they have left Europe and wanting to have a European colony among Semites is quite a dream. So, for those Jews in Israel, it makes sense to live in peace with Palestinians and quit the occupation. Israel has treaties with other close neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan.

For this to happen, overcoming all the bad will generated by decades of massacre and occupation, summary executions, and demolitions, Israel will need to go the extra mile and do something about the right of return of Palestinian refugees and accept that Jerusalem is a cherished city by Christians and Muslims alike. The Jews cannot have it all. Best would be for Jerusalem to be an open city for all faiths and under international or Israeli/Palestinian care with both having their capitals there.

Can Israel be a Jewish state and remain a democracy with equal rights for all? That all depends on what is meant by "Jewish". If it means having gay nightlife in Tel Aviv, singing in Hebrew in the Eurovision Song Contest, and having the Star of David on a flag, then what's the harm. If it means that minorities in Israel are to continue with a second class citizenship, well, you have a problem there.

I have answered your questions as best I can although I concede my vision is a dream.

All I see here is what Israel has to do and what Jews are...mixed with same racist ideas...

Can You simplify?

I understood that the You last conditions are: RoR and Palestinian capital in Jerusalem (which part?)
Please be more specific about any conditions for Palestinians.
I answered your questions as best I can. I told you this. But you accuse me of having racist ideas. I don't know what else I can write or how to simplify what I already wrote. I suppose I could put some things another way but I dare not try.

The Paris Conference called for two states along the 1967 ceasefire line or border. This has been the recommendation of the international community for decades. It makes sense to me, sorry.

There has to be some land swaps to account for population shifts. The 1967 lines aren't sacrosanct. Anyway Eloy, what should be the situation with Joseph's and Rachel's Tombs and the Cave of Machpelah (where Abraham lies)? Joseph's Tomb has already been set on fire by the Arabs many times.
I have no problem understanding that there might be a need for some land swaps but not to account for population shifts because this would mean all the illegal settlements deep in the occupied territories. It would be impossible to get agreement from the Israelis who have annexed the entire city of Jerusalem. I do not know about Joseph's and Rachel's Tombs and the Cave of Machpelah but, again, if they are deep in the West Bank then it would be for the state of Palestine to protect these but this is what the discussions should address.
There has to be some land swaps to account for population shifts. The 1967 lines aren't sacrosanct. Anyway Eloy, what should be the situation with Joseph's and Rachel's Tombs and the Cave of Machpelah (where Abraham lies)? Joseph's Tomb has already been set on fire by the Arabs many times.

All the Jewish Holy Places stay in Israel. I wouldn't risk any of them in Arab Muslim hands.
The whole idea that Israel can't be both Jewish and "democratic" (really meaning a place where minorities have equal rights) is just typecasting in order to demonize Israel, and in particular, force Israelis to defend themselves against a false charge.

Of course Israel can be both Jewish and ensure equal treatment for all her minorities. She already DOES that. Just because Muslims can't do that, is no reason for anyone to assume that the Jewish people can't.
The whole idea that Israel can't be both Jewish and "democratic" (really meaning a place where minorities have equal rights) is just typecasting in order to demonize Israel, and in particular, force Israelis to defend themselves against a false charge.

Of course Israel can be both Jewish and ensure equal treatment for all her minorities. She already DOES that. Just because Muslims can't do that, is no reason for anyone to assume that the Jewish people can't.

Israel does it now because the Arabs are 20% of the population. But if Israel annexes the West Bank and Gaza, the Arabs would be 50% of the population, or maybe even higher. They could then vote, G-d forbid, to turn Israel into Palestine.
The whole idea that Israel can't be both Jewish and "democratic" (really meaning a place where minorities have equal rights) is just typecasting in order to demonize Israel, and in particular, force Israelis to defend themselves against a false charge.

Of course Israel can be both Jewish and ensure equal treatment for all her minorities. She already DOES that. Just because Muslims can't do that, is no reason for anyone to assume that the Jewish people can't.

Israel does it now because the Arabs are 20% of the population. But if Israel annexes the West Bank and Gaza, the Arabs would be 50% of the population, or maybe even higher. They could then vote, G-d forbid, to turn Israel into Palestine.

That is why we don't want to annex the West Bank. Let alone (G-d forbid) Gaza.
You appear to be suggesting that sovereignty comes after a state exists but this is seldom the case when it comes to a demand for the right of self-determination.
Rocco has this thing about sovereign states. Actually sovereignty belongs to the people. (The people of the place. Not people from someplace else.) Governments and states are the result of the exercise of their sovereignty not prerequisites. Preventing people the right to exercise their sovereignty is a crime against those people.

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