Can President Obama Become Competent?

I, too, believed in what you say. And the more I believed it, the further from success I faded. AT the age of 23 I hit rock bottom.
I was brought up to believe that we are responsible for our own destiny....but my experiences were telling me other wise. I was starting to resent the employers...the wealthy....the successful. I was straying from my conservative values...and I had reason to....afterall, as hard as I worked, I was going backwards...and I finally hit the skids.
So there I was....sitting under the boardwalk on long island....not sure where my next meal was coming from....hating the worlkd for what they did to me.
And I saw a young man walking on the boardwalk. Struggling....sever limp.....twisted hand....noticebly struggling physically.
Yet he seemed happy. He sat down on a bench and I approcahed him. I was lonely and willing to talk to anyone at that point.
He seemed a bit nervous when I approcahed him...but I asked him if I can sit next to him and he did not resist.
I asked him why he looked so happy. He had just received word that his loan was approved and he was opening a restaurant.
That was my wake up call. God gave me all of the tools I needed for success, yet I was not successful. God gave David many tools, but also gave him reason to not strive for excuse if you will......yet he was stricving for success.
I realized it was nothing but me holding me back....and within 5 years I sold my first company.
Civil engineering should be have already decided that you will not acheive the kind of success that you can...and the irony are blaming others for this EVEN THOUGH your lack of success is only a theory and not reality.

Give yourself a fighting can acheive success if you put your mind to it.....but if you read what you already gave up.

Sorry to interfere...I had to say something.
I, too, believed in what you say. And the more I believed it, the further from success I faded. AT the age of 23 I hit rock bottom.
I was brought up to believe that we are responsible for our own destiny....but my experiences were telling me other wise. I was starting to resent the employers...the wealthy....the successful. I was straying from my conservative values...and I had reason to....afterall, as hard as I worked, I was going backwards...and I finally hit the skids.
So there I was....sitting under the boardwalk on long island....not sure where my next meal was coming from....hating the worlkd for what they did to me.
And I saw a young man walking on the boardwalk. Struggling....sever limp.....twisted hand....noticeably struggling physically.
Yet he seemed happy. He sat down on a bench and I approached him. I was lonely and willing to talk to anyone at that point.
He seemed a bit nervous when I approached him...but I asked him if I can sit next to him and he did not resist.
I asked him why he looked so happy. He had just received word that his loan was approved and he was opening a restaurant.
That was my wake up call. God gave me all of the tools I needed for success, yet I was not successful. God gave David many tools, but also gave him reason to not strive for excuse if you will......yet he was striving for success.
I realized it was nothing but me holding me back....and within 5 years I sold my first company.
Civil engineering should be have already decided that you will not achieve the kind of success that you can...and the irony are blaming others for this EVEN THOUGH your lack of success is only a theory and not reality.

Give yourself a fighting can acheive success if you put your mind to it.....but if you read what you already gave up.

Sorry to interfere...I had to say something.

Interesting revelation you came to. Very deep and intelligent. Starting off in a poor family, I'm the first of said family to go to a university. I'm not exactly underachieving. I know I'll make plenty doing what I do best. I know how to manage my money too. However, I'm going to earn every cent of it. My issue is that there are people out there who make more than they do earn, and it isn't right. Thus is the ravenous consumerism America.
I, too, believed in what you say. And the more I believed it, the further from success I faded. AT the age of 23 I hit rock bottom.
I was brought up to believe that we are responsible for our own destiny....but my experiences were telling me other wise. I was starting to resent the employers...the wealthy....the successful. I was straying from my conservative values...and I had reason to....afterall, as hard as I worked, I was going backwards...and I finally hit the skids.
So there I was....sitting under the boardwalk on long island....not sure where my next meal was coming from....hating the worlkd for what they did to me.
And I saw a young man walking on the boardwalk. Struggling....sever limp.....twisted hand....noticeably struggling physically.
Yet he seemed happy. He sat down on a bench and I approached him. I was lonely and willing to talk to anyone at that point.
He seemed a bit nervous when I approached him...but I asked him if I can sit next to him and he did not resist.
I asked him why he looked so happy. He had just received word that his loan was approved and he was opening a restaurant.
That was my wake up call. God gave me all of the tools I needed for success, yet I was not successful. God gave David many tools, but also gave him reason to not strive for excuse if you will......yet he was striving for success.
I realized it was nothing but me holding me back....and within 5 years I sold my first company.
Civil engineering should be have already decided that you will not achieve the kind of success that you can...and the irony are blaming others for this EVEN THOUGH your lack of success is only a theory and not reality.

Give yourself a fighting can acheive success if you put your mind to it.....but if you read what you already gave up.

Sorry to interfere...I had to say something.

Interesting revelation you came to. Very deep and intelligent. Starting off in a poor family, I'm the first of said family to go to a university. I'm not exactly underachieving. I know I'll make plenty doing what I do best. I know how to manage my money too. However, I'm going to earn every cent of it. My issue is that there are people out there who make more than they do earn, and it isn't right. Thus is the ravenous consumerism America.

Yes...there are some that make more than they earn. But in reality and what most do not realize...most business owners make less than they earn. Most buisiness owners need to work weekends. Need to work on vacations...IF they take vacations. Most business owners such as myself take less from the company during hard times than their employees. Most business owners, such as myself wworry for their is not what youhear out there....I swear.....youjust hear of the unusual....not the norm.

Lottery winners dont earn their winnings...they get lucky. Athletes? They play a game and make millions. Actors? They work hard....sure.....but harder than a McDonalds manager? And for the millions they make? But I digress and went off topic.....

But everyday people like you and I? Most of us work hard and get ahead.....except for those that blame others for their own misgivings.

I always say to my managers...there are two types of employees....those that find a way to make it happen and those that find excuses for failure.

4 inches of have your employee that says the driving is trecherous so I cant come in...and those that say I can get a bus becuase I must get in. Which will be successful? Whcih will blame others when they do not acheive success?

I wish you best of luck......take off the shades and be have earned it.

And trust me....follow my lead, and one day you will say....who was thast Oldandtired guy....I owe him a thankyou.
This is the best obfuscation you could come up with?

No quibbling about the number of such events and the time of the Obama administration?

I guess I win, and you had to imbibe your barnyard terminology.

But I liked the goalpost thing.

Your link is incoherent. One moment it's 'domestic' terrorism, the next it's events in Somalia and Pakistan.

And since the vast majority are FOILED attempts or plots, how exactly does that reflect negatively on Obama?

She's just bitter they weren't successful.

That is disgusting, and a new low.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Can the MARXIST Obami Salami become competent ?


There is no question here of "COMPETENCY" !!!

What we should be questioning and deciding is not WHEN....but HOW SOON America should wait until we IMPEACH this semi-black MARXIST/COMMIE POS, The PROTECTOR of ISLAM.....and his CORRUPT STOOGE Erich Holder !!!!!

WTF ?!?!?!?


Can't some of you GEDDIT ?????

Doncha KNOW by now that MARXIST Obami Salami IS A STONE-COLD COMMIE/MARXIST with a PROVEN desire for being the PROTECTOR OF ISLAM !!!!!

What more evidence is needed in addition to his ALREADY EXPOSED ECONOMIC AGENDA, Healthcare, Cap and trade etc......where the COMMUNISTIC - type strong arming by threats and bribery, Congressman and Senators, OF THEIR OWN PARTY, are coerced blatantly and CONTINUOUSLY. What happened to the concept of these Politicos serving their constituents, AND NOT BEING THE BRIBED LAP-DOGS, of the MARXIST Obami Salami and his other two stooges Pelosi and Reid ??!?

As far as I know, The United States Constitution, as interpreted by the SCOTUS, has already adjudicated the status of the Islamofascist Swine as ENEMY COMBATANTS. And, as such are free tro be judged by the Military.

Yet, The MARXIST Obami Salami and his Atty Gen STOOGE Eric Holder INSIST on putting the IMAGINARY "RIGHTS" of the Islamofascist Enemy Swine above the very LIVES OF AMERICA'S CITIZENRY !!!!!

"CRIMINALS" ?!?!?!?..... The ONLY CRIMINALS in THIS Scenario are the MARXIST Obami Salami and his Corrupt Stooge Eric Holder......who has a "conflict of interests" because of the convenient designation of "CRIMINALS" instead of "Enemy Combatants" his LAW FIRM's 30 (?) , or so
lawyers form the DEFENSE TEAMS of these Islamic Filth.

Your problem seems to be with his race, and also because he does not want to destroy all Islamic people. There is a word we have for people like you, it's called ignorant.

As far as your issue with Marxism, it makes no sense. Just like Republican leaders you use words like criminal, marxist, enemy, communist, islam, etc. It's annoying that there are dumb people in the country who can be to be led to believe those are all synonyms of "bad." You know who is Marxist and doesn't know it? Everyone in the lower class! They would rather have all those rich snobs burn in hell than laze in their unearned piles of money. There are more poor people than there are rich. Eventually the gap between the two will become so big, that a communist revolution will be imminent to overthrow a therein failed capitalism. That is, UNLESS, socialistic measures are taken.... (that is my understanding of how Marxism works)

You are a bigot. Islam is a religion, one far more respectable than Christianity.

To the contrary, the gapo can easily diminish if people were educated as to how they are responsible for their own destiny...and not able to rely on others to cast theblame and take what they did not earn.

Take it from me. Went from walking the streets of Manahttan to owning 2 companies.....and for one reason only....becuase I refused to believe that I was the burden of others.

Give a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. Tell a man that he can have any fish he wants at any time he wants and does not need to earn it, he will never want to learn to fish.

I tried to rep this post but was unable.
NOT BEING THE BRIBED LAP-DOGS, of the MARXIST Obami Salami and his other two stooges Pelosi and Reid ??!?

As far as your issue with Marxism, it makes no sense. Just like Republican leaders you use words like criminal, marxist, enemy, communist, islam, etc. It's annoying that there are dumb people in the country who can be to be led to believe those are all synonyms of "bad." You know who is Marxist and doesn't know it? Everyone in the lower class! They would rather have all those rich snobs burn in hell than laze in their unearned piles of money. There are more poor people than there are rich. Eventually the gap between the two will become so big, that a communist revolution will be imminent to overthrow a therein failed capitalism. That is, UNLESS, socialistic measures are taken.... (that is my understanding of how Marxism works)

To the contrary, the gapo can easily diminish if people were educated as to how they are responsible for their own destiny...and not able to rely on others to cast theblame and take what they did not earn.

Take it from me. Went from walking the streets of Manahttan to owning 2 companies.....and for one reason only....becuase I refused to believe that I was the burden of others.

Give a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. Tell a man that he can have any fish he wants at any time he wants and does not need to earn it, he will never want to learn to fish.

That's the issue in the United States, nobody earns what they get, and laborers, those who actually earn more than the get get kicked into poverty. I'm closing in on a civil engineering degree and is it fair that I'll never make as much as a congressman does without their interest group bonuses? No. Relatively few people earn their right to be rich these days. "The sooner we shed our illusion that people end up financially where they deserve to, the faster we’ll fix the economy." -Matt Miller

A childish view perpetuated by a dearth of understanding of human nature.

"Here is what would happen in reality if someone ever did create such a society:

Within a year, some people would be wealthy. Some would be penniless. There would be a lot of resentment from the ones who frittered their money away towards the ones that managed to use their natural good thinking, instincts, and sheer determination to parlay their start-up funds into fortunes.

Within five years, there would be an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. The rich would continue to get richer, and the poor would continue to get poorer.

Some people would find loopholes enabling them to cheat the cheatable. Some people would be so gullible they would find themselves easy targets for those who would take advantage of them. Some people would have scruples, others would not.

Some people would begin to steal, and murder, and whatever else they think will allow them to circumvent the legal process to success.

You see, Utopia isn't possible this side of Heaven. There is too much diversity in people.

Some people are ambitious, some are not. Some people are industrious, some are not. Some people are inventive, some are not. Some people take pride in good workmanship, others are just content to get the job done, whether it is done well or not. Some people are workaholics, some are just plain lazy.

Some people buy anything, Some people buy nothing. Some buy what they want. Some buy only what they need. Some people are foolish with money, some are miserly.

It takes all kinds to make a world. It takes one kind to make a Utopia."
Casting Pearls Before Swine: Why Communism Can't Work
I, too, believed in what you say. And the more I believed it, the further from success I faded. AT the age of 23 I hit rock bottom.
I was brought up to believe that we are responsible for our own destiny....but my experiences were telling me other wise. I was starting to resent the employers...the wealthy....the successful. I was straying from my conservative values...and I had reason to....afterall, as hard as I worked, I was going backwards...and I finally hit the skids.
So there I was....sitting under the boardwalk on long island....not sure where my next meal was coming from....hating the worlkd for what they did to me.
And I saw a young man walking on the boardwalk. Struggling....sever limp.....twisted hand....noticebly struggling physically.
Yet he seemed happy. He sat down on a bench and I approcahed him. I was lonely and willing to talk to anyone at that point.
He seemed a bit nervous when I approcahed him...but I asked him if I can sit next to him and he did not resist.
I asked him why he looked so happy. He had just received word that his loan was approved and he was opening a restaurant.
That was my wake up call. God gave me all of the tools I needed for success, yet I was not successful. God gave David many tools, but also gave him reason to not strive for excuse if you will......yet he was stricving for success.
I realized it was nothing but me holding me back....and within 5 years I sold my first company.
Civil engineering should be have already decided that you will not acheive the kind of success that you can...and the irony are blaming others for this EVEN THOUGH your lack of success is only a theory and not reality.

Give yourself a fighting can acheive success if you put your mind to it.....but if you read what you already gave up.

Sorry to interfere...I had to say something.

An honor to have you on the board.
Can the MARXIST Obami Salami become competent ?


There is no question here of "COMPETENCY" !!!

What we should be questioning and deciding is not WHEN....but HOW SOON America should wait until we IMPEACH this semi-black MARXIST/COMMIE POS, The PROTECTOR of ISLAM.....and his CORRUPT STOOGE Erich Holder !!!!!

WTF ?!?!?!?


Can't some of you GEDDIT ?????

Doncha KNOW by now that MARXIST Obami Salami IS A STONE-COLD COMMIE/MARXIST with a PROVEN desire for being the PROTECTOR OF ISLAM !!!!!

What more evidence is needed in addition to his ALREADY EXPOSED ECONOMIC AGENDA, Healthcare, Cap and trade etc......where the COMMUNISTIC - type strong arming by threats and bribery, Congressman and Senators, OF THEIR OWN PARTY, are coerced blatantly and CONTINUOUSLY. What happened to the concept of these Politicos serving their constituents, AND NOT BEING THE BRIBED LAP-DOGS, of the MARXIST Obami Salami and his other two stooges Pelosi and Reid ??!?

As far as I know, The United States Constitution, as interpreted by the SCOTUS, has already adjudicated the status of the Islamofascist Swine as ENEMY COMBATANTS. And, as such are free tro be judged by the Military.

Yet, The MARXIST Obami Salami and his Atty Gen STOOGE Eric Holder INSIST on putting the IMAGINARY "RIGHTS" of the Islamofascist Enemy Swine above the very LIVES OF AMERICA'S CITIZENRY !!!!!

"CRIMINALS" ?!?!?!?..... The ONLY CRIMINALS in THIS Scenario are the MARXIST Obami Salami and his Corrupt Stooge Eric Holder......who has a "conflict of interests" because of the convenient designation of "CRIMINALS" instead of "Enemy Combatants" his LAW FIRM's 30 (?) , or so
lawyers form the DEFENSE TEAMS of these Islamic Filth.

Your problem seems to be with his race, and also because he does not want to destroy all Islamic people. There is a word we have for people like you, it's called ignorant.

As far as your issue with Marxism, it makes no sense. Just like Republican leaders you use words like criminal, marxist, enemy, communist, islam, etc. It's annoying that there are dumb people in the country who can be to be led to believe those are all synonyms of "bad." You know who is Marxist and doesn't know it? Everyone in the lower class! They would rather have all those rich snobs burn in hell than laze in their unearned piles of money. There are more poor people than there are rich. Eventually the gap between the two will become so big, that a communist revolution will be imminent to overthrow a therein failed capitalism. That is, UNLESS, socialistic measures are taken.... (that is my understanding of how Marxism works)

You are a bigot. Islam is a religion, one far more respectable than Christianity.

Taking from others or tearing them down to your level is not an effective strategy. That is what Marxism is, taking by an elite and distributing most of it to the masses. People often forget, those at the top of a Marxist system live very well. Islam is a religion based on the writings of a man who was a murderer, rapist and thief while writing the Koran. It looks like you just see the grass greener beyond your own hill. Invest some time and effort on your own hill.
Eviscerating the middle class with deregulated corporatism in return for support of the GOP will cause the U.S. to no longer be the shining light of the world.
I, too, believed in what you say. And the more I believed it, the further from success I faded. AT the age of 23 I hit rock bottom.
I was brought up to believe that we are responsible for our own destiny....but my experiences were telling me other wise. I was starting to resent the employers...the wealthy....the successful. I was straying from my conservative values...and I had reason to....afterall, as hard as I worked, I was going backwards...and I finally hit the skids.
So there I was....sitting under the boardwalk on long island....not sure where my next meal was coming from....hating the worlkd for what they did to me.
And I saw a young man walking on the boardwalk. Struggling....sever limp.....twisted hand....noticebly struggling physically.
Yet he seemed happy. He sat down on a bench and I approcahed him. I was lonely and willing to talk to anyone at that point.
He seemed a bit nervous when I approcahed him...but I asked him if I can sit next to him and he did not resist.
I asked him why he looked so happy. He had just received word that his loan was approved and he was opening a restaurant.
That was my wake up call. God gave me all of the tools I needed for success, yet I was not successful. God gave David many tools, but also gave him reason to not strive for excuse if you will......yet he was stricving for success.
I realized it was nothing but me holding me back....and within 5 years I sold my first company.
Civil engineering should be have already decided that you will not acheive the kind of success that you can...and the irony are blaming others for this EVEN THOUGH your lack of success is only a theory and not reality.

Give yourself a fighting can acheive success if you put your mind to it.....but if you read what you already gave up.

Sorry to interfere...I had to say something.

An honor to have you on the board.

Hey thanks PC....I enjoy your posts as well.

If only people would realize that if "destiny is in your own hands" was NOT true, America would be an underdeveloped country.

I look at my son. Graduated during a recession. Tried to get a job, but he did manual labor for minimum wage over the summer...never complained...never missed a day as he needed the money. Why? His goal was to amass enough cash to start his own business. At minimum wage, there was little to amass.....but he did what he could.....and now we ar in January and he works from home and he has over 100 freelance signing agents all over the country performing real estate closings for his small client base...
He profits about 25 a closing....and completes about 200 a month....a net profit of 5000 a month....and he is 22 years old.
Better yet? The closing agents are making 75 a he is not onlyu making on average of 60K a year....but he has closing agents making hundreds a month thanks to him.
His minumum wage salary over the summer gave him the cash needed to front the first closing he had to pay the agent before getting paid by the clients...

So you see......a minimum wage salary was not a bad thing....IT WAS A SPRINGBOARD...

FInally...and very interesting.....his liberal thinking aunt said to me that it is unfair that he works at home and makes 60K a year while the real work is being done by the closing agents and they are making less than he is.....

Meanwhile, at 4:30 AM on a saturdsay morning, you will see my son at his desk doing the bookkeeping, printing of payroll checks, etc....wonder what the closingt agents are doing at that time on a saturday?

People just dont get it.
Eviscerating the middle class with deregulated corporatism in return for support of the GOP will cause the U.S. to no longer be the shining light of the world.

What can be more illuminating to the clueless OBAMARRHOIDS such as Starkey Malarkey than when they puke out their MARXISM they can't face the fact that 97% of the taxes are ALREADY paid by the top 50% whereas, with the exception of some 3% of the bottom 50%.....NOT ONLY DO THEY NOT PAY TAXES.......THEY GET ADDITIONAL MONEYS !!!!!
Can the MARXIST Obami Salami become competent ?


There is no question here of "COMPETENCY" !!!

What we should be questioning and deciding is not WHEN....but HOW SOON America should wait until we IMPEACH this semi-black MARXIST/COMMIE POS, The PROTECTOR of ISLAM.....and his CORRUPT STOOGE Erich Holder !!!!!

WTF ?!?!?!?


Can't some of you GEDDIT ?????

Doncha KNOW by now that MARXIST Obami Salami IS A STONE-COLD COMMIE/MARXIST with a PROVEN desire for being the PROTECTOR OF ISLAM !!!!!

What more evidence is needed in addition to his ALREADY EXPOSED ECONOMIC AGENDA, Healthcare, Cap and trade etc......where the COMMUNISTIC - type strong arming by threats and bribery, Congressman and Senators, OF THEIR OWN PARTY, are coerced blatantly and CONTINUOUSLY. What happened to the concept of these Politicos serving their constituents, AND NOT BEING THE BRIBED LAP-DOGS, of the MARXIST Obami Salami and his other two stooges Pelosi and Reid ??!?

As far as I know, The United States Constitution, as interpreted by the SCOTUS, has already adjudicated the status of the Islamofascist Swine as ENEMY COMBATANTS. And, as such are free tro be judged by the Military.

Yet, The MARXIST Obami Salami and his Atty Gen STOOGE Eric Holder INSIST on putting the IMAGINARY "RIGHTS" of the Islamofascist Enemy Swine above the very LIVES OF AMERICA'S CITIZENRY !!!!!

"CRIMINALS" ?!?!?!?..... The ONLY CRIMINALS in THIS Scenario are the MARXIST Obami Salami and his Corrupt Stooge Eric Holder......who has a "conflict of interests" because of the convenient designation of "CRIMINALS" instead of "Enemy Combatants" his LAW FIRM's 30 (?) , or so
lawyers form the DEFENSE TEAMS of these Islamic Filth.

Your problem seems to be with his race, and also because he does not want to destroy all Islamic people. There is a word we have for people like you, it's called ignorant.

As far as your issue with Marxism, it makes no sense. Just like Republican leaders you use words like criminal, marxist, enemy, communist, islam, etc. It's annoying that there are dumb people in the country who can be to be led to believe those are all synonyms of "bad." You know who is Marxist and doesn't know it? Everyone in the lower class! They would rather have all those rich snobs burn in hell than laze in their unearned piles of money. There are more poor people than there are rich. Eventually the gap between the two will become so big, that a communist revolution will be imminent to overthrow a therein failed capitalism. That is, UNLESS, socialistic measures are taken.... (that is my understanding of how Marxism works)

You are a bigot. Islam is a religion, one far more respectable than Christianity.

Boyle aka The OBAMARRHOIDAL Idiot,

Your problem is that you are a brainwashed Obamarrhoid with the IQ of a lobotomized paramecium.

I do not have a problem with the RACE of this semi-black Political Charlatan, Marxist POS Obami Salami. The IRREFUTABLE PROOF OF THAT is that I would elect Thomas Sowell, the Black American Scholar from Stanford University as President of America in a blink of an eye. And, there are some others I would consider for that highest post in our country.

So don't make your usual OBAMARRHOIDAL assumptions that you clueless Obamarrhoids are prone to do without any proof.

Your statement that I "want to destroy all Islamic people." is even MORE INSANE. That statement puts you beyond the pale of the usual Obamarrhoidal are either on meds or a congenital idiot.

Marxism IS bad. Historically, Marxism is a FAILURE. Idiots like you, who supposedly have mastered the art of reading.....still can't read WITH UNDERSTANDING.

What does it take Obamarrhoidal Idiots like you to read what happened to countries that embraced Marxism to solve their political problems ????......They either went into the Historical Trash Can (USSR)......Or, they were on the way there, like China.....except the Chinese were smart enough to see the error of their ways and turned to ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM (albeit slowly.....because it takes time to make a transformation for so large a country).

Your other IDIOTIC MARXIST assumption is that the "rich....laze in their unearned piles of money". You stupid Marxist fuck......EVERYONE, except a miniscule number that inherit the money, WORK for their money.....even the CROOKS work for their money. It's just a different form of work, you brainless twat.

And, your BOGUS need for Socialism to solve Economic Problems is PRECISELY what is WRONG with the semi-black Political Charlatan MARXIST POS Obami Salami's AGENDA which inexorably leads to the CASTASTROPHIC DESTRUCTION of the ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM that made America the most successful country in the HISTORY of MANKIND for over TWO CENTURIES.

MARXIST Obami Salami's resorting to Socialism will ONLY accomplish MARXISM......a HISTORICALLY DEFUNCT SYSTEM.

And, our ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM GOT FUCKED UP PRECISELY BECAUSE (lame duck) BUSH having been unjustly, HYPOCRITICALLY and TREACHEROUSLY, destroyed by the 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media re Iraq) CAVED TO The MARXIST TYPE PRESSURE of FANNIE and FREDDIE type of thinking, engineered by the ACTUAL DEM RULERS of AMERICA at that time (in spite of SUPPOSED REP control of both houses) the FINANCIAL CZARS: Chris Dodd, honcho of the Senate Finances......and that fucking queer Barney Frank, honcho of the House Finances.

So, granted, our ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM.....that requires CONSTANT FINE TUNING.....keeping all the factors in balance ...... got fucked up. HOWEVER it needs the ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISTIC REMEDIES to put it back on course.


In order for us to restore the HISTORICALLY UNEQUALLED benefits of ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM, we need PRIVATE SECTOR MARKET SOLUTIONS.....not INCREASED TAXATION of those who provide jobs......and TAXING THEM OUT TO OBLIVION......and substituting the PRIVATE SECTOR'S MORE EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS rather than relying on the GIANT BUREAUCRACIES of the CENTRAL DECISION APPARATUS (i.e. BIG GOVT) with layers, upon layers of boondoggling and CORRUPT levels of Bureaucracies producing the proverbial $4000 hammers etc.

In a crisis, one doesn't turn to the stupid and the lazy "something for nothing crowd" for solutions....... OR THEIR ENABLERS: THE CORRUPT DEM PARTY.

ONE DOES NOT TURN TO A SYSTEM that would ENABLE the FAILED SEGMENT of our temporarily faltering Economy to the MARXIST ENABLERS of these LOSERS.

EVERYONE KNOWS OF THE FOLLOWING STATS. And they are available to ANYONE that just needs to google them:

The top 50% of America pay 97% of the taxes. Except for a measly 3% of the taxes, the bottom 50% of America NOT ONLY DOES NOT PAY ANY TAXES......they get ADDITIONAL MONEYS DURING TAX TIME.

It's pure INSANITY to increase the TAXES on the higher 50% of the Nation.

Of course, the PHONEY MARXIST POS Obami Salami claims that ONLY the top 10-20% of the nation will have the increase in taxes......the rest will get a free ride.



MARXIST POS Obami Salami's taxes will ALSO tax the PRESENTLY untaxed BOTTOM 50% of the Nation by increased taxes on gasoline, heating, everyday mundane purchasing of goods, etc.


And, as far as your last point that "Islam is far more respectable than Christianity"....... you must be fucking INSANE.

How you could come up with this gem is beyond ANYONE's except a Muslim FANATIC's delirious conclusion.

While it is true that Christianity's depredations were significantly worse than Islam's in Medieval times. Especially, when they reached the zenith of their unimaginable BIZARRE CRUELTY unequalled in the History of Mankind's religions.......(I am referring to the Spanish Inquisition, etc)...ISLAM IS MOST OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO EMULATE and SURPASS CHRISTIANITY'S BARBARISM OF THE PAST by displaying ISLAM'S PRESENT PHASE OF SAVAGE INSANITY by trying to accomplish the THIEF and PEDOPHILE Mohahahahahamed's MOST IMPORTANT CENTRAL INSTRUCTION AS INDICATED IN ISLAM'S BOOK OF BULLSHIT, THE QURAN (paraphrased): "render the World to become the Caliphate of Islam.....BY WORD or SWORD."

BTW, if it was your assumption that I am a Christian.....You are mistaken AGAIN.

I suppose that most would think that I am an Atheist because I do not believe in the Organized Religions of the World's definition of god.

I came, INDEPENDENTLY, to believe in Einstein's (or Spinoza's) god. The god being the Sum Total of the Laws of the Universe.

Praying to this god is like praying to the lightening so that it won't strike you. IOW, praying to your god has the same statistical odds of a favourable result as praying to the nearest rock in your garden. When we die, we become fertilizer, like any other cockroach, etc.
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Yeah, this administration learned a lesson . . . . that's why the bomber was charged as a criminal rather than a terrorist. :rolleyes:

A perpetuation of the Clinton/Reno/Gorelick view of the world. Bad mistake.

And it clearly does not constitute a hopeful sign that this President may yet become competent.

I believe ZB (via a bit of sarcasm) got it right.
You appear to be the most hate-filled person in the world. That is the longest reply... ever. Nothing but assumptions and harsh words. Calm down.
It does not mean he wants harm to US citizens. I anm sure he does not.

It means that security is not a priority to him. The status quo is fine.

He prefers addressing health care, global warming, redistrinbution, etc.

Seems he fogot his role was to defend and protect.

Easy to forget when the media found it profitable to not remind him.

O please. If anything, security is a higher priority for him. Even if we just take the political calculus alone, he'd be tarred and feathered if a successful attack occurred on his watch. The same wouldn't happen to a Republican.

One did...Fort Hood. Dont see Obama running around with feathers.....

Yeah, righties haven't tried to blame Obama for Fort Hood...

Cornyn: Don't Turn Fort Hood Investigation Into PC Exercise | TPM LiveWire
Ralph Peters PC Rant Over Fort Hood Shooting--New 9-11--Muslims 'a Protected Species' | Video Cafe
Ft. Hood: When PC Kills | The Brussels Journal
Fort Hood and the PC Cowards «
Your link is incoherent. One moment it's 'domestic' terrorism, the next it's events in Somalia and Pakistan.

And since the vast majority are FOILED attempts or plots, how exactly does that reflect negatively on Obama?

She's just bitter they weren't successful.

That is disgusting, and a new low.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

No different than when you claim that anyone who disagrees with your crackpot views is a traitor. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.
To the contrary, the gapo can easily diminish if people were educated as to how they are responsible for their own destiny...and not able to rely on others to cast theblame and take what they did not earn.

Take it from me. Went from walking the streets of Manahttan to owning 2 companies.....and for one reason only....becuase I refused to believe that I was the burden of others.

Give a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. Tell a man that he can have any fish he wants at any time he wants and does not need to earn it, he will never want to learn to fish.

That's the issue in the United States, nobody earns what they get, and laborers, those who actually earn more than the get get kicked into poverty. I'm closing in on a civil engineering degree and is it fair that I'll never make as much as a congressman does without their interest group bonuses? No. Relatively few people earn their right to be rich these days. "The sooner we shed our illusion that people end up financially where they deserve to, the faster we’ll fix the economy." -Matt Miller

A childish view perpetuated by a dearth of understanding of human nature.

"Here is what would happen in reality if someone ever did create such a society:

Within a year, some people would be wealthy. Some would be penniless. There would be a lot of resentment from the ones who frittered their money away towards the ones that managed to use their natural good thinking, instincts, and sheer determination to parlay their start-up funds into fortunes.

Within five years, there would be an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. The rich would continue to get richer, and the poor would continue to get poorer.

Some people would find loopholes enabling them to cheat the cheatable. Some people would be so gullible they would find themselves easy targets for those who would take advantage of them. Some people would have scruples, others would not.

Some people would begin to steal, and murder, and whatever else they think will allow them to circumvent the legal process to success.

You see, Utopia isn't possible this side of Heaven. There is too much diversity in people.

Some people are ambitious, some are not. Some people are industrious, some are not. Some people are inventive, some are not. Some people take pride in good workmanship, others are just content to get the job done, whether it is done well or not. Some people are workaholics, some are just plain lazy.

Some people buy anything, Some people buy nothing. Some buy what they want. Some buy only what they need. Some people are foolish with money, some are miserly.

It takes all kinds to make a world. It takes one kind to make a Utopia."
Casting Pearls Before Swine: Why Communism Can't Work

That makes sense. So are you saying it is a cyclical system of economies? If it is theoretically true that the ultimate result of a capitalist society is a communistic one (when the masses of poor overtake the rich) and then theoretically that people will naturally turn it into a capitalistic society again.... Sounds interesting. I guess socialism is the red headed stepchild of economic schemes?
She's just bitter they weren't successful.

That is disgusting, and a new low.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

No different than when you claim that anyone who disagrees with your crackpot views is a traitor. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

I just did a search of the boards and PoliticalChic has never called anyone a traitor...

You fail again, Polkie...
You appear to be the most hate-filled person in the world. That is the longest reply... ever. Nothing but assumptions and harsh words. Calm down.

Boyle aka The Obamarrhoidal Idiot,

No generalizations.

Be specific.

You claim I make assumptions you clueless nitwit ? I just pointed out...and PROVED.... that ALL your statements were based on IDIOTIC ASSUMPTIONS.

You really should get a brain transplant.

Even as one of the worst examples of an OBAMARRHOIDAL IDIOT continuously vie for being the worst of the worst.
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