Can President Obama Become Competent?

That's the issue in the United States, nobody earns what they get, and laborers, those who actually earn more than the get get kicked into poverty. I'm closing in on a civil engineering degree and is it fair that I'll never make as much as a congressman does without their interest group bonuses? No. Relatively few people earn their right to be rich these days. "The sooner we shed our illusion that people end up financially where they deserve to, the faster we’ll fix the economy." -Matt Miller

A childish view perpetuated by a dearth of understanding of human nature.

"Here is what would happen in reality if someone ever did create such a society:

Within a year, some people would be wealthy. Some would be penniless. There would be a lot of resentment from the ones who frittered their money away towards the ones that managed to use their natural good thinking, instincts, and sheer determination to parlay their start-up funds into fortunes.

Within five years, there would be an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. The rich would continue to get richer, and the poor would continue to get poorer.

Some people would find loopholes enabling them to cheat the cheatable. Some people would be so gullible they would find themselves easy targets for those who would take advantage of them. Some people would have scruples, others would not.

Some people would begin to steal, and murder, and whatever else they think will allow them to circumvent the legal process to success.

You see, Utopia isn't possible this side of Heaven. There is too much diversity in people.

Some people are ambitious, some are not. Some people are industrious, some are not. Some people are inventive, some are not. Some people take pride in good workmanship, others are just content to get the job done, whether it is done well or not. Some people are workaholics, some are just plain lazy.

Some people buy anything, Some people buy nothing. Some buy what they want. Some buy only what they need. Some people are foolish with money, some are miserly.

It takes all kinds to make a world. It takes one kind to make a Utopia."
Casting Pearls Before Swine: Why Communism Can't Work

That makes sense. So are you saying it is a cyclical system of economies? If it is theoretically true that the ultimate result of a capitalist society is a communistic one (when the masses of poor overtake the rich) and then theoretically that people will naturally turn it into a capitalistic society again.... Sounds interesting. I guess socialism is the red headed stepchild of economic schemes?

I certainly can see how jealousy and greed work together turning a capitalistic society into a communistic one.

I can not see as easy a transition from communistic to capitalistic. When people become dependent, it is difficult to let go.
That is disgusting, and a new low.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

No different than when you claim that anyone who disagrees with your crackpot views is a traitor. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

I just did a search of the boards and PoliticalChic has never called anyone a traitor...

You fail again, Polkie...

Whatcha expect, Polkie-Doltkie is just another example of an Obamarrhoidal Idiot.
That is disgusting, and a new low.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

No different than when you claim that anyone who disagrees with your crackpot views is a traitor. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

I just did a search of the boards and PoliticalChic has never called anyone a traitor...

You fail again, Polkie...

I know you're full of shit because she's done it to me before. She may not have used the exact word, but the intent was clear in her statement. She thinks her snarky double-talk is clever, but it isn't. Though it is refreshing that she's not just an open troll like you are.
No different than when you claim that anyone who disagrees with your crackpot views is a traitor. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

I just did a search of the boards and PoliticalChic has never called anyone a traitor...

You fail again, Polkie...

I know you're full of shit because she's done it to me before. She may not have used the exact word, but the intent was clear in her statement. She thinks her snarky double-talk is clever, but it isn't. Though it is refreshing that she's not just an open troll like you are.

The search fucntion doesn't lie...

So you insult me for calling you on your lie?

How "Polkish" of you...
That's the issue in the United States, nobody earns what they get, and laborers, those who actually earn more than the get get kicked into poverty. I'm closing in on a civil engineering degree and is it fair that I'll never make as much as a congressman does without their interest group bonuses? No. Relatively few people earn their right to be rich these days. "The sooner we shed our illusion that people end up financially where they deserve to, the faster we’ll fix the economy." -Matt Miller

A childish view perpetuated by a dearth of understanding of human nature.

"Here is what would happen in reality if someone ever did create such a society:

Within a year, some people would be wealthy. Some would be penniless. There would be a lot of resentment from the ones who frittered their money away towards the ones that managed to use their natural good thinking, instincts, and sheer determination to parlay their start-up funds into fortunes.

Within five years, there would be an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. The rich would continue to get richer, and the poor would continue to get poorer.

Some people would find loopholes enabling them to cheat the cheatable. Some people would be so gullible they would find themselves easy targets for those who would take advantage of them. Some people would have scruples, others would not.

Some people would begin to steal, and murder, and whatever else they think will allow them to circumvent the legal process to success.

You see, Utopia isn't possible this side of Heaven. There is too much diversity in people.

Some people are ambitious, some are not. Some people are industrious, some are not. Some people are inventive, some are not. Some people take pride in good workmanship, others are just content to get the job done, whether it is done well or not. Some people are workaholics, some are just plain lazy.

Some people buy anything, Some people buy nothing. Some buy what they want. Some buy only what they need. Some people are foolish with money, some are miserly.

It takes all kinds to make a world. It takes one kind to make a Utopia."
Casting Pearls Before Swine: Why Communism Can't Work

That makes sense. So are you saying it is a cyclical system of economies? If it is theoretically true that the ultimate result of a capitalist society is a communistic one (when the masses of poor overtake the rich) and then theoretically that people will naturally turn it into a capitalistic society again.... Sounds interesting. I guess socialism is the red headed stepchild of economic schemes?

I'm saying nothing of the sort.

But speaking of the cyclic nature of economies, I commend to you the work of Kondratiev, who actually predicted the Great Depression five years prior. (See the Krondratiev Wave Theory)

He found disfavor with Stalin, for pointing out that capitalism was superior, since it allowed for the creative destruction of components of the economy that didn't work, while communism would simply continue same, thus stifling innovation and the kind of progress that profit motives support.

So Stalin killed him.

"His real crime, however, was to call into question the whole notion that economies could be made to perform according to the conscious interventions of human planners.

In his studies of capitalism he had discerned patterns of development that contradicted the linear notions of economic growth then favoured by his Soviet colleagues. Rather than progressing in a straight line, the evolution of the global capitalist economy appeared to describe a regular wave pattern, with a cycle of approximately fifty years.
Suffice to say that he and his followers, which included the great Czech-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, broke down the development of the global capitalist economy into five distinct waves of development."

Bowalley Road: Kondratiev Comes Full-Cycle

"Nikolai D Kondratiev (1892-1938) was an eminent Russian economist. He was one of the architects of the first Five Year Plan, an economic program put into place in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. During the 1920s, Kondratiev studied the history of the capitalist system. In 1926, he published his conclusions in “Long Waves in Economic Life.” He found that the capitalist system has cycles which are very similar to the seasons of the year. When he began his work, Kondratiev was in favor with Lenin and Stalin. However, after he published, he fell out of favor. In fact, Kondratiev lost his position as the director of an economic institute, and he was later sentenced to the Soviet Gulag. He died in the Gulag. "
The Richter Report - The Kondratiev Cycle

BTW, welcome to the board.
A childish view perpetuated by a dearth of understanding of human nature.

"Here is what would happen in reality if someone ever did create such a society:

Within a year, some people would be wealthy. Some would be penniless. There would be a lot of resentment from the ones who frittered their money away towards the ones that managed to use their natural good thinking, instincts, and sheer determination to parlay their start-up funds into fortunes.

Within five years, there would be an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. The rich would continue to get richer, and the poor would continue to get poorer.

Some people would find loopholes enabling them to cheat the cheatable. Some people would be so gullible they would find themselves easy targets for those who would take advantage of them. Some people would have scruples, others would not.

Some people would begin to steal, and murder, and whatever else they think will allow them to circumvent the legal process to success.

You see, Utopia isn't possible this side of Heaven. There is too much diversity in people.

Some people are ambitious, some are not. Some people are industrious, some are not. Some people are inventive, some are not. Some people take pride in good workmanship, others are just content to get the job done, whether it is done well or not. Some people are workaholics, some are just plain lazy.

Some people buy anything, Some people buy nothing. Some buy what they want. Some buy only what they need. Some people are foolish with money, some are miserly.

It takes all kinds to make a world. It takes one kind to make a Utopia."
Casting Pearls Before Swine: Why Communism Can't Work

That makes sense. So are you saying it is a cyclical system of economies? If it is theoretically true that the ultimate result of a capitalist society is a communistic one (when the masses of poor overtake the rich) and then theoretically that people will naturally turn it into a capitalistic society again.... Sounds interesting. I guess socialism is the red headed stepchild of economic schemes?

I certainly can see how jealousy and greed work together turning a capitalistic society into a communistic one.

I can not see as easy a transition from communistic to capitalistic. When people become dependent, it is difficult to let go.

O & T,

Your first paragraph precisely describes the semi-black Political Charlatan MARXIST POS Obami Salami's Agenda in presently transforming America.

Your second paragraph is also exactly correct in that it will be difficult to correct the agenda that this MARXIST POS perpetrated on us.
A childish view perpetuated by a dearth of understanding of human nature.

"Here is what would happen in reality if someone ever did create such a society:

Within a year, some people would be wealthy. Some would be penniless. There would be a lot of resentment from the ones who frittered their money away towards the ones that managed to use their natural good thinking, instincts, and sheer determination to parlay their start-up funds into fortunes.

Within five years, there would be an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. The rich would continue to get richer, and the poor would continue to get poorer.

Some people would find loopholes enabling them to cheat the cheatable. Some people would be so gullible they would find themselves easy targets for those who would take advantage of them. Some people would have scruples, others would not.

Some people would begin to steal, and murder, and whatever else they think will allow them to circumvent the legal process to success.

You see, Utopia isn't possible this side of Heaven. There is too much diversity in people.

Some people are ambitious, some are not. Some people are industrious, some are not. Some people are inventive, some are not. Some people take pride in good workmanship, others are just content to get the job done, whether it is done well or not. Some people are workaholics, some are just plain lazy.

Some people buy anything, Some people buy nothing. Some buy what they want. Some buy only what they need. Some people are foolish with money, some are miserly.

It takes all kinds to make a world. It takes one kind to make a Utopia."
Casting Pearls Before Swine: Why Communism Can't Work

That makes sense. So are you saying it is a cyclical system of economies? If it is theoretically true that the ultimate result of a capitalist society is a communistic one (when the masses of poor overtake the rich) and then theoretically that people will naturally turn it into a capitalistic society again.... Sounds interesting. I guess socialism is the red headed stepchild of economic schemes?

I'm saying nothing of the sort.

But speaking of the cyclic nature of economies, I commend to you the work of Kondratiev, who actually predicted the Great Depression five years prior. (See the Krondratiev Wave Theory)

He found disfavor with Stalin, for pointing out that capitalism was superior, since it allowed for the creative destruction of components of the economy that didn't work, while communism would simply continue same, thus stifling innovation and the kind of progress that profit motives support.

So Stalin killed him.

"His real crime, however, was to call into question the whole notion that economies could be made to perform according to the conscious interventions of human planners.

In his studies of capitalism he had discerned patterns of development that contradicted the linear notions of economic growth then favoured by his Soviet colleagues. Rather than progressing in a straight line, the evolution of the global capitalist economy appeared to describe a regular wave pattern, with a cycle of approximately fifty years.
Suffice to say that he and his followers, which included the great Czech-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, broke down the development of the global capitalist economy into five distinct waves of development."

Bowalley Road: Kondratiev Comes Full-Cycle

"Nikolai D Kondratiev (1892-1938) was an eminent Russian economist. He was one of the architects of the first Five Year Plan, an economic program put into place in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. During the 1920s, Kondratiev studied the history of the capitalist system. In 1926, he published his conclusions in “Long Waves in Economic Life.” He found that the capitalist system has cycles which are very similar to the seasons of the year. When he began his work, Kondratiev was in favor with Lenin and Stalin. However, after he published, he fell out of favor. In fact, Kondratiev lost his position as the director of an economic institute, and he was later sentenced to the Soviet Gulag. He died in the Gulag. "
The Richter Report - The Kondratiev Cycle

BTW, welcome to the board.

I am quite impressed.
I can not compete. But I have one edge over you PC...I will learn a heck of a lot more reading your posts than you will reading mnine.
I just did a search of the boards and PoliticalChic has never called anyone a traitor...

You fail again, Polkie...

I know you're full of shit because she's done it to me before. She may not have used the exact word, but the intent was clear in her statement. She thinks her snarky double-talk is clever, but it isn't. Though it is refreshing that she's not just an open troll like you are.

The search fucntion doesn't lie...

So you insult me for calling you on your lie?

How "Polkish" of you...

You searched for all possible combinations of words that convey that intent? I guess you have access to a special search function the rest of us don't.
That makes sense. So are you saying it is a cyclical system of economies? If it is theoretically true that the ultimate result of a capitalist society is a communistic one (when the masses of poor overtake the rich) and then theoretically that people will naturally turn it into a capitalistic society again.... Sounds interesting. I guess socialism is the red headed stepchild of economic schemes?

I'm saying nothing of the sort.

But speaking of the cyclic nature of economies, I commend to you the work of Kondratiev, who actually predicted the Great Depression five years prior. (See the Krondratiev Wave Theory)

He found disfavor with Stalin, for pointing out that capitalism was superior, since it allowed for the creative destruction of components of the economy that didn't work, while communism would simply continue same, thus stifling innovation and the kind of progress that profit motives support.

So Stalin killed him.

"His real crime, however, was to call into question the whole notion that economies could be made to perform according to the conscious interventions of human planners.

In his studies of capitalism he had discerned patterns of development that contradicted the linear notions of economic growth then favoured by his Soviet colleagues. Rather than progressing in a straight line, the evolution of the global capitalist economy appeared to describe a regular wave pattern, with a cycle of approximately fifty years.
Suffice to say that he and his followers, which included the great Czech-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, broke down the development of the global capitalist economy into five distinct waves of development."

Bowalley Road: Kondratiev Comes Full-Cycle

"Nikolai D Kondratiev (1892-1938) was an eminent Russian economist. He was one of the architects of the first Five Year Plan, an economic program put into place in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. During the 1920s, Kondratiev studied the history of the capitalist system. In 1926, he published his conclusions in “Long Waves in Economic Life.” He found that the capitalist system has cycles which are very similar to the seasons of the year. When he began his work, Kondratiev was in favor with Lenin and Stalin. However, after he published, he fell out of favor. In fact, Kondratiev lost his position as the director of an economic institute, and he was later sentenced to the Soviet Gulag. He died in the Gulag. "
The Richter Report - The Kondratiev Cycle

BTW, welcome to the board.

I am quite impressed.
I can not compete. But I have one edge over you PC...I will learn a heck of a lot more reading your posts than you will reading mnine.

That was very kind.
I know you're full of shit because she's done it to me before. She may not have used the exact word, but the intent was clear in her statement. She thinks her snarky double-talk is clever, but it isn't. Though it is refreshing that she's not just an open troll like you are.

The search fucntion doesn't lie...

So you insult me for calling you on your lie?

How "Polkish" of you...

You searched for all possible combinations of words that convey that intent?
Why should I? You said she called you a traitor... Now you're trying to spin it into "well, thats what she meant"...

Just admit you were wrong, Polkstain...
The search fucntion doesn't lie...

So you insult me for calling you on your lie?

How "Polkish" of you...

You searched for all possible combinations of words that convey that intent?
Why should I? You said she called you a traitor... Now you're trying to spin it into "well, thats what she meant"...

Just admit you were wrong, Polkstain...

Good job admitting what we already knew: the truth doesn't matter to you. You'd rather just take something out of context then troll based upon your ignorance.
I'm saying nothing of the sort.

But speaking of the cyclic nature of economies, I commend to you the work of Kondratiev, who actually predicted the Great Depression five years prior. (See the Krondratiev Wave Theory)

He found disfavor with Stalin, for pointing out that capitalism was superior, since it allowed for the creative destruction of components of the economy that didn't work, while communism would simply continue same, thus stifling innovation and the kind of progress that profit motives support.

So Stalin killed him.

"His real crime, however, was to call into question the whole notion that economies could be made to perform according to the conscious interventions of human planners.

In his studies of capitalism he had discerned patterns of development that contradicted the linear notions of economic growth then favoured by his Soviet colleagues. Rather than progressing in a straight line, the evolution of the global capitalist economy appeared to describe a regular wave pattern, with a cycle of approximately fifty years.
Suffice to say that he and his followers, which included the great Czech-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, broke down the development of the global capitalist economy into five distinct waves of development."

Bowalley Road: Kondratiev Comes Full-Cycle

"Nikolai D Kondratiev (1892-1938) was an eminent Russian economist. He was one of the architects of the first Five Year Plan, an economic program put into place in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. During the 1920s, Kondratiev studied the history of the capitalist system. In 1926, he published his conclusions in “Long Waves in Economic Life.” He found that the capitalist system has cycles which are very similar to the seasons of the year. When he began his work, Kondratiev was in favor with Lenin and Stalin. However, after he published, he fell out of favor. In fact, Kondratiev lost his position as the director of an economic institute, and he was later sentenced to the Soviet Gulag. He died in the Gulag. "
The Richter Report - The Kondratiev Cycle

BTW, welcome to the board.

I know a bit of the cyclical nature of the economy. The article cites society-altering inventions as the cause of acceleration and deceleration in economies. What needs to be invented to get this country outta the hole? Nothing quirky like a blanket with sleeves or a singing corkscrew... we need a flying car or a cure for cancer damn it!
I'm saying nothing of the sort.

But speaking of the cyclic nature of economies, I commend to you the work of Kondratiev, who actually predicted the Great Depression five years prior. (See the Krondratiev Wave Theory)

He found disfavor with Stalin, for pointing out that capitalism was superior, since it allowed for the creative destruction of components of the economy that didn't work, while communism would simply continue same, thus stifling innovation and the kind of progress that profit motives support.

So Stalin killed him.

"His real crime, however, was to call into question the whole notion that economies could be made to perform according to the conscious interventions of human planners.

In his studies of capitalism he had discerned patterns of development that contradicted the linear notions of economic growth then favoured by his Soviet colleagues. Rather than progressing in a straight line, the evolution of the global capitalist economy appeared to describe a regular wave pattern, with a cycle of approximately fifty years.
Suffice to say that he and his followers, which included the great Czech-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, broke down the development of the global capitalist economy into five distinct waves of development."

Bowalley Road: Kondratiev Comes Full-Cycle

"Nikolai D Kondratiev (1892-1938) was an eminent Russian economist. He was one of the architects of the first Five Year Plan, an economic program put into place in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. During the 1920s, Kondratiev studied the history of the capitalist system. In 1926, he published his conclusions in “Long Waves in Economic Life.” He found that the capitalist system has cycles which are very similar to the seasons of the year. When he began his work, Kondratiev was in favor with Lenin and Stalin. However, after he published, he fell out of favor. In fact, Kondratiev lost his position as the director of an economic institute, and he was later sentenced to the Soviet Gulag. He died in the Gulag. "
The Richter Report - The Kondratiev Cycle

BTW, welcome to the board.

I know a bit of the cyclical nature of the economy. The article cites society-altering inventions as the cause of acceleration and deceleration in economies. What needs to be invented to get this country outta the hole? Nothing quirky like a blanket with sleeves or a singing corkscrew... we need a flying car or a cure for cancer damn it!

Excellent insight...

But you see...that is the point. Let it alone and it will pan out.
Flying car and cure for cancer aare as far fetched today as a combustible engine was in the 1700's...
Change the way we are is not the answer....
Rememebr one 300 years, we have taken the premise designed by our founders and became the most innovative, generous, prosperous nation in the world...
Other countries? Hundreds of years longer, and not even close.
I'm saying nothing of the sort.

But speaking of the cyclic nature of economies, I commend to you the work of Kondratiev, who actually predicted the Great Depression five years prior. (See the Krondratiev Wave Theory)

He found disfavor with Stalin, for pointing out that capitalism was superior, since it allowed for the creative destruction of components of the economy that didn't work, while communism would simply continue same, thus stifling innovation and the kind of progress that profit motives support.

So Stalin killed him.

"His real crime, however, was to call into question the whole notion that economies could be made to perform according to the conscious interventions of human planners.

In his studies of capitalism he had discerned patterns of development that contradicted the linear notions of economic growth then favoured by his Soviet colleagues. Rather than progressing in a straight line, the evolution of the global capitalist economy appeared to describe a regular wave pattern, with a cycle of approximately fifty years.
Suffice to say that he and his followers, which included the great Czech-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, broke down the development of the global capitalist economy into five distinct waves of development."

Bowalley Road: Kondratiev Comes Full-Cycle

"Nikolai D Kondratiev (1892-1938) was an eminent Russian economist. He was one of the architects of the first Five Year Plan, an economic program put into place in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. During the 1920s, Kondratiev studied the history of the capitalist system. In 1926, he published his conclusions in “Long Waves in Economic Life.” He found that the capitalist system has cycles which are very similar to the seasons of the year. When he began his work, Kondratiev was in favor with Lenin and Stalin. However, after he published, he fell out of favor. In fact, Kondratiev lost his position as the director of an economic institute, and he was later sentenced to the Soviet Gulag. He died in the Gulag. "
The Richter Report - The Kondratiev Cycle

BTW, welcome to the board.

I know a bit of the cyclical nature of the economy. The article cites society-altering inventions as the cause of acceleration and deceleration in economies. What needs to be invented to get this country outta the hole? Nothing quirky like a blanket with sleeves or a singing corkscrew... we need a flying car or a cure for cancer damn it!

"... to get this country outta the hole..."

If you are referring to the current recession, consider how differently President Harding handled a far greater recession than the one facing us today, and how quickly it was ended, in comparison to the path chosen by President Obama:

"America's greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed the much praised Woodrow Wilson— who had brought America into World War I, built up huge federal bureaucracies, imprisoned dissenters, and incurred $25 billion of debt.

Harding inherited Wilson's mess— in particular, a post–World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

One of Harding's campaign slogans was "less government in business," and it served him well. Harding embraced the advice of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon and called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and "excess" profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did.

On July 12, 1921, Harding went to the Senate and urged tax and spending cuts. In 1922, the House passed a veterans' bonus bill 333-70, without saying how the bonuses would be funded. The senate passed it 35-17. Despite intense lobbying from the American Legion, Harding vetoed the bill on September 19— just six weeks before congressional elections, when presidents generally throw goodies at voters. Harding said it was unfair to add to the burdens of 110 million taxpayers.

Harding's Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover wanted government intervention in the economy— which as president he was to pursue when he faced the Great Depression a decade later— but Harding would have none of it. He insisted that relief measures were a local responsibility.
N-Philes :: Forums - View Single Post - The not-so-great depression of 1920-21

" In stark contrast with the Bush-Obama response of ever-more government spending and debt, Harding had federal spending cut in half between 1920 and 1922 and ultimately ran a surplus.
As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust after the war as entrepreneurs and capital were freed to create jobs and push the economy to recover. Harding's free market policies lead to the Roaring Twenties, known for technological advances, women's rights, the explosion of the middle class, and some of the most rapid economic growth in American history. Still, he is ranked as one of the worst presidents by many in academia's ivory tower."
You searched for all possible combinations of words that convey that intent?
Why should I? You said she called you a traitor... Now you're trying to spin it into "well, thats what she meant"...

Just admit you were wrong, Polkstain...

Good job admitting what we already knew: the truth doesn't matter to you. You'd rather just take something out of context then troll based upon your ignorance.

You whine a good game, but we all saw what you said...

Don't blame us for your lack of clarity and inability to explain yourself...

Poor Polkstain - trying to play the victim card, but failing miserably....
Why should I? You said she called you a traitor... Now you're trying to spin it into "well, thats what she meant"...

Just admit you were wrong, Polkstain...

Good job admitting what we already knew: the truth doesn't matter to you. You'd rather just take something out of context then troll based upon your ignorance.

You whine a good game, but we all saw what you said...

Don't blame us for your lack of clarity and inability to explain yourself...

Poor Polkstain - trying to play the victim card, but failing miserably....

I was perfectly clear. I said she called me a traitor, not "she used the exact word "traitor"". It's not my fault that you're too ignorant to understand the difference.
Good job admitting what we already knew: the truth doesn't matter to you. You'd rather just take something out of context then troll based upon your ignorance.

You whine a good game, but we all saw what you said...

Don't blame us for your lack of clarity and inability to explain yourself...

Poor Polkstain - trying to play the victim card, but failing miserably....

I was perfectly clear. I said she called me a traitor, not "she used the exact word "traitor"". It's not my fault that you're too ignorant to understand the difference.

Just to ensure accuracy...

Saying she called you traitor meant she called you "traitor"
Saying she implied you were a traitor means she gave the impression you were a traitor

Seems to me, the second applies to this situation.

So house, in my eyes, is correct.

Oldandtired 2...Polk 0
Good job admitting what we already knew: the truth doesn't matter to you. You'd rather just take something out of context then troll based upon your ignorance.

You whine a good game, but we all saw what you said...

Don't blame us for your lack of clarity and inability to explain yourself...

Poor Polkstain - trying to play the victim card, but failing miserably....

I was perfectly clear. I said she called me a traitor, not "she used the exact word "traitor"". It's not my fault that you're too ignorant to understand the difference.

She didn't call you a traitor... I already proved that...

If you wanted to clarify it more, then words like "she called me a traitor or something similar" would have been used... Now you're just spinning and looking stupid...

I'm not surprised, though...
You whine a good game, but we all saw what you said...

Don't blame us for your lack of clarity and inability to explain yourself...

Poor Polkstain - trying to play the victim card, but failing miserably....

I was perfectly clear. I said she called me a traitor, not "she used the exact word "traitor"". It's not my fault that you're too ignorant to understand the difference.

She didn't call you a traitor... I already proved that...

If you wanted to clarify it more, then words like "she called me a traitor or something similar" would have been used... Now you're just spinning and looking stupid...

I'm not surprised, though...

No, you didn't. You've "prove[n]" she didn't use that exact word. Of course, I never said she used that exact word. That you and Old/Tired are too ignorant to understand that isn't my problem.
You whine a good game, but we all saw what you said...

Don't blame us for your lack of clarity and inability to explain yourself...

Poor Polkstain - trying to play the victim card, but failing miserably....

I was perfectly clear. I said she called me a traitor, not "she used the exact word "traitor"". It's not my fault that you're too ignorant to understand the difference.

Just to ensure accuracy...

Saying she called you traitor meant she called you "traitor"
Saying she implied you were a traitor means she gave the impression you were a traitor

Seems to me, the second applies to this situation.

So house, in my eyes, is correct.

Oldandtired 2...Polk 0

It's funny watching him try to squirm away from it....:lol:

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