Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Your views are not normal, Unkotare. You keep trying tell us down is up and green is yellow and the evangelical cultist extremism is mainstream America. You are literally crazy.
abortion should be legal because women will get them regardless of what the law is.

By that reasoning there should be no laws at all about anything, you illogical turd.

Um... no, not really.

People won't tolerate murderers. They'd take them out and lynch them if the government did nothing.

That's kind of the point. We don't have 1.2 million murders in this country. We do have 1.2 million abortions. And we'd have the same amount even if they were illegal.

A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the US each year, but we still have laws against auto theft.
Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion.

By that reasoning there should be no laws at all about anything, you illogical turd.

Um... no, not really.

People won't tolerate murderers. They'd take them out and lynch them if the government did nothing.

That's kind of the point. We don't have 1.2 million murders in this country. We do have 1.2 million abortions. And we'd have the same amount even if they were illegal.

A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the US each year, but we still have laws against auto theft.
The legality doesn't matter.

"Crimes against humanity: murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against civilian populations, before or during the war; or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.”"

Crimes of War – Crimes Against Humanity
You have made an intelligent comment, kg, so I will say, "That's interesting." One, though, voluntary abortion is not on the list of Crimes Against Humanity, and, two, no one in your cult is forced to have an abortion in America.
64 percent of abortions in the US involve coercion.

That's forcible abortion, skippy.
Nope. It's force...unless you think nazis just "urged" Jews into the ovens as's the same sort of "urging".
"Urging" progressive-style:

"Massachusetts justice Christina Harms not only granted the petition, she went a step further. She told Moe’s parents that it didn’t matter how they got Moe to have the abortion, even if it meant she had to be “coaxed, bribed, or even enticed … by ruse.” Not only this, but she directed that whatever medical facility performed the abortion go ahead and sterilize Moe … without her permission. "

Massachusetts Forced Abortion Order Shocks U.S. | Population Research Institute
Nope. It's force...unless you think nazis just "urged" Jews into the ovens as's the same sort of "urging".

Showers. The ovens were to manage the many dead.

Meanwhile, who are these 64 percent and what's your definition of coercion?

Have you some source material on that?
"A Houston woman got an abortion for her 12-year-old mentally disabled daughter in an effort to hide evidence that her son sexually assaulted the girl.."

Authorities say mother forced daughter to abort pregnancy | The Daily Texan

So we got a mom in Texas. How many to go before we reach 64%?

And can you imagine, a special child, at the ripe age of 12, being raped, and the mom (legal gardian) choosing to not have her special child go through with the pregnancy? What's the world coming to? (tip: its senses)

Jesus fucking christ. The Lifers are getting loonier by the day.

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