Can Reps modify abortion stance?

My theory is what would happen if the government stopped enforcing the murder laws. Vigilantes WOULD take matters into their own hands.

The government never did enforce the abortion laws, even before Roe v. Wade. Everyone knew someone who could "take care of that sort of thing".

And if we did do something stupid like make abortion illegal, someone still would "take care of that sort of thing". Rich women will have doctors that do it...poor women will have coat hangars.

Good, let the poor women have coat hangers. They deserve a coat hanger. Then, they'll face the consequences of their actions and they'll experience some semblance of what that unborn child is going through. And, insofar as the rich women, their doctors can be arrested just as easily as any other doctor can be.


Sometimes you just have to leave the comments of the anti-Choice zealots hanging there to demonstrate the misogyny.

What is it you have against women, dude?
Misdefining what is going on only reveals your inability to control matters now from the evangelical side.

The plank will include exceptions for rape and incest next time, with many GOP signing onto a willingness to not disturb Roe v. Wade.

Republican women are coming over to this side more and more now.

CG is merely mumbling, "Oh, no, you dinn't".

He does not get his opinions mean nothing in the GOP now.

Really? So you mean now all of a sudden the GOP is in favor of abortions because Obama won? Are you really this stupid as to believe this?
My theory is what would happen if the government stopped enforcing the murder laws. Vigilantes WOULD take matters into their own hands.

The government never did enforce the abortion laws, even before Roe v. Wade. Everyone knew someone who could "take care of that sort of thing".

And if we did do something stupid like make abortion illegal, someone still would "take care of that sort of thing". Rich women will have doctors that do it...poor women will have coat hangars.

Good, let the poor women have coat hangers. They deserve a coat hanger. Then, they'll face the consequences of their actions and they'll experience some semblance of what that unborn child is going through. And, insofar as the rich women, their doctors can be arrested just as easily as any other doctor can be.

Keep abortion safe and legal...just make it rare.

Safe for whom? The dead kid?

And hey, here's a novel idea. Why don't we give that kid a chance to be adopted? And, make a law which states that as long as there is an American child that needs adopted, people can't adopt children from foreign countries like Angelina Jolie does?

Safe for the woman. The fetus or zygote isn't a "kid".

I have an even more novel idea. Get your fucking laws out of my vagina and let me make private medical decisions with my doctor without your assistance.
Guy, you are not the law. Again: your cultist evangelical sharia values are not the law.
You cant appeal to the conscience of the pro-abortion crowd because they don't have one.

Seawytch the meme "make it legal but make it rare" is one of those lies that the pro-abortion crowd uses, all the while knowing the incidence of abortion has climbed astronomically since RvW. Legal abortion increases the number of children doesn't reduce it.
Guy, you are not the law. Again: your cultist evangelical sharia values are not the law.

I didn't say I was the law, Joke.

YOU said "A fetus is not a child", and I provided visual evidence that your assertion is wrong.

Want to try again?
A fetus is not a child. That's the law, is it not? Try again, you still fail.

Repeating yourself ad nauseum does nothing for your argument.

A picture is worth 1,000 words, and that picture proves that a fetus IS a child, albeit a very small and defenseless one.

But then again, you're the type of person that can only attack the small and defenseless, you fucking COWARD!
Slaves weren't people either. And it was legal to butcher Jews, Catholics, the rom....
Guy, flapping your lips saying the same thing does not make it true.

By law, a fetus is not a child.

Your beliefs don't' matter, only the law.
Guy, flapping your lips saying the same thing does not make it true.

By law, a fetus is not a child.

Your beliefs don't' matter, only the law.

Guy originally said: "Repeating yourself ad nauseum does nothing for your argument."

Jake said: flapping your lips saying the same thing does not make it true.

Get your own material, pig.

By law, slaves were not people.

Your lies don't matter.
I have an even more novel idea. Get your fucking laws out of my vagina and let me make private medical decisions with my doctor without your assistance.

I guess you'd support the rapist who wants the government to stay out of what he does with his dick then, huh?

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