Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

It's more like losing the game and complaining about the ref. If you can't win on the field, cry about the refs. Reps need to get off their butts and show up on Sunday, with a game plan that works on the field. There is no excuse for not understanding that the game has changed. As of now I don't see a lot of hope for the next election. Reps are getting schooled, and are playing catch up. We picked a fight with the lame stream media, thank you Rush, and guess what, they hit back. Media bias, no kidding, we've been talking about it since Reagan. You have to like the Reps back up plan, when the country goes down the drain, we will be there to say, we told you so. Here's a hint Reps, if you can't go to NY, or California, and garner some support for your message, then go back to your cave and write on the walls. Reps have written off States, Blacks, gays, Hispanics, and our youth. Woman have said, give me your number, I'll call you.

Reps haven't "written off" anyone.
Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

Abortion is within the law,

For now.

so the rest of the argument faulty.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

Ahh, the insult, didn't see that coming. I am representing facts. Sorry if they trip you up.
I don't support abortion or faulty arguments. As for your new position, I have no doubt that is what feel.
Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

It's more like losing the game and complaining about the ref. If you can't win on the field, cry about the refs. Reps need to get off their butts and show up on Sunday, with a game plan that works on the field. There is no excuse for not understanding that the game has changed. As of now I don't see a lot of hope for the next election. Reps are getting schooled, and are playing catch up. We picked a fight with the lame stream media, thank you Rush, and guess what, they hit back. Media bias, no kidding, we've been talking about it since Reagan. You have to like the Reps back up plan, when the country goes down the drain, we will be there to say, we told you so. Here's a hint Reps, if you can't go to NY, or California, and garner some support for your message, then go back to your cave and write on the walls. Reps have written off States, Blacks, gays, Hispanics, and our youth. Woman have said, give me your number, I'll call you.

I'm frankly getting tired of this meme that, somehow, Republicans lost because women found the Democrats' message with respect to abortion better or that blacks found Democrats' message with respect to racism better or Hispanics found Democrats' message with respect to immigration better. Show me one freakin' poll which lists abortion, race or immigration as the number one concern amongst the American people. You just simply can't. In fact, most of those issues were amongst the bottom of concerns of the American people and the economy and jobs were at the top of the list. So, to suggest Obama won because his message was better with respect to abortion, racism or immigration? I'm just not buying it. That's why I think something stinks to high heaven with this election. If Obama actually did legitimately win this election, and he did so by offering up trinkets of forgiven college debt and amnesty for illegals for example? This nation is plain and simply screwed.
Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

For now.

so the rest of the argument faulty.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

Ahh, the insult, didn't see that coming. I am representing facts. Sorry if they trip you up.

You aren't representing squat.

I don't support abortion or faulty arguments.

For allegedly not supporting abortion, you sure put up a strenuous argument in its defense.
The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

You haven't got anything to substantiate this claim.

CG, Roo, Unkotare, and kg are not going to dictate their crazy evangelical cultists opinions on abortion as anything worthy to be part of a party platform much less law.

Here it is...folks. Opposition to the murder of a human being = *crazy evangelical cultist opinion*, according to JakeStarkey. LOL!

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.

Really? Got anything to qualify this claim?

In a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 52% said abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, while 25% said it should be legal under any circumstances. And, 20% said it should be illegal in all circumstances, only 5% lower than those thinking it should be legal under any circumstance.

Additionally, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 39% said abortion should be legal in only a few circumstances, while 25% said legal in all circumstances and 13% said legal under most circumstances.

And, lastly, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 50% identified themselves as pro-life, while 41 identified themselves as pro-choice.

So, back up your claim "large majority" of Americans.

The problem with labels...

I consider myself pro-life but support a woman's right to a safe, legal abortion.
Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

It's more like losing the game and complaining about the ref. If you can't win on the field, cry about the refs. Reps need to get off their butts and show up on Sunday, with a game plan that works on the field. There is no excuse for not understanding that the game has changed. As of now I don't see a lot of hope for the next election. Reps are getting schooled, and are playing catch up. We picked a fight with the lame stream media, thank you Rush, and guess what, they hit back. Media bias, no kidding, we've been talking about it since Reagan. You have to like the Reps back up plan, when the country goes down the drain, we will be there to say, we told you so. Here's a hint Reps, if you can't go to NY, or California, and garner some support for your message, then go back to your cave and write on the walls. Reps have written off States, Blacks, gays, Hispanics, and our youth. Woman have said, give me your number, I'll call you.

I'm frankly getting tired of this meme that, somehow, Republicans lost because women found the Democrats' message with respect to abortion better or that blacks found Democrats' message with respect to racism better or Hispanics found Democrats' message with respect to immigration better. Show me one freakin' poll which lists abortion, race or immigration as the number one concern amongst the American people. You just simply can't. In fact, most of those issues were amongst the bottom of concerns of the American people and the economy and jobs were at the top of the list. So, to suggest Obama won because his message was better with respect to abortion, racism or immigration? I'm just not buying it. That's why I think something stinks to high heaven with this election. If Obama actually did legitimately win this election, and he did so by offering up trinkets of forgiven college debt and amnesty for illegals for example? This nation is plain and simply screwed.

The Dems message on abortion is reckless, but ours did not exist. It's not the top issue but it is a weakness for the Republican party. Overall Reps do look out of touch with American culture, and that hurts them. We made fun of the beer summits, the talk shows, MTV, and so on. Reps don't have to act like Dems, but they do need a makeover. America loves to vote, Dancing with the Stars, The Voice, and American Idol have millions of call in votes every week. Elections have become a political reality show, and you vote for the guy you like, not the one you have never seen. The point is all those people that don't know the difference between congress and the constitution, show up to vote. So don't be a stranger, it's time to get to know the people. The new media and culture have made politics sport for everyone. The nation is in trouble, I just hope we give up the excuses and play to win.
No, his message on this issues wasn't better, the dems did a better job of making the republicans seem like racist, sexiest ,out of touch old white men.

And this is something new? The Dems have pretty much always -- with the help of their left-wing biased friends in the media -- done a better job of these things. If doing a better job on these things is what won them elections, they'd have won every election since Jimmy Carter.

The exit polls all showed that women and minorities trusted Obama more.

Let's see these exit polls. And, they don't show that they trusted Obama more on the issues of which were most important, such as the economy and jobs. The most telling exit poll is that Obama was able to con 90% of those voting for him that the economy was doing good or excellent and that those making $0-$50,000 a year are going to get something from him in the future.
Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

Abortion is within the law,

For now.

so the rest of the argument faulty.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

For now.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

Ahh, the insult, didn't see that coming. I am representing facts. Sorry if they trip you up.

You aren't representing squat.

I don't support abortion or faulty arguments.

For allegedly not supporting abortion, you sure put up a strenuous argument in its defense.

Apparently I need to explain the definition of murder for you so to better represent the facts.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human,

Since abortion is not unlawful, it is not murder, therefor your use of the word murder makes your argument faulty.
Pointing out a flaw in your argument is not a defense of abortion.
Last edited:
It's more like losing the game and complaining about the ref. If you can't win on the field, cry about the refs. Reps need to get off their butts and show up on Sunday, with a game plan that works on the field. There is no excuse for not understanding that the game has changed. As of now I don't see a lot of hope for the next election. Reps are getting schooled, and are playing catch up. We picked a fight with the lame stream media, thank you Rush, and guess what, they hit back. Media bias, no kidding, we've been talking about it since Reagan. You have to like the Reps back up plan, when the country goes down the drain, we will be there to say, we told you so. Here's a hint Reps, if you can't go to NY, or California, and garner some support for your message, then go back to your cave and write on the walls. Reps have written off States, Blacks, gays, Hispanics, and our youth. Woman have said, give me your number, I'll call you.

I'm frankly getting tired of this meme that, somehow, Republicans lost because women found the Democrats' message with respect to abortion better or that blacks found Democrats' message with respect to racism better or Hispanics found Democrats' message with respect to immigration better. Show me one freakin' poll which lists abortion, race or immigration as the number one concern amongst the American people. You just simply can't. In fact, most of those issues were amongst the bottom of concerns of the American people and the economy and jobs were at the top of the list. So, to suggest Obama won because his message was better with respect to abortion, racism or immigration? I'm just not buying it. That's why I think something stinks to high heaven with this election. If Obama actually did legitimately win this election, and he did so by offering up trinkets of forgiven college debt and amnesty for illegals for example? This nation is plain and simply screwed.

The Dems message on abortion is reckless, but ours did not exist. It's not the top issue but it is a weakness for the Republican party. Overall Reps do look out of touch with American culture, and that hurts them. We made fun of the beer summits, the talk shows, MTV, and so on. Reps don't have to act like Dems, but they do need a makeover. America loves to vote, Dancing with the Stars, The Voice, and American Idol have millions of call in votes every week. Elections have become a political reality show, and you vote for the guy you like, not the one you have never seen. The point is all those people that don't know the difference between congress and the constitution, show up to vote. So don't be a stranger, it's time to get to know the people. The new media and culture have made politics sport for everyone. The nation is in trouble, I just hope we give up the excuses and play to win.

The only problem is? Any time a Republican endeavors in appearing on something like MTV, for instance, leftists successfully chastise the individual as being a stuffy fake. I don't think being "cool" should be a platform the right should even engage in. That's like trying to portray your parents as being cool. It just doesn't work. However, I think the parents are much more wise and mature than the stupid teenager who is trying to be "cool". If it's anything, maybe Republicans need to stress how immature some of these leftists act. I mean, on the left, we've even got that old codger Biden trying to act "cool". And, that's just a laugh a minute. If the candidate is under 30? Then, okay, trying to portray yourself as "cool" is the way to go. If you're 30 or over? You just simply look like a FOOL, trying to be "cool". Even Obama looks like a chump trying to be cool. That homeboy swagger of his is so laughable it's beyond description. I keep expecting him to undo his belt and drop his drawers half-way down his ass and grab himself.
Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

For now.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

You aren't representing squat.

I don't support abortion or faulty arguments.

For allegedly not supporting abortion, you sure put up a strenuous argument in its defense.

Apparently I need to explain the definition of murder for you so to better represent the facts.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human,

Since abortion is not unlawful, it is not murder, therefor your use of the word murder makes your argument faulty.
Pointing out a flaw in your argument is not a defense of abortion.

Ah, so abortion is the lawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human? You call it what you want...murder is murder.

Further, you're wrong, as there is more than one definition of murder. And, define "unlawful killing".

1. Law. the killing of another human being being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation (which abortion is) or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (which abortion can be) (second-degree murder)

2. Slang. something extremely difficult or perilous: That final exam was murder!

3. a group or flock of crows.

verb (used with object)
4. Law. to kill by an act constituting murder.

5. to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously. (abortion)

6. to spoil or mar by bad performance, representation, pronunciation, etc.: The tenor murdered the aria.

verb (used without object)
7. to commit murder.

8. get away with murder, Informal. to engage in a deplorable activity without incurring harm or punishment: The new baby-sitter lets the kids get away with murder.

9. murder will out, a secret will eventually be exposed.

10. yell / scream bloody murder,
a. to scream loudly in pain, fear, etc.
b. to protest loudly and angrily: If I don't get a good raise I'm going to yell bloody murder.
World English Dictionary

-- n
1. manslaughter Compare homicide the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another
2. informal something dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant: driving around London is murder
3. informal cry blue murder to make an outcry
4. informal get away with murder to escape censure; do as one pleases

-- vb
5. (also intr) to kill (someone) unlawfully with premeditation or during the commission of a crime
6. to kill brutally
7. informal to destroy; ruin: the woman murdered her baby and its chance for happiness.
8. informal to defeat completely; beat decisively: the home team murdered their opponents


in criminal law, the unjustified killing of one person by another, usually distinguished from the crime of manslaughter by the element of malice aforethought. See homicide.
Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

For now.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

You aren't representing squat.

I don't support abortion or faulty arguments.

For allegedly not supporting abortion, you sure put up a strenuous argument in its defense.

Apparently I need to explain the definition of murder for you so to better represent the facts.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human,

Since abortion is not unlawful, it is not murder, therefor your use of the word murder makes your argument faulty.
Pointing out a flaw in your argument is not a defense of abortion.

So is it murder when a man lawfully kills his wife under sharia law?

Was it murder when slave owners killed their slaves?

When you have laws that permit human rights violations, even though the law determines at that time you have not committed a crime, you have still committed a crime against humanity. Germany understands this, now....laws that legalize murder are bad law, and when people establish them, it's just a matter of time before the society crumbles and the people who established the bad laws are exposed as fascists and murderers.

The doctors who killed in the name of improving the race, though they were perfectly within the boundaries of the current law in doing so, were ultimately put on trial for crimes against humanity, and some of them were hanged. I wouldn't hold too dearly to the concept that "if it's legal we don't have to worry about it, it's okay". Ultimately, the world will judge the people who establish such laws and act accordingly...and they will be held will the people who were willing to look the other way.
The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

You haven't got anything to substantiate this claim.

Here it is...folks. Opposition to the murder of a human being = *crazy evangelical cultist opinion*, according to JakeStarkey. LOL!

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.

Really? Got anything to qualify this claim?

In a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 52% said abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, while 25% said it should be legal under any circumstances. And, 20% said it should be illegal in all circumstances, only 5% lower than those thinking it should be legal under any circumstance.

Additionally, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 39% said abortion should be legal in only a few circumstances, while 25% said legal in all circumstances and 13% said legal under most circumstances.

And, lastly, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 50% identified themselves as pro-life, while 41 identified themselves as pro-choice.

So, back up your claim "large majority" of Americans.

The problem with labels...

I consider myself pro-life but support a woman's right to a safe, legal abortion.

Then you consider yourself wrong. If you support a woman's alleged "right" to a safe, legal abortion, you're not pro-life. You're pro-choice.
What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

For now.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

You aren't representing squat.

For allegedly not supporting abortion, you sure put up a strenuous argument in its defense.

Apparently I need to explain the definition of murder for you so to better represent the facts.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human,

Since abortion is not unlawful, it is not murder, therefor your use of the word murder makes your argument faulty.
Pointing out a flaw in your argument is not a defense of abortion.

So is it murder when a man lawfully kills his wife under sharia law?

Was it murder when slave owners killed their slaves?

When you have laws that permit human rights violations, even though the law determines at that time you have not committed a crime, you have still committed a crime against humanity. Germany understands this, now....laws that legalize murder are bad law, and when people establish them, it's just a matter of time before the society crumbles and the people who established the bad laws are exposed as fascists and murderers.

The doctors who killed in the name of improving the race, though they were perfectly within the boundaries of the current law in doing so, were ultimately put on trial for crimes against humanity, and some of them were hanged. I wouldn't hold too dearly to the concept that "if it's legal we don't have to worry about it, it's okay". Ultimately, the world will judge the people who establish such laws and act accordingly...and they will be held will the people who were willing to look the other way.


EXCELLENT argument koshergrl. Damn, I'd give you another rep on this one but I can't right now. You're absolutely right. In Germany, it was legal for them to skin someone and make lampshades out of their skin. Must have been okay in this individual's mind, since it was a "lawful killing".
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What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

For now.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

You aren't representing squat.

For allegedly not supporting abortion, you sure put up a strenuous argument in its defense.

Apparently I need to explain the definition of murder for you so to better represent the facts.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human,

Since abortion is not unlawful, it is not murder, therefor your use of the word murder makes your argument faulty.
Pointing out a flaw in your argument is not a defense of abortion.

So is it murder when a man lawfully kills his wife under sharia law?

Was it murder when slave owners killed their slaves?

When you have laws that permit human rights violations, even though the law determines at that time you have not committed a crime, you have still committed a crime against humanity. Germany understands this, now....laws that legalize murder are bad law, and when people establish them, it's just a matter of time before the society crumbles and the people who established the bad laws are exposed as fascists and murderers.

The doctors who killed in the name of improving the race, though they were perfectly within the boundaries of the current law in doing so, were ultimately put on trial for crimes against humanity, and some of them were hanged. I wouldn't hold too dearly to the concept that "if it's legal we don't have to worry about it, it's okay". Ultimately, the world will judge the people who establish such laws and act accordingly...and they will be held will the people who were willing to look the other way.

Boy, this comment sure shut USwings up real fast. LOL! He must be flabbergasted and at a loss for words. I love it. I thoroughly expected him to have replied to this by now far, nothing. All I hear are crickets.
The only stat that counts, CG, as Seawytch notes the vagueness of polling definitons belows in her comment, is the electorate.

American women overwhelmingly told our GOP we are wrong, really wrong, on this issue.

The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

You haven't got anything to substantiate this claim.

Here it is...folks. Opposition to the murder of a human being = *crazy evangelical cultist opinion*, according to JakeStarkey. LOL!

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.

Really? Got anything to qualify this claim?

In a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 52% said abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, while 25% said it should be legal under any circumstances. And, 20% said it should be illegal in all circumstances, only 5% lower than those thinking it should be legal under any circumstance.

Additionally, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 39% said abortion should be legal in only a few circumstances, while 25% said legal in all circumstances and 13% said legal under most circumstances.

And, lastly, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 50% identified themselves as pro-life, while 41 identified themselves as pro-choice.

So, back up your claim "large majority" of Americans.

The problem with labels...

I consider myself pro-life but support a woman's right to a safe, legal abortion.
CG, kg does not define murder or abortion in America.

That is done by the appropriate legal and medical authorities, which kg is not.

She, and you, by extension, are merely evangelical cultists who wish to push your form of evangelical sharia morality onto all Americans.

The last election clearly shows you don't have a chance.

Apparently I need to explain the definition of murder for you so to better represent the facts.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human,

Since abortion is not unlawful, it is not murder, therefor your use of the word murder makes your argument faulty.
Pointing out a flaw in your argument is not a defense of abortion.

So is it murder when a man lawfully kills his wife under sharia law?

Was it murder when slave owners killed their slaves?

When you have laws that permit human rights violations, even though the law determines at that time you have not committed a crime, you have still committed a crime against humanity. Germany understands this, now....laws that legalize murder are bad law, and when people establish them, it's just a matter of time before the society crumbles and the people who established the bad laws are exposed as fascists and murderers.

The doctors who killed in the name of improving the race, though they were perfectly within the boundaries of the current law in doing so, were ultimately put on trial for crimes against humanity, and some of them were hanged. I wouldn't hold too dearly to the concept that "if it's legal we don't have to worry about it, it's okay". Ultimately, the world will judge the people who establish such laws and act accordingly...and they will be held will the people who were willing to look the other way.

Boy, this comment sure shut USwings up real fast. LOL! He must be flabbergasted and at a loss for words. I love it. I thoroughly expected him to have replied to this by now far, nothing. All I hear are crickets.
Prove it. Prove the womens' vote for Obama had squat to do with Obama's stance on abortion. You can't. The womens' vote mostly came from blacks, Hispanics and Asians, probably because (a) they're hormones were doing the voting for them, since most of the womens' vote came from single women, as opposed to married women and, (b) due to those very reasons is cite in another thread about the demographics found here:

You have NOTHING to qualify any claim you may have that any particular given woman voted for Obama because of his stance on abortion. Did some of them? Well, no doubt. Did an overwhelming number of them? Unlikely. According to Fox's exit polls, white women voted Romney 56% to Obama's 42%. However, black women voted for Obama 96% to Romney's 3% and, Latino women voted for Obama 76% to Romney's 23%. And, in the "All other races" category, they voted for Obama 66% to Romney's 31%. So, don't give me this crap Obama's stance on abortion somehow played any significant role in the women's vote for Obama.

And, lastly, keep your overdramatic "overwhelmingly" gibberish. It was 56% to 44% for women according to the exit polls. A 12% difference is hardly, overwhelming.

The only stat that counts, CG, as Seawytch notes the vagueness of polling definitons belows in her comment, is the electorate.

American women overwhelmingly told our GOP we are wrong, really wrong, on this issue.

You haven't got anything to substantiate this claim.

Here it is...folks. Opposition to the murder of a human being = *crazy evangelical cultist opinion*, according to JakeStarkey. LOL!

Really? Got anything to qualify this claim?

In a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 52% said abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, while 25% said it should be legal under any circumstances. And, 20% said it should be illegal in all circumstances, only 5% lower than those thinking it should be legal under any circumstance.

Additionally, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 39% said abortion should be legal in only a few circumstances, while 25% said legal in all circumstances and 13% said legal under most circumstances.

And, lastly, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 50% identified themselves as pro-life, while 41 identified themselves as pro-choice.

So, back up your claim "large majority" of Americans.

The problem with labels...

I consider myself pro-life but support a woman's right to a safe, legal abortion.
By all means hop in your time machine, to your made up future. Make erroneous comparisons if that floats your boat. It doesn't change the facts, or reality that abortion is legal, and that President Obama will be picking the next justices for the Supreme Court. In case you don't understand, any rulings affecting abortion will be decided by the Supreme Court. The law is not going to change for the better in our lifetime. Pat yourselves on the back all you want about your delusions. Thick skulls are thick skulls, I can make it any simpler for you to understand. There's likely to be 30 million abortions in the next 20 years in the US. Nothing your talking about is going to stop them. The government is not going to stop abortions, only mothers will.

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