Can Reps modify abortion stance?

The Democrats cannot be more pleased if they had invented Guy, and Unko, and their weird buddies.

The hatred the far right with its crazy cultists from the evangelical denominations are showing here is exactly why the GOP will never win another national election if they are not cut loose or change. All of their whining will never change anything other than put more Americans in the other party's column.

Looking back at the op, pretending to be human, pro-human, pro-woman - It just won't be enough.

The R cannot pretend to care about other Americans or other humans because, just as with Mittens, REAL humans will see right through that.

See here it is again..if you chip at these weirdos it always comes out.

meme in another thread is talking about how those who don't agree with her (or him) are less than human...and here we have luddly doing the same thing.

They think there are DEGREES of humans..some are more human, and thus worthy of life...and some are less human...and therefore not worthy of life, or consideration.

It's the exact same foundation upon which the Nazi ovens were built.
Your opinions are not law and certainly not moral, CG.

Your beliefs mean nothing.

My opinions are certainly not moral? Want to elaborate a little further on how it is you reach this summation? And, awwwwww, how quaint. A leftist giving me sermons about law. I know quite well what the law is and unfortunately for you it seems there's one thing you don't understand. Laws can be modified or scrapped entirely at any given time. What may be a law today, may not be a law tomorrow.

And, lastly, of course my beliefs mean nothing to an amoral leftist.
He is only regurgitating things that have been said to him. And he will never specify or provide anything that supports any of his ridiculous spoutings.
Most people don't think a fetus is the same as a human being, even when the pregnancy is wanted.

Of course they do. Don't make the mistake of thinking your fucked up view of the world is 'normal.'

I'd like to see JoeB131 use this argument in front of a judge after he intentionally or accidentally killed some woman's unborn child. "But, but, but...judge, most people don't think a fetus is the same as a human being." My bet is this argument wouldn't stand the test.
The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

CG, Roo, Unkotare, and kg are not going to dictate their crazy evangelical cultists opinions on abortion as anything worthy to be part of a party platform much less law.

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.
The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

You haven't got anything to substantiate this claim.

CG, Roo, Unkotare, and kg are not going to dictate their crazy evangelical cultists opinions on abortion as anything worthy to be part of a party platform much less law.

Here it is...folks. Opposition to the murder of a human being = *crazy evangelical cultist opinion*, according to JakeStarkey. LOL!

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.

Really? Got anything to qualify this claim?

In a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 52% said abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, while 25% said it should be legal under any circumstances. And, 20% said it should be illegal in all circumstances, only 5% lower than those thinking it should be legal under any circumstance.

Additionally, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 39% said abortion should be legal in only a few circumstances, while 25% said legal in all circumstances and 13% said legal under most circumstances.

And, lastly, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 50% identified themselves as pro-life, while 41 identified themselves as pro-choice.

So, back up your claim "large majority" of Americans.
Just his own lofty opinion of himself :)

Thi board is Jake's only thread of relevancy to the world.

The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

You haven't got anything to substantiate this claim.

CG, Roo, Unkotare, and kg are not going to dictate their crazy evangelical cultists opinions on abortion as anything worthy to be part of a party platform much less law.

Here it is...folks. Opposition to the murder of a human being = *crazy evangelical cultist opinion*, according to JakeStarkey. LOL!

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.

Really? Got anything to qualify this claim?

In a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 52% said abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, while 25% said it should be legal under any circumstances. And, 20% said it should be illegal in all circumstances, only 5% lower than those thinking it should be legal under any circumstance.

Additionally, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 39% said abortion should be legal in only a few circumstances, while 25% said legal in all circumstances and 13% said legal under most circumstances.

And, lastly, in a 2012, May 3rd through 6th Gallup poll, 50% identified themselves as pro-life, while 41 identified themselves as pro-choice.

So, back up your claim "large majority" of Americans.
Why was the GOP so awful at public relations this year? They fed the war on women rhetoric and the anti-Hispanic meme instead of combating it.

They didn't feed it, they tried to ignore it hoping that people would be intelligent enough to draw their own conclusions instead of gobbling the lies of the left.

We were wrong. People aren't that intelligent. You guys like the fear mongering and lies, heck, you participate in it.

You nailed it! The general American voting public, just not smart enough to understand how wonderful Reps really are. Reps are so intelligent, just ask them.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.
Abortion is within the law, so the rest of the argument faulty.
Abortion is the law in America. That will not change, and American women will not accept the GOP position as it stands right now. The evangelical cultists cannot push their values down American throats, not electorally anyway.

Fakey technique #3 right there. Sometimes he gets stuck on #3 for hours and hours.
The above is clearly why the women of American rejected the GOP in the last election.

CG, Roo, Unkotare, and kg are not going to dictate their crazy evangelical cultists opinions on abortion as anything worthy to be part of a party platform much less law.

You guys are considered loons by the large majority of Americans, obviously.

Fakey technique #3 AGAIN~
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

Your premise is wrong, this is the definition of Murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human.

What's abortion if it isn't with malice aforethought?

Abortion is within the law,

For now.

so the rest of the argument faulty.

Your brain is faulty. Which, suggests, it's only too bad you weren't aborted. Seems, a lot of people support the abortion of an unborn child if it's determined the child will suffer mental or physical abnormalities when it's born. So, maybe it won't be an entirely bad thing after all. Since being a leftist is a mental abnormality things might turn around for the better if we keep abortion legal.

So, you know what? You've changed my position. Since the type of people who would get abortions are those who will likely be the type of people to raise their children to be leftists if they're forced to keep their child? Yeah, we ought to keep it legal. Thin out the leftist herd a little bit.

Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

It's more like losing the game and complaining about the ref. If you can't win on the field, cry about the refs. Reps need to get off their butts and show up on Sunday, with a game plan that works on the field. There is no excuse for not understanding that the game has changed. As of now I don't see a lot of hope for the next election. Reps are getting schooled, and are playing catch up. We picked a fight with the lame stream media, thank you Rush, and guess what, they hit back. Media bias, no kidding, we've been talking about it since Reagan. You have to like the Reps back up plan, when the country goes down the drain, we will be there to say, we told you so. Here's a hint Reps, if you can't go to NY, or California, and garner some support for your message, then go back to your cave and write on the walls. Reps have written off States, Blacks, gays, Hispanics, and our youth. Woman have said, give me your number, I'll call you.

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