Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

And with good reason: there is no such thing as ‘media bias.’

‘Media bias’ is a myth contrived by the right decades ago when the press related truthful accounts of events that conflicted with conservative dogma, or cast the American government in a bad light, or both.

“Obamamedia” is merely another inane variation of the same old, tedious theme.

Please please please start a thread on this. I would love to decimate you.
Back on topic:

I posted this in another thread, and I've asked the same question many times, but mysteriously, the leftists always manage to "miss" that post, and I have never, ever received an answer.

Let's try it again, and see if any of THIS thread's leftists have bigger balls than my neutered tomcat, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

There are a lot of things that are "no big deal", but it doesn't mean you are for them.

For instance, if one doesn't use profanity or approve of it, they should still support a person's right to free speech.

It's still not a fun procedure for a woman to go through, and frankly, a lot of women make that choice out of desperation because the greed people like you support doesn't give them much of a choice.

So, yeah, prevention and alternatives are better, but at the end of the day, abortion should be legal because women will get them regardless of what the law is.
Abortion is the law in America. That will not change, and American women will not accept the GOP position as it stands right now. The evangelical cultists cannot push their values down American throats, not electorally anyway.

Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

When has abortion ever been prosecuted as murder in America?

Wouldn't the more appropriate question be: When has the death of an unborn child ever been prosecuted as murder in America? Abortion has never been prosecuted as murder in America and, that's the point. Why is it if a drunk driver, for example, gets in an accident with a pregnant woman and kills her unborn child, the drunk driver can face murder or manslaughter charges but, it's a-okay for a woman who was just partying and drunk and wanted to just have a little fun, to purposefully kill her unborn child because she doesn't want the responsibility of the consequences of her having a little fun?

If I walk up to a pregnant woman and punch her in the gut and kill the woman's unborn child doing so, I can go to prison on murder or manslaughter charges. However, if that same woman wants to go in and purposefully have that unborn child killed, that's no problem. See anything wrong and contradictory in this picture?
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Shut up, you moron. We're reaching the saturation point of your idiocy. You've dumbed down too many threads in one day...abort abort abort...
If we don't change the position, AmyNation, our GOP will dissolve anyway. Let's try something rational and acceptable to American women. Evangelical cultists no more control American values than did the Puritans.

Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

What? You don't 'buy' it? Then you refuse to see it.

The message is controlled by the messenger, and he works for the other team.

Well then, I guess republicans should just give up and go home.
Why don't you explain why you think it's a personal choice, and how laws allowing it improve the quality of life.

Also please go on your rant about the warehouses full of coma patients that need to be offed again...I think that would fit in nicely here.

WHy do you go into these tangents that no one is talking about.

If you can't reasonably make the case that a fetus is a human being just like a person with a name and job, then throwing out coma patients or whatever else just shows how weak your argument is.

Most people don't think a fetus is the same as a human being, even when the pregnancy is wanted.

Sure, nutcase.
Very good, Unaware, keep acknowledging your problems. You can get better if you realize you are projecting on others.

Unkotare cannot change. He is what he is, projecting his problems on others.

There's a #1 again.

Didn't we have this conversation already? Only then it was you being called to the mat for projecting...

Remember? Everyone else does....

flake the human projector...


Back on topic:

I posted this in another thread, and I've asked the same question many times, but mysteriously, the leftists always manage to "miss" that post, and I have never, ever received an answer.

Let's try it again, and see if any of THIS thread's leftists have bigger balls than my neutered tomcat, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

There are a lot of things that are "no big deal", but it doesn't mean you are for them.

For instance, if one doesn't use profanity or approve of it, they should still support a person's right to free speech.

It's still not a fun procedure for a woman to go through, and frankly, a lot of women make that choice out of desperation because the greed people like you support doesn't give them much of a choice.

So, yeah, prevention and alternatives are better, but at the end of the day, abortion should be legal because women will get them regardless of what the law is.

"...but at the end of the day, murders should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, rapes should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, thefts should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, robberies should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

What a winning philosophy, Joe...
The problem with you, Guy, is that abortion is not murder. American women will destroy the Republican Party if it does not change. And if SCOTUS overrules Roe v Wade, American women, dems and pubs, will vote overwhelmingly against the Republican Party.

Your values do not rule American politics any more.
Sure it is. Just as honor killing is murder, regardless of the legality of it.

Back on topic:

I posted this in another thread, and I've asked the same question many times, but mysteriously, the leftists always manage to "miss" that post, and I have never, ever received an answer.

Let's try it again, and see if any of THIS thread's leftists have bigger balls than my neutered tomcat, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

There are a lot of things that are "no big deal", but it doesn't mean you are for them.

For instance, if one doesn't use profanity or approve of it, they should still support a person's right to free speech.

It's still not a fun procedure for a woman to go through, and frankly, a lot of women make that choice out of desperation because the greed people like you support doesn't give them much of a choice.

So, yeah, prevention and alternatives are better, but at the end of the day, abortion should be legal because women will get them regardless of what the law is.

And, also because it is the basic right of everyl human being to decide how to use their own body.

And, yes of course, I absolutely, 100% and more, pro-choice.

Like it or not because it really doesn't matter, abortion is a choice and the nutter rw's/fundies have no right to even question that.
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The Democrats cannot be more pleased if they had invented Guy, and Unko, and their weird buddies.

The hatred the far right with its crazy cultists from the evangelical denominations are showing here is exactly why the GOP will never win another national election if they are not cut loose or change. All of their whining will never change anything other than put more Americans in the other party's column.
Back on topic:

I posted this in another thread, and I've asked the same question many times, but mysteriously, the leftists always manage to "miss" that post, and I have never, ever received an answer.

Let's try it again, and see if any of THIS thread's leftists have bigger balls than my neutered tomcat, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

There are a lot of things that are "no big deal", but it doesn't mean you are for them.

For instance, if one doesn't use profanity or approve of it, they should still support a person's right to free speech.

It's still not a fun procedure for a woman to go through, and frankly, a lot of women make that choice out of desperation because the greed people like you support doesn't give them much of a choice.

So, yeah, prevention and alternatives are better, but at the end of the day, abortion should be legal because women will get them regardless of what the law is.

"...but at the end of the day, murders should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, rapes should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, thefts should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, robberies should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

What a winning philosophy, Joe...

You'll never understand this but



Back on topic:

I posted this in another thread, and I've asked the same question many times, but mysteriously, the leftists always manage to "miss" that post, and I have never, ever received an answer.

Let's try it again, and see if any of THIS thread's leftists have bigger balls than my neutered tomcat, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

There are a lot of things that are "no big deal", but it doesn't mean you are for them.

For instance, if one doesn't use profanity or approve of it, they should still support a person's right to free speech.

It's still not a fun procedure for a woman to go through, and frankly, a lot of women make that choice out of desperation because the greed people like you support doesn't give them much of a choice.

So, yeah, prevention and alternatives are better, but at the end of the day, abortion should be legal because women will get them regardless of what the law is.

And, also because it is the basic right of everyl human being to decide how to use their won body.

And, yes of course, I absolutely, 100% and more, pro-choice.

Like it or not because it really doesn't matter, abortion is a choice and the nutter rw's/fundies have no right to even question that.

You have the right how to use your own body, unless you use your body to hurt or kill.

Then you no longer have the right. That is where your rights end.

Progressives don't get this because they are fascists.

"...but at the end of the day, murders should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, rapes should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, thefts should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

"...but at the end of the day, robberies should be legal because people will commit them regardless of what the law is."

What a winning philosophy, Joe...

No more than an asshole "Libertarian" who wants to make a woman's Lady Parts "property of the State"...

Fact is, people actually GIVE a shit about those crimes. That's why those laws mostly work.

We don't have 1.2 million murders. The laws are enforceable because everyone agrees they should be enforced. Which is why family members will turn in murderers.


An abortion law would be UNENFORCABLE because no one cares. That's why women were never arrested for having abortions, and the only time they arrested abortionists, it was when they screwed up and injured the woman. And even then, they were never charged with "Murder" for killing a fetus.

No one is going to turn in their sister, or daughter for having an abortion.
The Democrats cannot be more pleased if they had invented Guy, and Unko, and their weird buddies.

The hatred the far right with its crazy cultists from the evangelical denominations are showing here is exactly why the GOP will never win another national election if they are not cut loose or change. All of their whining will never change anything other than put more Americans in the other party's column.

Looking back at the op, pretending to be human, pro-human, pro-woman - It just won't be enough.

The R cannot pretend to care about other Americans or other humans because, just as with Mittens, REAL humans will see right through that.
Yeah, there you go again claiming anyone opposed to murder is pushing "their values down American throats". If being opposed to murder is pushing my values down American throats? So be it, live with it and, if you don't like it...too fucking bad! But, then again, considering how much I'm beginning to despise leftists? I might feel inclined in the not too distant future to support the murder of unborn children. God forbid they grow up to be wretched leftists. We'd all just be better off them not being born in the first place.

Abortion is the law in America. That will not change, and American women will not accept the GOP position as it stands right now. The evangelical cultists cannot push their values down American throats, not electorally anyway.

When has abortion ever been prosecuted as murder in America?

Wouldn't the more appropriate question be: When has the death of an unborn child ever been prosecuted as murder in America? Abortion has never been prosecuted as murder in America and, that's the point. Why is it if a drunk driver, for example, gets in an accident with a pregnant woman and kills her unborn child, the drunk driver can face murder or manslaughter charges but, it's a-okay for a woman who was just partying and drunk and wanted to just have a little fun, to purposefully kill her unborn child because she doesn't want the responsibility of the consequences of her having a little fun?

If I walk up to a pregnant woman and punch her in the gut and kill the woman's unborn child doing so, I can go to prison on murder or manslaughter charges. However, if that same woman wants to go in and purposefully have that unborn child killed, that's no problem. See anything wrong and contradictory in this picture?


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