Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Unkotare, go ahead and have fun with it for awhile, because that is all you have, your silly games on the Board as the rest of the party is mobilizing to move forward. :cool:
I never said they represent the GOP's position. However they can and do reflect badly on the party.

That's why the nut who made the stupid "legitimate rape" comment was slapped down right away.

As I was bemoaning earlier in the thread, the GOP this year has done a poor job of beating out the dems PR. Yes, they rejected that idiot, however the dems were successful in tying his craziness to the GOP in voters minds.

It was not the GOP doing a 'poor job', it was the Obamamedia keeping the idiot FRONT AND CENTER even though the idiot had ALREADY been slapped down. The Obamamedia has been pulling the strings for quite a while now and the gullible Oprah watchers have been swallowing it whole like bon-bons on the sofa.

Let's take a REAL moron like Hank Johnson and his assertion that Guam would 'tip over' or 'capsize' because of the overcrowding of people on the island. That was the most idiotic statement EVER uttered in Congress and yet it NEVER made the news, other than the ORIGINAL hearing aired on C-SPAN. Had a Republican made that ridiculous statement it would have played every 15 minutes for a WEEK on the alphabet soup of TV networks and been dissected and discussed ad nauseum by the pundits in the papers.

Say what you want but the media bias is as plain as the nose on your face.
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Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.
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Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

When has abortion ever been prosecuted as murder in America?
Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

What? You don't 'buy' it? Then you refuse to see it.

The message is controlled by the messenger, and he works for the other team.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Murder is a "religious issue"? I disagree. Further, to oppose murder, is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it"? Okay, if opposing murder is "trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it" then, so be it. I will be against murder even if I'm the last one standing, who opposes it. Are there times when it's necessary that a life has to be sacrificed to save another? Sure. But, to extinguish that life just because you don't want the responsibility of dealing with the consequences of your actions when a pregnancy is a result of having fun? Sorry, that's a cop out.

When has abortion ever been prosecuted as murder in America?

Wouldn't the more appropriate question be: When has the death of an unborn child ever been prosecuted as murder in America? Abortion has never been prosecuted as murder in America and, that's the point. Why is it if a drunk driver, for example, gets in an accident with a pregnant woman and kills her unborn child, the drunk driver can face murder or manslaughter charges but, it's a-okay for a woman who was just partying and drunk and wanted to just have a little fun, to purposefully kill her unborn child because she doesn't want the responsibility of the consequences of her having a little fun?

If I walk up to a pregnant woman and punch her in the gut and kill the woman's unborn child doing so, I can go to prison on murder or manslaughter charges. However, if that same woman wants to go in and purposefully have that unborn child killed, that's no problem. See anything wrong and contradictory in this picture?
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Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

And with good reason: there is no such thing as ‘media bias.’

‘Media bias’ is a myth contrived by the right decades ago when the press related truthful accounts of events that conflicted with conservative dogma, or cast the American government in a bad light, or both.

“Obamamedia” is merely another inane variation of the same old, tedious theme.
Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

What? You don't 'buy' it? Then you refuse to see it.

The message is controlled by the messenger, and he works for the other team.

Well then, I guess republicans should just give up and go home.
Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

And with good reason: there is no such thing as ‘media bias.’

‘Media bias’ is a myth contrived by the right decades ago when the press related truthful accounts of events that conflicted with conservative dogma, or cast the American government in a bad light, or both.

“Obamamedia” is merely another inane variation of the same old, tedious theme.

"And dozens of real world examples can't make me change my mind!!"

Gawd, you're stupid for a lawyer, Clayton...
Yeah, I don't buy media bias. That's a bit like the political "the dog ate my homework" excuse. You work with the hand your dealt, and it's your job to make sure your message is heard.

And with good reason: there is no such thing as ‘media bias.’


Some people (yes, YOU) are so ridiculously partisan that it is impossible to take them seriously.
Back on topic:

I posted this in another thread, and I've asked the same question many times, but mysteriously, the leftists always manage to "miss" that post, and I have never, ever received an answer.

Let's try it again, and see if any of THIS thread's leftists have bigger balls than my neutered tomcat, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?
Why don't you explain why you think it's a personal choice, and how laws allowing it improve the quality of life.

Also please go on your rant about the warehouses full of coma patients that need to be offed again...I think that would fit in nicely here.

WHy do you go into these tangents that no one is talking about.

If you can't reasonably make the case that a fetus is a human being just like a person with a name and job, then throwing out coma patients or whatever else just shows how weak your argument is.

Most people don't think a fetus is the same as a human being, even when the pregnancy is wanted.

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