Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Scores of millions of women said it was wrong in the election.

The GOP plank on abortion as is now must change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

We cannot sell it only as health of the mother (and we have dipwads who think that should not be included: talk about a death culture for moms).

The GOP will never win another national election if the party does not change.

Well... I think it depends on how you define "right". In the context of this thread, I don't think the GOP should change their view on abortion, and I dont agree that it's a losing view.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision.
For a political party that has millions of voters in it to make claims about the WRONG health care decisions others make IS a losing view.
Just ask millions of GOP voters and they will tell you it IS a losing view.
Always has been and always will be.
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Well... I think it depends on how you define "right". In the context of this thread, I don't think the GOP should change their view on abortion, and I dont agree that it's a losing view.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision.
For a political party that has millions of voters in it to make claims about the WRONG health care decisions others make IS a losing view.
Just ask millions of GOP voters and they will tell you it IS a losing view.
Always has been and always will be.

I disagree. I think a lot of the rhetoric is what turns people off, not the actual position. Roughly half the nation is pro-life, it's the "legitimate rape" "the female body can shut that down"," sluts should pay for their own birth control" nonsense that's bad.
The GOP must change the plank to include exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

This will allow millions of women to vote for the GOP next time that did not last time.

We don't have to say a word about Roe v Wade, because that is a done deal. And if SCOTUS ever overturns it, the women of America will destroy the Republican Partry.

Well... I think it depends on how you define "right". In the context of this thread, I don't think the GOP should change their view on abortion, and I dont agree that it's a losing view.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision.
For a political party that has millions of voters in it to make claims about the WRONG health care decisions others make IS a losing view.
Just ask millions of GOP voters and they will tell you it IS a losing view.
Always has been and always will be.

I disagree. I think a lot of the rhetoric is what turns people off, not the actual position. Roughly half the nation is pro-life, it's the "legitimate rape" "the female body can shut that down"," sluts should pay for their own birth control" nonsense that's bad.
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Scores of millions of women said it was wrong in the election.

The GOP plank on abortion as is now must change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

We cannot sell it only as health of the mother (and we have dipwads who think that should not be included: talk about a death culture for moms).

The GOP will never win another national election if the party does not change.

Well... I think it depends on how you define "right". In the context of this thread, I don't think the GOP should change their view on abortion, and I dont agree that it's a losing view.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision.
For a political party that has millions of voters in it to make claims about the WRONG health care decisions others make IS a losing view.
Just ask millions of GOP voters and they will tell you it IS a losing view.
Always has been and always will be.

"include health of the mother"
Any and every doctor that wants to perform ANY abortion anywhere in America would use that vague and broad term and then perform the abortion.
Every time, every where in every state. Same as before and forever.
And NO doctor would ever question another doctor's diagnosis on that. NONE would. EVER.
If any and every doctor THAT PERFORMS ABORTIONS was going to use that each and every time they performed an abortion and NO doctor exists anywhere in this great country to publicly proclaim that the abortion WAS NOT NEEDED for health reasons for the mother then how in the HELL does ANYONE get prosecuted for abortion and how does making abortion illegal stop ONE abortion?
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One, we were just taught we can't do it that the way the GOP plank reads. American women kicked out political butt, particularly the younger and single women. They simply are not going to allow evangelicals what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

Two, come up with some better than my suggestion is politically feasible.

Why? Either the party changes or the party dies. That won't happen. The mainstream of the party will drive the far right into the wilderness first.
Scores of millions of women said it was wrong in the election.

The GOP plank on abortion as is now must change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

We cannot sell it only as health of the mother (and we have dipwads who think that should not be included: talk about a death culture for moms).

The GOP will never win another national election if the party does not change.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision.
For a political party that has millions of voters in it to make claims about the WRONG health care decisions others make IS a losing view.
Just ask millions of GOP voters and they will tell you it IS a losing view.
Always has been and always will be.

"include health of the mother"
Any and every doctor that wants to perform ANY abortion anywhere in America would use that vague and broad term and then perform the abortion.
Every time, every where in every state. Same as before and forever.
And NO doctor would ever question another doctor's diagnosis on that. NONE would. EVER.
If any and every doctor THAT PERFORMS ABORTIONS was going to use that each and every time they performed an abortion and NO doctor exists anywhere in this great country to publicly proclaim that the abortion WAS NOT NEEDED for health reasons for the mother then how in the HELL does ANYONE get prosecuted for abortion and how does making abortion illegal stop ONE abortion?
Not true, pro-life doctors would turn other doctors in. States would do what they have done in reguards to rape, make it hard to declare an abortion for the health of the mother.

Illegal abortion as has been pointed out in this thread, just makes abortion hard on to get for the poor. Everyone else would just take a day trip to Canada or pay a doctor here, and get an abortion.
One, we were just taught we can't do it that the way the GOP plank reads. American women kicked out political butt, particularly the younger and single women. They simply are not going to allow evangelicals what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

Two, come up with some better than my suggestion is politically feasible.

Why? Either the party changes or the party dies. That won't happen. The mainstream of the party will drive the far right into the wilderness first.
Scores of millions of women said it was wrong in the election.

The GOP plank on abortion as is now must change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

We cannot sell it only as health of the mother (and we have dipwads who think that should not be included: talk about a death culture for moms).

The GOP will never win another national election if the party does not change.

"include health of the mother"
Any and every doctor that wants to perform ANY abortion anywhere in America would use that vague and broad term and then perform the abortion.
Every time, every where in every state. Same as before and forever.
And NO doctor would ever question another doctor's diagnosis on that. NONE would. EVER.
If any and every doctor THAT PERFORMS ABORTIONS was going to use that each and every time they performed an abortion and NO doctor exists anywhere in this great country to publicly proclaim that the abortion WAS NOT NEEDED for health reasons for the mother then how in the HELL does ANYONE get prosecuted for abortion and how does making abortion illegal stop ONE abortion?

I don't know if they can that, but they're backing away from their overt hostility to Hispanics fast enough to make my head spin.

There has been no "overt hostility to Hispanics" to back away from. That is just democrat propaganda.
My response is that Unkotare's way for the Republicans will continue to lead to defeat.
One, we were just taught we can't do it that the way the GOP plank reads. American women kicked out political butt, particularly the younger and single women. They simply are not going to allow evangelicals what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

Two, come up with some better than my suggestion is politically feasible.

Why? Either the party changes or the party dies. That won't happen. The mainstream of the party will drive the far right into the wilderness first.
Scores of millions of women said it was wrong in the election.

The GOP plank on abortion as is now must change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

We cannot sell it only as health of the mother (and we have dipwads who think that should not be included: talk about a death culture for moms).

The GOP will never win another national election if the party does not change.

"include health of the mother"
Any and every doctor that wants to perform ANY abortion anywhere in America would use that vague and broad term and then perform the abortion.
Every time, every where in every state. Same as before and forever.
And NO doctor would ever question another doctor's diagnosis on that. NONE would. EVER.
If any and every doctor THAT PERFORMS ABORTIONS was going to use that each and every time they performed an abortion and NO doctor exists anywhere in this great country to publicly proclaim that the abortion WAS NOT NEEDED for health reasons for the mother then how in the HELL does ANYONE get prosecuted for abortion and how does making abortion illegal stop ONE abortion?

Fuck politically feasible.
True conservatives do not meddle in the health care decisions of others be they right or wrong.
True conservatives NEVER want to give more power to government over the rights of the individual.
NO comment on abortion in the platform and no comment on gay this and that.
But that decision is not your decision to make, Unkotare. That is what the women of American told our candidate this time.
Well... I think it depends on how you define "right". In the context of this thread, I don't think the GOP should change their view on abortion, and I dont agree that it's a losing view.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision..

It's a decision that certainly affects the health of the unborn child.

No shit so what do we do? What is your remedy to ban abortion?
Yes, that is a true, conservative position 100%. However, fake conservatives here on this page believe they have to have something in the plank. So what should it be?

One, we were just taught we can't do it that the way the GOP plank reads. American women kicked out political butt, particularly the younger and single women. They simply are not going to allow evangelicals what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

Two, come up with some better than my suggestion is politically feasible.

Why? Either the party changes or the party dies. That won't happen. The mainstream of the party will drive the far right into the wilderness first.
"include health of the mother"
Any and every doctor that wants to perform ANY abortion anywhere in America would use that vague and broad term and then perform the abortion.
Every time, every where in every state. Same as before and forever.
And NO doctor would ever question another doctor's diagnosis on that. NONE would. EVER.
If any and every doctor THAT PERFORMS ABORTIONS was going to use that each and every time they performed an abortion and NO doctor exists anywhere in this great country to publicly proclaim that the abortion WAS NOT NEEDED for health reasons for the mother then how in the HELL does ANYONE get prosecuted for abortion and how does making abortion illegal stop ONE abortion?

Fuck politically feasible.
True conservatives do not meddle in the health care decisions of others be they right or wrong.
True conservatives NEVER want to give more power to government over the rights of the individual.
NO comment on abortion in the platform and no comment on gay this and that.

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