Can Reps modify abortion stance?

I have yet to put up a poster of a dead comedian as some sort of supporting argument.

I think being called crazy for equating sex - which can potentially kill you via AIDS - with drug use - which can potentially kill you via AIDS - by someone who equates sex with blowing one's nose - and if you ever listen to leftists talk about sex, that's exactly how much importance they attach to it - is probably a compliment.

If sanity means treating sex as though it's no more significant and life-changing than scratching your ass, I'll take crazy every time.

Shucks that life thing ain't complicated......the hounds down the street have two litters a year and a couple of mating sparrows can live up to ten years and produce over 2000 birds.

The reason the Republicans are so hung up on wanting more unwanted children in the world is they love to put their asses to death when they end up in trouble. We don't have to worry.....between the NRA's going armed and just ol' ordinary Republican on the street they can pick off some in the teens with their "Stand Your Ground" law.

Another morally bankrupt lefty trying to convice himself that human life has no value.
Then you do believe in abortion. Good. I misjudged you. You believe in abortion on demand. Got it.

That you believe in no abortion period is intolerable...
There's Fakey in flat-out dishonest mode. .

Fakey still in flat-out dishonest mode. What a pathetic little worm that he has to try and put words into people's mouths. What an infantile fool that this is the only way he engage in discussion.
I don't know if they can that, but they're backing away from their overt hostility to Hispanics fast enough to make my head spin.

They KNOW a losing horse once they ridden it.
I have yet to put up a poster of a dead comedian as some sort of supporting argument.

I think being called crazy for equating sex - which can potentially kill you via AIDS - with drug use - which can potentially kill you via AIDS - by someone who equates sex with blowing one's nose - and if you ever listen to leftists talk about sex, that's exactly how much importance they attach to it - is probably a compliment.

If sanity means treating sex as though it's no more significant and life-changing than scratching your ass, I'll take crazy every time.

Shucks that life thing ain't complicated......the hounds down the street have two litters a year and a couple of mating sparrows can live up to ten years and produce over 2000 birds.

The reason the Republicans are so hung up on wanting more unwanted children in the world is they love to put their asses to death when they end up in trouble. We don't have to worry.....between the NRA's going armed and just ol' ordinary Republican on the street they can pick off some in the teens with their "Stand Your Ground" law.

If things really bind up some Texas cowboy can declare war on a sovereign nation in the desert 10,000 miles away which has never harmed us and pick off 200,000-300,000 total strangers. It doesn't make any difference to the Pubs if they're innocent people at home minding their own business because everybody knows Halliburton and Blackwater have to eat too.

If I was ever THIS sociopathic - say, if I had a traumatic head injury or something - I hope to God someone would put me out of my misery before I became dangerous to others.
Show us by describing what you believe the abortion plank of the Republican Party should be. If you can't do that, then you are fail, little one.
[Fakey still in flat-out dishonest mode. What a pathetic little worm that he has to try and put words into people's mouths. What an infantile fool that this is the only way he engage in discussion.
I don't know if they can that, but they're backing away from their overt hostility to Hispanics fast enough to make my head spin.

They KNOW a losing horse once they ridden it.

Yeah, another myth. We've never been hostile towards Hispanics. So now that there's no way to support the lie, the word is that we're "backing away" from our hostility.
Now flake will come back with a riveting rejoinder...

that will of course just be a mirror image of something someone has said to him.

I predict...."You don't have anything original, do you." Since that's the most recent observation of his lack of debate material.
I also predict that in about 2 clicks he's going to say something about "debate skills".
Why was the GOP so awful at public relations this year? They fed the war on women rhetoric and the anti-Hispanic meme instead of combating it.

They didn't feed it, they tried to ignore it hoping that people would be intelligent enough to draw their own conclusions instead of gobbling the lies of the left.

We were wrong. People aren't that intelligent. You guys like the fear mongering and lies, heck, you participate in it.
Why was the GOP so awful at public relations this year? They fed the war on women rhetoric and the anti-Hispanic meme instead of combating it.

They didn't feed it, they tried to ignore it hoping that people would be intelligent enough to draw their own conclusions instead of gobbling the lies of the left.

We were wrong. People aren't that intelligent. You guys like the fear mongering and lies, heck, you participate in it.

Ignoring it was stupid. Someone slanders you, you don't just pretend it didn't happen. And yes, the GOP did feed them, the self-deportation, English only laws, electrified fences, voting no on equal pay acts, voting no on violence against women acts. They also allowed the dems to control the conversation. All bad.
You know that and I know that, apparently our dear leaders don't.

We need to get rid of asswads like McCain.
It just felt like they were out of step. They were always behind the story. Instead of coming out and saying "we're voting no on this bill because it adds unfair burdens to business" or " this bill has a nice name, but it gives illegals assistance we don't feel they deserve", they just allowed the dems to dominate the conversation and then by the time they spoke up the general public was already agaisnt them.
This has been going on for close to a decade.

We dropped the ball when we started compromising, and when we let the party pull to the left. We don't need to be less right, we need to be MORE right, and a lot more assertive.
Well... I think it depends on how you define "right". In the context of this thread, I don't think the GOP should change their view on abortion, and I dont agree that it's a losing view.

I oppose abortion but abortion is a personal health care decision.
For a political party that has millions of voters in it to make claims about the WRONG health care decisions others make IS a losing view.
Just ask millions of GOP voters and they will tell you it IS a losing view.
Always has been and always will be.
Why don't you explain why you think it's a personal choice, and how laws allowing it improve the quality of life.

Also please go on your rant about the warehouses full of coma patients that need to be offed again...I think that would fit in nicely here.

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