Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Poor Fakey, struggling with his (highly justified) inferiority complex.
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Never waste words on a functional semi-illiterate like you, Unkotare. :lol:

Translation: "I am illiterate".


You won't ever get substance from him. Ever. He just posts garbage.
:lol: I am enjoying the far right RINOs stumbling and bumbling around here.

We will modify the abortion plank in 2016 to include at least recognition of abortion (1) in the first trimester, and (2) exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

Does not matter that the far right evangelical bobble heads don't like it; they won't be able to block it.
On the internet I have no trouble dismantling far right idiocies.

Unkotare's semi-illiteracy and Roo's gayness are nothing to be ashamed of, if the former will but take adult literacy courses and Roo accepts himself for what he is.
Gee thanks, but I'm pretty familiar with that and many other sources you've never seen. In my nearly 20 years of editing, proofreading, teaching English, and tutoring students from grade school through graduate programs and international business people from every corner of the world, I've become familiar with a great many sources. I've worked with students, refugees, asylum seekers, business leaders, government officials, scientists, engineers, doctors, musicians, artists, researchers, and just about any other kind of person you can think of who needed to learn or improve their English. I've written curricula for entire schools, developed and run teacher training programs, and created tests and test preparation courses. Oh, and I delved pretty deeply into the grammar, structure, and use of English as well as other languages while I was earning my Master's Degree in Linguistics.

How about you?

Remember this post, Fakey? How about you, Fakey?

Well Fakey? How about you?

Fakey? Hello?
He will troll elsewhere, wait until you aren't posting, then return to claim victory when you aren't here.
LOL, he is no more relevant than a pimple on my ass.
Its entertaining to make him sing and dance at will.
:lo: I am a nice guy, Roo. You just have to be nice to me is all, because I do not tolerate fools as every far left and far right tuffie on the Board has found out. Unkotare simply is upset that he can't be what he pretends: someone who understands what the party is and needs for the future.

It is what is, little Roo and Unkotare.

Night, guys.
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Which means he does that a lot. He's probably doing the same thing in three different threads right now. Then he'll send weird pm messages to the people who can receive them, and wait until you're offline to come back and hit the threads again.
Poor Jake, I own you...its ok.

I cut my teeth on much more intelligent than you ;)

:lo: I am a nice guy, Roo. You just have to be nice to me is all, because I do not tolerate fools as every far left and far right tuffie on the Board has found out. Unkotare simply is upset that he can't be what he pretends: someone who understands what the party is and needs for the future.

It is what is, little Roo and Unkotare.

Night, guys.
This is old news, the Supreme Court made a ruling and the rights afforded and interpretation of the law stands. It is now a moral issue between those that have a conscious and moral compass and those that do not. To overturn Roe vs Wade a case must first go through the laborious court system, appellate court, and then referred to and accepted by the Supreme Court for final review and judication. Simply put, not going to happen. The liberal movement continues to employ the issue as a litmus test, smoke and mirror sham to discredit potential candidates, and the conservatives believe it is wrong and pay the price for their honesty and beliefs.
The question is and should always be should the tax payers of this country be liable for birth control and expense of providing abortions, the answer is no. Let the liberals set up foundations to fund these tasks and lets move forward, but don't discredit those that do not believe life is trivial to promote your agnostic beliefs.

That's too intellectual for joe. He'll just post a dumb picture, and claim he made you look stupid somehow.

Actually, I said something very similar at the beginning of this thread. Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, ever. I've said that many times.

Everything else is the typical Religious PIxie dust... when in fact the bible itself treats the death of a fetus as something only worth a fine.
There are also someSchool Districts handing out the pill and condoms....

Yeah, we wouldn't want those county health departments to be able to hand out free contraceptives without Planned Parenthood standing over them....that would be crazy. They can't be trusted to dispense free birth control...we must have an abortion clinic doing that.

Yikes, don't let joe or the obamadmin know...they'll shut those suckers down cuz if the abortionists ain't doing it, ain't NOBODY gunna do it!

I'm totally fine with that. Better money spent than having Bristol Palin say practice Abstinence, or you might get your own reality TV Show...


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