Can Reps modify abortion stance?

...and yet you go on and on and on about Repubs passing a Law you just said couldn't be passed....quite intelligent of you Lefty.

Never in American history have abortion laws been anything but a farce. Two prosecutions in over 100 years. And the fact that Congress will never pass such a law, knowing full well that 90% of those who voted for such a bill would not return to Congress.

It's the Women of American, you right wing statist progressives who want Big Government to do your will, who are your enemies, no one else.
Because Repubs who should know better, Roo, go on and on about a law that can't be passed. That is not going to work for the Party.

...and yet you go on and on and on about Repubs passing a Law you just said couldn't be passed....quite intelligent of you Lefty.

Never in American history have abortion laws been anything but a farce. Two prosecutions in over 100 years. And the fact that Congress will never pass such a law, knowing full well that 90% of those who voted for such a bill would not return to Congress.

It's the Women of American, you right wing statist progressives who want Big Government to do your will, who are your enemies, no one else.
Misdefining what is going on only reveals your inability to control matters now from the evangelical side.

I'm not "[m]isdefining" squat.

The plank will include exceptions for rape and incest next time, with many GOP signing onto a willingness to not disturb Roe v. Wade.

And this is something your crystal ball told you?

Republican women are coming over to this side more and more now.

Not because you say so though...right? Qualify your claim, if you can. I frankly don't know what kind of fantasy world it is you're living in which causes you to reach this conclusion that, somehow, Republican women are coming over to your side.

CG is merely mumbling, "Oh, no, you dinn't".

He does not get his opinions mean nothing in the GOP now.

Really? So you mean now all of a sudden the GOP is in favor of abortions because Obama won? Are you really this stupid as to believe this?
Because Repubs who should know better, Roo, go on and on about a law that can't be passed. That is not going to work for the Party.

...and yet you go on and on and on about Repubs passing a Law you just said couldn't be passed....quite intelligent of you Lefty.

Never in American history have abortion laws been anything but a farce. Two prosecutions in over 100 years. And the fact that Congress will never pass such a law, knowing full well that 90% of those who voted for such a bill would not return to Congress.

It's the Women of American, you right wing statist progressives who want Big Government to do your will, who are your enemies, no one else.

It's not about Party, Jake, it's about conscience. In good conscience I can do nothing other than speak against abortion, and advocate for it's end. The systematic butchering of human life in the name of convenience makes me physically ill, as it should ALL good men and women of conscience.

"Thou shalt not kill", remember that one?

Another reason I don't support the death penalty.
That is fine, GuyPinestra, I understand you standing by your conscience.

You will lose this on a party platform vote on the abortion plank next time around.

The question will be, will you still vote GOP?

That CG refuses to see what is happening is his issue only, no one else's.
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(smile) None of the Pub leaders do...this is your construct.

They have ben asked their personal views, and people like take that to mean that they would want to pass a law.

That is a lie

Because Repubs who should know better, Roo, go on and on about a law that can't be passed. That is not going to work for the Party.

...and yet you go on and on and on about Repubs passing a Law you just said couldn't be passed....quite intelligent of you Lefty.

Never in American history have abortion laws been anything but a farce. Two prosecutions in over 100 years. And the fact that Congress will never pass such a law, knowing full well that 90% of those who voted for such a bill would not return to Congress.

It's the Women of American, you right wing statist progressives who want Big Government to do your will, who are your enemies, no one else.
And if we did do something stupid like make abortion illegal, someone still would "take care of that sort of thing". Rich women will have doctors that do it...poor women will have coat hangars.

Good, let the poor women have coat hangers. They deserve a coat hanger. Then, they'll face the consequences of their actions and they'll experience some semblance of what that unborn child is going through. And, insofar as the rich women, their doctors can be arrested just as easily as any other doctor can be.

Keep abortion safe and legal...just make it rare.

Safe for whom? The dead kid?

And hey, here's a novel idea. Why don't we give that kid a chance to be adopted? And, make a law which states that as long as there is an American child that needs adopted, people can't adopt children from foreign countries like Angelina Jolie does?

Safe for the woman. The fetus or zygote isn't a "kid".

Sure it's a kid. Let's see you use that defense if you get in a car accident which is deemed your fault and kill some woman's unborn child. Go ahead, tell the judge "The fetus or zygote isn't a 'kid'" and you can't be charged with murder or manslaughter. Let's see how far it gets you.

I have an even more novel idea. Get your fucking laws out of my vagina and let me make private medical decisions with my doctor without your assistance.

I have an even more novel idea. Keep your legs closed and tell others to keep things out of your vagina and don't involve a another person's life in your poor decisions and then perhaps the laws won't need to get in your "vagina". It's not only your life which is involved here selfish baby hater.
Yes, you are lying.

Show us where the party leaders en masse want to pass such a law since the last election.

What you will find, if you but look, and since you brought it up you must disprove it, is that the party leaders saying, "Women and Hispanics voted against us, we have to get real."
(smile) None of the Pub leaders do...this is your construct.

They have ben asked their personal views, and people like take that to mean that they would want to pass a law.

That is a lie

Because Repubs who should know better, Roo, go on and on about a law that can't be passed. That is not going to work for the Party.

...and yet you go on and on and on about Repubs passing a Law you just said couldn't be passed....quite intelligent of you Lefty.
oooo sorry Jake, YOU need to prove that the party leaders from this past election wanted to pass a law banning abortion, you've been arguing for a week that they did.

Sorry kid, you ain't my first rodeo and I don't fall for silly tricks ;)

Yes, you are lying.

Show us where the party leaders en masse want to pass such a law since the last election.

What you will find, if you but look, and since you brought it up you must disprove it, is that the party leaders saying, "Women and Hispanics voted against us, we have to get real."
(smile) None of the Pub leaders do...this is your construct.

They have ben asked their personal views, and people like take that to mean that they would want to pass a law.

That is a lie

Because Repubs who should know better, Roo, go on and on about a law that can't be passed. That is not going to work for the Party.
Gotcha. Only the law can, under very limited circumstances, do what you just cited.

This works by law because Americans will support it.

Your contention, without law, that a fetus is a child, and all abortions should be outlawed, will never pass Congress because American women will not accept it.

The last election proves that without any hope of it changing.
You silly Roo, you have to prove that party leaders from the last election wanted such a law. If you say they didn't, sure,I will buy that.

And because they won't even try to pass such a law, the argument which would upset American women voters, then why do you want such a law?

oooo sorry Jake, YOU need to prove that the party leaders from this past election wanted to pass a law banning abortion, you've been arguing for a week that they did.

Sorry kid, you ain't my first rodeo and I don't fall for silly tricks ;)

Yes, you are lying.

Show us where the party leaders en masse want to pass such a law since the last election.

What you will find, if you but look, and since you brought it up you must disprove it, is that the party leaders saying, "Women and Hispanics voted against us, we have to get real."
(smile) None of the Pub leaders do...this is your construct.

They have ben asked their personal views, and people like take that to mean that they would want to pass a law.

That is a lie
Pro abortionists are sick puppies who support the killing of millions of human beings by calling them fetus, as if they are not living human beings (scientifically incorrect). They do this with the same self righteous attitude that allowed whites to legally kill black Americans by calling them ni**ers, as if they were less than complete human beings too...end of story.
(smile) Poor Jake, show me where I said I wanted this "law"?

...we both know I said that they never said they wanted to pass any law...thats your argument kid.

You should know by now I cannot be run in circles ;)

You silly Roo, you have to prove that party leaders from the last election wanted such a law. If you say they didn't, sure,I will buy that.

And because they won't even try to pass such a law, the argument which would upset American women voters, then why do you want such a law?

oooo sorry Jake, YOU need to prove that the party leaders from this past election wanted to pass a law banning abortion, you've been arguing for a week that they did.

Sorry kid, you ain't my first rodeo and I don't fall for silly tricks ;)

Yes, you are lying.

Show us where the party leaders en masse want to pass such a law since the last election.

What you will find, if you but look, and since you brought it up you must disprove it, is that the party leaders saying, "Women and Hispanics voted against us, we have to get real."
That is fine, GuyPinestra, I understand you standing by your conscience.

You will lose this on a party platform vote on the abortion plank next time around.

The question will be, will you still vote GOP?

That CG refuses to see what is happening is his issue only, no one else's.

Jake, I didn't vote GOP THIS time.

Another conscience issue for me, neither one of those losers earned my vote.
Show me were you did not, Roo.

You run in circles every day. :lol:

(smile) Poor Jake, show me where I said I wanted this "law"? ...we both know I said that they never said they wanted to pass any law...thats your argument kid.

You should know by now I cannot be run in circles ;)

You silly Roo, you have to prove that party leaders from the last election wanted such a law. If you say they didn't, sure,I will buy that.

And because they won't even try to pass such a law, the argument which would upset American women voters, then why do you want such a law?

oooo sorry Jake, YOU need to prove that the party leaders from this past election wanted to pass a law banning abortion, you've been arguing for a week that they did.

Sorry kid, you ain't my first rodeo and I don't fall for silly tricks ;)
I did not vote for McCain for the same reason, but having seen where I obama wants to go I could not do that again.

That is fine, GuyPinestra, I understand you standing by your conscience.

You will lose this on a party platform vote on the abortion plank next time around.

The question will be, will you still vote GOP?

That CG refuses to see what is happening is his issue only, no one else's.

Jake, I didn't vote GOP THIS time.

Another conscience issue for me, neither one of those losers earned my vote.
Guy, flapping your lips saying the same thing does not make it true.

By law, a fetus is not a child.

Your beliefs don't' matter, only the law.

Really? So, you're trying to tell us no one has ever been charged for murder or manslaughter for negligently killing some woman's unborn child through a car accident that's deemed their fault or killed some woman's unborn child because he beat his wife and hit her in the stomach or, anything like that?

Man charged with murder in south Houston drunken driving death of unborn child
May 14, 2012

A man charged with murder after a weekend drunken driving crash in south Houston that killed a woman's unborn child has three prior DWI offenses and was convicted in a 2000 wreck that also resulted in a child's death.

Man charged with trying to kill his unborn child by stomping on girlfriend's stomach
April 19, 2012

A Minnesota man tried to kill a fetus by stomping on his pregnant girlfriend's stomach, police said.

Kenneth L. Turner, 28, of Fridley, kicked, punched and choked his on-again, off-again girlfriend at her apartment during a three-hour attack early Friday, at one point ordering her to lie on her back before stomping on her stomach with both feet, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported.

The victim is two months pregnant. During the attack, Turner told her she didn't "deserve the baby" and said he was going to kill it, the newspaper said.


Turner was charged with first-degree attempted murder of an unborn child and domestic assault.

So, how can either of these two men be charged with murder or attempted murder if a fetus is not considered a child? And, how in the HELL can either of these two men face murder charges or attempted murder charges of the unborn child if it's okay for a woman to go in and purposefully kill her child?
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Then, Roo and Guy, don't work with GOP.

Work with those who feel as you do. That is how abolitionism began, small and reviled, and by 1860, was a true power house.
A fetus is not a living child, but under this law an unborn child. The attacker was a third party, not the woman.

The difference, my friend, is birth AND someone willing to make such a law.

I have been saying from the beginning that your opinion does not define murder, only the law does.

The fact is that you will never get a law outlawing abortion without exceptions. And if you, the first time there is a prosecution of a woman who gets one, there will be 10,000 women outside the court house.

Do you not get this? It cannot happen.

Guy, flapping your lips saying the same thing does not make it true.

By law, a fetus is not a child.

Your beliefs don't' matter, only the law.

Really? So, you're trying to tell us no one has ever been charged for murder or manslaughter for negligently killing some woman's unborn child through a car accident that's deemed their fault or killed some woman's unborn child because he beat his wife and hit her in the stomach or, anything like that?

Man charged with murder in south Houston drunken driving death of unborn child
May 14, 2012

A man charged with murder after a weekend drunken driving crash in south Houston that killed a woman's unborn child has three prior DWI offenses and was convicted in a 2000 wreck that also resulted in a child's death.

Man charged with trying to kill his unborn child by stomping on girlfriend's stomach
April 19, 2012

A Minnesota man tried to kill a fetus by stomping on his pregnant girlfriend's stomach, police said.

Kenneth L. Turner, 28, of Fridley, kicked, punched and choked his on-again, off-again girlfriend at her apartment during a three-hour attack early Friday, at one point ordering her to lie on her back before stomping on her stomach with both feet, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported.

The victim is two months pregnant. During the attack, Turner told her she didn't "deserve the baby" and said he was going to kill it, the newspaper said.


Turner was charged with first-degree attempted murder of an unborn child and domestic assault.

So, how can either of these two men be charged with murder or attempted murder if a fetus is not considered a child? And, how in the HELL can either of these two men face murder charges or attempted murder charges of the unborn child if it's okay for a woman to go in and purposefully kill her child?
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