Can Reps modify abortion stance?

By that reasoning there should be no laws at all about anything, you illogical turd.

Um... no, not really.

People won't tolerate murderers. They'd take them out and lynch them if the government did nothing.

That's kind of the point. We don't have 1.2 million murders in this country. We do have 1.2 million abortions. And we'd have the same amount even if they were illegal.

A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the US each year, but we still have laws against auto theft.

Besides I kind of question that statistic, considering we have something like a 100 million automobiles, that's not a signifigant amount.

Of course, if you count joy-riders the same as chop shops, you might get somewhere near yoru fanciful figure.

At the end of the day, though, you have insurance, so, nope, most people don't consider car theft that big of a deal.
This is the thing...people keep arguing this issue as if the progressives care about human life, as if they care about law, as if they have any desire to defend human rights.

You idiotically assume that they really AREN'T the exact same people who approved the concentration camps during WWII.

These are the same people. They have no respect for law, or for person, or for life. Look at joe's posts. That tells you all you need to know. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. They're monsters and they belong in prison.
64 percent of abortions in the US involve coercion.

That's forcible abortion, skippy.

Again, the fancy figure of an anti-Choice Zealot.

As opposed to being a pro-Death Zealot?

I have been chastised for posting a picture of the result of your bloodlust, so I will not post it again, but your desire to mangle and dismember innocent human beings really sets you apart from the HUMAN race.
No, actually, it's from a study that I cited, and which Guttmacher heralds.

Nice try, though.
They don't like people to see the reality.

They never have. Nazis didn't broadcast photos either.
Despite your protestations we are the mainstream, AND the future of the GOP.

The problem with the Right is that have become weak in the kness, much like you.

You think that the Right can ONLY win if they become more like the Left.


Then, Roo and Guy, don't work with GOP.

Work with those who feel as you do. That is how abolitionism began, small and reviled, and by 1860, was a true power house.
64 percent of abortions in the US involve coercion.

That's forcible abortion, skippy.

Again, the fancy figure of an anti-Choice Zealot.

As opposed to being a pro-Death Zealot?

I have been chastised for posting a picture of the result of your bloodlust, so I will not post it again, but your desire to mangle and dismember innocent human beings really sets you apart from the HUMAN race.

Well, you need to really stop posting your porn on this site...

I wonder what kind of sick fuck collects pictures like that.

(Incidently, the pictures they collect are usually ones of late abortions performed for valid medical reasons. They never post pictures of 2 month embryoes, which look more like cocktail shrimp than babies.


This is what a fetus looks like at 8 weeks. Not even remotely like a person.


And it is usually only 3/4 of an inch long.
By all means hop in your time machine, to your made up future. Make erroneous comparisons if that floats your boat. It doesn't change the facts, or reality that abortion is legal,

For now.

You hope Obama will be picking the next justices for the Supreme Court. Further, such justices need to be approved by Congress.

Oops, you are incorrect. The Supreme Court does not make law, they only interpret law. Congress makes law. If Congress creates a new law respecting abortion, all the Supreme Court can do is interpret this new law, not make it, change it or otherwise modify it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

This is what I said: Quote: Originally Posted by USwings
It doesn't change the facts, or reality that abortion is legal, and that President Obama will be picking the next justices for the Supreme Court. In case you don't understand, any rulings affecting abortion will be decided by the Supreme Court.

Do you know what a ruling is? If you need to rewrite my post to make your arguments, I won't take you seriously, schools out.
I know quite well what you said. And, the Supreme Court will only decide any ruling affecting abortion as determined by what laws are on the books at that time.

We'll see.
Pat yourselves on the back all you want about your delusions. Thick skulls are thick skulls, I can make it any simpler for you to understand. There's likely to be 30 million abortions in the next 20 years in the US. Nothing your talking about is going to stop them. The government is not going to stop abortions, only mothers will.

We'll see. Further, that there will be 30 million children killed over the next 20 years and you act so giddy about it and proud of your confidence that you're right? Despicable is the only word I can think of at the moment to describe such a nonchalant attitude.

I don't know CG, I'm just scratching my head. Your argument is "we'll see" and "for now". My point is, facing the awful reality of 30 million abortions to come, your plan to use government to stop them is futile.

I don't have no plan for "government" to stop them. I don't have a plan for "government" to allow them. States should make their own decisions as to stop them or allow them. And, I would prefer that they make the decision to stop them. But, the "government" should just stay the fuck out. And, this brings me to another thought. To those who keep saying the government, or the law, should stay out of their vaginas? It already IS in your vaginas. Only, in this instance, it's in support of your vaginas, rather than in support of the unborn child. So, it isn't a matter of you wanting government, or the law, out of your vaginas. You just only want it out of your vaginas if it doesn't support your agenda. As long as it supports your agenda then, by all means, it's a-okay for the government, or the law, to be in your vaginas, as is demonstrable by the laws in support of your vaginas, the current abortion laws.

The only way to stop an abortion it to convince the mother to have her baby.

Not necessarily. That's like trying to say the only way to have stopped Charles Manson is to have convinced his followers to have stopped killing for him.

You are blinded by your bias, and your plan is useless.

Support for life is "bias"?

I have never said I advocate abortion. You worship the law and government, they are not God.

I worship government? How so? And, if I worshiped the "law" in this instance, since the "law" is for abortion, I'd be supporting abortion. So, you make no sense when you proclaim I worship the law. And, that you claim you have never said you advocate abortion? Considering the staunch argument you're giving in support of abortion, I think by extension you're advocating abortion. One generally doesn't offer up an exhaustive argument for something, if they don't advocate it.

They will not stop abortions. The road you are on leads nowhere, your map is out of date.

They will not stop murder, rape, child molestation, theft, arson, assault, drunk driving and a whole host of other crimes either. Doesn't mean one just simply throws up their hands in the air in frustration and say, "I give up".

Your other arguments are about elementary operations of government, which I assume everyone already knows. They don't change my point. The president chooses the new justice.

I know quite well who chooses the new justice. However, any said justice has to make it through the confirmation process.

"The nine justices have an average age of 67. Several have battled health problems, and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg will pass their 80th birthdays in the next four years. Though court-watchers tend to tiptoe around discussions of the longevity of justices, who have lifetime appointments, they say it would be no surprise if more than one were to retire in the next four years."

Nothing but guessing. With people living longer and healthier in this day in age, they might be in until their 90s, for all you know. But, we'll see.
Again, the fancy figure of an anti-Choice Zealot.

As opposed to being a pro-Death Zealot?

I have been chastised for posting a picture of the result of your bloodlust, so I will not post it again, but your desire to mangle and dismember innocent human beings really sets you apart from the HUMAN race.

Well, you need to really stop posting your porn on this site...

I wonder what kind of sick fuck collects pictures like that.

(Incidently, the pictures they collect are usually ones of late abortions performed for valid medical reasons. They never post pictures of 2 month embryoes, which look more like cocktail shrimp than babies.


This is what a fetus looks like at 8 weeks. Not even remotely like a person.


And it is usually only 3/4 of an inch long.

The picture I posted was 10 weeks from conception. Other than the fact that it was ripped limb from limb it was quite obviously a human being. Fingers, toes, the whole 9 yards.

Why do you lie?
Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion

You have absolutely no grasp of logic, Rain Man. Just sit in the corner hugging your knees, rocking back and forth and repeating yourself over and over as you usually do when stuck in #3 mode.
Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion.

A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the US each year, but we still have laws against auto theft.

So it's not about stopping abortion, it's about having the law. Well at least you admit the law would not stop them from happening. What's the point of having the law again?

What's the point in having a law against auto theft? What's the point in having a law against murder? What's the point in having a law against arson? What's the point in having a law against child molestation? What's the point in having a law against rape? What's the point in having laws against drunk driving? What's the point in having laws against anything, since those laws will not completely stop the above-listed crimes and multitudes of other crimes not mentioned from happening?
Of course it applies to abortion in the well as euthanasia. You're just arguing the same (defeated) argument. Just because it's currently legal doesn't mean it's not murder.

LOL, that's laughable, The war crimes you speak of were written by countries that allow abortion. Do you think a national court can charge us with war crimes that they allow in their own country? You don't have to answer because the answer is no. I know your a teen but what you learned at 10 is not the whole story.

"Reporter Glen Ford noted that the world’s biggest potential defendant for war crimes and crimes against humanity is the United States, whose record of direct and indirect involvement in torture and mass killings has been unmatched by any other nation since at least World War II. It was primarily US pressure that forced Spain to close off its courts from international jurisdiction cases."

Is this what you are pushing? Yeah I want to vote for that.
The no-compromise evangelicals and allies are statist right wing progressives who want Big Government to prevent abortion except for life of the mother, and some of them don't want any abortion for any reason.

Who said anything about big government? You made that up. But, it's clear the left want big government to allow abortion no matter what the case may be. That's what's so hysterical when a woman tries to claim they don't want government, or the law, in their vaginas. It already IS in their vaginas. Only, it's in support of their agenda. And, since it's in support of their agenda, then it's a-okay for "big government", and the law, to be in their vaginas. It's quite funny, really. Here these people are yacking about how they don't want big government, or the law, in their vaginas but, they ask for government-mandated healthcare to pay for their abortions and contraceptives. Pffft! That's just too fucking funny!

Such a law if passed would never be enforced, and the women of America would make the GOP a historical inanity of the past.

That you take wild guesses and surmise such a law would never been enforced? You're wild guesses are of little relevance.

Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion.

So it's not about stopping abortion, it's about having the law. Well at least you admit the law would not stop them from happening. What's the point of having the law again?

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