Can Reps modify abortion stance?

I have four children, and I lost one child in a miscarriage at 24 weeks.

It was definitely a baby.

I also contributed a lot of time, money and heartache helping to raise two more who aren't mine.

Sorry about your loss, children are the biggest blessing God can give you. I know my son is mine.
Never in American history have abortion laws been anything but a farce. Two prosecutions in over 100 years. And the fact that Congress will never pass such a law, knowing full well that 90% of those who voted for such a bill would not return to Congress.

It's the Women of American, you right wing statist progressives who want Big Government to do your will, who are your enemies, no one else.

Again, what "right wing statist" said one fucking thing about "Big Government"? The only ones who want "Big Government" are the assholes running to "Big Government" to protect their ability to abort an unborn child and run to "Big Government" to have it pay for their fucking abortions and birth control pills. So, keep your "Big Government" tripe and apply it appropriately to yourself...chump! You jerkoffs holler about how the right allegedly somehow wants "Big Government" controlling women's vaginas when, in fact, it is YOU and your collective who want "Big Government" to protect your vaginas in support of your agenda and want "Big Government" to pay for your vaginas in the form of government-mandated healthcare used to perform abortions and pay for contraceptives. So, take your "Big Govermment" gibberish, shove it up your ass and...STFU!
That is fine, GuyPinestra, I understand you standing by your conscience.

You will lose this on a party platform vote on the abortion plank next time around.

The question will be, will you still vote GOP?

That CG refuses to see what is happening is his issue only, no one else's.

You have nothing to qualify your claim that the right will lose on any abortion plank...fabricator. You're just simply guessing and making crap up. That you're of the delusion that, somehow, Republicans lost because of their abortion plank? That's just too freakin' funny and you haven't got squat to substantiate such a premise.
Gotcha. Only the law can, under very limited circumstances, do what you just cited.

This works by law because Americans will support it.

Your contention, without law, that a fetus is a child, and all abortions should be outlawed, will never pass Congress because American women will not accept it.

The last election proves that without any hope of it changing.

The last election doesn't prove squat.
A fetus is not a living child, but under this law an unborn child. The attacker was a third party, not the woman.

If they're being charged with murder or attempted murder, this is to imply the child is living. You can't "murder" something of which isn't alive and face legal charges for doing so...idiot! Further, of course the attacker was third party and not the woman. However, how in the HELL can you charge the third party with murder or attempted murder if it's a-okay for the woman to purposefully go in and murder her own child? That's contradictory and pure bullshit.

The difference, my friend, is birth AND someone willing to make such a law.

First, I'm not your "friend". Second, they were charged with murder and attempted murder. That's all you need to know.

I have been saying from the beginning that your opinion does not define murder, only the law does.

The stories I presented are not my opinion. They are facts.

The fact is that you will never get a law outlawing abortion without exceptions. And if you, the first time there is a prosecution of a woman who gets one, there will be 10,000 women outside the court house.

Oh no...not THAT!

Do you not get this? It cannot happen.

Sure it can.

Guy, flapping your lips saying the same thing does not make it true.

By law, a fetus is not a child.

Your beliefs don't' matter, only the law.

Really? So, you're trying to tell us no one has ever been charged for murder or manslaughter for negligently killing some woman's unborn child through a car accident that's deemed their fault or killed some woman's unborn child because he beat his wife and hit her in the stomach or, anything like that?

Man charged with murder in south Houston drunken driving death of unborn child
May 14, 2012

A man charged with murder after a weekend drunken driving crash in south Houston that killed a woman's unborn child has three prior DWI offenses and was convicted in a 2000 wreck that also resulted in a child's death.

Man charged with trying to kill his unborn child by stomping on girlfriend's stomach
April 19, 2012

A Minnesota man tried to kill a fetus by stomping on his pregnant girlfriend's stomach, police said.

Kenneth L. Turner, 28, of Fridley, kicked, punched and choked his on-again, off-again girlfriend at her apartment during a three-hour attack early Friday, at one point ordering her to lie on her back before stomping on her stomach with both feet, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported.

The victim is two months pregnant. During the attack, Turner told her she didn't "deserve the baby" and said he was going to kill it, the newspaper said.


Turner was charged with first-degree attempted murder of an unborn child and domestic assault.

So, how can either of these two men be charged with murder or attempted murder if a fetus is not considered a child? And, how in the HELL can either of these two men face murder charges or attempted murder charges of the unborn child if it's okay for a woman to go in and purposefully kill her child?
Jake stupidly maintains that unborn means not alive.

His imbecility is a bottomless pit.
Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion.

So it's not about stopping abortion, it's about having the law. Well at least you admit the law would not stop them from happening. What's the point of having the law again?

Are you seriously trying to say that you think laws do nothing whatsoever to deter actions, smply because they're not 100% effective?

Well let's see, we have 12 million illegal aliens in the country, so yeah. But your right we can start locking up, mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist. Let's see currently,

There are now more Americans in jail -- 6 million -- than there were in Stalin's Gulag, reports Fareed Zakaria, in a column called "Incarceration Nation."

And it's not just a relative population thing.

The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens.

How does that compare to other countries?

It's 7X-10X as high:

Japan has 63 per 100,000,
Germany has 90 per 100,000
France has 96 per 100,000
South Korea has 97 per 100,000
*Britain has 153 per 100,000

I think your narrow minded idea is a winner, let's run it up the flag pole.
So it's not about stopping abortion, it's about having the law. Well at least you admit the law would not stop them from happening. What's the point of having the law again?

Are you seriously trying to say that you think laws do nothing whatsoever to deter actions, smply because they're not 100% effective?

Well let's see, we have 12 million illegal aliens in the country, so yeah. But your right we can start locking up, mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist. Let's see currently,

There are now more Americans in jail -- 6 million -- than there were in Stalin's Gulag, reports Fareed Zakaria, in a column called "Incarceration Nation."

And it's not just a relative population thing.

The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens.

How does that compare to other countries?

It's 7X-10X as high:

Japan has 63 per 100,000,
Germany has 90 per 100,000
France has 96 per 100,000
South Korea has 97 per 100,000
*Britain has 153 per 100,000

I think your narrow minded idea is a winner, let's run it up the flag pole.

Please show me where anyone in the pro-life mainstream has EVER suggested "locking up mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist." No, that would be a pro-abort dodge.

And "we have too many criminals so let's just blow shit off"? Really? Am I supposed to take that, and you, seriously?
Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion.

A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the US each year, but we still have laws against auto theft.

So it's not about stopping abortion, it's about having the law. Well at least you admit the law would not stop them from happening. What's the point of having the law again?

Unkotare null 3 makes a fallacy of comparison.

We prosecute car theft, but we almost never prosecute for abortion.

So it's not about stopping abortion, it's about having the law. Well at least you admit the law would not stop them from happening. What's the point of having the law again?

What's the point in having a law against auto theft? What's the point in having a law against murder? What's the point in having a law against arson? What's the point in having a law against child molestation? What's the point in having a law against rape? What's the point in having laws against drunk driving? What's the point in having laws against anything, since those laws will not completely stop the above-listed crimes and multitudes of other crimes not mentioned from happening?

You left out the original quote I was speaking to, surprise.
Yes, you have both now proved the point, that a law will not stop abortion.
Your point is that a law will not stop abortion.
That is all I have been trying to say, I don't want abortions, but as we all agree, say it with me, a law will not stop abortion. I think an active private method would be more effective in concert with Reps that will draw the line in certain types of abortion. It would mean actually caring about the people you that you don't want have an abortion, caring for the people who's life you want to change. That's a challenge.
Pro abortionists are sick puppies who support the killing of millions of human beings by calling them fetus, as if they are not living human beings (scientifically incorrect). They do this with the same self righteous attitude that allowed whites to legally kill black Americans by calling them ni**ers, as if they were less than complete human beings too...end of story.

Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.
Sure they are.

Start a thread about what we should do about the starving children in Africa and watch the ghouls gather.
Are you seriously trying to say that you think laws do nothing whatsoever to deter actions, smply because they're not 100% effective?

Well let's see, we have 12 million illegal aliens in the country, so yeah. But your right we can start locking up, mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist. Let's see currently,

There are now more Americans in jail -- 6 million -- than there were in Stalin's Gulag, reports Fareed Zakaria, in a column called "Incarceration Nation."

And it's not just a relative population thing.

The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens.

How does that compare to other countries?

It's 7X-10X as high:

Japan has 63 per 100,000,
Germany has 90 per 100,000
France has 96 per 100,000
South Korea has 97 per 100,000
*Britain has 153 per 100,000

I think your narrow minded idea is a winner, let's run it up the flag pole.

Please show me where anyone in the pro-life mainstream has EVER suggested "locking up mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist." No, that would be a pro-abort dodge.

And "we have too many criminals so let's just blow shit off"? Really? Am I supposed to take that, and you, seriously?

I am not pro-abort, I am anti-stupid. I don't pretend I know how to make abortion go away.
It's nice to see you Cecilie, you have peaked my interest. If you make abortions illegal what would be the penalty? A ticket?
Pro abortionists are sick puppies who support the killing of millions of human beings by calling them fetus, as if they are not living human beings (scientifically incorrect). They do this with the same self righteous attitude that allowed whites to legally kill black Americans by calling them ni**ers, as if they were less than complete human beings too...end of story.

Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.

Third time I've asked this in the last week, and all I ever hear is crickets from you leftist hypocrites. Let's see if YOU have any cojones, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

Answer the question, or you're pro-abortion. Period.
Well let's see, we have 12 million illegal aliens in the country, so yeah. But your right we can start locking up, mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist. Let's see currently,

There are now more Americans in jail -- 6 million -- than there were in Stalin's Gulag, reports Fareed Zakaria, in a column called "Incarceration Nation."

And it's not just a relative population thing.

The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens.

How does that compare to other countries?

It's 7X-10X as high:

Japan has 63 per 100,000,
Germany has 90 per 100,000
France has 96 per 100,000
South Korea has 97 per 100,000
*Britain has 153 per 100,000

I think your narrow minded idea is a winner, let's run it up the flag pole.

Please show me where anyone in the pro-life mainstream has EVER suggested "locking up mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist." No, that would be a pro-abort dodge.

And "we have too many criminals so let's just blow shit off"? Really? Am I supposed to take that, and you, seriously?

I am not pro-abort, I am anti-stupid. I don't pretend I know how to make abortion go away.
It's nice to see you Cecilie, you have peaked my interest. If you make abortions illegal what would be the penalty? A ticket?

No, you just pretend that you WANT to make abortion go away.

Question is, WHY would you want to make it go away? What's wrong with it?

You're connected to the Internet. Go look up the state abortion laws prior to Roe v. Wade, and you'll have your answer. I have no time for people who expect me to do their research and their thinking for them. This sham act of "Abortion has ALWAYS been with us, there's just no WAY to know how it could be handled without imprisoning women" bores me.
Do you even try to make sense?

Just out of curiosity, have you ever been pregnant?

I have. Three times. Just for the record, I declined to kill any of my children. What did you want to say about pregnancy that you thought would clinch your argument against babies?

Nothing. Merely curious as I stated.

Ah. So you thought you'd divert attention off of the issue and onto other people's personal lives.
Pro abortionists are sick puppies who support the killing of millions of human beings by calling them fetus, as if they are not living human beings (scientifically incorrect). They do this with the same self righteous attitude that allowed whites to legally kill black Americans by calling them ni**ers, as if they were less than complete human beings too...end of story.

Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.

Bullshit. 'Pro-choice' doesn't refer to a choice of flavored coffees. So many advocates of death on the left don't have the courage to face the moral implications of their political position.
I have. Three times. Just for the record, I declined to kill any of my children. What did you want to say about pregnancy that you thought would clinch your argument against babies?

Nothing. Merely curious as I stated.

Ah. So you thought you'd divert attention off of the issue and onto other people's personal lives.

I think it was more of a desire to lecture us on the horrors of being a parent.

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