Can Reps modify abortion stance?

I've been trying to stay out of this, but a thought occurred to me a few seconds ago and thought I'd ask.

Whether or not you are pro-abortion or not, what about those pregnancies that would be fatal? I'm talking about things like tubal pregnancies (fetus starts growing in the Fallopian tube), where, if the baby is allowed to grow, then it will kill both mother and child.

Is abortion okay then, or should both be allowed to die?

A 'Life of the mother' exception should be included.

That's 'life', not convenience.
The answer is that nobody is pro abortion. People may support a woman's right to control her own body, but that does not mean they are "pro" abortion. Nobody is out there saying "rah, rah, lets all get an abortion".

Who EVER said "abortion is no big deal"?

"Nobody is pro-abortion because nobody is pro-abortion" is not an answer. It's an admission that you're a poltroon and full of shit.

Not that we didn't all know that about you, but thanks for admitting that you actually do know it, as well. And thank you also for embracing the title of "pro-abortion".

Tuck tail and run away now, pro-abortion coward. Come back if you ever have the guts to answer the question.

I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. That you don't like the answer is your hang up not mine.

Since my question was NOT "Is there such a thing as 'pro-abortion'", that cannot possibly be the answer. Reading for comprehension is fun. Try it sometime.

That you can't answer means you're pro-abortion and embracing it. That you don't like that is YOUR hangup, not mine. Unlike you, I was able to read and understand my post.

You're finished here, pro-abortion coward. Buh bye.
Bullshit. 'Pro-choice' doesn't refer to a choice of flavored coffees. So many advocates of death on the left don't have the courage to face the moral implications of their political position.

Pro life doesn't always mean pro life. It means pro life unless abortion is convenient for you. Most lifers are hypocrites anyway.

Only a sick sociopath like you would think killing babies could EVER be "convenient".

Nazis thought the same thing.

In fact..the "death for life" is a very, very old meme.
I've been trying to stay out of this, but a thought occurred to me a few seconds ago and thought I'd ask.

Whether or not you are pro-abortion or not, what about those pregnancies that would be fatal? I'm talking about things like tubal pregnancies (fetus starts growing in the Fallopian tube), where, if the baby is allowed to grow, then it will kill both mother and child.

Is abortion okay then, or should both be allowed to die?

Are you seriously this stupid? Have you ever seen ANYONE suggesting that women should be allowed to die for babies who are either actually dead, or essentially dead to start with?

Don't be a dumbfuck. Those are not, and never have been, included in the abortion issue.
You, of all people, are telling other people what their positions are when you can't define your own? That's rich.

I will define yours: all of your posts together clearly reflect "no abortion under any condition".

I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. .

The issue you need to come to terms with is why you have such a hard time accepting that YOUR position is PRO ABORTION.
Truthfully, there aren't any conditions that I'm aware of in which having a baby is a death sentence. I think diabetes is potentially dangerous for both mother and child, but I know a lot of diabetics who have had healthy babies and who didn't die themselves. Toxemia is potentially life threatening, but generally doesn't show up until the end of the pregnancy, and most women opt to carry the child anyway.

So what are all these "conditions" which result in pregnancy being a death sentence?
Truthfully, there aren't any conditions that I'm aware of in which having a baby is a death sentence. I think diabetes is potentially dangerous for both mother and child, but I know a lot of diabetics who have had healthy babies and who didn't die themselves. Toxemia is potentially life threatening, but generally doesn't show up until the end of the pregnancy, and most women opt to carry the child anyway.

So what are all these "conditions" which result in pregnancy being a death sentence?

Well, finally you admit that ALL doctors would not dispute ANY doctor's findings that "the abortion was needed for the health of the mother".
And that would be the law under any abortion ban mandate anywhere.
Truthfully, there aren't any conditions that I'm aware of in which having a baby is a death sentence. I think diabetes is potentially dangerous for both mother and child, but I know a lot of diabetics who have had healthy babies and who didn't die themselves. Toxemia is potentially life threatening, but generally doesn't show up until the end of the pregnancy, and most women opt to carry the child anyway.

So what are all these "conditions" which result in pregnancy being a death sentence?

Well, finally you admit that ALL doctors would not dispute ANY doctor's findings that "the abortion was needed for the health of the mother".
And that would be the law under any abortion ban mandate anywhere.


Truthfully, there aren't any conditions that I'm aware of in which having a baby is a death sentence. I think diabetes is potentially dangerous for both mother and child, but I know a lot of diabetics who have had healthy babies and who didn't die themselves. Toxemia is potentially life threatening, but generally doesn't show up until the end of the pregnancy, and most women opt to carry the child anyway.

So what are all these "conditions" which result in pregnancy being a death sentence?

An ectopic pregnancy, or eccysis, is a complication of pregnancy in which the embryo implants outside the uterine cavity.[1] With rare exceptions, ectopic pregnancies are not viable. Furthermore, they are dangerous for the mother, since internal haemorrhage is a life-threatening complication. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the Fallopian tube (so-called tubal pregnancies), but implantation can also occur in the cervix, ovaries, and abdomen. An ectopic pregnancy is a potential medical emergency, and, if not treated properly, can lead to death.

Ok absolutely, ectopic, yes. I forgot that one. I know what it is.

That's about all I can think of.
CG, your religious bias will not control the law.

What's alleged religious bias got to do with anything? You trying to say one has to be religious, to be opposed to murder? And, you have no authority in telling me what controls what. And, besides, my alleged religious bias already does control the law. In my state, one has to wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion. It was the religious bias of Utahns, as well as those biased against murder, which compelled this law. Oops...laughs on you...isn't it? So, we'll see who and what controls what.
CG, your religious bias will not control the law.

Here, here's some more info which proves you wrong.


Refusal to Provide Medical Services


Utah allows certain individuals and organizations to refuse to provide abortion services.

To whom does the refusal clause apply? Health-care facilities, including hospitals, hospices, nursing-care facilities, residential assisted-living facilities, birthing centers, ambulatory surgical facilities, and facilities owned or operated by health-maintenance organizations, as well as individuals associated with health-care facilities.

What does the refusal clause allow? A health-care provider or organization may, on religious or moral ground, refuse to provide or participate in abortion services, or refuse to admit a patient for abortion care. The refusal to participate may not be a basis for damages, disciplinary action, or other recriminatory action. Moral or religious objections to abortion may not be a basis for discrimination in hiring in the state.

Does the law require the refusing entity to notify the persons affected? No.

Are there circumstances under which a refusal clause may not be exercised? Maybe.

Does the law require the refusing individual or entity to provide medically and factually accurate information or provide a referral for abortion services? No.

Does the law provide a mechanism for women to otherwise obtain specific reproductive-health services, information, or referrals if an individual and/or entity exercises a refusal clause? No.

Utah Code Ann. § 76-7-306 (Original Statute Enacted 1973; Repealed and Reenacted 1974; Last Amended 2011).

Utah :: NARAL Pro-Choice America

So, what was that you were saying about what...controlling what...again?
Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.

Third time I've asked this in the last week, and all I ever hear is crickets from you leftist hypocrites. Let's see if YOU have any cojones, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

Answer the question, or you're pro-abortion. Period.

The answer is that nobody is pro abortion. People may support a woman's right to control her own body, but that does not mean they are "pro" abortion. Nobody is out there saying "rah, rah, lets all get an abortion".

Who EVER said "abortion is no big deal"?

Those who support abortion say "abortion is no big deal"...duh!
Murder is a legal matter, not your opinion.

CG, your religious bias will not control the law.

What's alleged religious bias got to do with anything? You trying to say one has to be religious, to be opposed to murder? And, you have no authority in telling me what controls what. And, besides, my alleged religious bias already does control the law. In my state, one has to wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion. It was the religious bias of Utahns, as well as those biased against murder, which compelled this law. Oops...laughs on you...isn't it? So, we'll see who and what controls what.
Show were your religious bias changes abortion to murder, please.

No deflection.

CG, your religious bias will not control the law.

Here, here's some more info which proves you wrong.


Refusal to Provide Medical Services


Utah allows certain individuals and organizations to refuse to provide abortion services.

To whom does the refusal clause apply? Health-care facilities, including hospitals, hospices, nursing-care facilities, residential assisted-living facilities, birthing centers, ambulatory surgical facilities, and facilities owned or operated by health-maintenance organizations, as well as individuals associated with health-care facilities.

What does the refusal clause allow? A health-care provider or organization may, on religious or moral ground, refuse to provide or participate in abortion services, or refuse to admit a patient for abortion care. The refusal to participate may not be a basis for damages, disciplinary action, or other recriminatory action. Moral or religious objections to abortion may not be a basis for discrimination in hiring in the state.

Does the law require the refusing entity to notify the persons affected? No.

Are there circumstances under which a refusal clause may not be exercised? Maybe.

Does the law require the refusing individual or entity to provide medically and factually accurate information or provide a referral for abortion services? No.

Does the law provide a mechanism for women to otherwise obtain specific reproductive-health services, information, or referrals if an individual and/or entity exercises a refusal clause? No.

Utah Code Ann. § 76-7-306 (Original Statute Enacted 1973; Repealed and Reenacted 1974; Last Amended 2011).

Utah :: NARAL Pro-Choice America

So, what was that you were saying about what...controlling what...again?
"Nobody is pro-abortion because nobody is pro-abortion" is not an answer. It's an admission that you're a poltroon and full of shit.

Not that we didn't all know that about you, but thanks for admitting that you actually do know it, as well. And thank you also for embracing the title of "pro-abortion".

Tuck tail and run away now, pro-abortion coward. Come back if you ever have the guts to answer the question.

I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. That you don't like the answer is your hang up not mine.

Since my question was NOT "Is there such a thing as 'pro-abortion'", that cannot possibly be the answer. Reading for comprehension is fun. Try it sometime.

That you can't answer means you're pro-abortion and embracing it. That you don't like that is YOUR hangup, not mine. Unlike you, I was able to read and understand my post.

You're finished here, pro-abortion coward. Buh bye.

You would like to attribute to me your views of my views on abortion. It does't work, but you can keep trying. It's the conservative thing to do after all.
Truthfully, there aren't any conditions that I'm aware of in which having a baby is a death sentence. I think diabetes is potentially dangerous for both mother and child, but I know a lot of diabetics who have had healthy babies and who didn't die themselves. Toxemia is potentially life threatening, but generally doesn't show up until the end of the pregnancy, and most women opt to carry the child anyway.

So what are all these "conditions" which result in pregnancy being a death sentence?

Pregnancy is the most dangerous thing most women ever encounter in their lives.
Which is the problem with "abortion for the life of the mother". If every pregnancy is potentially life threatening, then every woman would be able to get an abortion.



Perhaps women should be more careful about getting pregnant.
Kill those monster babies before they kill you!

Kill! Kill!

Murder is a legal matter, not your opinion.

I already showed you what the legal matter concerning the death of an unborn child or attempted death of an unborn child is. Ask the guy who was charged with murder when he killed a woman's unborn child because he was drinking and driving what the legal matter is. Ask the guy who attempted to kill a woman's unborn child by stomping on her stomach and was brought up on attempted murder charges what the legal matter is.

And, besides, the fact of the matter is this. I can sit here can call it "murder" all day long and there isn't squat you can do about it except repeat your talking points per verbatim until you're blue in the face. So, yes, murder IS a matter of my opinion and, when I decide I'm going to say a woman -- when getting an abortion -- is "murdering" her child, that's what I'm going to say and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop me. You repeating like a broken record, "Murder is a legal matter, not your opinion" isn't going to stop me from saying it's "murder". Got it...Chuck? I mean, really, what is it you think you're going to do about it if I claim a woman aborting her child is a "murderer", who committed "murder"? Anything? I can type "Abortion is murder" here on this thread as many times as I desire and all you can do is just simply say, "Murder is a legal matter, not your opinion" or some variation thereof...nothing more. Too Want to see something cool? Watch.


Wow, would you look at that? I said it seven times. So, now, what are you going to do about it?

CG, your religious bias will not control the law.

What's alleged religious bias got to do with anything? You trying to say one has to be religious, to be opposed to murder? And, you have no authority in telling me what controls what. And, besides, my alleged religious bias already does control the law. In my state, one has to wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion. It was the religious bias of Utahns, as well as those biased against murder, which compelled this law. Oops...laughs on you...isn't it? So, we'll see who and what controls what.

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