Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Let's let go of the fairy tales and inject some hard, cold reality into your closed, controlling, blind minds.

Can we start with the fairy tale of the so-called "Sexual Revolution" being some sort of liberation for women? Those of us who had to follow after your tour-de-force performance of "Fuck me and forget me, it's okay" are getting less and less grateful every day.

A single or married woman with a child is more likely to have to work part-time, and more likely to be called away from work if the child gets sick. In the old days it was an excuse used by employers (including several that I worked for) to not hire women or to refuse to pay or promote them fairly.

And, of course, we all know that EVERY woman considers career advancement to be the be-all and end-all of their lives, and children are just hateful distractions.

What I'm hearing is that Grandma just really, REALLY hated not being born a man. have hit upon the 2 main things that I believe make most feminists who take up this argument seem very bitter and angry.

1). Thinking they are controlling men via sex.... only to find out they will still be used and don't really have the power they think they do.

2). Being resentful that they were not born with a penis...therefore have a need to feminize the men they associate themselves with and browbeat them into submission. :razz:

Abortion is the ONLY way they feel real control.

Good post.
I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. That you don't like the answer is your hang up not mine.


No one is ‘pro abortion.’

The issue centers on the solution.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because they won’t work; such measures will simply drive the practice underground.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because these laws would violate the Constitutional right to privacy. Moreover, these laws would grant unwarranted power to the state to interfere in citizens’ personal lives.

The conflict centers on how to end the practice, or at least reduce its occurrence as much as possible, not that abortion is wrong or immoral – which it clearly is.

You can kiss up and pander to her all you want. You're still not going to get laid.

Meanwhile, no one asked you to define "the issue" for us, and I would think by now you would have learned that no one WANTS you to define it, or intends to allow you to define it. We could all save a lot of time and energy if you pro-abortionists would quit bloviating endlessly on the wonders of your worldview and just answered the fucking questions you work so hard to evade.

Just because you're stupid enough to think no one notices that you never answer the question doesn't mean WE'RE stupid enough not to notice.

So see if your next post can contain something vaguely replicating an answer to these questions, Pro-Abortion:

You claim "nobody is ever 'pro-abortion'. Why not? What's wrong with it, that you so strenuously resist being labeled as being in favor of it? If it's no big deal, as your rhetoric makes it seem, what's the problem with openly supporting it? And if it IS a big deal, as Pro-Abortionist Seawych claimed before running away again like a scalded bitch, WHY is it a big deal?

For the record, I don't think you'll answer. I think you're a chickenshit little pussy who likes to give grand speeches to impress the "wimmens", but your balls crawl up inside you and hide at the idea of ever having to really explore the reasons behind what you profess and explain them to others and yourself.

Amuse us all and prove me wrong about what a lame little poltroon I believe you to be. Give me a real shock and man up for once.

Yeah, right. :lol:

You obviously are done with this discussion since you can't find it in you to converse without being a complete ass.

I've not run anywhere but to work. I'm home now and quite willing to have you completely disregard anything I say because it doesn't fit your twisted notion of a "liberal view".

I am not pro-abortion. I'm pro-life and support a women's right to make personal medical decisions regarding HER BODY with her family and her doctor without interference from pre-birth psychos like you.

My personal goal is for abortion to be safe, legal and (especially) rare. You do that through education and access to birth control.
If you are for legalized abortion, that makes you pro abortion. If you are in favor of a woman having the *right* to kill her unborn child, then you are pro abortion.

Words mean something. Own it.

No one is ‘pro abortion.’

The issue centers on the solution.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because they won’t work; such measures will simply drive the practice underground.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because these laws would violate the Constitutional right to privacy. Moreover, these laws would grant unwarranted power to the state to interfere in citizens’ personal lives.

The conflict centers on how to end the practice, or at least reduce its occurrence as much as possible, not that abortion is wrong or immoral – which it clearly is.

You can kiss up and pander to her all you want. You're still not going to get laid.

Meanwhile, no one asked you to define "the issue" for us, and I would think by now you would have learned that no one WANTS you to define it, or intends to allow you to define it. We could all save a lot of time and energy if you pro-abortionists would quit bloviating endlessly on the wonders of your worldview and just answered the fucking questions you work so hard to evade.

Just because you're stupid enough to think no one notices that you never answer the question doesn't mean WE'RE stupid enough not to notice.

So see if your next post can contain something vaguely replicating an answer to these questions, Pro-Abortion:

You claim "nobody is ever 'pro-abortion'. Why not? What's wrong with it, that you so strenuously resist being labeled as being in favor of it? If it's no big deal, as your rhetoric makes it seem, what's the problem with openly supporting it? And if it IS a big deal, as Pro-Abortionist Seawych claimed before running away again like a scalded bitch, WHY is it a big deal?

For the record, I don't think you'll answer. I think you're a chickenshit little pussy who likes to give grand speeches to impress the "wimmens", but your balls crawl up inside you and hide at the idea of ever having to really explore the reasons behind what you profess and explain them to others and yourself.

Amuse us all and prove me wrong about what a lame little poltroon I believe you to be. Give me a real shock and man up for once.

Yeah, right. :lol:

You obviously are done with this discussion since you can't find it in you to converse without being a complete ass.

I've not run anywhere but to work. I'm home now and quite willing to have you completely disregard anything I say because it doesn't fit your twisted notion of a "liberal view".

I am not pro-abortion. I'm pro-life and support a women's right to make personal medical decisions regarding HER BODY with her family and her doctor without interference from pre-birth psychos like you.

My personal goal is for abortion to be safe, legal and (especially) rare. You do that through education and access to birth control.

Definition of PROABORTION

: favoring the legalization of abortion
— pro–abor·tion·ist noun

Proabortion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion
— pro–lif·er \-ˈlī-fər\ noun

Pro life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Bully for you, Kosher. A dictionary doesn't define me, however.

As you noted: they’re not interested in a rational exchange, they resort to insults as their only recourse.

I think showing someone who claims the definition of pro-life is someone who supports abortion as a legal 'choice' the REAL definition of the words she uses is quite rational.

What's irrational is the insistence that 'pro-abortion' means something other than what the dictionary says it means, and 'pro-life' means something the polar opposite of the real definition.

Seawytch wants to banter those words around..her saying she's 'pro life' isn't any more meaningful or true than me saying 'the sky is green'
I've never in my entire life heard someone refer to term clarification via a dictionary as "irrational", lol.

"It's irrational to define a word!"

No one is ‘pro abortion.’

The issue centers on the solution.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because they won’t work; such measures will simply drive the practice underground.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because these laws would violate the Constitutional right to privacy. Moreover, these laws would grant unwarranted power to the state to interfere in citizens’ personal lives.

The conflict centers on how to end the practice, or at least reduce its occurrence as much as possible, not that abortion is wrong or immoral – which it clearly is.

You can kiss up and pander to her all you want. You're still not going to get laid.

Meanwhile, no one asked you to define "the issue" for us, and I would think by now you would have learned that no one WANTS you to define it, or intends to allow you to define it. We could all save a lot of time and energy if you pro-abortionists would quit bloviating endlessly on the wonders of your worldview and just answered the fucking questions you work so hard to evade.

Just because you're stupid enough to think no one notices that you never answer the question doesn't mean WE'RE stupid enough not to notice.

So see if your next post can contain something vaguely replicating an answer to these questions, Pro-Abortion:

You claim "nobody is ever 'pro-abortion'. Why not? What's wrong with it, that you so strenuously resist being labeled as being in favor of it? If it's no big deal, as your rhetoric makes it seem, what's the problem with openly supporting it? And if it IS a big deal, as Pro-Abortionist Seawych claimed before running away again like a scalded bitch, WHY is it a big deal?

For the record, I don't think you'll answer. I think you're a chickenshit little pussy who likes to give grand speeches to impress the "wimmens", but your balls crawl up inside you and hide at the idea of ever having to really explore the reasons behind what you profess and explain them to others and yourself.

Amuse us all and prove me wrong about what a lame little poltroon I believe you to be. Give me a real shock and man up for once.

Yeah, right. :lol:

You obviously are done with this discussion since you can't find it in you to converse without being a complete ass.

::snore:: "Dodge, dodge, dodge, evade, evade, evade, speechify to avoid answering questions, Oh, you must be done because you can't be nice to me."

I was done with this "discussion" the moment you proved that you were too chickenshit to discuss by ducking the questions and posting non-answers.

I've not run anywhere but to work. I'm home now and quite willing to have you completely disregard anything I say because it doesn't fit your twisted notion of a "liberal view".

I realize that you're a proudly ignorant vagina on legs, but even I don't think you're piss-stupid enough to think I meant "not posting on the board at the moment" when I said "running", so spare me. You and I both know that you ran the moment you posted "nobody is 'pro-abortion' because nobody is 'pro-abortion'." Anything after that utter, total, and complete surrender was just blather.

The moment you actually SAY something, I'll regard it. "Nobody is 'pro-abortion' because nobody is 'pro-abortion'" doesn't qualify as something. In fact, it qualifies as something even less than what normally emanates from your headhole, and that's impressive.

I am not pro-abortion. I'm pro-life and support a women's right to make personal medical decisions regarding HER BODY with her family and her doctor without interference from pre-birth psychos like you.

You are pro-abortion. You support the legal killing of unborn babies anytime, anywhere, for any reason, and you hide from yourself what an evil slut and slut-maker you are behind euphemisms even flimsier than the excuses you accept for killing unborn babies. And the second anyone actually challenges you to REALLY explore and explain what you believe and what you support, you stick your fingers in your ears and shout slogans into the atmosphere, hoping that they'll get tired and go away so that you don't ever have to hear the truth of what you are and what you stand for.

"Lalala, I'm really pro-life, lalala, women's bodies, lalala, right to privacy, lalala, STOP TALKING I CAN'T HEAR YOU, lalala, nobody's pro-abortion, I just don't ever want any them to ever be prevented, lalala, I'm a good person, CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Tough luck this time, Toots, because I never, EVER get tired of making "people" like you know yourselves for what you are. YOU ARE PRO-ABORTION.

[My personal goal is for abortion to be safe, legal and (especially) rare. You do that through education and access to birth control.

"Lalala, abortion isn't a bad thing, but I want it to be rare, lalala, I can't tell you why it should be rare, but it's really not anything bad, lalala, no contradictions here, questions, what questions, lalala, I can't hear anything, slogan, slogan, slogan, STOP ASKING ME OR I MIGHT HAVE TO THINK."

You're pro-abortion. You're pro-abortion. You're pro-abortion.

Enjoy knowing, deep down in that shriveled little raisin that passes for your soul that you hold yourself in as much contempt as I do.

You're pro-abortion. Sleep well.
Bully for you, Kosher. A dictionary doesn't define me, however.

My 3-year-old's coloring book could define a simplistic vagina on legs like you.

You're pro-abortion. I know it, everyone else knows it, and now everyone else knows you know it.

Enjoy your new self-knowledge.
Bully for you, Kosher. A dictionary doesn't define me, however.

As you noted: they’re not interested in a rational exchange, they resort to insults as their only recourse.

::yawn:: "They don't want rational exchanges, as opposed to those of us who dodge questions in favor of talking ABOUT the people we're too afraid to talk TO." Yeah, that'll fool us.

Pro-Abortionist Seawytch will probably buy it, though. The proud results of the leftist sexual revolution don't think much past who's buying the tequila shots tonight.
If you are for legalized abortion, that makes you pro abortion. If you are in favor of a woman having the *right* to kill her unborn child, then you are pro abortion.

Words mean something. Own it.

And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.
If you are for legalized abortion, that makes you pro abortion. If you are in favor of a woman having the *right* to kill her unborn child, then you are pro abortion.

Words mean something. Own it.

And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.

What a stupid comment. How can one be pro-life if they support the death of the woman, to save the baby? In this instance, it's a damned if one does and damned if one doesn't situation. Either you support the death of the mother, or you support the death of the child so, either way, you're not being pro-life. So, one has no other choice than to be hypocritical in the situation. If you support the mother's death, you're not "pro-LIFE". If you support the unborn child's death, you're not "pro-LIFE". Duh!
If you are for legalized abortion, that makes you pro abortion. If you are in favor of a woman having the *right* to kill her unborn child, then you are pro abortion.

Words mean something. Own it.

And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.

What a stupid comment. How can one be pro-life if they support the death of the woman, to save the baby? In this instance, it's a damned if one does and damned if one doesn't situation. Either you support the death of the mother, or you support the death of the child so, either way, you're not being pro-life. So, one has no other choice than to be hypocritical in the situation. If you support the mother's death, you're not "pro-LIFE". If you support the unborn child's death, you're not "pro-LIFE". Duh!

So no pro lifer is really pro life, are they? And neither is the Catholic Church, who would prefer a woman die rather than have an abortion.
And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.

What a stupid comment. How can one be pro-life if they support the death of the woman, to save the baby? In this instance, it's a damned if one does and damned if one doesn't situation. Either you support the death of the mother, or you support the death of the child so, either way, you're not being pro-life. So, one has no other choice than to be hypocritical in the situation. If you support the mother's death, you're not "pro-LIFE". If you support the unborn child's death, you're not "pro-LIFE". Duh!

So no pro lifer is really pro life, are they? And neither is the Catholic Church, who would prefer a woman die rather than have an abortion.

First, I don't belong to the Catholic Church so, I'm not necessarily familiar with everything it is they might say on some particular given issue. Second, it would be interesting to see you qualify your claim, by showing us some official statement by the Catholic Church which states it would prefer a woman die, rather than have an abortion. Third and lastly, perhaps a pro-lifer really ISN'T pro-life, in the sense that they have to choose the death of a mother or the death of an unborn child. But, we DO know a pro-abortionist is a pro-abortionist through and through. See, whereas the pro-lifers might say abortion might possibly be permitted in a case of the mother's life being put in danger or her health in serious jeopardy or, might possibly be permitted in the case of rape or incest, on the other hand, in what instance does a pro-abortionist permit NO abortion?
The far right, like Cecilie1200 and the rest, will not define the issue abortion for the GOP.

In 2016, the plank will change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

This issue is over.
The far right, like Cecilie1200 and the rest, will not define the issue abortion for the GOP.

In 2016, the plank will change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

This issue is over.

It already had changed to include at least exceptions for rape, incest and health of the mother. Duh! That was the "plank" in this election...dip. And, what good did it do us?

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