Can Reps modify abortion stance?

And neither is the Catholic Church, who would prefer a woman die rather than have an abortion.

Where have you seen that stated as the official policy of the Catholic Church?

Just google it. I doubt you accept Wiki as a source, but there are other sources. There are maps which highlight which countries are opposed to abortion for any reason and Vatican City is one of them. I did find an interactive map of abortion laws worldwide, however Vatican City doesn't appear to be included.

Ahh. So what you're saying is, "I can prove it, except I don't really have any proof, go find your own, and then jump to the same vague conclusion I did".

Gosh, I want our country to be JUST like yours, so that my grandkids can grow up as laughably stupid and useless as you are. You're like a frigging poster child for turning Australia back into a penal colony, do you know that?
If you are for legalized abortion, that makes you pro abortion. If you are in favor of a woman having the *right* to kill her unborn child, then you are pro abortion.

Words mean something. Own it.

And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.

How much you want to bet a large majority of these pre-Birth folks support the death penalty? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

How much you wanna bet you have no standing whatsoever to comment upon, let alone dictate, morality, Pro-Abortionist?

When you get around to answering my questions, you'll have something to say. Right now, you are nothing and no one, and your words have all the value of a taco fart.
To choose abortion. Therefore, pro-abortion.

I don't encourage women to choose abortion. I want them to consider all their options - keeping the baby, adoption, or abortion. Abortion should be considered as a last resort, not the first.

Over 50 million in America since Roe v. Wade, that 'last resort' looks more like Option #1...

You must understand, dear, that when WE talk about "extreme emergency situations", we're talking about ectopic pregnancies, metastasizing cancer, that sort of thing. When pro-abortionists talk about "extreme emergency situations", they're talking about being pregnant.

No one is ‘pro abortion.’

The issue centers on the solution.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because they won’t work; such measures will simply drive the practice underground.

Those of us who are opposed to abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion because these laws would violate the Constitutional right to privacy. Moreover, these laws would grant unwarranted power to the state to interfere in citizens’ personal lives.

The conflict centers on how to end the practice, or at least reduce its occurrence as much as possible, not that abortion is wrong or immoral – which it clearly is.

You can kiss up and pander to her all you want. You're still not going to get laid.

Meanwhile, no one asked you to define "the issue" for us, and I would think by now you would have learned that no one WANTS you to define it, or intends to allow you to define it. We could all save a lot of time and energy if you pro-abortionists would quit bloviating endlessly on the wonders of your worldview and just answered the fucking questions you work so hard to evade.

Just because you're stupid enough to think no one notices that you never answer the question doesn't mean WE'RE stupid enough not to notice.

So see if your next post can contain something vaguely replicating an answer to these questions, Pro-Abortion:

You claim "nobody is ever 'pro-abortion'. Why not? What's wrong with it, that you so strenuously resist being labeled as being in favor of it? If it's no big deal, as your rhetoric makes it seem, what's the problem with openly supporting it? And if it IS a big deal, as Pro-Abortionist Seawych claimed before running away again like a scalded bitch, WHY is it a big deal?

For the record, I don't think you'll answer. I think you're a chickenshit little pussy who likes to give grand speeches to impress the "wimmens", but your balls crawl up inside you and hide at the idea of ever having to really explore the reasons behind what you profess and explain them to others and yourself.

Amuse us all and prove me wrong about what a lame little poltroon I believe you to be. Give me a real shock and man up for once.

Yeah, right. :lol:

Ah, don't tell us your stance, We will tell you what your stance is for you.

Why on earth would anyone listen to you is beyond me.

It's very revealing that you believe asking the questions you chickenshits refuse to answer constitutes a statement of your stance on abortion.
And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.

And if you had more than two brain cells functioning at any given time, you'd know that a sociopathic twat like you is massively undedrqualified to tell me what I believe and how I should believe it. It's bad enough that you're arrogant enough to think you're a human being, without you being arrogant enough to pretend to dictate morality for those of us who actually ARE both human and moral.

Piss off, you sick lowlife.

shut up racist. You have no moral high ground here.

Yes i think the bold says it all.

Ah, yes. The continued leftist belief that "racist" means "someone I don't like", and the even odder belief that they decide the moral high ground. Personally, I'm amazed that leftists can even SAY the word "moral" without bursting into flames like a vampire in sunlight.

DO continue flattering yourself that your opinion is suddenly, miraculously going to start meaning something to me. It's too amusing for words.
Go read it.

The far right, like Cecilie1200 and the rest, will not define the issue abortion for the GOP.

In 2016, the plank will change to include at least exceptions for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

This issue is over.

It already had changed to include at least exceptions for rape, incest and health of the mother. Duh! That was the "plank" in this election...dip. And, what good did it do us?
THE SANCTITY AND DIGNITY OF HUMAN LIFE Faithful to the "self-evident" truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or fund organizations which perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. We oppose the non-consensual withholding or withdrawal of care or treatment, including food and water, from people with disabilities, including newborns, as well as the elderly and infirm, just as we oppose active and passive euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Republican leadership has led the effort to prohibit the barbaric practice of partial birth abortion, permitted States to extend health care coverage to children before birth. We urge Congress to strengthen the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by exacting appropriate civil and criminal penalties to health care providers who fail to provide treatment and care to an infant who survives and abortion, including early induction delivery where the death of the infant is intended. We call for legislation to ban sex-selective abortions - gender discrimination in its most lethal form - and to protect from abortion unborn children who are capable of feeling pain; and we applaud U.S. House Republicans for leading the effort to protect the lives of pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia. We call for a revision of federal law 42 U.S.C. 289.92 to bar the use of body parts from aborted fetuses for research. We support and applaud adult stem cell research to develop lifesaving therapies, and we oppose the killing of embryos for their stem cells. We oppose federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

We also salute the many states that have passed laws for informed consent, mandatory waiting periods prior to an abortion, and health protective clinic regulation. We seek to protect young girls from exploitation through a parental consent requirement; and we affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women challenged by an unplanned pregnancy. We salute those who provide them with counseling and adoption alternatives and empower them to choose live, and we take comfort in the tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed Republican legislative initiatives.

Full GOP platform statement on abortion – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
You can kiss up and pander to her all you want. You're still not going to get laid.

Meanwhile, no one asked you to define "the issue" for us, and I would think by now you would have learned that no one WANTS you to define it, or intends to allow you to define it. We could all save a lot of time and energy if you pro-abortionists would quit bloviating endlessly on the wonders of your worldview and just answered the fucking questions you work so hard to evade.

Just because you're stupid enough to think no one notices that you never answer the question doesn't mean WE'RE stupid enough not to notice.

So see if your next post can contain something vaguely replicating an answer to these questions, Pro-Abortion:

You claim "nobody is ever 'pro-abortion'. Why not? What's wrong with it, that you so strenuously resist being labeled as being in favor of it? If it's no big deal, as your rhetoric makes it seem, what's the problem with openly supporting it? And if it IS a big deal, as Pro-Abortionist Seawych claimed before running away again like a scalded bitch, WHY is it a big deal?

For the record, I don't think you'll answer. I think you're a chickenshit little pussy who likes to give grand speeches to impress the "wimmens", but your balls crawl up inside you and hide at the idea of ever having to really explore the reasons behind what you profess and explain them to others and yourself.

Amuse us all and prove me wrong about what a lame little poltroon I believe you to be. Give me a real shock and man up for once.

Yeah, right. :lol:

Ah, don't tell us your stance, We will tell you what your stance is for you.

Why on earth would anyone listen to you is beyond me.

It's very revealing that you believe asking the questions you chickenshits refuse to answer constitutes a statement of your stance on abortion.

Its not very revealing, you wish it was.

i'll answer anything you toss at me, but my stance is my own and not reflective of anyone else.

But that being said you are the one who is already labeling things without educating yourself. No wonder you are a ignorant, racist troll.
And if you had more than two brain cells functioning at any given time, you'd know that a sociopathic twat like you is massively undedrqualified to tell me what I believe and how I should believe it. It's bad enough that you're arrogant enough to think you're a human being, without you being arrogant enough to pretend to dictate morality for those of us who actually ARE both human and moral.

Piss off, you sick lowlife.

shut up racist. You have no moral high ground here.

Yes i think the bold says it all.

Ah, yes. The continued leftist belief that "racist" means "someone I don't like", and the even odder belief that they decide the moral high ground. Personally, I'm amazed that leftists can even SAY the word "moral" without bursting into flames like a vampire in sunlight.

DO continue flattering yourself that your opinion is suddenly, miraculously going to start meaning something to me. It's too amusing for words.

Oh no i have a very good reason to call you a racist. It has nothing to do with this thread either.

If my opinion didnt matter you would not have knee jerked an opinion.

it is amusing you keep trying to use this leftist dogma as an excuse. Trust me twat i am not a leftist. I am far more conservative than you ever will be.

moral, moral, moral...
Ah, don't tell us your stance, We will tell you what your stance is for you.

Why on earth would anyone listen to you is beyond me.

It's very revealing that you believe asking the questions you chickenshits refuse to answer constitutes a statement of your stance on abortion.

Its not very revealing, you wish it was.

i'll answer anything you toss at me, but my stance is my own and not reflective of anyone else.

But that being said you are the one who is already labeling things without educating yourself. No wonder you are a ignorant, racist troll.

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!"
It's very revealing that you believe asking the questions you chickenshits refuse to answer constitutes a statement of your stance on abortion.

Its not very revealing, you wish it was.

i'll answer anything you toss at me, but my stance is my own and not reflective of anyone else.

But that being said you are the one who is already labeling things without educating yourself. No wonder you are a ignorant, racist troll.

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!"

okie dokie......Stop doing meth ok?
shut up racist. You have no moral high ground here.

Yes i think the bold says it all.

Ah, yes. The continued leftist belief that "racist" means "someone I don't like", and the even odder belief that they decide the moral high ground. Personally, I'm amazed that leftists can even SAY the word "moral" without bursting into flames like a vampire in sunlight.

DO continue flattering yourself that your opinion is suddenly, miraculously going to start meaning something to me. It's too amusing for words.

Oh no i have a very good reason to call you a racist. It has nothing to do with this thread either.

If my opinion didnt matter you would not have knee jerked an opinion.

it is amusing you keep trying to use this leftist dogma as an excuse. Trust me twat i am not a leftist. I am far more conservative than you ever will be.

moral, moral, moral...

Blither, blither, blither, "you noticed me, that means I'm IMPORTANT!"

Keep telling yourself that, dimwit.
Ah, yes. The continued leftist belief that "racist" means "someone I don't like", and the even odder belief that they decide the moral high ground. Personally, I'm amazed that leftists can even SAY the word "moral" without bursting into flames like a vampire in sunlight.

DO continue flattering yourself that your opinion is suddenly, miraculously going to start meaning something to me. It's too amusing for words.

Oh no i have a very good reason to call you a racist. It has nothing to do with this thread either.

If my opinion didnt matter you would not have knee jerked an opinion.

it is amusing you keep trying to use this leftist dogma as an excuse. Trust me twat i am not a leftist. I am far more conservative than you ever will be.

moral, moral, moral...

Blither, blither, blither, "you noticed me, that means I'm IMPORTANT!"

Keep telling yourself that, dimwit.

ok......not sure why telling myself im important is a bad thing?

THE SANCTITY AND DIGNITY OF HUMAN LIFE Faithful to the "self-evident" truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or fund organizations which perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. We oppose the non-consensual withholding or withdrawal of care or treatment, including food and water, from people with disabilities, including newborns, as well as the elderly and infirm, just as we oppose active and passive euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Republican leadership has led the effort to prohibit the barbaric practice of partial birth abortion, permitted States to extend health care coverage to children before birth. We urge Congress to strengthen the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by exacting appropriate civil and criminal penalties to health care providers who fail to provide treatment and care to an infant who survives and abortion, including early induction delivery where the death of the infant is intended. We call for legislation to ban sex-selective abortions - gender discrimination in its most lethal form - and to protect from abortion unborn children who are capable of feeling pain; and we applaud U.S. House Republicans for leading the effort to protect the lives of pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia. We call for a revision of federal law 42 U.S.C. 289.92 to bar the use of body parts from aborted fetuses for research. We support and applaud adult stem cell research to develop lifesaving therapies, and we oppose the killing of embryos for their stem cells. We oppose federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

We also salute the many states that have passed laws for informed consent, mandatory waiting periods prior to an abortion, and health protective clinic regulation. We seek to protect young girls from exploitation through a parental consent requirement; and we affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women challenged by an unplanned pregnancy. We salute those who provide them with counseling and adoption alternatives and empower them to choose live, and we take comfort in the tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed Republican legislative initiatives.

Full GOP platform statement on abortion – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Sorry bud but, there's not one thing in there which states it wouldn't support abortion in cases of the mother's life being threatened or her health being seriously jeopardized or, in cases of incest or rape. Further, you clearly had no idea what Romney's stance on abortion was. His stance as governor of Massachusetts was even more liberal than his claimed stance during the election and, his claimed stance during the election was he was in support of a woman getting an abortion if it put the mother's life in danger or if it was a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. So, again, that WAS the plank and, what good did it do him? Get yourself a clue...joke.

Romney Clarifies Abortion Stance
October 17, 2012

Abortion has long been a vexing issue for Mitt Romney. He expressed outright support for reproductive rights when he was governor of Massachusetts. He reversed himself as a candidate for president, saying that abortion should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life was in jeopardy. With Democrats exploiting this inconsistency, he tries to clarify his position in a new ad.

ON THE SCREEN: Sarah Minto from Ohio, who says she voted for President Obama in 2008 but now works as a volunteer for the Romney campaign, appears on screen, looking directly into the camera.

"You know, those ads saying Mitt Romney would ban all abortions and contraception seemed a bit extreme," she says, "so I looked into it. Turns out Romney doesn't oppose contraception at all." As she speaks, she is shown searching on Google for "Romney on abortion" and viewing the "Truth-O-Meter" on, a fact-checking Web site.

Ms. Minto continues: "In fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother's life. This issue is important to me, but I'm more concerned about the debt our children will be left with. I voted for President Obama last time. We just can't afford four more years."

THE CONTEXT: The Obama campaign and its supporters, like Planned Parenthood, have hammered Mr. Romney in recent ads. They used sound bites of him saying he wished the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade. They accused him of vowing to eliminate money for women's health care. And, more speciously, they said he supported outlawing all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. Mr. Romney has repeatedly denied that assertion, which the Obama campaign has based on an answer Mr. Romney gave in a 2007 debate in which he said he would be "delighted" to sign a bill banning all abortions. He went on to say that he believed the country was not ready for that. Romney strategists believe that despite the impact of Mr. Obama's ads on their candidate's popularity, there has never been a better time -- with less than three weeks before Election Day -- to break through to women.

At the end, Mr. Romney's ad moves to economic issues. Republican strategists have found that women are especially concerned about debt and the economy when framed as an issue that could affect their children's future.

And, the fact of the matter is, this "plank" likely hurt him more than it helped him. Because, women who are opposed to abortion, knew his stance as governor was even more liberal than the stance he adopted while running for president and, they didn't trust that he'd approve of abortions only in cases of rape, incest or if the mother's life was threatened or her health was put in serious jeopardy. So, you can keep playing this game all you want and try and twist the actual facts of the matter but, all it does is make you look like a fool.

And, by the way? What you present above was a "proposed" platform.

And, lastly, when you cite words like "we believe" and "I would like to see" and "I wish"? That's a matter of personal opinion and isn't realistic in the greater scheme of things. I "believe" the world would be better off without murderers. And, it would. Only, it's unrealistic to believe the world will ever be completely eliminated of murderers. I "wish" there would never be another person who starves to death on the face of this planet. It's a good wish. But, realistically, there's never going to be a time in which no one on the face of this planet starves to death. I "would like to see" everyone get a million dollars. That would be cool to see but, realistically, it's not going to happen. So, when one cites Romney as saying "I would like to see" or, "I wish" or, "I believe", one has to look at the realistic context of that it would be that he'd "like to see" or "wish" for or, "believe" should happen.
Romney does not clarify the Party plank. And neither do you, CG: you fail on this yet again.

It is what it is, Romney got his butt beat in part because of women's distrust of him and this issue, and the plank will change in 2016 to include exceptions for incest and rape along with the health (not just life) of the mother.

Always be careful with hard core Catholics like Ryan and LDS like Romney on abortion, CG: they are far more limited on the issue than what they are telling the public.

Oh, and a word to the wise? Don't ever think you can instruct your betters on issues like these.
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And if you were really 'pro life' you would be opposed to abortion in EVERY circumstance, even if the mother would die. Otherwise you are nothing but a dumb hypocrite.

How much you want to bet a large majority of these pre-Birth folks support the death penalty? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

How much you wanna bet you have no standing whatsoever to comment upon, let alone dictate, morality, Pro-Abortionist?

When you get around to answering my questions, you'll have something to say. Right now, you are nothing and no one, and your words have all the value of a taco fart.

I answered your question, but it doesn't match your preconceived notion of what it should be so you refuse to accept it.

Who said anything about morality?
How much you want to bet a large majority of these pre-Birth folks support the death penalty? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

How much you wanna bet you have no standing whatsoever to comment upon, let alone dictate, morality, Pro-Abortionist?

When you get around to answering my questions, you'll have something to say. Right now, you are nothing and no one, and your words have all the value of a taco fart.

I answered your question, but it doesn't match your preconceived notion of what it should be so you refuse to accept it.

Who said anything about morality?

Oh, you DID answer. Your answer was "I know I'm a piece of shit and pro-abortion, so I'm dodging." It doesn't match what you want to believe about yourself, so you don't accept that you said it.

You have nothing else to say here. You're pro-abortion. You admitted it, you embraced it, and every post you ever put up in this thread will say the same thing: Seawytch is pro-abortion, and a piece of shit, and knows it.

Keep posting. I'll say the same thing.
How much you wanna bet you have no standing whatsoever to comment upon, let alone dictate, morality, Pro-Abortionist?

When you get around to answering my questions, you'll have something to say. Right now, you are nothing and no one, and your words have all the value of a taco fart.

I answered your question, but it doesn't match your preconceived notion of what it should be so you refuse to accept it.

Who said anything about morality?

Oh, you DID answer. Your answer was "I know I'm a piece of shit and pro-abortion, so I'm dodging." It doesn't match what you want to believe about yourself, so you don't accept that you said it.

You have nothing else to say here. You're pro-abortion. You admitted it, you embraced it, and every post you ever put up in this thread will say the same thing: Seawytch is pro-abortion, and a piece of shit, and knows it.

Keep posting. I'll say the same thing.

Ah, don't tell us your stance, We will tell you what your stance is for you.

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