Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Exactly what I have pointed out many times. Hispanics/Latinos are natural born Republicans. They are hard working, deeply religious, and family oriented.

The GOP is missing the boat, bigtime.


The GOP doesn't want Latinos. I've had posters on this site say they'd rather the party die off than "compromise their beliefs" to include Latinos.

that statement gets the award for "The biggest crock of **** I've seen in the past month"...

Bill you have this subtle way about you:lol: I love it when you hit politics.
folks sometimes gotta step back from "the issues" and take a deep breath...

mebbe this'll help...

[ame=]Edward scissorhands - Ice Dance - YouTube[/ame]
I would be most interested in how you thought "the party" would not allow Romney to express his views on abortion.


He can see that wanting to outlaw abortion was a losing issue. He had said he was pro choice before, but when he ran in 2012 he never described himself that way. He was accused of flip flopping on the issue. I don't think the party would elect a pro choice candidate.

Most of the problem is from both sides is a position of no return. No one wants to talk. Everyone just wants to hammer each other with their position. This is so wrong.

Look, Tiny, I don't want to be rude, because you know I like you, but where, precisely, would you like us to "return" to? You understand very well that we're talking about the killing of unborn children. That's not just a belief; it's medical fact. So what do you expect us to do? Pretend they AREN'T children, or that they're NOT being killed? Are we supposed to ignore medical science in order to "compromise" and not make people feel bad about those deaths? Even if we were wrong, scientifically speaking - and we're not - what kind of monsters would it make us if we offered to compromise a belief like that?

It's not like the subject here is tax cuts or pork-barrel spending.

I'm just not sure what there is to talk about.

One has to remember though, and boy oh boy I don't mean to come off harsh or strident in my other posts, that for all conservatives, at least half of us are women. Just like the left.

When Sarah Palin talked about being alone in her hotel room knowing she was carrying a Down's Syndrome baby and truly understanding for the first time in her life, that one glimmer of a moment of the thought of abortion where she could understand it for other women, I couldn't breathe at her honesty. I knew she felt it. Sarah would never have aborted Trig, but as a woman she understood. Bless her soul. She is just so honest.

Again, I'm not trying to be rude to you, but is this supposed to mean that those of us who say we've never, not even for a nano-second, contemplated killing our children or making them disappear from our lives are NOT being honest? Or is it that IF we've never had that thought, we can't possibly understand the issue or have anything to say about it?

I get that you admire Sarah Palin for being brave enough to say that, I guess, but I will tell you honestly that there are many of us out here - even women whose pregnancies fell under the heading of "the leftists would have killed the baby" - who have never had that "glimmer of understanding", and cannot imagine ever doing so.

I can't apologize for thinking that a woman who would kill her own child is the most repugnant thing imaginable. And I won't apologize for thinking that she SHOULD be.

I think if we could first and foremost actually have a discussion in the conservative community to make so many begin to understand that abortion is not a casual gesture except for the most stoned out idiots among us. Women die a thousand deaths making this choice. This is painful. This hurts. This leaves scars forever on the heart.

There must be other ways. But we have to open the dialogue.

Do you honestly think we don't know that abortion is harmful to women, albeit a lot less so than it is to the children? Do you not hear us talking about the women who are fooled into believing it's "just a medical procedure" like getting their appendix out, only to find that they've ruined their lives? Have you not heard the pro-lifers talk about the young girls being preyed on and victimized with the willing collusion of many of the most prominent abortion supporters and providers?

Just because our first priority is the babies who are dying in the millions doesn't mean we're not also fighting for the women who are being used and misled and for the society that's being destroyed along the way.

What, exactly, do you think we should "dialogue" about, if not the facts of the case and the lies that are being used to distort and hide those facts?
The plank is very important. It must be expanded to include exceptions for rape and incest along with the health of the mother. The social values folks have to stop their war against women in the GOP.
In cases of rape or incest, abortion should be an option for desperate women. This doesn't mean that no one should be held responsible for the baby's death. The rapist or incestuous relative should be charged with murder since it is he who set in motion the circumstances of the death.
That is a good start. We need to make sure it is officially in the platform, Amy.

Romney, I think, is still very pro-choice in his heart, and telling folks what they wanted to hear.

Ryan, I think, would be satisfied, like his fellow Catholic, Rick Santorum, for no abortion no way.

We need a solid platform that appeals to the great majority of women, which leaves them certain options for their choice, not someone else.
Abortion is not murder, if the choice is by the mother.

I understand your point, Katndogz, but I don't think a legislature will pass it, or SCOTUS would uphold it if it did.

But go for it. I will support the effort.

In cases of rape or incest, abortion should be an option for desperate women. This doesn't mean that no one should be held responsible for the baby's death. The rapist or incestuous relative should be charged with murder since it is he who set in motion the circumstances of the death.
The issue at this point goes beyond being pro or anti abortion. It has come down to who should pay for abortion. Abortion funding should not be a function of the government. Paying for someone else's abortion should not be something the government requires. Insurance companies should be allowed the freedom to determine whether they will provide abortion coverage, the same way they provide dental or vision coverage. If paying for another's abortion is that important to an individual, they should contribute to charities that exist, or might exist in the future.
The above was remarkably idiotic, particularly the part about ‘illegal immigrants who are herded into voting booths…’ apparently the poster has no idea only citizens can vote, and one must register before voting, documenting, among other things, his citizenship.

In reference to the highlighted portion, Clayton, you're completely full of shit!

But then again, you KNOW that already.

Let me ask you one simple question.

Where on your utility bill is the section that verifies citizenship?
Yeah, you don't have to verify your citizenship to register to vote.

I hand out voter registration materials every single day. You fill out a form, send it in, and you get a voter registration card. It asks for the last 4 digits of your ss# or your driver's license #.

And as far as i know, nobody checks either of those things.
Sigh. There is no overwhelming voter fraud by Dems or Pubs, though both parties did it.

This is an issue that gets us no where and pisses off the immigrant citizens who do vote
Sigh. There is no overwhelming voter fraud by Dems or Pubs, though both parties did it.

This is an issue that gets us no where and pisses off the immigrant citizens who do vote

You're clueless on this subject, Joke. No offense, but you REALLY are...

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
Sigh. There is no overwhelming voter fraud by Dems or Pubs, though both parties did it.

This is an issue that gets us no where and pisses off the immigrant citizens who do vote

You're clueless on this subject, Joke. No offense, but you REALLY are...

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Not a fan of Jake, but he's got a point. You guys have been screaming about supposed voter fraud for years, and you've offered no real evidence of it.

Wait, I think we have some pictures of your fraudulant voters...


:lol: You loveable wing nut you. :lol:

There is no evidence of massive voter fraud by either side, because if there was, I guarantee you the mainstream voices of that party would signing and singing it to the heavens.

Sigh. There is no overwhelming voter fraud by Dems or Pubs, though both parties did it.

This is an issue that gets us no where and pisses off the immigrant citizens who do vote

You're clueless on this subject, Joke. No offense, but you REALLY are...

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
In cases of rape or incest, abortion should be an option for desperate women. This doesn't mean that no one should be held responsible for the baby's death. The rapist or incestuous relative should be charged with murder since it is he who set in motion the circumstances of the death.

You can't do that. No criminal code has that in it.
Go to your state legislature and lobby for that but fat chance with that. No one in their right mind wants a law so vague and broad as that.

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