Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Yeah, you don't have to verify your citizenship to register to vote.

I hand out voter registration materials every single day. You fill out a form, send it in, and you get a voter registration card. It asks for the last 4 digits of your ss# or your driver's license #.

And as far as i know, nobody checks either of those things.

You do. When you sign a voter registration form you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are over 18, a US citizen and then whatever felony restrictions there are for your state.

My state most certainly does check driver's licenses and SSNs. If the information provided doesn't clear the Calvalidator system, the voter is required to provide ID at the polls when they vote.
Sending fathers to prison for non support would be a good start to lower the abortion rate. Ending the war on birth control is a second. More sex education in the schools a third.
Yeah, you don't have to verify your citizenship to register to vote.

I hand out voter registration materials every single day. You fill out a form, send it in, and you get a voter registration card. It asks for the last 4 digits of your ss# or your driver's license #.

And as far as i know, nobody checks either of those things.

You do. When you sign a voter registration form you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are over 18, a US citizen and then whatever felony restrictions there are for your state.

My state most certainly does check driver's licenses and SSNs. If the information provided doesn't clear the Calvalidator system, the voter is required to provide ID at the polls when they vote.

Yeah nobody commits fraud, especially in Cali...

And we wonder where liberals are at on the IQ chart...
Yeah, you don't have to verify your citizenship to register to vote.

I hand out voter registration materials every single day. You fill out a form, send it in, and you get a voter registration card. It asks for the last 4 digits of your ss# or your driver's license #.

And as far as i know, nobody checks either of those things.

You do. When you sign a voter registration form you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are over 18, a US citizen and then whatever felony restrictions there are for your state.

My state most certainly does check driver's licenses and SSNs. If the information provided doesn't clear the Calvalidator system, the voter is required to provide ID at the polls when they vote.

Yeah nobody commits fraud, especially in Cali...

And we wonder where liberals are at on the IQ chart...

Please provide a list of all voter fraud convictions in CA in the last five years.
In cases of rape or incest, abortion should be an option for desperate women. This doesn't mean that no one should be held responsible for the baby's death. The rapist or incestuous relative should be charged with murder since it is he who set in motion the circumstances of the death.

The problem here is that you are exposing your own hypocrisy.

If you believe that a fetus is the same legally and morally as a person, then you can no more allow the execution of fetus conceived by rape than a child conceived by rape.

You are trapped in a web of your own illogic.
Yeah, you don't have to verify your citizenship to register to vote.

I hand out voter registration materials every single day. You fill out a form, send it in, and you get a voter registration card. It asks for the last 4 digits of your ss# or your driver's license #.

And as far as i know, nobody checks either of those things.

You do. When you sign a voter registration form you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are over 18, a US citizen and then whatever felony restrictions there are for your state.

My state most certainly does check driver's licenses and SSNs. If the information provided doesn't clear the Calvalidator system, the voter is required to provide ID at the polls when they vote.

Oh well, so long as we say we're who we are...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
I would be most interested in how you thought "the party" would not allow Romney to express his views on abortion.


He can see that wanting to outlaw abortion was a losing issue. He had said he was pro choice before, but when he ran in 2012 he never described himself that way. He was accused of flip flopping on the issue. I don't think the party would elect a pro choice candidate.

Most of the problem is from both sides is a position of no return. No one wants to talk. Everyone just wants to hammer each other with their position. This is so wrong.

One has to remember though, and boy oh boy I don't mean to come off harsh or strident in my other posts, that for all conservatives, at least half of us are women. Just like the left.

When Sarah Palin talked about being alone in her hotel room knowing she was carrying a Down's Syndrome baby and truly understanding for the first time in her life, that one glimmer of a moment of the thought of abortion where she could understand it for other women, I couldn't breathe at her honesty. I knew she felt it. Sarah would never have aborted Trig, but as a woman she understood. Bless her soul. She is just so honest.

I think if we could first and foremost actually have a discussion in the conservative community to make so many begin to understand that abortion is not a casual gesture except for the most stoned out idiots among us. Women die a thousand deaths making this choice. This is painful. This hurts. This leaves scars forever on the heart.

There must be other ways. But we have to open the dialogue.

Sadly as Romney understood, you can't affect any issue if you don't hold the office. All you are left with is your opinion. I would rather our guy be the one holding the meetings, and making the choices, than be the people standing outside holding signs. If you ignore the obvious, that the electorate doesn't want abortion outlawed, the party will be labeled out of touch. If Reps don't modify on abortion and immigration they won't be in office. We have 4 years of President Obama in front of us. Reps inability to compromise has lead us to a place where American tax payers will pay for abortion regardless of your level of morality.
Quit you delusional babbling. We need the women of America more than we need the social values folks right now. The inclusion of exceptions for rape and incest are necessary. You are unnecessary, whereas the women count.

The only one who needs to quit their incessant delusional babbling you. Further, you don't think the "social values folks" includes women? And, the inclusion of exceptions for rape and incest were already clarified and it didn't help squat. So, not really are they necessary. If they were necessary, Mitt Romney would have won, as inclusion for rape and incest were part of his campaign. But, I believe this hurt him more than helped him. Many conservatives just simply stayed home and didn't bother voting because he included abortions in cases of rape and incest, as well as they knew his stance on abortion when he was governor of Massachusetts was even more liberal than his stance on it during the campaign. And, lastly, insofar as your last comment, "You are unnecessary, whereas the women count"? You're about an idiot of biblical proportions...aren't you? Well now, I'm not any more "unnecessary" than you are...chump. At least, that is presuming you're a male since your screen name starts with "Jake".

Romney does not clarify the Party plank. And neither do you, CG: you fail on this yet again.

Then why is it you presume Republicans are going to keep losing presidential elections? If Romney, running as president, does not clarify the "Party plank" then, WTF has this got to do with Republicans losing presidential elections? And, additionally, neither do you clarify the "Party plank" so what "Party plank" it is you allege Republicans have are yours and nothing more.

Why would he, if he doesn't clarify the "Party plank"? You're contradicting yourself here...goon. And, you're right about his losing because of women's distrust of him and this issue. However, I believe the distrust was completely the other way around from what you surmise. The distrust was by those opposed to abortion who didn't trust him to be more proactive in helping eliminate abortion.

We'll see. But, I think you're going to be sadly mistaken.

You already know what Romney's position is and has been on abortion dip...I just showed it to you. And, what I need to be careful of are leftist hucksters such as yourself, not hard core Catholics like Ryan and LDS like Romney.

Oh, and a word to the wise? Don't ever think you can instruct your betters on issues like these.

Your drug-induced delusions may help you get through your own personal life on a day-to-day basis with relative ease but, they're of zero relevance here.
The plank is very important. It must be expanded to include exceptions for rape and incest along with the health of the mother. The social values folks have to stop their war against women in the GOP.

The "kill your baby" folks have to stop their war against unborn children.
Sending fathers to prison for non support would be a good start to lower the abortion rate. Ending the war on birth control is a second. More sex education in the schools a third.

What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.

Any woman (or girl) can get free birth control from a school counselor or the county clinic.

Quit repeating the lie as if it makes it true. Progressives won't be happy until we enroll 10 year old girls in "how to enjoy sex completely" classes, complete with sex therapists, prostitutes and sex toys, paid for and demonstrated by the dept. of education.
The plank is very important. It must be expanded to include exceptions for rape and incest along with the health of the mother. The social values folks have to stop their war against women in the GOP.

The "kill your baby" folks have to stop their war against unborn children.

It's not just against the's against women and all underaged humans, period.

They view women and children as sexual creatures, and that's all. Everything must rotate around getting them sexually active as young as possible, and keeping them in a state of sexual readiness for as much of their young lives as possible.
Sending fathers to prison for non support would be a good start to lower the abortion rate. Ending the war on birth control is a second. More sex education in the schools a third.

You gave me an interesting idea, mothers and fathers should face an 18 year support fine for every abortion. Money to support mothers on government assistance. The burden would be on both and if one doesn't pay the other has to make it up. To make it realistic, I would make this apply to elective late term abortions. Wouldn't this take away the motivation to kill your baby and add incentive to have it? Fines would be according to income, like Child support.
He can see that wanting to outlaw abortion was a losing issue. He had said he was pro choice before, but when he ran in 2012 he never described himself that way. He was accused of flip flopping on the issue. I don't think the party would elect a pro choice candidate.

Most of the problem is from both sides is a position of no return. No one wants to talk. Everyone just wants to hammer each other with their position. This is so wrong.

One has to remember though, and boy oh boy I don't mean to come off harsh or strident in my other posts, that for all conservatives, at least half of us are women. Just like the left.

When Sarah Palin talked about being alone in her hotel room knowing she was carrying a Down's Syndrome baby and truly understanding for the first time in her life, that one glimmer of a moment of the thought of abortion where she could understand it for other women, I couldn't breathe at her honesty. I knew she felt it. Sarah would never have aborted Trig, but as a woman she understood. Bless her soul. She is just so honest.

I think if we could first and foremost actually have a discussion in the conservative community to make so many begin to understand that abortion is not a casual gesture except for the most stoned out idiots among us. Women die a thousand deaths making this choice. This is painful. This hurts. This leaves scars forever on the heart.

There must be other ways. But we have to open the dialogue.

Sadly as Romney understood, you can't affect any issue if you don't hold the office. All you are left with is your opinion. I would rather our guy be the one holding the meetings, and making the choices, than be the people standing outside holding signs. If you ignore the obvious, that the electorate doesn't want abortion outlawed, the party will be labeled out of touch. If Reps don't modify on abortion and immigration they won't be in office. We have 4 years of President Obama in front of us. Reps inability to compromise has lead us to a place where American tax payers will pay for abortion regardless of your level of morality.

Romney already did modify on abortion and he still isn't in office. And, I don't particularly know what you mean by "modify" on immigration. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants and they shouldn't freakin' be here. What part of they're "illegal" and "breaking the law" do some folks just plain and simply not understand? Further, this nation can barely sustain the population it now has. So, we're going to let an average of approximately 1.3 million illegals in here a year? Oh...wait, let me guess. We have to abort some babies to make room for some illegals.
:lol: You loveable wing nut you. :lol:

There is no evidence of massive voter fraud by either side, because if there was, I guarantee you the mainstream voices of that party would signing and singing it to the heavens.

Sigh. There is no overwhelming voter fraud by Dems or Pubs, though both parties did it.

This is an issue that gets us no where and pisses off the immigrant citizens who do vote

You're clueless on this subject, Joke. No offense, but you REALLY are...

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

There is no evidence of it because the fraud is in the unverified registrations. When you can register to vote with a utility bill NO ONE is verifying the eligibility of those registrants.

How fucking hard do you think it is to fraudulently register, anyway?

Hint: It's NOT!
Yeah, you don't have to verify your citizenship to register to vote.

I hand out voter registration materials every single day. You fill out a form, send it in, and you get a voter registration card. It asks for the last 4 digits of your ss# or your driver's license #.

And as far as i know, nobody checks either of those things.

You do. When you sign a voter registration form you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are over 18, a US citizen and then whatever felony restrictions there are for your state.

My state most certainly does check driver's licenses and SSNs. If the information provided doesn't clear the Calvalidator system, the voter is required to provide ID at the polls when they vote.

A valid drivers license issued to an illegal alien still comes back as a valid drivers license, doesn't it?
Most of the problem is from both sides is a position of no return. No one wants to talk. Everyone just wants to hammer each other with their position. This is so wrong.

One has to remember though, and boy oh boy I don't mean to come off harsh or strident in my other posts, that for all conservatives, at least half of us are women. Just like the left.

When Sarah Palin talked about being alone in her hotel room knowing she was carrying a Down's Syndrome baby and truly understanding for the first time in her life, that one glimmer of a moment of the thought of abortion where she could understand it for other women, I couldn't breathe at her honesty. I knew she felt it. Sarah would never have aborted Trig, but as a woman she understood. Bless her soul. She is just so honest.

I think if we could first and foremost actually have a discussion in the conservative community to make so many begin to understand that abortion is not a casual gesture except for the most stoned out idiots among us. Women die a thousand deaths making this choice. This is painful. This hurts. This leaves scars forever on the heart.

There must be other ways. But we have to open the dialogue.

Sadly as Romney understood, you can't affect any issue if you don't hold the office. All you are left with is your opinion. I would rather our guy be the one holding the meetings, and making the choices, than be the people standing outside holding signs. If you ignore the obvious, that the electorate doesn't want abortion outlawed, the party will be labeled out of touch. If Reps don't modify on abortion and immigration they won't be in office. We have 4 years of President Obama in front of us. Reps inability to compromise has lead us to a place where American tax payers will pay for abortion regardless of your level of morality.

Romney already did modify on abortion and he still isn't in office. And, I don't particularly know what you mean by "modify" on immigration. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants and they shouldn't freakin' be here. What part of they're "illegal" and "breaking the law" do some folks just plain and simply not understand? Further, this nation can barely sustain the population it now has. So, we're going to let an average of approximately 1.3 million illegals in here a year? Oh...wait, let me guess. We have to abort some babies to make room for some illegals.

Yeah, I didn't know you felt that way, thanks for the insight. Yes, the problem of immigration is beyond your simplistic comprehension, that is part of the problem. You like to try and shoot holes in my opinion, do you agree with the parts I highlighted? You understand that being hard headed is not being persuasive. Do you think Reps will win the next election? How do you think they will turn things around?
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Funny thing..neither a ss card nor a driver's license are acceptable citizenship verification by DMV or state departments of human services.

To verify CITIZENSHIP requires both ID (ss card is not id) AND a birth certificate or passport.

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