Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Sending fathers to prison for non support would be a good start to lower the abortion rate. Ending the war on birth control is a second. More sex education in the schools a third.

What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.



The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.
Sadly as Romney understood, you can't affect any issue if you don't hold the office. All you are left with is your opinion. I would rather our guy be the one holding the meetings, and making the choices, than be the people standing outside holding signs. If you ignore the obvious, that the electorate doesn't want abortion outlawed, the party will be labeled out of touch. If Reps don't modify on abortion and immigration they won't be in office. We have 4 years of President Obama in front of us. Reps inability to compromise has lead us to a place where American tax payers will pay for abortion regardless of your level of morality.

Romney already did modify on abortion and he still isn't in office. And, I don't particularly know what you mean by "modify" on immigration. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants and they shouldn't freakin' be here. What part of they're "illegal" and "breaking the law" do some folks just plain and simply not understand? Further, this nation can barely sustain the population it now has. So, we're going to let an average of approximately 1.3 million illegals in here a year? Oh...wait, let me guess. We have to abort some babies to make room for some illegals.

Yeah, I didn't know you felt that way, thanks for the insight.

Didn't know I felt that way about..................?
Sending fathers to prison for non support would be a good start to lower the abortion rate. Ending the war on birth control is a second. More sex education in the schools a third.

What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.



The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.

Oh, is it less than it was before sex ed, free birth control and legal abortion became the norm?

How does going to prison help them pay support?:confused:

Year ago I did child support service of process for the courts to get these dead beats in civil court. Some of the Judges cracked down on them for contempt and locked them up.
AMAZING how many came up with ALL of their back child support within hours in the slammer.
The threat then gets out and the dead beats pay up.
Sending fathers to prison for non support would be a good start to lower the abortion rate. Ending the war on birth control is a second. More sex education in the schools a third.

What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.

Any woman (or girl) can get free birth control from a school counselor or the county clinic.

Quit repeating the lie as if it makes it true. Progressives won't be happy until we enroll 10 year old girls in "how to enjoy sex completely" classes, complete with sex therapists, prostitutes and sex toys, paid for and demonstrated by the dept. of education.

You are uninformed as usual. High % of parents opt their kids out of ANY sex education and the % of those that get pregnant in the inner city has skyrocketed.
Sex is a dirty word to you. Do you poke holes in that bag you wear over your head?
What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.



The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.

Oh, is it less than it was before sex ed, free birth control and legal abortion became the norm?


Sex ed and birth control instructions hit about the mid 80s and look how much good it has done.
And continues to do. Wake the hell up.
What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.



The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.

Oh, is it less than it was before sex ed, free birth control and legal abortion became the norm?


Speaking of charts, I'd like to know where it is so many of these leftists get the idea Romney lost due to so many women supposedly being concerned Romney would make abortion illegal. According to Gallup, more people described themselves as Pro-life, than Pro-choice. Further, interesting the correlation of those describing themselves as Pro-life going from 33% in about 1996 to about 44% in 2005 and, the numbers of abortions going from between 1.5 million and 1.3 million between 1993 and 1997 to about 1.2 million in 2005. So, if there's a reduction in the number of abortions, surely it's because there's more folks describing themselves as pro-life.

:lol: You loveable wing nut you. :lol:

There is no evidence of massive voter fraud by either side, because if there was, I guarantee you the mainstream voices of that party would signing and singing it to the heavens.

You're clueless on this subject, Joke. No offense, but you REALLY are...

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

There is no evidence of it because the fraud is in the unverified registrations. When you can register to vote with a utility bill NO ONE is verifying the eligibility of those registrants.

How fucking hard do you think it is to fraudulently register, anyway?

Hint: It's NOT!

No one is registering to vote with a utility bill.

When registering to vote citizens must prove their citizenship with appropriate ID, absent that ID a background check is completed by elections officials to ensure the voter is eligible to vote. That’s why one must register at least 30 days prior to Election Day, to ensure all background checks are done.

Subsequent to that there’s no reason to compel a voter to again prove his citizenship at every election; that’s already been completed as the voter is listed on the voter registration log.

If a voter’s name isn’t listed on the registration log, he’s not given a ballot to vote. And he can’t get on the log unless he’s registered with an ID.

Where you and other rightists get the idiotic notion that persons can just walk in off the street and enter a polling place and be handed an official ballot to vote without first being checked as eligible on the registration log remains a bizarre mystery. It must be an aspect of the ignorance and hate exhibited by many conservatives.

Utility bills are used only in states which require ‘voter ID,’ but these voters have already registered, proven their citizenship, and are listed on the registration logs.
What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.



The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.

Oh, is it less than it was before sex ed, free birth control and legal abortion became the norm?


Since this chart only counts LEGAL abortions, that's kind of meaningless. We don't know how many abortions were performed before Roe v. Wade, but it was probably a lot.

But your statement was. "and the abortion rate continues to climb" but the fact is, it has been dropping for the last 25 years.... So your statement is incorrect.

The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.

Oh, is it less than it was before sex ed, free birth control and legal abortion became the norm?


Since this chart only counts LEGAL abortions, that's kind of meaningless. We don't know how many abortions were performed before Roe v. Wade, but it was probably a lot.

But your statement was. "and the abortion rate continues to climb" but the fact is, it has been dropping for the last 25 years.... So your statement is incorrect.

So much for ‘Always correct.’

The abortion number peaked in 1985, and has been in decline ever since.

Oh, is it less than it was before sex ed, free birth control and legal abortion became the norm?


Since this chart only counts LEGAL abortions, that's kind of meaningless. We don't know how many abortions were performed before Roe v. Wade, but it was probably a lot.

But your statement was. "and the abortion rate continues to climb" but the fact is, it has been dropping for the last 25 years.... So your statement is incorrect.

Yes, I know it makes you think good thoughts that a few thousand less abortions may have taken place...because 1.2 million is better then 1.199876 abortions.

But I digress, the premeditated killing the unborn ought to be illegal excepting in the most egregious of circumstances "rape" or where the mothers physical life is at mortal risk.

For the most up to date stats on the number of abortions happening click here

Abortions in the United States

Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2011: 54.5 million+

234 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
Abortions per year: 1.2 million
Abortions per day: 3,288
Abortions per hour: 137
9 abortions every 4 minutes
1 abortion every 26 seconds

These statistics include only surgical and medical abortions. Because many contraceptive measures are abortifacients (drugs that induce or cause abortions), it is important not to overlook the number of children killed by chemical abortions. Since 1965, an average of 11 million women have used abortifacient methods of birth control in the United States at any given time. Using formulas based on the way the birth control pill works, pharmacy experts project that about 14 million chemical abortions occur in the United States each year, providing a projected total of well in excess of 610 million chemical abortions between 1965 and 2009.

When conducting research on abortion statistics, you may also encounter two different sets of numbers. One set is from the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and the other is from the Guttmacher Institute, the "independent research arm" of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

The Guttmacher Institute totals are actually the more accurate since the Institute conducts private research on abortion providers throughout the country and because not all states are required to report to the CDC. In fact, California and New York, where high numbers of abortions occur, are not included in CDC figures.

Education > Abortion > Abortion Statistics - 07/26/2012 |

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