Can Reps modify abortion stance?

My d-i-l voted for Obama.

I love her. I didn't say a word against her decision, even when she said she was voting for him because they were the same color.
Please show me where anyone in the pro-life mainstream has EVER suggested "locking up mothers, fathers, doctors, receptionist." No, that would be a pro-abort dodge.

And "we have too many criminals so let's just blow shit off"? Really? Am I supposed to take that, and you, seriously?

I am not pro-abort, I am anti-stupid. I don't pretend I know how to make abortion go away.
It's nice to see you Cecilie, you have peaked my interest. If you make abortions illegal what would be the penalty? A ticket?

No, you just pretend that you WANT to make abortion go away.

Question is, WHY would you want to make it go away? What's wrong with it?

You're connected to the Internet. Go look up the state abortion laws prior to Roe v. Wade, and you'll have your answer. I have no time for people who expect me to do their research and their thinking for them. This sham act of "Abortion has ALWAYS been with us, there's just no WAY to know how it could be handled without imprisoning women" bores me.

The ability to make life is a gift from God, it's a blessing. It's a shame to destroy that gift. There are many ways that people don't appreciate the blessings that they are given in life. People that destroy others hurt themselves. I am glad that you honor life. We live in a world where there will always be a need to reach out to people.
It's both stunning and disheartening that such a nasty bit of misogynistic propaganda has actually become part of some people's belief system.

Let's let go of the fairy tales and inject some hard, cold reality into your closed, controlling, blind minds.

First of all, abortion's been around since the dawn of civilization. So has birth control. So have fertility methods. Abortions happened in the holy land during the biblical eras.

Why is there religious, selfish, and right wing "outrage" over abortion? The religious argument is simple - breed more and there will be more of us, we will outnumber them and their armies. We can eventually control the world! Go team us!!

The selfish argument is equally simple - a woman is unable to have children, so she tries to forcibly project onto other women - they HAVE to want to have babies as much as she does!

The right wing argument is a bit more complex - and deeply hateful.

First of all, in a patriarchal society, it's easier to keep women "out of the way" if they're constantly pregnant, recovering from childbirth, nursing, or chasing after little ones. So let's keep 'em barefoot and pregnant.

In a patriarchal society gone full-blown mysoginistic, it's okay for a man to screw around, but if a woman does it she's a slut, a whore. He's cool, she's evil. And what better way to prove she's a whore than to force her to carry a child like a watermelon-sized scarlet letter?

If a woman remains single, by her choice or by the baby's father's choice, then she's extra bad for refusing to bring the child up in a two-parent household. It doesn't matter if she was raped, she's bad for staying single.

And that's exactly the way it would be if the lunatic fringe had their way. This poor creature would have to publicly explain herself and her situation to everyone that gazed upon her and called out, "Shame! Shame!"

A single or married woman with a child is more likely to have to work part-time, and more likely to be called away from work if the child gets sick. In the old days it was an excuse used by employers (including several that I worked for) to not hire women or to refuse to pay or promote them fairly.

When women started having fewer kids and were better able to work full time the boys-only he-man club went bonkers. The worked overtime spreading all sorts of lies about abortions.

And you fuckwits bought into those lies.
Bullshit. 'Pro-choice' doesn't refer to a choice of flavored coffees. So many advocates of death on the left don't have the courage to face the moral implications of their political position.

Pro life doesn't always mean pro life. It means pro life unless abortion is convenient for you. Most lifers are hypocrites anyway.
The last election proves that women will not support such a law.

A law of 3rd party murder has been passed in several of the states.

But the law you wish simply can't pass.

Gotcha. Only the law can, under very limited circumstances, do what you just cited.

This works by law because Americans will support it.

Your contention, without law, that a fetus is a child, and all abortions should be outlawed, will never pass Congress because American women will not accept it.

The last election proves that without any hope of it changing.

The last election doesn't prove squat.
Pro abortionists are sick puppies who support the killing of millions of human beings by calling them fetus, as if they are not living human beings (scientifically incorrect). They do this with the same self righteous attitude that allowed whites to legally kill black Americans by calling them ni**ers, as if they were less than complete human beings too...end of story.

Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.

Third time I've asked this in the last week, and all I ever hear is crickets from you leftist hypocrites. Let's see if YOU have any cojones, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

Answer the question, or you're pro-abortion. Period.

The answer is that nobody is pro abortion. People may support a woman's right to control her own body, but that does not mean they are "pro" abortion. Nobody is out there saying "rah, rah, lets all get an abortion".

Who EVER said "abortion is no big deal"?
Bullshit. 'Pro-choice' doesn't refer to a choice of flavored coffees. So many advocates of death on the left don't have the courage to face the moral implications of their political position.

Pro life doesn't always mean pro life. It means pro life unless abortion is convenient for you.

Then it's not "pro-life." Go take the fries out of the oil and then think about it.
It's both stunning and disheartening that such a nasty bit of misogynistic propaganda has actually become part of some people's belief system.

Oh, my freaking God. Now we're going to have some shriveled, long-past-its-sell-by-date twat telling us how the essence of femininity is fucking men we don't like who don't respect us, and then ripping that evil killer fetus we've created out of our uteruses so that we don't have to miss a single night of going out and fucking MORE men we don't like who don't respect us. And if you don't agree that women should just be meaningless fucksticks, then you HATE WOMEN!

It's too early in the morning for this shit.

Let's let go of the fairy tales and inject some hard, cold reality into your closed, controlling, blind minds.

Can we start with the fairy tale of the so-called "Sexual Revolution" being some sort of liberation for women? Those of us who had to follow after your tour-de-force performance of "Fuck me and forget me, it's okay" are getting less and less grateful every day.

First of all, abortion's been around since the dawn of civilization. So has birth control. So have fertility methods. Abortions happened in the holy land during the biblical eras.

Well, gloryosky! Ms. Senility over here has just reached the revelation that people have done bad things since forever, and thinks we should all congratulate her on her "profound" insight. Worse, she apparently has some stupid idea that 1) that means we should just accept those bad things as okay, and 2) that we should abandon the centuries of knowledge and civilization we've acquired since Biblical times and behave like a bunch of uneducated, uncultured primitives.

I need coffee. Stat.

Why is there religious, selfish, and right wing "outrage" over abortion? The religious argument is simple - breed more and there will be more of us, we will outnumber them and their armies. We can eventually control the world! Go team us!!

Seriously? Did you SERIOUSLY just tell us that you have no fucking clue WHY the right has a problem with abortion? You can't figure this deep conundrum out, other than some ancient throwback to when you were a teenager, around the time the Pyramids were built?

I'm sorry, but WHAT made you think you had anything to say that anyone needs to hear?

The selfish argument is equally simple - a woman is unable to have children, so she tries to forcibly project onto other women - they HAVE to want to have babies as much as she does!

Yes, it's MUCH more selfish to want babies to live, than to want to kill them because they interfere with your hobby of picking up men in bars.

And you've caught us. The problem here is that ALL the women who oppose abortion are just unable to have children of their own! Ohmigod, you are SO brilliant and insightful! I really MUST run off and tell me three children about this revelation!

The right wing argument is a bit more complex - and deeply hateful.

First of all, in a patriarchal society, it's easier to keep women "out of the way" if they're constantly pregnant, recovering from childbirth, nursing, or chasing after little ones. So let's keep 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Too bad for this "argument" - if one can even call these demented ravings an "argument" - is that men support abortion more than women do. And why wouldn't they? Only a complete dumbass thinks men would rather have women getting pregnant, bringing the child to term, and then making them take responsibility for it than killing off those little child-support-payment generators in the womb so the men can fuck without consequence.

Take a bow, Grandma Dumbass.

Oh, and I have news for you, Toots. Abortion or not, EVERYONE is blowing you off as inconsequential.

In a patriarchal society gone full-blown mysoginistic, it's okay for a man to screw around, but if a woman does it she's a slut, a whore. He's cool, she's evil. And what better way to prove she's a whore than to force her to carry a child like a watermelon-sized scarlet letter?

How much do you have to hate yourself as a woman and your own femaleness to believe that "freedom" means being the town pump?

If a woman remains single, by her choice or by the baby's father's choice, then she's extra bad for refusing to bring the child up in a two-parent household. It doesn't matter if she was raped, she's bad for staying single.

Ahh, yes. And here we have the child as millstone around the neck, evil symbol of oppression. I'm just waiting for the "killer fetus" arguments to show up now.

And that's exactly the way it would be if the lunatic fringe had their way. This poor creature would have to publicly explain herself and her situation to everyone that gazed upon her and called out, "Shame! Shame!"

Apparently, Grandma had some bad experiences back in the Stone Age. Now we all have to pay for her inability to get laid.

A single or married woman with a child is more likely to have to work part-time, and more likely to be called away from work if the child gets sick. In the old days it was an excuse used by employers (including several that I worked for) to not hire women or to refuse to pay or promote them fairly.

And, of course, we all know that EVERY woman considers career advancement to be the be-all and end-all of their lives, and children are just hateful distractions.

What I'm hearing is that Grandma just really, REALLY hated not being born a man.

When women started having fewer kids and were better able to work full time the boys-only he-man club went bonkers. The worked overtime spreading all sorts of lies about abortions.

And you fuckwits bought into those lies.

You haven't listed a single "lie" being told about abortion. You DID, however, give us a whole raft of lies being told about women.

Try to understand that just because YOU hated YOUR vagina and uterus doesn't mean ALL women hate theirs.
Bullshit. 'Pro-choice' doesn't refer to a choice of flavored coffees. So many advocates of death on the left don't have the courage to face the moral implications of their political position.

Pro life doesn't always mean pro life. It means pro life unless abortion is convenient for you. Most lifers are hypocrites anyway.

Only a sick sociopath like you would think killing babies could EVER be "convenient".
Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.

Third time I've asked this in the last week, and all I ever hear is crickets from you leftist hypocrites. Let's see if YOU have any cojones, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

Answer the question, or you're pro-abortion. Period.

The answer is that nobody is pro abortion. People may support a woman's right to control her own body, but that does not mean they are "pro" abortion. Nobody is out there saying "rah, rah, lets all get an abortion".

Who EVER said "abortion is no big deal"?

"Nobody is pro-abortion because nobody is pro-abortion" is not an answer. It's an admission that you're a poltroon and full of shit.

Not that we didn't all know that about you, but thanks for admitting that you actually do know it, as well. And thank you also for embracing the title of "pro-abortion".

Tuck tail and run away now, pro-abortion coward. Come back if you ever have the guts to answer the question.
Third time I've asked this in the last week, and all I ever hear is crickets from you leftist hypocrites. Let's see if YOU have any cojones, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

Answer the question, or you're pro-abortion. Period.

The answer is that nobody is pro abortion. People may support a woman's right to control her own body, but that does not mean they are "pro" abortion. Nobody is out there saying "rah, rah, lets all get an abortion".

Who EVER said "abortion is no big deal"?

"Nobody is pro-abortion because nobody is pro-abortion" is not an answer. It's an admission that you're a poltroon and full of shit.

Not that we didn't all know that about you, but thanks for admitting that you actually do know it, as well. And thank you also for embracing the title of "pro-abortion".

Tuck tail and run away now, pro-abortion coward. Come back if you ever have the guts to answer the question.

I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. That you don't like the answer is your hang up not mine.
I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. .

The issue you need to come to terms with is why you have such a hard time accepting that YOUR position is PRO ABORTION.
Nobody is pro-abortion...end of story.

Third time I've asked this in the last week, and all I ever hear is crickets from you leftist hypocrites. Let's see if YOU have any cojones, shall we?

I'm curious. Why is it that leftists are always so hot to deny being pro-abortion? You twits all but break your legs rushing to assure us, ad nauseam, that "no one is 'pro-abortion'". But if abortion is no big deal, nothing wrong with it, fetuses aren't alive anyway, blah blah yackity smackity with all the other propaganda you spew, why NOT be pro-abortion? What's so wrong and objectionable about abortion that you can't ever, EVER tolerate even the POSSIBILITY of being thought of as "pro-abortion"?

Answer the question, or you're pro-abortion. Period.

The answer is that nobody is pro abortion. People may support a woman's right to control her own body, but that does not mean they are "pro" abortion. Nobody is out there saying "rah, rah, lets all get an abortion".

Who EVER said "abortion is no big deal"?

Agreed, but you can't have it both ways...

The message is about choice, the real belief is left out in the cold, we need to change the direction, Screaming Eagles list of action is not front and center, it needs to be...

Every time a conservative, bible believing Christian like myself denounces Abortion, you and your liberal friends rain down with all your hatred for our beliefs...

I will defend any one's right to choose, even if I don't agree with their choice, but this issue is about a lot more than choice...

The reality is none of us would be here having this debate if conception did not take place, that is the seed of life, quit trying to tell everyone a fetus is not a life, a fetus has a detectable heart beat in the first 3 to 4 weeks...
I gave you your answer. There is no such thing as "pro abortion", there is only pro choice. .

The issue you need to come to terms with is why you have such a hard time accepting that YOUR position is PRO ABORTION.

No, actually I don't because it isn't. I'm pro choice and pro life.

Get down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and get over it.
I've been trying to stay out of this, but a thought occurred to me a few seconds ago and thought I'd ask.

Whether or not you are pro-abortion or not, what about those pregnancies that would be fatal? I'm talking about things like tubal pregnancies (fetus starts growing in the Fallopian tube), where, if the baby is allowed to grow, then it will kill both mother and child.

Is abortion okay then, or should both be allowed to die?

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