Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Maybe in your effort to be clear, you're clear as mud.
It takes a lot of money to run for office and the average Joe can't do it.
Businesses own our government and that's why our nation is in the toilet.
It's inevitable.

My statement was about insurance. I offered a way to keep keep the government out of it. If they are, businesses would have nothing to influence.
Fine...state your case like a flowchart.

Not necessary. You can't understand what I offered by reading? It's simple. YOU pay for YOURS. I'LL pay for MINE. YOU pay for anyone else you want to provide insurance. NO government involvement.
What does Insurance have to do will an economic crash such as 2008?

So all the foreclosures and bankruptcies Liberals say occurred related to lack of insurance had nothing to do with the economy?
I never heard anyone say or report such.
Today's foreclosures are a result of people losing their careers and jobs years ago and the counties are kicking them out now.
Government bought out by Business = Business with no controls.
Either scenario ends up in disaster.

Who controls government?
For local Representatives...Small Business Authority.
For State and Federal...Large Businesses and Corporations.

I have been a local representative. Not one business controlled me. I self funded my campaign and owed nothing to no one as a result.
You must have been in a very highly populated area of at least 2 million people.
And reelected several times.

Oh, so you make a statement then place conditions AFTER you were proven wrong.
I have NO idea what kind of bullshit you're trying to pull off right now.
Insurance in case of losing your career due to an economic crash does NOT exist.
Perhaps for the VERY wealthy.
Such Insurance has NEVER been presented to me.
Bullshit...It all started under GW.
You ever notice how CAREFUL Republicans are with legislation until it comes to allowing OFF-SHORING.
Them all of a sudden, they WEREN'T so careful.
Give me a break.

From FactCheck.Org:


President Obama said on the campaign trail that there is a tax break for companies that ship jobs overseas. That was in response to Mitt Romney’s statement that there is not a tax break for companies that ship jobs overseas. Who is right??


Do companies get a tax break for shipping U.S. jobs overseas? Several readers asked us that question after it came up during the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

Obama claimed that “companies that are shipping jobs overseas” get tax breaks, saying that they “can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas.” But Mitt Romney said that he had “no idea” what the president was talking about, adding that “the idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is simply not the case.” And both men are right, in a way.

There is no specific tax break for the sole purpose of relocating a U.S. job to another country, as Romney said. But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country, according to tax experts with whom we spoke. The White House confirmed in an email that that is what Obama was referring to in the debate.

“Firms can generally deduct business expenses,” said Kimberly Clausing, the Thormund A. Miller and Walter Mintz Professor of Economics at Reed College. “Thus, of course, if firms incurred expenses in moving abroad, they would be able to deduct those expenses.”

“My interpretation is that the President’s statement was accurate,” she said in an email to

William McBride, chief economist for the pro-business Tax Foundation, agreed with her point about the ability of companies to deduct moving costs as a business expense.

“There are no special tax provisions that provide incentives to move overseas, but, of course, in general, the IRS allows companies to deduct business expenses, one of which is moving expenses, whether within the U.S. or abroad,” he said.

Obama has called for Congress to change current law so that firms can no longer reduce their tax payments by deducting costs associated with moving their operations outside of the country.

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Sure there is. You provide yours, I provide mine, and if you want to provide someone else's on their behalf, do so. No government involvement.
Government bought out by Business = Business with no controls.
Either scenario ends up in disaster.

Who controls government?
For local Representatives...Small Business Authority.
For State and Federal...Large Businesses and Corporations.

The correct answer is nobody.
You are a partisan moron.
I presume you never worked for a politician.

Never. I despise them all.
Government bought out by Business = Business with no controls.
Either scenario ends up in disaster.

Who controls government?
For local Representatives...Small Business Authority.
For State and Federal...Large Businesses and Corporations.

I have been a local representative. Not one business controlled me. I self funded my campaign and owed nothing to no one as a result.
You must have been in a very highly populated area of at least 2 million people.
And reelected several times.

Oh, so you make a statement then place conditions AFTER you were proven wrong.
Are you a clown?
You were a Representative in a one car town and you're trying to generalize that into the big city?
That's a Talmud 1.0 FAIL.
My statement was about insurance. I offered a way to keep keep the government out of it. If they are, businesses would have nothing to influence.
Fine...state your case like a flowchart.

Not necessary. You can't understand what I offered by reading? It's simple. YOU pay for YOURS. I'LL pay for MINE. YOU pay for anyone else you want to provide insurance. NO government involvement.
What does Insurance have to do will an economic crash such as 2008?

So all the foreclosures and bankruptcies Liberals say occurred related to lack of insurance had nothing to do with the economy?
I never heard anyone say or report such.
Today's foreclosures are a result of people losing their careers and jobs years ago and the counties are kicking them out now.

You haven't been paying attention. One of the major claims by those supporting Obamacare was that people have lost their homes and/or declared bankruptcy due to medical bills from either lack of coverage or factors where those that did have coverage wasn't sufficient.

"Get sick and get out." The travesty of medical foreclosures and bankruptcies
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.

They do pay taxes at the third highest rate in the world. Sorry to burst your little liberal fantasy bubble.
Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015
Bullshit...It all started under GW.
You ever notice how CAREFUL Republicans are with legislation until it comes to allowing OFF-SHORING.
Them all of a sudden, they WEREN'T so careful.
Give me a break.

From FactCheck.Org:


President Obama said on the campaign trail that there is a tax break for companies that ship jobs overseas. That was in response to Mitt Romney’s statement that there is not a tax break for companies that ship jobs overseas. Who is right??


Do companies get a tax break for shipping U.S. jobs overseas? Several readers asked us that question after it came up during the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

Obama claimed that “companies that are shipping jobs overseas” get tax breaks, saying that they “can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas.” But Mitt Romney said that he had “no idea” what the president was talking about, adding that “the idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is simply not the case.” And both men are right, in a way.

There is no specific tax break for the sole purpose of relocating a U.S. job to another country, as Romney said. But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country, according to tax experts with whom we spoke. The White House confirmed in an email that that is what Obama was referring to in the debate.

“Firms can generally deduct business expenses,” said Kimberly Clausing, the Thormund A. Miller and Walter Mintz Professor of Economics at Reed College. “Thus, of course, if firms incurred expenses in moving abroad, they would be able to deduct those expenses.”

“My interpretation is that the President’s statement was accurate,” she said in an email to

William McBride, chief economist for the pro-business Tax Foundation, agreed with her point about the ability of companies to deduct moving costs as a business expense.

“There are no special tax provisions that provide incentives to move overseas, but, of course, in general, the IRS allows companies to deduct business expenses, one of which is moving expenses, whether within the U.S. or abroad,” he said.

Obama has called for Congress to change current law so that firms can no longer reduce their tax payments by deducting costs associated with moving their operations outside of the country.

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring

Obama lied on every point he ran on for his 2nd term so I don't give him any credence.
Who controls government?
For local Representatives...Small Business Authority.
For State and Federal...Large Businesses and Corporations.

I have been a local representative. Not one business controlled me. I self funded my campaign and owed nothing to no one as a result.
You must have been in a very highly populated area of at least 2 million people.
And reelected several times.

Oh, so you make a statement then place conditions AFTER you were proven wrong.
Are you a clown?
You were a Representative in a one car town and you're trying to generalize that into the big city?
That's a Talmud 1.0 FAIL.

I was? Why don't you tell me where I live since you seem to know about it so much.
Fine...state your case like a flowchart.

Not necessary. You can't understand what I offered by reading? It's simple. YOU pay for YOURS. I'LL pay for MINE. YOU pay for anyone else you want to provide insurance. NO government involvement.
What does Insurance have to do will an economic crash such as 2008?

So all the foreclosures and bankruptcies Liberals say occurred related to lack of insurance had nothing to do with the economy?
I never heard anyone say or report such.
Today's foreclosures are a result of people losing their careers and jobs years ago and the counties are kicking them out now.

You haven't been paying attention. One of the major claims by those supporting Obamacare was that people have lost their homes and/or declared bankruptcy due to medical bills from either lack of coverage or factors where those that did have coverage wasn't sufficient.

"Get sick and get out." The travesty of medical foreclosures and bankruptcies
Thankfully I don't know about such.
My Rabbi made sure my Health Insurance was paid for in my bad years.
For local Representatives...Small Business Authority.
For State and Federal...Large Businesses and Corporations.

I have been a local representative. Not one business controlled me. I self funded my campaign and owed nothing to no one as a result.
You must have been in a very highly populated area of at least 2 million people.
And reelected several times.

Oh, so you make a statement then place conditions AFTER you were proven wrong.
Are you a clown?
You were a Representative in a one car town and you're trying to generalize that into the big city?
That's a Talmud 1.0 FAIL.

I was? Why don't you tell me where I live since you seem to know about it so much.
You didn't react so well to my response.
I'm in the Big City filled with corruption and I experience it from the INSIDE of the room.
Last edited:
Obama lied on every point he ran on for his 2nd term so I don't give him any credence.

I don't either, but the point being made here is that Bush nor the Republicans provided any tax break for moving jobs out of the country. It's one of those liberal urban legends trying to make the point that Republicans are in bed with corporations and out to screw the American worker.
Not necessary. You can't understand what I offered by reading? It's simple. YOU pay for YOURS. I'LL pay for MINE. YOU pay for anyone else you want to provide insurance. NO government involvement.
What does Insurance have to do will an economic crash such as 2008?

So all the foreclosures and bankruptcies Liberals say occurred related to lack of insurance had nothing to do with the economy?
I never heard anyone say or report such.
Today's foreclosures are a result of people losing their careers and jobs years ago and the counties are kicking them out now.

You haven't been paying attention. One of the major claims by those supporting Obamacare was that people have lost their homes and/or declared bankruptcy due to medical bills from either lack of coverage or factors where those that did have coverage wasn't sufficient.

"Get sick and get out." The travesty of medical foreclosures and bankruptcies
Thankfully I don't know about such.
My Rabbi made sure my Health Insurance was paid for in my bad years.

Oh, the out of sight so it didn't happen excuse. Why didn't you tell us.
I have been a local representative. Not one business controlled me. I self funded my campaign and owed nothing to no one as a result.
You must have been in a very highly populated area of at least 2 million people.
And reelected several times.

Oh, so you make a statement then place conditions AFTER you were proven wrong.
Are you a clown?
You were a Representative in a one car town and you're trying to generalize that into the big city?
That's a Talmud 1.0 FAIL.

I was? Why don't you tell me where I live since you seem to know about it so much.
You didn't react so well to my response.
I'm in the Big City fill with corruption and I experience it from the INSIDE of the room.

You made a claim about where I lived yet nothing about where it is. Since you don't know, your claim is dismissed for being stupid.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.

Link? Are you kidding. He read it off a bumper sticker at a Bernie rally. There is no link, it untrue.
Republicans in 1995 proposed the balanced budget amendment which would have made it so congress didn't get paid, if the Federal budget was in deficit. Let's review a little history, shall we?

Although the balanced budget amendment had not been a major issue nationally for several years, it provided a striking contrast between Daschle’s first campaign in 1978 and his early career in Congress, when he consistently promoted the amendment, and his later years in the Senate. During his last competitive Senate bid in 1986, Daschle ran a television ad saying that “in 1979, Tom Daschle saw the damage these deficits could do to our country. His first official act was to sponsor a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.” In 1992, Daschle’s campaign literature touted the “Daschle Plan,” which included the balanced budget amendment: “In 1979, before it became popular, I was pushing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. It was my first official action, and I’ve authored or coauthored one every year.” In 1995, the amendment had the support of sixty-six of the sixty-seven senators needed for passage, but Daschle voted against it because of opposition from the Clinton administration…. When pressed on the amendment in the last [2004] television debate, Daschle said that he had opposed the bill in the 1990s because there were no provisions in the amendment allowing for emergencies such as war. But the record showed that there was an emergency clause
So Bill Clinton, your hero and rapist, pressed Tom Daschle and other democraps, to oppose the balanced budget amendment that was proposed by REPUBLICANS. Not democraps.

This after Daschle ran on a political platform of opposing deficits, and promoting exactly that type of amendment.

Daschle then boldly lied that the amendment didn't have any clause for emergencies or war, when the congressional record clearly proved he lied..... which isn't surprising given he is of the party of liars, like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and now you. You are a liar.

Republicans have consistently been trying to do something about budget deficits, and you are a liar.
Why do you need an amendment to balance the budget?

Show you can actually do it for 5-10 years and then consider an amendment

Yeah, and Obama had deficits over a trillion dollars a year, for 3 or 4 years, and you want "others" to "show you can actually do it".

Practice what you preach, hypocrite.

This nation has only added 17 amendments in the last 220 years. Amendments are rare and difficult to do

A balanced budget is a simple thing to do. Why is Congress wasting it's time on an amendment rather than just do its job?

Then why didn't Obama do it? He didn't come within a mile of a balanced budget.

Because trying to balance a budget with a country fighting off an economic collapse is a fucking stupid thing to do

Yeah, first let's make up a myth, that if the government had not acted stupid.... then the economy would have collapsed. Then we can justify anything.

But let's turn right around, and claim we should have a balanced budget, and Republicans are terrible for not having one.

But we really shouldn't have a balanced budget because the world is going to end.

But Republicans are bad for not having a balanced budget the we claim we shouldn't have.

Left-wing thinking.... is the same as mental illness. You people can't get through 2 posts without contradicting yourself.
You must have been in a very highly populated area of at least 2 million people.
And reelected several times.

Oh, so you make a statement then place conditions AFTER you were proven wrong.
Are you a clown?
You were a Representative in a one car town and you're trying to generalize that into the big city?
That's a Talmud 1.0 FAIL.

I was? Why don't you tell me where I live since you seem to know about it so much.
You didn't react so well to my response.
I'm in the Big City fill with corruption and I experience it from the INSIDE of the room.

You made a claim about where I lived yet nothing about where it is. Since you don't know, your claim is dismissed for being stupid.
So tell me you were in charge of hundreds of millions of dollars over hundreds of departments over several million people.

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