Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

How does that alter the fact the Obama has racked up $9 trillion in new debt?

Have you ever glanced at the components of that debt? You know...stuff that caused it?

It does not matter.

I don't care why the debt was created, it's still bad. If I spend more money than I make every single year, until I owe $100,000 when I earn $20,000 a year.... do you really think "how" I racked up that much debt is going to make a difference?

When Greece went bust, did "how" they racked up their debt mattered? NO!

So who cares? How does this change anything?
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.
STILL 3-400 BILLION for assistance for victims of most recent GOP corrupt depression, 7-8 TRILLION in all...Great job!

That assumes they weren't already getting it before Bush.
Did you miss the corrupt Boooshie DEPRESSION? That's what those extra figures are for...
It does not matter.

I don't care why the debt was created, it's still bad. If I spend more money than I make every single year, until I owe $100,000 when I earn $20,000 a year.... do you really think "how" I racked up that much debt is going to make a difference?

When Greece went bust, did "how" they racked up their debt mattered? NO!

So who cares? How does this change anything?

...ok how much of your tax cuts are you willing to give up to pay for the wars we got involved in over the last decade...even a dime?

Conservatives like to shoot the shit about deficits, but don't you fucking dare make them be part of the solution!
Democrat social programs caused all of it.

That's just not fact based.

Horseshit. Your propaganda proves absolutely nothing. The source is a communist propaganda organ.

And you of course will prove that with your very own source in 3...2...1...NEVER. That's just how it goes.

If I was claiming counter-factual bs I too would have problem supporting it.
Horseshit. Your propaganda proves absolutely nothing. The source is a communist propaganda organ.

And you of course will prove that with your very own source in 3...2...1...NEVER. That's just how it goes.

I love the Dim theory that we can designate dollar 'A' of government spending as contributing to the debt while dollar 'B' does not contribute to the debt. You understand that theory is absurd on it's face, don't you?
It does not matter.

I don't care why the debt was created, it's still bad. If I spend more money than I make every single year, until I owe $100,000 when I earn $20,000 a year.... do you really think "how" I racked up that much debt is going to make a difference?

When Greece went bust, did "how" they racked up their debt mattered? NO!

So who cares? How does this change anything?

...ok how much of your tax cuts are you willing to give up to pay for the wars we got involved in over the last decade...even a dime?

Conservatives like to shoot the shit about deficits, but don't you fucking dare make them be part of the solution!

That's because, unlike you, we have an understanding of the purpose of the Federal Government.

According to our constitution, our Federal Government is only supposed to be involved in the following things:

The US Post Office
Regulate inter-state commerce
Provide for courts inferior to the Supreme Court
Treaties and international trade
And a Common Defense of the country.

That is IT..... There is nothing else. No socialist insecurity, no mediscare, or anything else, welfare, food stamps, or public housing.

That's all.

Now if you eliminated from the Federal Budget everything except for those provisions above..... we would have $2 Trillion dollars of SURPLUS MONEY every single year. We could pay off all the national debt, and have rainy day funds for National Emergency use, like Hurricane Katrina.

But you brainless idiots on the left, you want to eliminate the one thing that keeps us safe. Our national defense, and instead, go trillions on trillions into debt, to pay for Socialist Insecurity, and all your other terrible society destroying programs.

We've seen where your road leads. Greece.

And by the way, if you doubt that.... just remember that for 3 years during Obama's presidency, we could have cut the military spending to ZERO, and still had a deficit. Completely eliminate the entire military all together, and still been running a deficit thanks to incompetent mindless fools like you.
Horseshit. Your propaganda proves absolutely nothing. The source is a communist propaganda organ.

And you of course will prove that with your very own source in 3...2...1...NEVER. That's just how it goes.

I love the Dim theory that we can designate dollar 'A' of government spending as contributing to the debt while dollar 'B' does not contribute to the debt. You understand that theory is absurd on it's face, don't you?

No, of course not. These people are like the public school student that asked me how to divide 7 by 2........ on a calculator. Didn't know how to 'work the calculator". Those students end up be forum posters like this guy.
That's because, unlike you, we have an understanding of the purpose of the Federal Government.

Federal government spent a Trillion bucks fighting wars over the last decade. During this time not only did you contribute NOTHING for it, but you actually got a tax cut every year.

Explain to me how any of that makes sense from the position of deficit hawking?

I don't think it does, I think you fellas are but deficit chickets making arguments of convenience.
Horseshit. Your propaganda proves absolutely nothing. The source is a communist propaganda organ.

And you of course will prove that with your very own source in 3...2...1...NEVER. That's just how it goes.

I love the Dim theory that we can designate dollar 'A' of government spending as contributing to the debt while dollar 'B' does not contribute to the debt. You understand that theory is absurd on it's face, don't you?

No, of course not. These people are like the public school student that asked me how to divide 7 by 2........ on a calculator. Didn't know how to 'work the calculator". Those students end up be forum posters like this guy.
Isn't it several 10-sticks in commoncore?? :lol:
So government shouldn't force hospitals to care for trespassers.
On the other hand, the Free Market is responsible for mass under and unemployment.
Will the Free Market clean up and bury all the dead bodies?

I realize it's Sunday, but damn, how drunk are you?

The more socialism fucks up the economy, the more you demand more of it to solve the problem.

Maybe at some point you stop trying to cure a drunk with more vodka, ya think?

Independent's mentality is like putting those that fucked up the school systems in charge of fixing them. If they are capable of fixing it, they wouldn't have fucked it up to start with.
It took the buy-out of the government by the wealthy to create the conditions we have today.
There is virtually no way out of this situation.

Sure there is. You provide yours, I provide mine, and if you want to provide someone else's on their behalf, do so. No government involvement.
Government bought out by Business = Business with no controls.
Either scenario ends up in disaster.

And your solution is to take government bought out by business ... and ... give them MORE power. You see any downside in your solution? Any at all???
I realize it's Sunday, but damn, how drunk are you?

The more socialism fucks up the economy, the more you demand more of it to solve the problem.

Maybe at some point you stop trying to cure a drunk with more vodka, ya think?

Independent's mentality is like putting those that fucked up the school systems in charge of fixing them. If they are capable of fixing it, they wouldn't have fucked it up to start with.
It took the buy-out of the government by the wealthy to create the conditions we have today.
There is virtually no way out of this situation.

Sure there is. You provide yours, I provide mine, and if you want to provide someone else's on their behalf, do so. No government involvement.
Government bought out by Business = Business with no controls.
Either scenario ends up in disaster.

Who controls government?

Show me the money!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuba Gooding Junior does. That's what Hillary is about. I'm Secretary of State, I need to fund the Clinton Foundation ... Show ... me ... the money!!!!!!!!!!!
Independent's mentality is like putting those that fucked up the school systems in charge of fixing them. If they are capable of fixing it, they wouldn't have fucked it up to start with.
It took the buy-out of the government by the wealthy to create the conditions we have today.
There is virtually no way out of this situation.

Sure there is. You provide yours, I provide mine, and if you want to provide someone else's on their behalf, do so. No government involvement.
Government bought out by Business = Business with no controls.
Either scenario ends up in disaster.

Who controls government?
For local Representatives...Small Business Authority.
For State and Federal...Large Businesses and Corporations.

:lmao: From the guy who is voting for the bitch who took tens of millions from Wall Street to do speeches! What a tool
I messed up...

Many of the big boys in the corporate world aint paying a thing. Is this fair?

I guess you would have to go on a case by case basis.

If a company is spending more money than the profits they are making, they get to write off those expenses. If they had to pay taxes regardless of what their spending was, the only choice they would have is to close up shop or move out of the country.
But the biggest corporations showed huge profits and still paid little of no taxes.. And taxes are supposed to be paid on profits not losses.

NOw hear this:

The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS).

Several studies have found that U.S. corporations pay a similar or a lower effective tax rate — the rate actually paid — than corporations in other countries. For example:

STILL waiting for you to share with us specifically who pays corporate income taxes. Don't have the courage, do you?

I have already answered your stupid question, See the highlighted red sentence you apparently missed.
I know 3 letters might overwhelm those two good braincells you have left but Im hoping that other one will fire up if stimulated properly and allow you to comprehend better.
How about an example of a company so over taxes they had to leave .

Burger King..........hold the pickle, please!

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

How the hell can you tax a piece of paper?
Wtf are you talking about?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...

You just can't grasp it can you? Here, I'll try to make it a bit easier for you. Where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes? Does it fall from the sky or does someone pay it to them?
I told you, dingbat. Most big ones pay little or none.. Get it?

Prove it.
He doesn't have to..I already provided a link that backs him up. Haven't you been paying attention.

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