Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

You are looking at the micro economic level and I am talking macro economics. I don't care about company A or company B, I am looking at small business as a whole and corporate America as a whole. $13 trillion in added wealth over the last eight years.
Any claims of poverty in corporate America or small business is unsupported by the numbers. They don't pay higher wages because they don't want to pay higher wages and our government will do nothing about it. They have the workers where they want them and there is nobody to stand up for them

Why do they need anybody to stand up for them? Nobody stood up for me and millions like me. I just went out and got better jobs as my life went on. Making lower wages made me try harder. Making lower wages made me realize I wanted something more out of life.

Correct. Businesses and corporations are not poor. Nobody said they were so I don't know where you get that from. Poor businesses and corporations close down or go into bankruptcy which is what happens in most cases of new small business which you on the left wish to expand. Forced higher wages could be the tipping point of whether somebody can open up a new business or not. Even the founder of Subway Sandwiches said he could not his up his business in this climate today.

How much money a business has is meaningless when it comes to pay rate. Growth is what they all strive for. Higher costs (such as labor) means lower growth. Lower growth means less interested investors. Less investors means less access to capital for maintaining or expanding a business.

That's the difference between people like the two of us and people like rightwinger. When we aren't pleased with a situation, we do something about it, not blaming anyone for it while doing something about it. People like rightwinger, when in the same type of situations, automatically blame others for causing it and expect the government to offset it. If they spent half as much time doing for themselves as they do whining about someone else doing it for them, they might be shocked as just how quickly their situation improves and how much better off they are.
Meanwhile, the entire rest of the world holds the New BS GOP as the world laughingstock and horror. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, ANOTHER corrupt world depression, the worst media EVER, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction...All to protect the greedy idiot GOP rich and giant corps. You're ignorant, brainwashed functional morons.

The only solution the the greedy idiot rich GOP would allow, and they love it, dupe.

They have little choice. Thanks for making training and Ed so expensive, and pay so low, dupe.

Clearly you have no idea just how stupid your rants make you seem so I thought I'd make it easy for you.
Any argument? With your ridiculous links, please, dupe. Always good for a laugh.

You posted a link disproving your own claim then won't own up to it.
addressed the scenario and understood it fully. It's obvious you didn't.

You stupid, pussy motherfucker. I could fucking care less about this supposed, fantasy scenario. I was/am making fun of you stupid fucks that can't use the word "sum" and "some" correctly.

By the way, if you weren't the pussy you are, you'd post up your home address..will you do.that pussy?
Lets just follow the money...

Small business saw their wealth increase $5 trillion since 2008
Corporations saw their wealth increase $8 trillion since 2008

Yet they claim wage increases would destroy them. How much of that $13 trillion in added wealth saw its way to increased wages....almost NONE
Has there been an increase in minimum wage since 2008? Conservatives claim business could never afford it

Has there been an increase in the skills required to do minimum wage, low skilled job in 100 years? NO.

Did the people working get paid for working? Yes. If they are still working there and it's so bad, why are they still working there?
They have little choice. Thanks for making training and Ed so expensive, and pay so low, dupe.

The they didn't have a choice is a ridiculous argument. If you're in a bad economic situation due to the choices you made in life, it's your own fault.

Those paying didn't make it low. If you have $5/hour skills and get paid $5/hour, that's equal. Low would be paying them $2/hour for $5/hour skills. As it stands now, someone with $5/hour skills gets paid MORE than they are worth.

Someone's work worth isn't based on that they breathe and have a pulse. It's based on what they offer to the one doing the paying.
. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well ain't you proudly displaying your fucking stupidity.
Misspelled word eh. What, you think "sum" isn't a word?
Or when stupid right wingers talk about a large sum of money, they mean they are gonna steal them some money.

Which is it stupid shit?
How can it be from "GOP discrimination" when Democrats are running all the shit holes? The cause of "white flight" and "manufacturing flight" is the desire of people with money to get away from Democrat policies. Since Democrats are running all these shit holes, how are Republicans responsible for "discrimination?"

Not to mention when it comes to white flight, it's the Democrats who are first to sell their homes and get out of town. That's what happened to my suburb.

You are sounding desperate
addressed the scenario and understood it fully. It's obvious you didn't.

You stupid, pussy motherfucker. I could fucking care less about this supposed, fantasy scenario. I was/am making fun of you stupid fucks that can't use the word "sum" and "some" correctly.

By the way, if you weren't the pussy you are, you'd post up your home address..will you do.that pussy?

You indicated yesterday you knew where I lived. Was that a lie? Yes, and now asking for something you refused to provide multiple times while hiding behind a lawyer. Proof you're a pussy.
Oh brother. You people. You listen to some idiot, that knows almost nothing, and mindlessly repeat it.

Ok, so let's actually look at reality. Why does Wisconsin suck? Because of tax cuts? You moron. You mindless ape.


Wisconsin's 2016 Business Tax Climate Index Ranks 43rd
Wisconsin ranks 43rd on the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. The Index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes (32nd), individual income taxes (43rd), sales taxes (13th), unemployment insurance taxes (36th), and taxes on property (33rd), including residential and commercial property.


Meaning, out of 50 states, there are only 7 states that are worse for business.

This includes corporate taxes, 7.9%, Sales tax 5%, and property tax that averages $1800 per person.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.
Over all tax collection was 13th highest in the Union.

And as for this ignorant mental case you posted.... here's the facts....

View attachment 85474

Wisconsin's economic situation was worse than Minnesota, and the US average, long before the tax cut, and longer than Scott Walker was ever elected.

Wisconsin has been, and still is, a business hostile State. Left-wing policies have made, and continue to make, Wisconsin noncompetitive to the rest of the country.

If that wasn't enough, the left-wingers have been against the logging and paper industry for decades, and Wisconsin's primary industry, is the paper industry, which between the digital age, and the growing paper imports from China, the paper industry in the US is staggering.

Paper Cuts: Wisconsin's paper industry battles the threat of digital, China as a paper power.

And lastly.... Trickle down is how the world works. The only reason there is even ONE JOB in Wisconsin is because of Trickle down.

Everything is trickle down. Everything. Not one single job would exist, without trickle down. It has always worked, and continues to work. And for you, or any other left-winger to even attempt to deny it, only signifies that you are completely and utterly unqualified to talk about the economy, and likely not mentally stable to enough to talk about any topic.

To see how foolish this stupidity is from the left, just consider the counter claim. Are you seriously suggesting that job growth would drastically increase if we just taxed the companies and people leaving Wisconsin at a higher rate? You really think that makes sense in left-tard land? How dumb can any human being be, and still breath, let alone type something this moronic into a forum?

If we just jack up taxes on companies and the public.... why jobs will just pop into existence from all the companies leaving.... yeah brilliant.

Wisconsin ranks among top states people are leaving

Just jack up those taxes dude. Everyone will turn right around "I love paying more taxes!", and head back to Wisconsin. Only the dumbest of left-wing-nuts would post this crap.

As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
The rich don't pay enough, the middle class and poor too much. What a gd idiot...

Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."

There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

If Republicans are racists [LIE], how are things working out for blacks by blindly following Democrats?


What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party


Too funny

You have to go back 50 years to find the last time Republicans helped minorities
As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."

There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

If Republicans are racists [LIE], how are things working out for blacks by blindly following Democrats?


What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party


Too funny

You have to go back 50 years to find the last time Republicans helped minorities

You have to go back further than that to find some minorities willing to do anything to help themselves.
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?

There is no question that our capitalists that Republicans crown as "job creators" have used up and abandoned our cities. Even Cleveland

Meaningless leftwing babble. How do corporations "use up" a city? All the cities that are shitholes have been run by Democrats for decades. Milwaukee has had a Democrat mayor since 1901.

How do they use up a city?

They run their companies for short term profits instead of making long term investments in the profitability of the company. Makes the stockholders happy and keeps CEOs making the big bucks

When the facility starts to lose money, they pressure workers to work for less and make concessions. When the workers are no longer willing to do that...they pack up and leave
. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well ain't you proudly displaying your fucking stupidity.
Misspelled word eh. What, you think "sum" isn't a word?
Or when stupid right wingers talk about a large sum of money, they mean they are gonna steal them some money.

Which is it stupid shit?

If the word that was supposed to be used was "sum" and the one used was "some", sum was misspelled because it isn't spelled "S-O-M-E". Are you saying a word that's supposed to be spelled "S-U-M" but isn't is correctly spelled?

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?

There is no question that our capitalists that Republicans crown as "job creators" have used up and abandoned our cities. Even Cleveland

Meaningless leftwing babble. How do corporations "use up" a city? All the cities that are shitholes have been run by Democrats for decades. Milwaukee has had a Democrat mayor since 1901.

How do they use up a city?

They run their companies for short term profits instead of making long term investments in the profitability of the company. Makes the stockholders happy and keeps CEOs making the big bucks

When the facility starts to lose money, they pressure workers to work for less and make concessions. When the workers are no longer willing to do that...they pack up and leave

What's business in business to do?

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

Perhaps those on the low skilled, low end of things should do something to offer a better product in themselves instead of whining about those that do making more.

If you have two people, one that spent thousands upon thousands of hours bettering themselves through education, training, etc. and the other that still has the same level skills as he/she did 30 years ago, why should the percentage increase be more for the former?

High skilled and high demand jobs involve someone doing something to have those skills in order to have that demand for them. Low skilled and low demand jobs require the same skills today as they did 50 years ago. When the former invests in him/herself to gain those skills, the results are going to be better off than the latter that didn't. Your answer is to hold back the former and simply hand more to the latter.
Are you saying a word that's supposed to be spelled "S-U-M" but isn't is correctly spelled?

Nah you asshole. I am saying you are one stupid motherfucker.
You post your address yet pussy? Or are you hiding behind the internet?

Sorry, pal, when you refused multiple times, you proved you're the pussy hiding behind a lawyer.

You indicated yesterday you knew where I lived? Were you lying?

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

Good ole Ray will tell you if those low end workers would only buckle down and work harder they would make as much as anyone

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

Perhaps those on the low skilled, low end of things should do something to offer a better product in themselves instead of whining about those that do making more.

If you have two people, one that spent thousands upon thousands of hours bettering themselves through education, training, etc. and the other that still has the same level skills as he/she did 30 years ago, why should the percentage increase be more for the former?

High skilled and high demand jobs involve someone doing something to have those skills in order to have that demand for them. Low skilled and low demand jobs require the same skills today as they did 50 years ago. When the former invests in him/herself to gain those skills, the results are going to be better off than the latter that didn't. Your answer is to hold back the former and simply hand more to the latter.
Winner, winner chicken dinner

Buckle down and try harder

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