Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

140 pages of the American socialists (remember, they deny they are socialists)not answering how taxing American corporations and companies MORE is a good thing.

Try reading the posts . There are many of them.

I mentioned paying for the gov . Others mentioned how corps are underpaying . Others talked about corps benefiting from gov services n infrastructure .
are you really this stupid ??? really !!! are you ??? do you have your head so far in your ass that you have no Idea whats going on around you??? really, I being sincere here ... you haven't any Idea what bills did the republicans pass that was unfunded ??? no Idea at all hummmmm !!!

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes ... that means they pay the percentage of tax to the feds . the rich 1% pays 24 % of the taxes collected ... the 10% pay 53.3% of the paid taxes so you totals are off quite a bit off ... that means the rest of the tax base pays 46.6% of the total money collected each year... on the whole the rich 1% pay 10% you can document this ... the 10% are paying between 15% to 28% of the money they make ... of the two totals they are paying 53.3% of the tax collected... so when you said The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax thats not true ... but thats what you get for being uninformed

as for unfunded taxes by republicans ...I'll give you one for a starter ... then you do some god damn research for once in your right wing life... Medicare Part D .... pass unfunded by the republicans ... cost the american tax payer 500 billion dollars the first year... 2 years that's 1 trillion dollars to the national debt pile... not to worry thought obama care has allocated money for it each year to cut the cost in 2020 it will be totally funded ... thanks to obama ...but hey, obama has done nothing but raise taxes right!!!

and you are right ... if you make a lot of money in this country you aren't entitled to it all... you have to pay taxes don't get to keep all the money you make ... because this country runs on taxes to make it work .... you selfish bastards use all of the benefits this country has to offer, but when you see a black person, a brown person, or anyone thats not you, you feel we are being over taxed ... you feel that you aren't getting to keep your hard earn money ... this country doesn't work that way ... if you don't like paying taxes or your fair share move to a country that doesn't tax ... then you can keep that hard earned money of yours

finally I see you right wing nut jobs do this you trying put all the programs under one window ... let me enlighten you ... welfare is one program .... food stamps is one program... section 8 is one program all design to help people in need ...
welfare can have people on section 8 and food stamps ... people working 2 to 3 jobs can be on food stamps and section 8 ... people working can be on section 8 ... people working can get food stamps ... you trying to put all the programs in a lump sum and call it welfare doesn't work that way ... there's welfare, there's food stamps, there's section 8, all separate programs, all allocated so much money to them out of the national budget ... the .008% of the national budget goes to welfare...2% of the national budget goes to food stamps ... look it up its on the web ... section 8 is payed by the state and not the feds ... each state has it own percentage that the state budget goes to section 8 ... some states have stop section 8 housing ... on the whole 2.008% of your tax dollars goes to help people in need... the other % on section 8 is based on state by state bases ...

finally you people on the right are so uninformed when it comes to social programs... that you try an lump it in a single sum ... it doesn't work that way ... people on welfare can get into a lot of social programs design to help them ... under Bill clinton he pass welfare laws that say they can only be own welfare for 2 years after that 2 years they are taken off...

Then you wonder why we call you people the uninformed voters.

Welfare is welfare. It doesn't matter if it's section 8, food stamps, Medicaid, welfare checks, it's all welfare. It's taxpayers giving money to people to live on. And it's a hell of a lot more than .008% of our budget.

As for taxes:

Top 20 Percent of Households Pay 94 Percent of Income Taxes

$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

And from

But Medicare has three other parts: Part B (which covers physician services and medical supplies not paid for by Part A); Part C (Medicare Advantage, which provides benefits through a private insurance company); and Part D (which is the prescription drug benefit). Medicare Parts B and D are financed through the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, or SMI, which is supported mostly by general revenues and premiums paid by beneficiaries. Part C includes Part A and Part B, but is coverage offered through private plans rather than traditional Medicare.

Ryan’s Muddy Medicare Claims
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.



Edward Nathan Wolff is an American economist whose work concerns wealth and wealth disparity.
In other words, he's a pinko professor. His graph is no more credible than Hillary's testimony about her email server.
The graph is US stats from the BOOOSH administration duh dupe.

The "stats" were doctored by a pinko professor. Hillary is more credible.

Here is a more recent graph from another source:

Oh brother. You people. You listen to some idiot, that knows almost nothing, and mindlessly repeat it.

Ok, so let's actually look at reality. Why does Wisconsin suck? Because of tax cuts? You moron. You mindless ape.


Wisconsin's 2016 Business Tax Climate Index Ranks 43rd
Wisconsin ranks 43rd on the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. The Index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes (32nd), individual income taxes (43rd), sales taxes (13th), unemployment insurance taxes (36th), and taxes on property (33rd), including residential and commercial property.


Meaning, out of 50 states, there are only 7 states that are worse for business.

This includes corporate taxes, 7.9%, Sales tax 5%, and property tax that averages $1800 per person.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.
Over all tax collection was 13th highest in the Union.

And as for this ignorant mental case you posted.... here's the facts....

View attachment 85474

Wisconsin's economic situation was worse than Minnesota, and the US average, long before the tax cut, and longer than Scott Walker was ever elected.

Wisconsin has been, and still is, a business hostile State. Left-wing policies have made, and continue to make, Wisconsin noncompetitive to the rest of the country.

If that wasn't enough, the left-wingers have been against the logging and paper industry for decades, and Wisconsin's primary industry, is the paper industry, which between the digital age, and the growing paper imports from China, the paper industry in the US is staggering.

Paper Cuts: Wisconsin's paper industry battles the threat of digital, China as a paper power.

And lastly.... Trickle down is how the world works. The only reason there is even ONE JOB in Wisconsin is because of Trickle down.

Everything is trickle down. Everything. Not one single job would exist, without trickle down. It has always worked, and continues to work. And for you, or any other left-winger to even attempt to deny it, only signifies that you are completely and utterly unqualified to talk about the economy, and likely not mentally stable to enough to talk about any topic.

To see how foolish this stupidity is from the left, just consider the counter claim. Are you seriously suggesting that job growth would drastically increase if we just taxed the companies and people leaving Wisconsin at a higher rate? You really think that makes sense in left-tard land? How dumb can any human being be, and still breath, let alone type something this moronic into a forum?

If we just jack up taxes on companies and the public.... why jobs will just pop into existence from all the companies leaving.... yeah brilliant.

Wisconsin ranks among top states people are leaving

Just jack up those taxes dude. Everyone will turn right around "I love paying more taxes!", and head back to Wisconsin. Only the dumbest of left-wing-nuts would post this crap.

As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
The rich don't pay enough, the middle class and poor too much. What a gd idiot...

Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."
There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

That's right. They're voting for the party that the President where it all started said he'd have "those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years". They gladly obliged.
And the racists went over to the GOP...and?

Those that didn't want to be slaves on the Democrat plantation did.
SO you are saying the Democrats own 84% of ALL the US wealth? You have to be wealthy to own plantations. It seems t me since the GOP is so pro business, it is YOU who are on the plantations of the top 20%.
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.
There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

Absolutely people should be paid a living wage. You want the US to turn into a third-world shithole?
What's a living wage?

People should earn that if they want it. Sorry, but a trash emptier, floor sweeper, and toilet cleaner, something a kid of the age of 8 can do, shouldn't be paid $12/hour. Not worth anywhere close to that wage.
Congress doesn't deserve $10 dollars an hour but look at what they get. At least a toilet cleaner and floor sweeper actually DOES his/her job and keeps the place healthy. They are more valuable than Congress who does hardly anything!
As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."
There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

That's right. They're voting for the party that the President where it all started said he'd have "those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years". They gladly obliged.
And the racists went over to the GOP...and?

Those that didn't want to be slaves on the Democrat plantation did.
SO you are saying the Democrats own 84% of ALL the US wealth? You have to be wealthy to own plantations. It seems t me since the GOP is so pro business, it is YOU who are on the plantations of the top 20%.

Not the type plantation where Democrats keep blacks. In this case, the blacks could leave but choose to stay.
There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

Absolutely people should be paid a living wage. You want the US to turn into a third-world shithole?
What's a living wage?

People should earn that if they want it. Sorry, but a trash emptier, floor sweeper, and toilet cleaner, something a kid of the age of 8 can do, shouldn't be paid $12/hour. Not worth anywhere close to that wage.
Congress doesn't deserve $10 dollars an hour but look at what they get. At least a toilet cleaner and floor sweeper actually DOES his/her job and keeps the place healthy. They are more valuable than Congress who does hardly anything!

Why don't all those toilet cleaners run for Congress.
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."
There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

That's right. They're voting for the party that the President where it all started said he'd have "those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years". They gladly obliged.
And the racists went over to the GOP...and?

Those that didn't want to be slaves on the Democrat plantation did.
SO you are saying the Democrats own 84% of ALL the US wealth? You have to be wealthy to own plantations. It seems t me since the GOP is so pro business, it is YOU who are on the plantations of the top 20%.

Not the type plantation where Democrats keep blacks. In this case, the blacks could leave but choose to stay.

Incase you missed it, the top 20% controls both the democratic AND republican plantations. At lest some of the owners of the Democratic Plantation are Black.
How can it be from "GOP discrimination" when Democrats are running all the shit holes? The cause of "white flight" and "manufacturing flight" is the desire of people with money to get away from Democrat policies. Since Democrats are running all these shit holes, how are Republicans responsible for "discrimination?"

Not to mention when it comes to white flight, it's the Democrats who are first to sell their homes and get out of town. That's what happened to my suburb.

Where do the Kennedys and the Clintons live? Oh yeah, in Lilly white towns for the wealthy where black folks are seldom seen.

The Clintons moved to Harlem after they left the White House

Their office is in Harlem, not their residence. That's purely a political move so Slick can claim he's down with the brothers. Of course, he never goes to that office.

I already called him out on that. He said THEY LIVED in Harlem. When I noted that Chappaqua isn't in Harlem, I get the Bill's office is in Harlem response as if it's anywhere close to the same thing.

What I also find interesting is that someone claiming to be "dead broke" when leaving the White House could afford a $1.7 million home NOT in Harlem.
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?
Absolutely people should be paid a living wage. You want the US to turn into a third-world shithole?
What's a living wage?

People should earn that if they want it. Sorry, but a trash emptier, floor sweeper, and toilet cleaner, something a kid of the age of 8 can do, shouldn't be paid $12/hour. Not worth anywhere close to that wage.
Congress doesn't deserve $10 dollars an hour but look at what they get. At least a toilet cleaner and floor sweeper actually DOES his/her job and keeps the place healthy. They are more valuable than Congress who does hardly anything!

Why don't all those toilet cleaners run for Congress.
Looks like some of them have.
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
They pay most of the income taxes because they have most of the income

Funny how that works out
There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
They pay most of the income taxes because they have most of the income

Funny how that works out

They also have most of the wealth because they have the income to accumulate it.

Funny how that works. You don't have a problem with them paying the most because of the most income yet you do have one when it comes to their accumulation of wealth as a result.
Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
They pay most of the income taxes because they have most of the income

Funny how that works out

They also have most of the wealth because they have the income to accumulate it.

Funny how that works. You don't have a problem with them paying the most because of the most income yet you do have one when it comes to their accumulation of wealth as a result.

The accumulation of wealth is one thing but when the 20% finally have ALL the wealth, what then? Will the starving 80% be enslaved and even more dependent on their philanthropic whims?
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
"GROAN" can someone interpret this post for me.I can't understand Gobbledygook!

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