Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

That's the difference between people like the two of us and people like rightwinger. When we aren't pleased with a situation, we do something about it, not blaming anyone for it while doing something about it. People like rightwinger, when in the same type of situations, automatically blame others for causing it and expect the government to offset it. If they spent half as much time doing for themselves as they do whining about someone else doing it for them, they might be shocked as just how quickly their situation improves and how much better off they are.

That's what I told RW earlier on.

The people who complain the most about others having money are those who made a lot of mistakes in life and never tried to make money for themselves. They are an embarrassment to this country.

Some foreigners come here with twenty bucks in their pocket and only knowing a few words of English. As time goes on, they eventually end up business owners and work night and day. They buy into franchises like subway shops and 7-11's. Perhaps they buy or open up their own beverage or convenience store.

Those foreigners don't care what corporations make. They don't care what CEO's make. They don't care what Walmart makes. Their only concern is how they can use the opportunity of freedom in this country to be the best they can be.

The beverage store I go to is owned by people from India. They have a thriving business. It's mostly family, but they've provided jobs to people in the neighborhood. Because they are success minded, they are open seven days a week including holidays. After they started doing well, they didn't go out and spend every dollar. They invested their profits into real estate and are also landlords.
It's quite obvious he didn't understand the scenario you provided. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well, hopefully he finally leaned something about business. Of course he'll never admit that, but it doesn't matter. I doubt his wealth jealousy will be overcome by more knowledge. Hate is a hard thing to cut through.
That's the difference between people like the two of us and people like rightwinger. When we aren't pleased with a situation, we do something about it, not blaming anyone for it while doing something about it. People like rightwinger, when in the same type of situations, automatically blame others for causing it and expect the government to offset it. If they spent half as much time doing for themselves as they do whining about someone else doing it for them, they might be shocked as just how quickly their situation improves and how much better off they are.

That's what I told RW earlier on.

The people who complain the most about others having money are those who made a lot of mistakes in life and never tried to make money for themselves. They are an embarrassment to this country.

Some foreigners come here with twenty bucks in their pocket and only knowing a few words of English. As time goes on, they eventually end up business owners and work night and day. They buy into franchises like subway shops and 7-11's. Perhaps they buy or open up their own beverage or convenience store.

Those foreigners don't care what corporations make. They don't care what CEO's make. They don't care what Walmart makes. Their only concern is how they can use the opportunity of freedom in this country to be the best they can be.

The beverage store I go to is owned by people from India. They have a thriving business. It's mostly family, but they've provided jobs to people in the neighborhood. Because they are success minded, they are open seven days a week including holidays. After they started doing well, they didn't go out and spend every dollar. They invested their profits into real estate and are also landlords.

I firmly believe that most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. The high school dropout can't make it financially because they have no skills to offer. The response I believe you and I would say is it's his/her fault and no one else's responsibility to offset THEIR choice. RW would say that person needs to be paid a living wage despite his/her choices being the sole cause of their situation.
I firmly believe that most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. The high school dropout can't make it financially because they have no skills to offer. The response I believe you and I would say is it's his/her fault and no one else's responsibility to offset THEIR choice. RW would say that person needs to be paid a living wage despite his/her choices being the sole cause of their situation.

A high school dropout can work hard and make money. A high school dropout can invest money instead of having children in their early 20's that they can't really support or give a good home to.

My father only has a ninth grade education. He was forced to leave school to work and help support his family of seven. For most of his adult life, my father was very financially conservative. He did well for himself with a lot of hard work. During the summer, he would work five days a week and sometimes five nights as well, and he worked Saturday and Sunday. I know because I worked with him at nights and on the weekends to make money as a teen. When I was 12, he paid me $1.00 per hour. My work included carrying clamps of bricks to the job site, mixing cement, help erecting scaffolding, climbing up that scaffolding to bring supplies to my father and his coworkers. Yep, for a dollar an hour.

Of course as I got older and became more productive, he paid me more money, but not by a lot. We never got much for allowances as children, so we learned young on, if you want money in life, you have to work for it.

As much as I hated it as a child, I can't be more thankful today. If my parents just handed over money to stop me from crying, I might be a liberal today too!
It truly is amazing how many lies are foisted on the left wingers in this country through the media, universities, and entertainment. It is just unreal how much they reveal to us.
Give us a couple, brainwashed functional moron...

You lied when you said EVERYONE pays between 20-30% in taxes.
All taxes AND FEES, liar. The POINT, dumbass, is the rich don't pay enough, duh. Killing the middle class and the country. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole LOL...
Oh brother. You people. You listen to some idiot, that knows almost nothing, and mindlessly repeat it.

Ok, so let's actually look at reality. Why does Wisconsin suck? Because of tax cuts? You moron. You mindless ape.


Wisconsin's 2016 Business Tax Climate Index Ranks 43rd
Wisconsin ranks 43rd on the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. The Index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes (32nd), individual income taxes (43rd), sales taxes (13th), unemployment insurance taxes (36th), and taxes on property (33rd), including residential and commercial property.


Meaning, out of 50 states, there are only 7 states that are worse for business.

This includes corporate taxes, 7.9%, Sales tax 5%, and property tax that averages $1800 per person.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.
Over all tax collection was 13th highest in the Union.

And as for this ignorant mental case you posted.... here's the facts....

View attachment 85474

Wisconsin's economic situation was worse than Minnesota, and the US average, long before the tax cut, and longer than Scott Walker was ever elected.

Wisconsin has been, and still is, a business hostile State. Left-wing policies have made, and continue to make, Wisconsin noncompetitive to the rest of the country.

If that wasn't enough, the left-wingers have been against the logging and paper industry for decades, and Wisconsin's primary industry, is the paper industry, which between the digital age, and the growing paper imports from China, the paper industry in the US is staggering.

Paper Cuts: Wisconsin's paper industry battles the threat of digital, China as a paper power.

And lastly.... Trickle down is how the world works. The only reason there is even ONE JOB in Wisconsin is because of Trickle down.

Everything is trickle down. Everything. Not one single job would exist, without trickle down. It has always worked, and continues to work. And for you, or any other left-winger to even attempt to deny it, only signifies that you are completely and utterly unqualified to talk about the economy, and likely not mentally stable to enough to talk about any topic.

To see how foolish this stupidity is from the left, just consider the counter claim. Are you seriously suggesting that job growth would drastically increase if we just taxed the companies and people leaving Wisconsin at a higher rate? You really think that makes sense in left-tard land? How dumb can any human being be, and still breath, let alone type something this moronic into a forum?

If we just jack up taxes on companies and the public.... why jobs will just pop into existence from all the companies leaving.... yeah brilliant.

Wisconsin ranks among top states people are leaving

Just jack up those taxes dude. Everyone will turn right around "I love paying more taxes!", and head back to Wisconsin. Only the dumbest of left-wing-nuts would post this crap.

As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
The rich don't pay enough, the middle class and poor too much. What a gd idiot...

Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."

There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

If Republicans are racists [LIE], how are things working out for blacks by blindly following Democrats?


What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Programs to help them? I guess that's why blacks dropout of school more than any other group, have an average IQ lower than any other group, live in poverty more than any other group, are incarcerated more than any other group, etc. Damn, those Democrats have done a fine job helping blacks. What they've done is enslave them to the entitlement plantation and exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do.
Dems support programs and policy to help ALL the poor. The New BS GOP doesn't, just pander to the rich. You're pathetic brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot rich, with your stupid "common sense".
It's quite obvious he didn't understand the scenario you provided. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well, hopefully he finally leaned something about business. Of course he'll never admit that, but it doesn't matter. I doubt his wealth jealousy will be overcome by more knowledge. Hate is a hard thing to cut through.

He asked me yesterday when "I was going to move out of my mother's basement?"
It truly is amazing how many lies are foisted on the left wingers in this country through the media, universities, and entertainment. It is just unreal how much they reveal to us.
Give us a couple, brainwashed functional moron...

You lied when you said EVERYONE pays between 20-30% in taxes.
All taxes AND FEES, liar. The POINT, dumbass, is the rich don't pay enough, duh. Killing the middle class and the country. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole LOL...

That's not what you chart shows.

Almost half the country pays nothing and that damn sure isn't enough especially when they benefit from the things funded by those you say don't pay enough.

Your chart doesn't show fees. You said, when posting he chart, that everyone pays between 20-30%. Your chart didn't show that yet you claim it's true because you want to add in something for which you've provided no evidence only a claim.

Do you know what a fee is? Do you know how it's different from income?
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."

There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

If Republicans are racists [LIE], how are things working out for blacks by blindly following Democrats?


What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Programs to help them? I guess that's why blacks dropout of school more than any other group, have an average IQ lower than any other group, live in poverty more than any other group, are incarcerated more than any other group, etc. Damn, those Democrats have done a fine job helping blacks. What they've done is enslave them to the entitlement plantation and exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do.
Dems support programs and policy to help ALL the poor. The New BS GOP doesn't, just pander to the rich. You're pathetic brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot rich, with your stupid "common sense".

50 years and $22 trillion later of all that help and there are, as a percentage in society, the same amount of poor as before all the help was given.

Common sense say after 50 years and all that money, if things haven't changed, do something else.
It's quite obvious he didn't understand the scenario you provided. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well, hopefully he finally leaned something about business. Of course he'll never admit that, but it doesn't matter. I doubt his wealth jealousy will be overcome by more knowledge. Hate is a hard thing to cut through.

He asked me yesterday when "I was going to move out of my mother's basement?"
It truly is amazing how many lies are foisted on the left wingers in this country through the media, universities, and entertainment. It is just unreal how much they reveal to us.
Give us a couple, brainwashed functional moron...

You lied when you said EVERYONE pays between 20-30% in taxes.
All taxes AND FEES, liar. The POINT, dumbass, is the rich don't pay enough, duh. Killing the middle class and the country. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole LOL...

That's not what you chart shows.

Almost half the country pays nothing and that damn sure isn't enough especially when they benefit from the things funded by those you say don't pay enough.

Your chart doesn't show fees. You said, when posting he chart, that everyone pays between 20-30%. Your chart didn't show that yet you claim it's true because you want to add in something for which you've provided no evidence only a claim.

Do you know what a fee is? Do you know how it's different from income?
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

If someone is where they are because of choices they made in life, they aren't a victim to anyone but themselves.
It's quite obvious he didn't understand the scenario you provided. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well, hopefully he finally leaned something about business. Of course he'll never admit that, but it doesn't matter. I doubt his wealth jealousy will be overcome by more knowledge. Hate is a hard thing to cut through.

He asked me yesterday when "I was going to move out of my mother's basement?"
It truly is amazing how many lies are foisted on the left wingers in this country through the media, universities, and entertainment. It is just unreal how much they reveal to us.
Give us a couple, brainwashed functional moron...

You lied when you said EVERYONE pays between 20-30% in taxes.
All taxes AND FEES, liar. The POINT, dumbass, is the rich don't pay enough, duh. Killing the middle class and the country. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole LOL...

That's not what you chart shows.

Almost half the country pays nothing and that damn sure isn't enough especially when they benefit from the things funded by those you say don't pay enough.

Your chart doesn't show fees. You said, when posting he chart, that everyone pays between 20-30%. Your chart didn't show that yet you claim it's true because you want to add in something for which you've provided no evidence only a claim.

Do you know what a fee is? Do you know how it's different from income?

Your chart shows taxes and has nothing to do with fees. You threw in that part.

You really don't know there is a difference between a tax and a fee.
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."

There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

If Republicans are racists [LIE], how are things working out for blacks by blindly following Democrats?


What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Programs to help them? I guess that's why blacks dropout of school more than any other group, have an average IQ lower than any other group, live in poverty more than any other group, are incarcerated more than any other group, etc. Damn, those Democrats have done a fine job helping blacks. What they've done is enslave them to the entitlement plantation and exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do.
Dems support programs and policy to help ALL the poor. The New BS GOP doesn't, just pander to the rich. You're pathetic brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot rich, with your stupid "common sense".

50 years and $22 trillion later of all that help and there are, as a percentage in society, the same amount of poor as before all the help was given.

Common sense say after 50 years and all that money, if things haven't changed, do something else.
Like taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share again? Like cheap college and training and infrastructure investment again? Maybe real journalism again? Maybe telling idiotic dupes they're FOS again? LOL
Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

That's the problem, liberals want to distribute wealth. Liberals love giving away stuff that isn't theirs.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

If someone is where they are because of choices they made in life, they aren't a victim to anyone but themselves.
Yup, the GOP making life as tough as possible for the nonrich has nothing to do with it...idiot.
It's quite obvious he didn't understand the scenario you provided. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well, hopefully he finally leaned something about business. Of course he'll never admit that, but it doesn't matter. I doubt his wealth jealousy will be overcome by more knowledge. Hate is a hard thing to cut through.

He asked me yesterday when "I was going to move out of my mother's basement?"
Give us a couple, brainwashed functional moron...

You lied when you said EVERYONE pays between 20-30% in taxes.
All taxes AND FEES, liar. The POINT, dumbass, is the rich don't pay enough, duh. Killing the middle class and the country. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole LOL...

That's not what you chart shows.

Almost half the country pays nothing and that damn sure isn't enough especially when they benefit from the things funded by those you say don't pay enough.

Your chart doesn't show fees. You said, when posting he chart, that everyone pays between 20-30%. Your chart didn't show that yet you claim it's true because you want to add in something for which you've provided no evidence only a claim.

Do you know what a fee is? Do you know how it's different from income?

Your chart shows taxes and has nothing to do with fees. You threw in that part.

You really don't know there is a difference between a tax and a fee.
They both cost people money and go to the gov't, duh dupe.
If Republicans are racists [LIE], how are things working out for blacks by blindly following Democrats?


What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Programs to help them? I guess that's why blacks dropout of school more than any other group, have an average IQ lower than any other group, live in poverty more than any other group, are incarcerated more than any other group, etc. Damn, those Democrats have done a fine job helping blacks. What they've done is enslave them to the entitlement plantation and exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do.
Dems support programs and policy to help ALL the poor. The New BS GOP doesn't, just pander to the rich. You're pathetic brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot rich, with your stupid "common sense".

50 years and $22 trillion later of all that help and there are, as a percentage in society, the same amount of poor as before all the help was given.

Common sense say after 50 years and all that money, if things haven't changed, do something else.
Like taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share again? Like cheap college and training and infrastructure investment again? Maybe real journalism again? Maybe telling idiotic dupes they're FOS again? LOL

They already pay a fair share. That you don't like it, tough shit.

If a parent isn't willing to invest in their own kid's college, that kid damn sure isn't good enough for me to invest in.

I wish we had real journalism instead of the media bending over, grabbing their ankles, and taking one for the Democrats.

I've told you you'r full of shit. You'd think you get it by now.
It's quite obvious he didn't understand the scenario you provided. He couldn't address the contents of it and diverted to something related to a misspelled word.

Well, hopefully he finally leaned something about business. Of course he'll never admit that, but it doesn't matter. I doubt his wealth jealousy will be overcome by more knowledge. Hate is a hard thing to cut through.

He asked me yesterday when "I was going to move out of my mother's basement?"
You lied when you said EVERYONE pays between 20-30% in taxes.
All taxes AND FEES, liar. The POINT, dumbass, is the rich don't pay enough, duh. Killing the middle class and the country. Jeebus what a stupid a-hole LOL...

That's not what you chart shows.

Almost half the country pays nothing and that damn sure isn't enough especially when they benefit from the things funded by those you say don't pay enough.

Your chart doesn't show fees. You said, when posting he chart, that everyone pays between 20-30%. Your chart didn't show that yet you claim it's true because you want to add in something for which you've provided no evidence only a claim.

Do you know what a fee is? Do you know how it's different from income?

Your chart shows taxes and has nothing to do with fees. You threw in that part.

You really don't know there is a difference between a tax and a fee.
They both cost people money and go to the gov't, duh dupe.

So you don't know the difference. Just say so. They are different and that you think they are the same proves you don't know.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

If someone is where they are because of choices they made in life, they aren't a victim to anyone but themselves.
Yup, the GOP making life as tough as possible for the nonrich has nothing to do with it...idiot.

How is someone quitting school the fault of anyone but the person quitting? The GOP nor anyone else but that person made the choice. If that person has it tough, it's because they quit.
Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

That's the problem, liberals want to distribute wealth. Liberals love giving away stuff that isn't theirs.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

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