Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Then you wonder why we call you people the uninformed voters.

Welfare is welfare. It doesn't matter if it's section 8, food stamps, Medicaid, welfare checks, it's all welfare. It's taxpayers giving money to people to live on. And it's a hell of a lot more than .008% of our budget.

As for taxes:

Top 20 Percent of Households Pay 94 Percent of Income Taxes

$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

And from

But Medicare has three other parts: Part B (which covers physician services and medical supplies not paid for by Part A); Part C (Medicare Advantage, which provides benefits through a private insurance company); and Part D (which is the prescription drug benefit). Medicare Parts B and D are financed through the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, or SMI, which is supported mostly by general revenues and premiums paid by beneficiaries. Part C includes Part A and Part B, but is coverage offered through private plans rather than traditional Medicare.

Ryan’s Muddy Medicare Claims
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.



Edward Nathan Wolff is an American economist whose work concerns wealth and wealth disparity.
In other words, he's a pinko professor. His graph is no more credible than Hillary's testimony about her email server.
The graph is US stats from the BOOOSH administration duh dupe.

The "stats" were doctored by a pinko professor. Hillary is more credible.

Here is a more recent graph from another source:

View attachment 85893

More bullshit. Where is the data these charts are based on? Oh yeah . . . . . there isn't any.
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

He doesn't need to prove it isn't true. You have to prove it is true. That's how logic works.
Programs to help them? I guess that's why blacks dropout of school more than any other group, have an average IQ lower than any other group, live in poverty more than any other group, are incarcerated more than any other group, etc. Damn, those Democrats have done a fine job helping blacks. What they've done is enslave them to the entitlement plantation and exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they'd do.
Dems support programs and policy to help ALL the poor. The New BS GOP doesn't, just pander to the rich. You're pathetic brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot rich, with your stupid "common sense".

50 years and $22 trillion later of all that help and there are, as a percentage in society, the same amount of poor as before all the help was given.

Common sense say after 50 years and all that money, if things haven't changed, do something else.
Like taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share again? Like cheap college and training and infrastructure investment again? Maybe real journalism again? Maybe telling idiotic dupes they're FOS again? LOL

They already pay a fair share. That you don't like it, tough shit.

If a parent isn't willing to invest in their own kid's college, that kid damn sure isn't good enough for me to invest in.

I wish we had real journalism instead of the media bending over, grabbing their ankles, and taking one for the Democrats.

I've told you you'r full of shit. You'd think you get it by now.
So the richest paying LESS %wise in all taxes than the middle class is their fair share? IDIOT.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

I ran some numbers on the SS benefits website. To compare apples/apples, I used the same birth date, the same retirement date, changing only the income amount. I used $25,000 and $100,000. You'd think since Person B put in 4x the amount as Person A that Person B would get 4x the distribution. Not so. Person A got a far better return than Person B. Person A got slightly over $1100/month while Person B got slightly over $2500/month, not 4x. That means if both live until age 78, Person A (lower income) will have received far more as a percentage compared to what he/she put in than Person B. To Liberals, that's equal.

There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

Good ole Ray will tell you if those low end workers would only buckle down and work harder they would make as much as anyone

Ray doesn't have to tell you ... because I will. Get a job, get two jobs ... create a better environment for your kids so they can get better.

That's how it works .... you don't stand around the fence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave looking for handouts.
140 pages of the American socialists (remember, they deny they are socialists)not answering how taxing American corporations and companies MORE is a good thing.

Try reading the posts . There are many of them.

I mentioned paying for the gov . Others mentioned how corps are underpaying . Others talked about corps benefiting from gov services n infrastructure .

Note the emphasis on paying "MORE." Try answering the question, moron.
There is no such thing as "the wealth" in our country. You liberals believe we only have so much money in our society, and that's the reason when somebody has too much, that others have too little.

If you tax every single American that makes over 100K at 80%, how would that help you? How would that help anybody other than government? It doesn't.

If this lying liberal concept had any truth to it, that would mean if I went to my employer and asked for a dollar per hour raise, he would say that he would love to give me one, but can't because the rich people have all the money. Or if somebody went to get a loan from the bank. The bank would refuse the applicant only because the bank has limited money; the rich people have it all.

There is no "the wealth" because money is unlimited in the US. If you're not making enough money, it has noting to do with what rich people have, it has to do with your government and your lack of experience or lack of training to earn more. Since that's the case with all people who don't make a "livable wage" then taking money from the rich people won't help that problem.

Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.
I ran some numbers on the SS benefits website. To compare apples/apples, I used the same birth date, the same retirement date, changing only the income amount. I used $25,000 and $100,000. You'd think since Person B put in 4x the amount as Person A that Person B would get 4x the distribution. Not so. Person A got a far better return than Person B. Person A got slightly over $1100/month while Person B got slightly over $2500/month, not 4x. That means if both live until age 78, Person A (lower income) will have received far more as a percentage compared to what he/she put in than Person B. To Liberals, that's equal.

It's also why they constantly talk about lifting the ceiling. Of course they know if the wealthy put even more money in SS, they will not get more back. Just another backdoor scheme for the wealthy to fund yet another failed government program.
If we drop taxes on corporations they HAVE to double pay. If they dont i would advise nobody apply for the jobs. Then some of you jerks would call out people and say in you god awful anti american minds "why is nobody working these jobs." Idiots YOU are.
Your amateurish conjecture just doesn't seem to have any punch to it compared to that of the experts I have cited.

Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

So what's your issue, that state and local taxes are higher than those for the wealthy? Then take that up with your state and county. And where is your source for this anyway?
I ran some numbers on the SS benefits website. To compare apples/apples, I used the same birth date, the same retirement date, changing only the income amount. I used $25,000 and $100,000. You'd think since Person B put in 4x the amount as Person A that Person B would get 4x the distribution. Not so. Person A got a far better return than Person B. Person A got slightly over $1100/month while Person B got slightly over $2500/month, not 4x. That means if both live until age 78, Person A (lower income) will have received far more as a percentage compared to what he/she put in than Person B. To Liberals, that's equal.

It's also why they constantly talk about lifting the ceiling. Of course they know if the wealthy put even more money in SS, they will not get more back. Just another backdoor scheme for the wealthy to fund yet another failed government program.

I spoke with one of those that supports raising the SS ceiling to include income over the current cap of $118,500. The problem is they said they thought the income cap should be higher yet the distribution ratios shouldn't change. In other words, the person supported a greater redistribution of wealth.

The low income and entitlement minded people of the country don't want SS to have an opt out choice. They know good and well which group keeps the system going and it's the one they constantly claim don't pay their fair share.
Experts you've cited? That's funny.
Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
Dems support programs and policy to help ALL the poor. The New BS GOP doesn't, just pander to the rich. You're pathetic brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot rich, with your stupid "common sense".

50 years and $22 trillion later of all that help and there are, as a percentage in society, the same amount of poor as before all the help was given.

Common sense say after 50 years and all that money, if things haven't changed, do something else.
Like taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share again? Like cheap college and training and infrastructure investment again? Maybe real journalism again? Maybe telling idiotic dupes they're FOS again? LOL

They already pay a fair share. That you don't like it, tough shit.

If a parent isn't willing to invest in their own kid's college, that kid damn sure isn't good enough for me to invest in.

I wish we had real journalism instead of the media bending over, grabbing their ankles, and taking one for the Democrats.

I've told you you'r full of shit. You'd think you get it by now.
So the richest paying LESS %wise in all taxes than the middle class is their fair share? IDIOT.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

I ran some numbers on the SS benefits website. To compare apples/apples, I used the same birth date, the same retirement date, changing only the income amount. I used $25,000 and $100,000. You'd think since Person B put in 4x the amount as Person A that Person B would get 4x the distribution. Not so. Person A got a far better return than Person B. Person A got slightly over $1100/month while Person B got slightly over $2500/month, not 4x. That means if both live until age 78, Person A (lower income) will have received far more as a percentage compared to what he/she put in than Person B. To Liberals, that's equal.
The fact remains that almost all the new wealth stays with the rich, the rich are doing GREAT, and the nonrich and the country are getting killed by our present policy.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

So what's your issue, that state and local taxes are higher than those for the wealthy? Then take that up with your state and county. And where is your source for this anyway?

Since state and local taxes vary from state to state and locality to locality, you can't compare. Seven States don't have an income tax and five don't have a sales tax. You may find it interesting to know that California, the Liberal bastion, has the high state sales tax.
50 years and $22 trillion later of all that help and there are, as a percentage in society, the same amount of poor as before all the help was given.

Common sense say after 50 years and all that money, if things haven't changed, do something else.
Like taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share again? Like cheap college and training and infrastructure investment again? Maybe real journalism again? Maybe telling idiotic dupes they're FOS again? LOL

They already pay a fair share. That you don't like it, tough shit.

If a parent isn't willing to invest in their own kid's college, that kid damn sure isn't good enough for me to invest in.

I wish we had real journalism instead of the media bending over, grabbing their ankles, and taking one for the Democrats.

I've told you you'r full of shit. You'd think you get it by now.
So the richest paying LESS %wise in all taxes than the middle class is their fair share? IDIOT.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

I ran some numbers on the SS benefits website. To compare apples/apples, I used the same birth date, the same retirement date, changing only the income amount. I used $25,000 and $100,000. You'd think since Person B put in 4x the amount as Person A that Person B would get 4x the distribution. Not so. Person A got a far better return than Person B. Person A got slightly over $1100/month while Person B got slightly over $2500/month, not 4x. That means if both live until age 78, Person A (lower income) will have received far more as a percentage compared to what he/she put in than Person B. To Liberals, that's equal.
The fact remains that almost all the new wealth stays with the rich, the rich are doing GREAT, and the nonrich and the country are getting killed by our present policy.

Where is yours? Who do you cite to dispute that 84% of this country's wealth is in the hand of the top 20%? Still chuckling, chuckles?

The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...
I spoke with one of those that supports raising the SS ceiling to include income over the current cap of $118,500. The problem is they said they thought the income cap should be higher yet the distribution ratios shouldn't change. In other words, the person supported a greater redistribution of wealth.

The low income and entitlement minded people of the country don't want SS to have an opt out choice. They know good and well which group keeps the system going and it's the one they constantly claim don't pay their fair share.

Every year SS sends out a pamphlet stating what you (and your employer) put in and what you would get out of you retire by the age of X.

If you took those contributions and the years you put that money in, take that to a reputable investment company, and ask what you would be worth by the age of X if you only invested that money yourself, you would probably faint.

I'm all for having the option of putting all that money in your own IRA if desired. Liberals would hate it because it would weaken government dependency. One of the biggest problems I have with SS is that if I die before I collect, my family doesn't see one penny of that money. It's gone.
Like taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share again? Like cheap college and training and infrastructure investment again? Maybe real journalism again? Maybe telling idiotic dupes they're FOS again? LOL

They already pay a fair share. That you don't like it, tough shit.

If a parent isn't willing to invest in their own kid's college, that kid damn sure isn't good enough for me to invest in.

I wish we had real journalism instead of the media bending over, grabbing their ankles, and taking one for the Democrats.

I've told you you'r full of shit. You'd think you get it by now.
So the richest paying LESS %wise in all taxes than the middle class is their fair share? IDIOT.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

I ran some numbers on the SS benefits website. To compare apples/apples, I used the same birth date, the same retirement date, changing only the income amount. I used $25,000 and $100,000. You'd think since Person B put in 4x the amount as Person A that Person B would get 4x the distribution. Not so. Person A got a far better return than Person B. Person A got slightly over $1100/month while Person B got slightly over $2500/month, not 4x. That means if both live until age 78, Person A (lower income) will have received far more as a percentage compared to what he/she put in than Person B. To Liberals, that's equal.
The fact remains that almost all the new wealth stays with the rich, the rich are doing GREAT, and the nonrich and the country are getting killed by our present policy.

And you're an idiot lol....
I am sick and tired of you trying to make the rest of us feel guilty because the top 20% allegedly pay 94% of income taxes collected. Have you guessed WHY? Surprise, surprise…. it is because they own more than 85.1% of the wealth in the USA. That leaves the vast majority of us (80%) scrambling for the 14.9%. 80% of the US population does not generate enough tax money to fund the government. SO I don't feel sorry for the top 20% having to pay the bulk of the taxes collected. They have the money. The bottom 80% do NOT.



Edward Nathan Wolff is an American economist whose work concerns wealth and wealth disparity.
In other words, he's a pinko professor. His graph is no more credible than Hillary's testimony about her email server.
The graph is US stats from the BOOOSH administration duh dupe.

The "stats" were doctored by a pinko professor. Hillary is more credible.

Here is a more recent graph from another source:

View attachment 85893

More bullshit. Where is the data these charts are based on? Oh yeah . . . . . there isn't any.
US gov't stats duh...

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