Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Payroll taxes are not the same as income taxes.

Most people get their payroll taxes back, because most of your taxes are Social Security and Medicare. If you live to the average age (78 years old) you will not only get back everything you put in, you will likely get more back than you put in.

When you figure that you will get back nearly everything you put in with payroll taxes, the rich pay much more of their percentage of wealth than do any working person.

So what's your issue, that state and local taxes are higher than those for the wealthy? Then take that up with your state and county. And where is your source for this anyway?
Wash Post and gov't stats. The point is that pander to the rich GOP policy (REAGANISM) is killing the country. Lower fed taxes and funding makes state and local taxes go up. It's called duping the chumps. The rich should be paying 150% as much as the middle class. IN ALL TAXES.
Wash Post and gov't stats. The point is that pander to the rich GOP policy (REAGANISM) is killing the country. Lower fed taxes and funding makes state and local taxes go up. It's called duping the chumps. The rich should be paying 150% as much as the middle class. IN ALL TAXES.

Nope, federal taxes have nothing to do with local or state taxes. Those are issues YOU take up with your state. As far as federal taxes are concerned, the top 10% pay 70% of all collected income taxes. Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes. That means for the rest of us, we collectively need to pay a 19% contribution, and you still say that's unfair?
The top 50% of income earners paid 97% of the income taxes collected in 2013. Federal revenue, of which 57% is from income taxes, was $2.7 trillion dollars. That means $1.54 trillion of that total was from income taxes. The 50% of the income earners that paid the 97% of that accounted for $1.50 trillion of that. If those people are paying that much in income taxes, it's why they have that much wealth. They can accumulate it because they have the income to do it.

Since WE're footing that bill, there is no problem with benefiting from the earnings in order to accumulate the wealth.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

Unfair? You're using the word UNFAIR? Surely, you jest. Explain how the progressive tax system is "fair". Explain how half the people contributing NOTHING is fair.
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

Unfair? You're using the word UNFAIR? Surely, you jest. Explain how the progressive tax system is "fair". Explain how half the people contributing NOTHING is fair.
Only if you're a brainwashed dupe...
Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

Unfair? You're using the word UNFAIR? Surely, you jest. Explain how the progressive tax system is "fair". Explain how half the people contributing NOTHING is fair.
Only if you're a brainwashed dupe...

Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

Unfair? You're using the word UNFAIR? Surely, you jest. Explain how the progressive tax system is "fair". Explain how half the people contributing NOTHING is fair.
Only if you're a brainwashed dupe...

Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!
No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

Unfair? You're using the word UNFAIR? Surely, you jest. Explain how the progressive tax system is "fair". Explain how half the people contributing NOTHING is fair.
Only if you're a brainwashed dupe...

Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

Unfair? You're using the word UNFAIR? Surely, you jest. Explain how the progressive tax system is "fair". Explain how half the people contributing NOTHING is fair.
Only if you're a brainwashed dupe...

Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.
Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

That's the problem, liberals want to distribute wealth. Liberals love giving away stuff that isn't theirs.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.
They live like 3rd worlders for years to do it....

You continue to believe successful people can't see what pander to the rich GOP policies do to wreck the American dream, dupe.

Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
When you make up your own stories there is no turning back. Facts don't matter...
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

The rich will never have it all because there is no all. Again, the failed concept that the reason some are poor is because others are rich.

That's only true in a Monopoly game because the company that made the game only provides so much money. We make a new millionaire every day in this country, so money is infinite.
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?
this has got to be the stupidest post I've ever seen... you have no Idea where the money goes and whose spending it
...Well in general, anyone that is not producing, is a problem is this bull shit at its best ... or what !!! have you look at how much of these non-producing people cost the national budget each year ??? by your ignorant statement here you haven't looked ... you just responded to typical right wing propaganda ... .008 percent of the national budget goes to people on welfare .... 75% of the taxed dollars for the rich and the top 1% goes in their pockets ... from not paying their fair share getting tax deductions they get ... now you're trying to say welfare people cause this 17 trillion dollar debt ??? how about republicans passing unfunded legislation ... could that have been the cause??? Naw its them damn welfare people HUH...

Unfunded legislation, like what for instance?

Not paying their fair share? The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax. If that's unfair, then what is fair?

.008% of our budget goes to welfare? You mean welfare checks or all welfare including things like food stamps and Medicaid? Would love to see your source on that one.

"A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
are you really this stupid ??? really !!! are you ??? do you have your head so far in your ass that you have no Idea whats going on around you??? really, I being sincere here ... you haven't any Idea what bills did the republicans pass that was unfunded ??? no Idea at all hummmmm !!!

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes ... that means they pay the percentage of tax to the feds . the rich 1% pays 24 % of the taxes collected ... the 10% pay 53.3% of the paid taxes so you totals are off quite a bit off ... that means the rest of the tax base pays 46.6% of the total money collected each year... on the whole the rich 1% pay 10% you can document this ... the 10% are paying between 15% to 28% of the money they make ... of the two totals they are paying 53.3% of the tax collected... so when you said The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax thats not true ... but thats what you get for being uninformed

as for unfunded taxes by republicans ...I'll give you one for a starter ... then you do some god damn research for once in your right wing life... Medicare Part D .... pass unfunded by the republicans ... cost the american tax payer 500 billion dollars the first year... 2 years that's 1 trillion dollars to the national debt pile... not to worry thought obama care has allocated money for it each year to cut the cost in 2020 it will be totally funded ... thanks to obama ...but hey, obama has done nothing but raise taxes right!!!

and you are right ... if you make a lot of money in this country you aren't entitled to it all... you have to pay taxes don't get to keep all the money you make ... because this country runs on taxes to make it work .... you selfish bastards use all of the benefits this country has to offer, but when you see a black person, a brown person, or anyone thats not you, you feel we are being over taxed ... you feel that you aren't getting to keep your hard earn money ... this country doesn't work that way ... if you don't like paying taxes or your fair share move to a country that doesn't tax ... then you can keep that hard earned money of yours

finally I see you right wing nut jobs do this you trying put all the programs under one window ... let me enlighten you ... welfare is one program .... food stamps is one program... section 8 is one program all design to help people in need ...
welfare can have people on section 8 and food stamps ... people working 2 to 3 jobs can be on food stamps and section 8 ... people working can be on section 8 ... people working can get food stamps ... you trying to put all the programs in a lump sum and call it welfare doesn't work that way ... there's welfare, there's food stamps, there's section 8, all separate programs, all allocated so much money to them out of the national budget ... the .008% of the national budget goes to welfare...2% of the national budget goes to food stamps ... look it up its on the web ... section 8 is payed by the state and not the feds ... each state has it own percentage that the state budget goes to section 8 ... some states have stop section 8 housing ... on the whole 2.008% of your tax dollars goes to help people in need... the other % on section 8 is based on state by state bases ...

finally you people on the right are so uninformed when it comes to social programs... that you try an lump it in a single sum ... it doesn't work that way ... people on welfare can get into a lot of social programs design to help them ... under Bill clinton he pass welfare laws that say they can only be own welfare for 2 years after that 2 years they are taken off...

Then you wonder why we call you people the uninformed voters.

Welfare is welfare. It doesn't matter if it's section 8, food stamps, Medicaid, welfare checks, it's all welfare. It's taxpayers giving money to people to live on. And it's a hell of a lot more than .008% of our budget.

As for taxes:

Top 20 Percent of Households Pay 94 Percent of Income Taxes

$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

And from

But Medicare has three other parts: Part B (which covers physician services and medical supplies not paid for by Part A); Part C (Medicare Advantage, which provides benefits through a private insurance company); and Part D (which is the prescription drug benefit). Medicare Parts B and D are financed through the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, or SMI, which is supported mostly by general revenues and premiums paid by beneficiaries. Part C includes Part A and Part B, but is coverage offered through private plans rather than traditional Medicare.

Ryan’s Muddy Medicare Claims
seems like everything you say is wrong I clearly said Part D NOT B is unfunded ... 500 billion dollars that weren't funded by a tax ... then you go on and on about parts that are funded ... when will you pull your head out of your ass... then theres no child left behind another trillion dollar debt created by republicans, then corrected by Obama...

theres more... but you're to stupid to realize what the hells going on ... in obama care part of the bill they passed that the republicans tried to repeal, hell they even took it to the supreme court saying it was unconstitutional and they failed there too ... the bill was to pay for subsidies and medicaid ... it was a tax on medical equipment a 2 .2% tax ... so far according too the government the people on medicaid aren't costing the taxpayer a dime ... but you sure love to complain about people in government thats cost you next to nothing ... you could care less on these corporations who are costing you and I trillions of dollars of tax dollars ... what does these republicans do ??? they give you this "they're getting free be's" but failing to tell you at what the cost ... like all republicans they are to lazy to look up anything

welfare is one program ... section 8 in some states is one program ... food stamps is one program ... as I stated all these programs are grafted on the federal budget site ... where you will see .008 for welfare ... 2. for food stamps ... you sit and whine about something that really doesn't cost the american taxpayer anything ... all the moneys coming from these programs creat income for the country and the tax payer... it amazes me how ignorant you are about something that you feel are getting free be's
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Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

That's the problem, liberals want to distribute wealth. Liberals love giving away stuff that isn't theirs.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.
you mean Trump didn't sacrificed for his country ??? will wonder cease to exist...

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