Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

You have people that don't want to work and JQP1 can't understand why they don't accumulate wealth.

You stupid fuck. You are one of those that don't/ won't work. Proof? You sit on your fucking fat ass posting nonsense from your mother's basement for hours and hours each and every day.

You call spreading Bullshit and lies"work"? LMAO. What's it pay?

I've addressed that if you think you know so much about where I live you must know where it is. To claim what you claim means you have to know where it is and I've told you I can guarantee you don't and can prove you haven't been within a thousand yards of it.

Get back to frying hash browns. The customers are waiting.
don't forget your hat when you say would you like to super size that meal
You have people that don't want to work and JQP1 can't understand why they don't accumulate wealth.

You stupid fuck. You are one of those that don't/ won't work. Proof? You sit on your fucking fat ass posting nonsense from your mother's basement for hours and hours each and every day.

You call spreading Bullshit and lies"work"? LMAO. What's it pay?

I've addressed that if you think you know so much about where I live you must know where it is. To claim what you claim means you have to know where it is and I've told you I can guarantee you don't and can prove you haven't been within a thousand yards of it.

Get back to frying hash browns. The customers are waiting.

Hey con man. You know what the word "rhetorical" means?
I know it's a big word and you have a pea brain. But still. Use a dictionary and look it up.

Knowing the definition of the word will help you understand that my claiming you live in your mother's basement is claiming you are a worthless dead in a basement somewhere.

And I can do that without asking you directly; where do you live?

I know what someone that tries to hide from his own statement is. YOU.

I didn't figure you were man enough to own up to the statement but you would try to find some excuse to hide from it. Sorry, you lose.

Now, get back to frying those hash browns.
You have people that don't want to work and JQP1 can't understand why they don't accumulate wealth.

You stupid fuck. You are one of those that don't/ won't work. Proof? You sit on your fucking fat ass posting nonsense from your mother's basement for hours and hours each and every day.

You call spreading Bullshit and lies"work"? LMAO. What's it pay?

I've addressed that if you think you know so much about where I live you must know where it is. To claim what you claim means you have to know where it is and I've told you I can guarantee you don't and can prove you haven't been within a thousand yards of it.

Get back to frying hash browns. The customers are waiting.
don't forget your hat when you say would you like to super size that meal

Are you claiming that's what I do? Go ahead, says it's rhetorical. I know you want to.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.
you mean Trump didn't sacrificed for his country ??? will wonder cease to exist...

Jealous of Trump? It shows.
what shows is your stupidity, that's what shows ... trump is a moron

I'll modify my statement. You're jealous of someone you call a moron. What does that make you?
You have people that don't want to work and JQP1 can't understand why they don't accumulate wealth.

You stupid fuck. You are one of those that don't/ won't work. Proof? You sit on your fucking fat ass posting nonsense from your mother's basement for hours and hours each and every day.

You call spreading Bullshit and lies"work"? LMAO. What's it pay?

I've addressed that if you think you know so much about where I live you must know where it is. To claim what you claim means you have to know where it is and I've told you I can guarantee you don't and can prove you haven't been within a thousand yards of it.

Get back to frying hash browns. The customers are waiting.

Hey con man. You know what the word "rhetorical" means?
I know it's a big word and you have a pea brain. But still. Use a dictionary and look it up.

Knowing the definition of the word will help you understand that my claiming you live in your mother's basement is claiming you are a worthless dead in a basement somewhere.

And I can do that without asking you directly; where do you live?

You said you knew where I lived. Why do you hide since you think you know?

Go ahead and use the rhetorical excuse. It will make you feel better.
Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

That's the problem, liberals want to distribute wealth. Liberals love giving away stuff that isn't theirs.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.

What you call a lack of respect for certain people is jealousy. He could buy and sell a chimp like you and there isn't a damn thing you could do about it. That makes you mad and jealous.
I knew it was only a matter of time before a virus like you infected this thread with racism. Fortunately you don't KNOW my race so your code words like "chimp" have no sting. You also assume I am jealous of Trump! Heh heh heh…I am far richer because I am surrounded by people who love me…not for my money but for my self. Trump can'y buy me because I refuse to be bought. I'd rather die first…unlike steaming pile of shit!
That's the problem, liberals want to distribute wealth. Liberals love giving away stuff that isn't theirs.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.

What you call a lack of respect for certain people is jealousy. He could buy and sell a chimp like you and there isn't a damn thing you could do about it. That makes you mad and jealous.
I knew it was only a matter of time before a virus like you infected this thread with racism. Fortunately you don't KNOW my race so your code words like "chimp" have no sting. You also assume I am jealous of Trump! Heh heh heh…I am far richer because I am surrounded by people who love me…not for my money but for my self. Trump can'y buy me because I refuse to be bought. I'd rather die first…unlike steaming pile of shit!

What you say about people loving you for yourself is false. You have nothing to offer, therefore, nothing to love.

I don't need to know you're specific race to know what you are. That you make excuses like you do for people failing due to their own choices makes you what I said regardless of your color.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

The rich will never have it all because there is no all. Again, the failed concept that the reason some are poor is because others are rich.

That's only true in a Monopoly game because the company that made the game only provides so much money. We make a new millionaire every day in this country, so money is infinite.
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?
Great point, but remember Obama has only helped the nonrich himself, though blocked in almost everything....
No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.

Yeah, Trump never worked a day in his life. He just sat home and millions came rushing through his doorway.

You people on the left need to get away from your television and movies. Movies are a bad source to get your financial information from.

People who work for a living never get rich, People who know how to be good thieves and how to work the system never get their hands dirty. They just exploit the clock punchers and reap the profits their workers make. Then, to protect their ill gotten assets, they send the sons and daughters of the poor and lower middle classes off to fight for their interests…all in the name of patriotism. But their children are shielded form the atrocities of war… They go to universities to lear how to exploit the 80% even more…all to graban even bigger share of that sliver of wealth the masses are fawning over.
No, the earth and its resources belong to us ALL. A relatively few have laid claim to most of it mainly through war and exploitation.. They took what didn't belong to THEM and capitalized ON IT. The blood of our sons have paid for their wealth in wars and still you petition on behalf of the top 20%. If you are alive when the rich have it ALL…100% of the wealth… they will be as gods. Is that your vision? You'll never be one of them so you are arguing for your own demise.

No, if I paid for it and earned it, it belongs to me. What I have, I've worked for and didn't get it through war or exploiting anyone.

No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.

What you call a lack of respect for certain people is jealousy. He could buy and sell a chimp like you and there isn't a damn thing you could do about it. That makes you mad and jealous.
I knew it was only a matter of time before a virus like you infected this thread with racism. Fortunately you don't KNOW my race so your code words like "chimp" have no sting. You also assume I am jealous of Trump! Heh heh heh…I am far richer because I am surrounded by people who love me…not for my money but for my self. Trump can'y buy me because I refuse to be bought. I'd rather die first…unlike steaming pile of shit!

What you say about people loving you for yourself is false. You have nothing to offer, therefore, nothing to love.

I don't need to know you're specific race to know what you are. That you make excuses like you do for people failing due to their own choices makes you what I said regardless of your color.
And I know that what you just said makes YOU a liar!
What about all the other taxes, brainwashed functional moron? Fed income taxes are about the same as payroll taxes now. We basically have a flat tax system now, with all the new wealth staying with the 1% and the middle class and the country going to hell, Great job, New BS GOP and its silly dupes.

Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

It's not between 20 and 30 for everyone and that's what YOU said.

We do not have a flat tax system. When the lowest group is 5 and the highest is 21.1 for federal, that's not flat. States are irrelevant when it comes to this.
Yup, state and local taxes don't matter lol....because the brainwashed dupes say so....idiot.
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.
The greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe. They do it with taxes that pander to the rich and screw the rest and cutting Dem policy that help the drones, even you, stupid.
seems like everything you say is wrong I clearly said Part D NOT B is unfunded ... 500 billion dollars that weren't funded by a tax ... then you go on and on about parts that are funded ... when will you pull your head out of your ass... then theres no child left behind another trillion dollar debt created by republicans, then corrected by Obama...

theres more... but you're to stupid to realize what the hells going on ... in obama care part of the bill they passed that the republicans tried to repeal, hell they even took it to the supreme court saying it was unconstitutional and they failed there too ... the bill was to pay for subsidies and medicaid ... it was a tax on medical equipment a 2 .2% tax ... so far according too the government the people on medicaid aren't costing the taxpayer a dime ... but you sure love to complain about people in government thats cost you next to nothing ... you could care less on these corporations who are costing you and I trillions of dollars of tax dollars ... what does these republicans do ??? they give you this "they're getting free be's" but failing to tell you at what the cost ... like all republicans they are to lazy to look up anything

welfare is one program ... section 8 in some states is one program ... food stamps is one program ... as I stated all these programs are grafted on the federal budget site ... where you will see .008 for welfare ... 2. for food stamps ... you sit and whine about something that really doesn't cost the american taxpayer anything ... all the moneys coming from these programs creat income for the country and the tax payer... it amazes me how ignorant you are about something that you feel are getting free be's

I'm very sorry about your comprehension problem. But I'm not going to go back, look up each Bush program you post, and prove you wrong repeatedly. Maybe you should stay away from liberal BS sites before you post.

That is correct, Republicans want to repeal Commie Care. The federal government has no place to force it's citizens to buy something they may not want, need, or can afford. So yes, if Trump gets in, it will get repealed if it doesn't fall apart by the time he gets in. Aetna (like several providers) recently pulled out of the market in most states it was in. Nobody can stay in business taking a loss, but liberals can't seem to comprehend that.

Corporations don't cost taxpayers trillions. Idiotic plans like Commie Care cost taxpayers trillions. All money doesn't belong to government, so if they take less from companies, that doesn't mean it costs the taxpayers anything.

Then you wonder why we refer to you people as the Uninformed Voters in this country.
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.
Only if you're a brainwashed dupe...

Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.

Consumption isn't hard to say. EVERY person that receives social welfare does not pay the taxes that fund it. Every person receiving social welfare funded at the State level does not pay the taxes that fund it.
Totally duped and hateful. Change the channel or GTH.
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.
The greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe. They do it with taxes that pander to the rich and screw the rest and cutting Dem policy that help the drones, even you, stupid.
No rich democrats fukstick?
Ignorance is not an excuse.
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.

You have people that don't want to work and JQP1 can't understand why they don't accumulate wealth.
Jeebus you believe a pile of crap....
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.
The greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe. They do it with taxes that pander to the rich and screw the rest and cutting Dem policy that help the drones, even you, stupid.
No rich democrats fukstick?
Ignorance is not an excuse.
Rich Dems are not greedy idiot brainwashers, dupe. They want to raise their own taxes and cut yours. Idiot...You want a diagram?
No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.

Yeah, Trump never worked a day in his life. He just sat home and millions came rushing through his doorway.

You people on the left need to get away from your television and movies. Movies are a bad source to get your financial information from.
You don't get it! That is why YOU aren't rich. The trick is to get other people to do the work for a pittance while you do nothing but reap the profits.
Now that you know the secret..;go get 'em, REX!
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.
The greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe. They do it with taxes that pander to the rich and screw the rest and cutting Dem policy that help the drones, even you, stupid.
No rich democrats fukstick?
Ignorance is not an excuse.
Rich Dems are not greedy idiot brainwashers, dupe. They want to raise their own taxes and cut yours. Idiot...You want a diagram?
Right. Did Rachel tell you that?
Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.

You have people that don't want to work and JQP1 can't understand why they don't accumulate wealth.
Stop lying I never said that! What I see is that some people work two or three jobs and =never get ahead. Some workers have never gotten an increase in salary in years even though the owners of their companies saw huge profits for years. SOme workers now do the work of two employees t because of cuts to the workforce…even as the profits rolled in. Why would I complain about people who don't work when people that do work are getting screwed over…? You are a stupid, byatch!

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