Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

They live like 3rd worlders for years to do it....

You continue to believe successful people can't see what pander to the rich GOP policies do to wreck the American dream, dupe.

Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
When you make up your own stories there is no turning back. Facts don't matter...

Are you saying someone having a third child despite already having two they can't support and living on social welfare doesn't get more if that third child is born?
Are you having a conversation with yourself? Apparently you are and you have done a wonderful job of convincing yourself that your word is gospel irregardless of the facts.
They live like 3rd worlders for years to do it....

You continue to believe successful people can't see what pander to the rich GOP policies do to wreck the American dream, dupe.

Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
Funny how the middle class has been wrecked under Reaganism, dupe. Everyone would like a good job, just aren't many around anymore...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

It sure beats the democrat plan of trickle up poor, trickle up misery..

The entire USA would have looked like this in 2016 if Carter beat Reagen

Your hypothesis sounds good but for several years now I have heard how the rich have taken even more of that thin slice of middle class wealth under Obama. If wealth is infinite why does the middle class shrink as the wealthy get richer?

It's called quantitive easing. It's where the feds pumped in trillions of dollars to over inflate the stock market. That's why the rich have never been richer than under DumBama.

The rich have taken wealth from the middle-class? How? When? I'm middle-class, and I can't seem to remember getting a bill from corporate America to give them money.

The middle-class is shrinking? Well gee, we have 94 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. Think that has something to do with it? Think those foreigners jumping the border and taking our jobs for next to nothing has something to do with it? How can you not have a shrinking middle-class when over 1/3 of your workers don't work and don't want to?

Naaah, that can't be it. It must be the rich peoples fault.
The greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe. They do it with taxes that pander to the rich and screw the rest and cutting Dem policy that help the drones, even you, stupid.
No rich democrats fukstick?
Ignorance is not an excuse.
Rich Dems are not greedy idiot brainwashers, dupe. They want to raise their own taxes and cut yours. Idiot...You want a diagram?
Right. Did Rachel tell you that?
Everyone with a brain knows that, Pub dupe. Change the channel.
They live like 3rd worlders for years to do it....

You continue to believe successful people can't see what pander to the rich GOP policies do to wreck the American dream, dupe.

Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
Funny how the middle class has been wrecked under Reaganism, dupe. Everyone would like a good job, just aren't many around anymore...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

It sure beats the democrat plan of trickle up poor, trickle up misery..

The entire USA would have looked like this in 2016 if Carter beat Reagen

ACTUALLY, idiot, Carter would have cut taxes AND spending and we never would have gotten into the ME mess like Ronnie and his pal Saddam....I blame Kennedy too...
They live like 3rd worlders for years to do it....

You continue to believe successful people can't see what pander to the rich GOP policies do to wreck the American dream, dupe.

Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
Funny how the middle class has been wrecked under Reaganism, dupe. Everyone would like a good job, just aren't many around anymore...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

It sure beats the democrat plan of trickle up poor, trickle up misery..

The entire USA would have looked like this in 2016 if Carter beat Reagen

ACTUALLY, idiot, Carter would have cut taxes AND spending and we never would have gotten into the ME mess like Ronnie and his pal Saddam....I blame Kennedy too...

This country would have been destroyed.
They live like 3rd worlders for years to do it....

You continue to believe successful people can't see what pander to the rich GOP policies do to wreck the American dream, dupe.

Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
Funny how the middle class has been wrecked under Reaganism, dupe. Everyone would like a good job, just aren't many around anymore...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

It sure beats the democrat plan of trickle up poor, trickle up misery..

The entire USA would have looked like this in 2016 if Carter beat Reagen

ACTUALLY, idiot, Carter would have cut taxes AND spending and we never would have gotten into the ME mess like Ronnie and his pal Saddam....I blame Kennedy too...

This country would have been destroyed.
This country isn't going anywhere, chicken little. It's survived Reaganism and is about to do a major course correction, thanks to bs propaganda and greed wrecking the New BS GOP.
Republicans didn't wreck the American dream, liberals did.

They did this by convincing those (especially blacks) that they are helpless, never going to make it in life, and need government to help them along. They will never see financial success unless they are very good at sports or making rap songs. Only those born the right color, with the right last name, in the right neighborhood stand a chance.

Whatever you don't want to go out and work for, government will give you. If you want more from government, have more children that you can't afford. Don't worry about marriage or a strong relationship when having kids, dad can be easily replaced by a welfare check, even though liberal politicians knew all along single-parent homes are directly related to poverty and crime.
Funny how the middle class has been wrecked under Reaganism, dupe. Everyone would like a good job, just aren't many around anymore...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

It sure beats the democrat plan of trickle up poor, trickle up misery..

The entire USA would have looked like this in 2016 if Carter beat Reagen

ACTUALLY, idiot, Carter would have cut taxes AND spending and we never would have gotten into the ME mess like Ronnie and his pal Saddam....I blame Kennedy too...

This country would have been destroyed.
This country isn't going anywhere, chicken little. It's survived Reaganism and is about to do a major course correction, thanks to bs propaganda and greed wrecking the New BS GOP.

You senile old goat if Carter won we would have been in like day 13,875 of the Iranian hosstage crisis.

Unemployment would be at 60%

No one would have a fucking job and we would all be speaking Russian.
You don't get it! That is why YOU aren't rich. The trick is to get other people to do the work for a pittance while you do nothing but reap the profits.
Now that you know the secret..;go get 'em, REX!

You leftist think that just because a man doesn't come home with dirt on his hands means he didn't work. The rich put in more hours than the workers in most cases. This is especially true of small businesses like the one I work for.

I've seen plenty of companies go under because the old man left the place to his kids when he died. They ran those businesses right into the ground. They thought the exact same way as you. Being wealthy is about playing golf all day, going on European vacations for months at a time, stopping into the company from time to time to say hello to everybody.

Successful people like Donald do work and probably harder than you do. They may not carry shingles to the roofer three stories high, or put mail in your mail box during a snowstorm, but you don't become wealthy or maintain wealth by telling everybody what to do and pay them nothing.
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.

You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
You don't get it! That is why YOU aren't rich. The trick is to get other people to do the work for a pittance while you do nothing but reap the profits.
Now that you know the secret..;go get 'em, REX!

You leftist think that just because a man doesn't come home with dirt on his hands means he didn't work. The rich put in more hours than the workers in most cases. This is especially true of small businesses like the one I work for.

I've seen plenty of companies go under because the old man left the place to his kids when he died. They ran those businesses right into the ground. They thought the exact same way as you. Being wealthy is about playing golf all day, going on European vacations for months at a time, stopping into the company from time to time to say hello to everybody.

Successful people like Donald do work and probably harder than you do. They may not carry shingles to the roofer three stories high, or put mail in your mail box during a snowstorm, but you don't become wealthy or maintain wealth by telling everybody what to do and pay them nothing.

TO me work is physical labor. Muscle, sweat and fatigue are the ingredients of WORK. Trump has always been privileged and had other people to do any WORK he needed done.. That attitude crosses over into the very core of the wealth generated by slavery in this country. Yes, Ray Cleavage, paying slaves NOTHING for their labor created the vast wealth in this country. Manumission changed that…now wage slaves like YOU have to be paid. Not too much…but enough to keep the taxes of the rich down a bit. You had better be paying your fair share:lol:
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.

You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.
You don't get it! That is why YOU aren't rich. The trick is to get other people to do the work for a pittance while you do nothing but reap the profits.
Now that you know the secret..;go get 'em, REX!

You leftist think that just because a man doesn't come home with dirt on his hands means he didn't work. The rich put in more hours than the workers in most cases. This is especially true of small businesses like the one I work for.

I've seen plenty of companies go under because the old man left the place to his kids when he died. They ran those businesses right into the ground. They thought the exact same way as you. Being wealthy is about playing golf all day, going on European vacations for months at a time, stopping into the company from time to time to say hello to everybody.

Successful people like Donald do work and probably harder than you do. They may not carry shingles to the roofer three stories high, or put mail in your mail box during a snowstorm, but you don't become wealthy or maintain wealth by telling everybody what to do and pay them nothing.

TO me work is physical labor. Muscle, sweat and fatigue are the ingredients of WORK. Trump has always been privileged and had other people to do any WORK he needed done.. That attitude crosses over into the very core of the wealth generated by slavery in this country. Yes, Ray Cleavage, paying slaves NOTHING for their labor created the vast wealth in this country. Manumission changed that…now wage slaves like YOU have to be paid. Not too much…but enough to keep the taxes of the rich down a bit. You had better be paying your fair share:lol:

Jealous much?

Two types of workers in this world.

They pay you to not think and work hard..

Or types like me...

They pay me to think and not work hard.
People who work for a living never get rich, People who know how to be good thieves and how to work the system never get their hands dirty. They just exploit the clock punchers and reap the profits their workers make. Then, to protect their ill gotten assets, they send the sons and daughters of the poor and lower middle classes off to fight for their interests…all in the name of patriotism. But their children are shielded form the atrocities of war… They go to universities to lear how to exploit the 80% even more…all to graban even bigger share of that sliver of wealth the masses are fawning over.

I have to tell you, Hollywood has you hook line and sinker. I even bet you're one of those guys that get so involved that you scream at the movie screen.

There are plenty of rich people that came from nothing. Read some autobiographies of wealthy people sometime. Those people became wealthy by resisting the temptation to buy every new gadget their friends had. They worked hard and used every available penny to invest instead of spend. They learned as much about their interest as they could inside of school and out. Their first priority in life was success, their second priority in life was success, and so was their third.

You are correct on one thing, and that is you'll never get wealthy working for somebody else. When you depend on somebody else for your earnings, you have no control over those earnings either unless you make yourself a better earner for the company.
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.

You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.

For the billionth time, all republicans don't live in taxachuttettes...

Obama care is not even the obama care the moron and chief signed..

And it's still not in full effect yet.
You don't get it! That is why YOU aren't rich. The trick is to get other people to do the work for a pittance while you do nothing but reap the profits.
Now that you know the secret..;go get 'em, REX!

You leftist think that just because a man doesn't come home with dirt on his hands means he didn't work. The rich put in more hours than the workers in most cases. This is especially true of small businesses like the one I work for.

I've seen plenty of companies go under because the old man left the place to his kids when he died. They ran those businesses right into the ground. They thought the exact same way as you. Being wealthy is about playing golf all day, going on European vacations for months at a time, stopping into the company from time to time to say hello to everybody.

Successful people like Donald do work and probably harder than you do. They may not carry shingles to the roofer three stories high, or put mail in your mail box during a snowstorm, but you don't become wealthy or maintain wealth by telling everybody what to do and pay them nothing.

TO me work is physical labor. Muscle, sweat and fatigue are the ingredients of WORK. Trump has always been privileged and had other people to do any WORK he needed done.. That attitude crosses over into the very core of the wealth generated by slavery in this country. Yes, Ray Cleavage, paying slaves NOTHING for their labor created the vast wealth in this country. Manumission changed that…now wage slaves like YOU have to be paid. Not too much…but enough to keep the taxes of the rich down a bit. You had better be paying your fair share:lol:

Jealous much?

Two types of workers in this world.

They pay you to not think and work hard..

Or types like me...

They pay me to think and not work hard.
You got me wrong. Army officers and police captains don't really have to work too hard now do they?
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.

It had nothing to do with the GOP. And no, Commie Care is not doing good in blue states either. Insurance companies are pulling out of blue, red and purple states.
Wealth and income aren't the same you dumbass piece of shit.

You mean sales taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Property taxes? Those are paid due to a choice. Excise taxes? Same thing. Fuel taxes? Same thing.

For the half that don't pay income taxes, their percentage is ZERO.

No matter how many time you post it, the 0-20 groups still does't pay between the 20 and 30 you said EVERYONE paid. 5 + 12.3 = 17.3 and that isn't between 20 and 30.
But it is close, and that's the point. We almost have a flat tax system already, and it's unfair when only the richest are doing well, dupe. Much of the middle class pays more %wise than the richest. A DISGRACE.
But if they have a car they're damn close...

It's not between 20 and 30 for everyone and that's what YOU said.

We do not have a flat tax system. When the lowest group is 5 and the highest is 21.1 for federal, that's not flat. States are irrelevant when it comes to this.
Yup, state and local taxes don't matter lol....because the brainwashed dupes say so....idiot.

They don't because the manner in which they are determined has 51 different possibilities depending the State/D.C. It's not a matter of what I say but what common sense says.
TO me work is physical labor. Muscle, sweat and fatigue are the ingredients of WORK. Trump has always been privileged and had other people to do any WORK he needed done.. That attitude crosses over into the very core of the wealth generated by slavery in this country. Yes, Ray Cleavage, paying slaves NOTHING for their labor created the vast wealth in this country. Manumission changed that…now wage slaves like YOU have to be paid. Not too much…but enough to keep the taxes of the rich down a bit. You had better be paying your fair share

Correct, TO YOU work means physical labor.

But remember, when you punch that clock to go home, all your worries are over, and your employers just begun.

You don't have to deal with increased costs such as healthcare, equipment, maintenance, taxes, employee insurance. You don't have to worry how to handle a major expense such as a piece of equipment breaking down. You don't have to take work home with you because you didn't have enough time to get what you needed done. You don't have to spend your evenings entertaining some prospective client or some non-stop talking salesman.

You just simply go home and complain how rotten employers are.
Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.

Consumption isn't hard to say. EVERY person that receives social welfare does not pay the taxes that fund it. Every person receiving social welfare funded at the State level does not pay the taxes that fund it.
Totally duped and hateful. Change the channel or GTH.

I'm not the one that posted a chart claiming it said something it didn't. When called on it, you wanted to include something the chart didn't include saying ALMOST.

What I said if fact. Freeloaders on social welfare don't pay the taxes that fund their handouts whether they are funded on the federal level or state/local level. If you consider that hateful, they you hate facts. It's not any group's responsibility to support another group that can't get the job. No one owes another person a damn thing.

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