Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

How many businesses do you own? What is the purpose of your business? Will your business pass through to kids or family members when you are retired? Did you start your business recently? Or a long time business owner?

See there conman? Me asking you a question.
It is a given that the employee doesn't make as much as the owner…. I think more workers ought to organize into Co-ops and own the means of production.. They can either vote in a manager or hire one who has to answer directly to them.

Employees can do that now; maybe not with the company they work for, but they can pony up their money to buy a business and have it strictly operated by them.
Credit CARD Act of 2009
Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009

Long title An Act to amend the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, and for other purposes.
Enacted by the 111th United States Congress
Effective February 22, 2010
Public law
Statutes at Large 123 Stat. 1734 through 123 Stat. 1766
Acts amended
Truth in Lending Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Electronic Fund Transfer Act
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009
Titles amended Titles 5, 11, 15, 20 and 31
Legislative history
The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 or Credit CARD Act of 2009 is a federal statute passed by theUnited States Congress and signed by President Barack Obama on May 22, 2009. It is comprehensive credit card reform legislation that aims " establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, and for other purposes."[1] The bill was passed with bipartisan support by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Damn them fucking republicans. What's with the bi partisan support with this bill?
Most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings
By Quentin Fottrell
Published: Dec 23, 2015 10:01 a.m. ET

And over 20% don’t even have a savings account

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
For the majority of Americans, these are empty.
Americans are living right on the edge — at least when it comes to financial planning.

Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account, according to a new survey of more than 5,000 adults conducted this month by Google Consumer Survey for personal finance website “It’s worrisome that such a large percentage of Americans have so little set aside in a savings account,” says Cameron Huddleston, a personal finance analyst for the site. “They likely don’t have cash reserves to cover an emergency and will have to rely on credit, friends and family, or even their retirement accounts to cover unexpected expenses.”

Where these workers getting the money to open this business ray ray? Will you lend them money?

but they can pony up their money to buy a business and have it strictly operated by them.
Obama isn't so dumb. I think he is quite bright and possibly one of our best presidents ever. Yes, he with the help of Congress reduced the abject theft credit card companies were perpetrating upon the American consumers.

No, all he did was force them to shift credit card company costs to other people.

Credit cards did make their money from people that didn't pay them on time. But typical liberal thinking, the credit card companies would just dig deeper into their pockets and have one less limo or yacht.

What happened is that the companies started to charge transfer fees to their good, honest and responsible borrowers. They were forced to recoup that loss in other places.

So now the worthless irresponsible customers (likely Democrat voters) get a break and the charge now goes to honest responsible customers (likely Republican voters). I've been using credit cards for decades, and since this idiotic law passed, it's the first time I've ever had to pay a transfer fee even though I have an outstanding credit rating.

Credit card companies are raising interest rates and fees seven months before new rules go into effect that will limit their ability to do so, much to the irritation of Congress and consumer advocates.

Chase, for instance, will raise the minimum payment required of some of its customers from 2 percent to 5 percent of the statement balance starting in August. Chase and Discover have increased the maximum fee charged for transferring a balance to the card to 5 percent of the amount, up from 3 and 4 percent, respectively. Bank of America last month raised the transaction fee for balance transfers and cash advances from 3 to 4 percent. Card issuers including Bank of America and Citi also continue to cut limits and hike up rates, which they have been doing with more frequency since January.

Credit Card Issuers Raising Rates, Fees Ahead of New Law
Your assessment is a bit dated. The article you cite is dated 2009. Now I can understand why you are so ignorant are quoting data that is 7 years old. Your credibility took quite a hit with this debacle. There is no coming back from this one! :lol:
Where these workers getting the money to open this business ray ray? Will you lend them money?

They do it the way many others who have opened up their business. Don't spend money unless absolutely necessary, live way under your means, borrow every nickel dime and dollar that you can, and open up your own business.

And if you don't have the money, you may have to give up that I-phone, your satellite television with 500 channels, vacations, newer model vehicles. You may even have to (God forbid!) work more than 40 hours a week to make extra money.
Your assessment is a bit dated. The article you cite is dated 2009. Now I can understand why you are so ignorant are quoting data that is 7 years old. Your credibility took quite a hit with this debacle. There is no coming back from this one!

So something changed seven years ago that the article didn't address?

Of course it's seven years old. That's when the law was passed. Try to keep up.
Credit CARD Act of 2009
Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009

Long title An Act to amend the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, and for other purposes.
Enacted by the 111th United States Congress
Effective February 22, 2010
Public law
Statutes at Large 123 Stat. 1734 through 123 Stat. 1766
Acts amended
Truth in Lending Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Electronic Fund Transfer Act
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009
Titles amended Titles 5, 11, 15, 20 and 31
Legislative history
The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 or Credit CARD Act of 2009 is a federal statute passed by theUnited States Congress and signed by President Barack Obama on May 22, 2009. It is comprehensive credit card reform legislation that aims " establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, and for other purposes."[1] The bill was passed with bipartisan support by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Damn them fucking republicans. What's with the bi partisan support with this bill?
In 2009, the Democrats had control of both the House and the Senate
Your assessment is a bit dated. The article you cite is dated 2009. Now I can understand why you are so ignorant are quoting data that is 7 years old. Your credibility took quite a hit with this debacle. There is no coming back from this one!

So something changed seven years ago that the article didn't address?

Of course it's seven years old. That's when the law was passed. Try to keep up.
I am not going to let you get off that easily. You screwed up and I GOTCHA! Lying won't hep you now, sucka!

YOU said:
Credit card companies are raising interest rates and fees seven months before new rules go into effect that will limit their ability to do so, much to the irritation of Congress and consumer advocates.

Chase, for instance, will raise the minimum payment required of some of its customers from 2 percent to 5 percent of the statement balance starting in August. Chase and Discover have increased the maximum fee charged for transferring a balance to the card to 5 percent of the amount, up from 3 and 4 percent, respectively. Bank of America last month raised the transaction fee for balance transfers and cash advances from 3 to 4 percent. Card issuers including Bank of America and Citi also continue to cut limits and hike up rates, which they have been doing with more frequency since January.

There it is. You actually emboldened the entire paragraph to emphasize (triumphantly) how we need to be forewarned about the "change" coming as credit card companies scramble to raise rates in advance of the "new rules." BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Admit it! you got caught cutting and pasting without noticing the date.
Last edited:
Have you been to church lately? This man can answer your question much better than I can:

Yeah, I'm sure you go to church everyday. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I love how you on the left make fun of religious people on the right, but bring up Jesus or God when you think it can support your point. Other than that, he's just some made-up guy in the sky.
You just don't understand do you? Jews vote mostly Democrat and they started the Judeo-Christian phenomenon. Most voting Blacks are Christians and conservative but they vote Democrat. You need to get educated.
Your assessment is a bit dated. The article you cite is dated 2009. Now I can understand why you are so ignorant are quoting data that is 7 years old. Your credibility took quite a hit with this debacle. There is no coming back from this one!

So something changed seven years ago that the article didn't address?

Of course it's seven years old. That's when the law was passed. Try to keep up.
I am not going to let you get off that easily. You screwed up and I GOTCHA! Lying won't hep you now, sucka!

YOU said:
Credit card companies are raising interest rates and fees seven months before new rules go into effect that will limit their ability to do so, much to the irritation of Congress and consumer advocates.

Chase, for instance, will raise the minimum payment required of some of its customers from 2 percent to 5 percent of the statement balance starting in August. Chase and Discover have increased the maximum fee charged for transferring a balance to the card to 5 percent of the amount, up from 3 and 4 percent, respectively. Bank of America last month raised the transaction fee for balance transfers and cash advances from 3 to 4 percent. Card issuers including Bank of America and Citi also continue to cut limits and hike up rates, which they have been doing with more frequency since January.

There it is. You actually emboldened the entire paragraph to emphasize (triumphantly) how we need to be forewarned about the "change" coming as credit card companies scramble to raise rates in advance of the "new rules." BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Admit it! you got caught cutting and pasting without noticing the date.

I am not going to let you get off that easily. You screwed up and I GOTCHA! Lying won't hep you now, sucka!

So what did I lie about?

There it is. You actually emboldened the entire paragraph to emphasize (triumphantly) how we need to be forewarned about the "change" coming as credit card companies scramble to raise rates in advance of the "new rules." BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Admit it! you got caught cutting and pasting without noticing the date.

WTF does the date have to do with anything? It's invalid because it was written at a time we were discussing? How many articles do you suppose there are today about something that passed seven years ago? So no, I posted it in part because of the date.

Yes, I highlighted the fact that banks had to increase fees elsewhere because of this idiotic law. They raised fees on the solid paying customers. That was my point all along. The only thing you "caught" me on is telling the truth.
You indicate you own a business. What's the name, address, and owner's name?

I did? Where?

Stupid, I asked you if YOU own a business.

You indicate you own a business. What's the name, address, and owner's name?

I did? Where?

Stupid, I asked you if YOU own a business.

You're all over the forum talking about how others don't know how to run a business. It either means you do run a business, thereby, having a knowledge of how to do it or you're just another loud mouth liar that claims to know something for which you have no knowledge.
For the billionth time, all republicans don't live in taxachuttettes...

Obama care is not even the obama care the moron and chief signed..

And it's still not in full effect yet.
Obamacare has crashed and is burning. Total failure which is the goal of those who crammed it up our...throats in Congress.
Actually it's doing just fine and about as expected, especially considering the mindless GOP obstruction, their crony insurers' sabotage, and the fear mongering from their giant propaganda service. For example, in NY prices actually have gone down, and nationwide a majority of those who didn't get insurance on the exchanges never even looked at it because they thought it would be too expensive. Many don't even know about subsidies to make it cheap for many. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes...
LOL ---- "it's not a failure because people haven't signed up for it, and we haven't been able to rob the money from others in order to make it profitable for them."

Look at the numbers .... what is the average increase, by state, of premiums for Obamacare?
Here in NY- 0.00% Sorry about your red state shytte, dupes.

Yep, so true, and we can trust you because you're a liberal and always tell the truth:

Employers with fewer than 100 workers will see premiums increase an average of 8.3 percent in 2017.

The state's Department of Financial Services approved rate increases requested by health insurance companies Friday. The higher rates are driven primarily by increases in medical costs and federal programs to redistribute risk across insurers, according to the department.

Premiums for individuals who buy insurance on the state's health exchange website will increase an average of 16.6 percent. That's a larger increase than in past years for the plans offered under the Affordable Care Act.

The bigger jump is driven by insurers getting more information about the cost of providing care to previously uninsured customers and the expiration of a federal program to support the new market.

Analysis of 2015 Premium Changes in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces

still better than before, and guaranteed- now if we can just stop the GOP/crony insurer sabotage...
It is a given that the employee doesn't make as much as the owner…. I think more workers ought to organize into Co-ops and own the means of production.. They can either vote in a manager or hire one who has to answer directly to them.

Employees can do that now; maybe not with the company they work for, but they can pony up their money to buy a business and have it strictly operated by them.
I know employees can do that now. That is why I said MORE of them need to do it… Do you understand what the word MORE means?
You're all over the forum talking about how others don't know how to run a business. It either means you do run a business, thereby, having a knowledge of how to do it or you're just another loud mouth liar that claims to know something for which you have no knowledge.

Damn. They seemed like simple questions. I take it you are not a business owner. I was just curious dude..why you so defensive and whiny?
Your assessment is a bit dated. The article you cite is dated 2009. Now I can understand why you are so ignorant are quoting data that is 7 years old. Your credibility took quite a hit with this debacle. There is no coming back from this one!

So something changed seven years ago that the article didn't address?

Of course it's seven years old. That's when the law was passed. Try to keep up.
I am not going to let you get off that easily. You screwed up and I GOTCHA! Lying won't hep you now, sucka!

YOU said:
Credit card companies are raising interest rates and fees seven months before new rules go into effect that will limit their ability to do so, much to the irritation of Congress and consumer advocates.

Chase, for instance, will raise the minimum payment required of some of its customers from 2 percent to 5 percent of the statement balance starting in August. Chase and Discover have increased the maximum fee charged for transferring a balance to the card to 5 percent of the amount, up from 3 and 4 percent, respectively. Bank of America last month raised the transaction fee for balance transfers and cash advances from 3 to 4 percent. Card issuers including Bank of America and Citi also continue to cut limits and hike up rates, which they have been doing with more frequency since January.

There it is. You actually emboldened the entire paragraph to emphasize (triumphantly) how we need to be forewarned about the "change" coming as credit card companies scramble to raise rates in advance of the "new rules." BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Admit it! you got caught cutting and pasting without noticing the date.

I am not going to let you get off that easily. You screwed up and I GOTCHA! Lying won't hep you now, sucka!

So what did I lie about?

There it is. You actually emboldened the entire paragraph to emphasize (triumphantly) how we need to be forewarned about the "change" coming as credit card companies scramble to raise rates in advance of the "new rules." BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Admit it! you got caught cutting and pasting without noticing the date.

WTF does the date have to do with anything? It's invalid because it was written at a time we were discussing? How many articles do you suppose there are today about something that passed seven years ago? So no, I posted it in part because of the date.

Yes, I highlighted the fact that banks had to increase fees elsewhere because of this idiotic law. They raised fees on the solid paying customers. That was my point all along. The only thing you "caught" me on is telling the truth.

You know, I have credit cards too but I pay off the balance each month. However, my low rates did NOT change at all between 2009 and now.. Maybe it is because I don't deal with Banks. Instead I use Federal Credit Unions which also offer shares. The banks you cited may have engaged in the nefarious practices your link indicated but my credit unions did not.

You seemed to have handpicked some of the most notorious banks to make your point but perhaps these charts can guide the casual reader in understanding the truth: At least ONE bank, Capitol 1, didn't scramble to make changes before the new law passed. What do you think… just curiious about your interpertatoin of these gtweo charts…one from 2009, the other from 2016:

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