Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.

Consumption isn't hard to say. EVERY person that receives social welfare does not pay the taxes that fund it. Every person receiving social welfare funded at the State level does not pay the taxes that fund it.
sorry to inform you welfare checks are taxed just like yours or mine is... look it up yourself

In theory, as you know, their income is so low they pay no income taxes.
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.

Corps don't pay .... citizens pay. Oh wait ... they already do.

You are just trying to find an alternative source so you don't have to pay. Pretty damn selfish, if you ask me.
Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.

Will you please tell us all specifically WHO PAYS CORPORATE TAXES? Where does that money originate?

I'd be willing to bet that you believe your employer pays half of your payment to Social Security too.
Corporations pay corporate taxes DUH. LOL

DUH...LOL where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes?
Jeebus what an idiot....Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.

Consumption isn't hard to say. EVERY person that receives social welfare does not pay the taxes that fund it. Every person receiving social welfare funded at the State level does not pay the taxes that fund it.
sorry to inform you welfare checks are taxed just like yours or mine is... look it up yourself

In theory, as you know, their income is so low they pay no income taxes.
But as we have seen pay plenty of other taxes duh. And pay STATE income taxes.
Actually it's doing just fine and about as expected, especially considering the mindless GOP obstruction, their crony insurers' sabotage, and the fear mongering from their giant propaganda service. For example, in NY prices actually have gone down, and nationwide a majority of those who didn't get insurance on the exchanges never even looked at it because they thought it would be too expensive. Many don't even know about subsidies to make it cheap for many. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes...

The insurance is crap; deductibles so high it doesn't pay to have it unless you are going to have major surgery.
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.

You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.

For the billionth time, all republicans don't live in taxachuttettes...

Obama care is not even the obama care the moron and chief signed..

And it's still not in full effect yet.
Obamacare has crashed and is burning. Total failure which is the goal of those who crammed it up our...throats in Congress.
Actually it's doing just fine and about as expected, especially considering the mindless GOP obstruction, their crony insurers' sabotage, and the fear mongering from their giant propaganda service. For example, in NY prices actually have gone down, and nationwide a majority of those who didn't get insurance on the exchanges never even looked at it because they thought it would be too expensive. Many don't even know about subsidies to make it cheap for many. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes...
LOL ---- "it's not a failure because people haven't signed up for it, and we haven't been able to rob the money from others in order to make it profitable for them."

Look at the numbers .... what is the average increase, by state, of premiums for Obamacare?
Corps don't pay .... citizens pay. Oh wait ... they already do.

You are just trying to find an alternative source so you don't have to pay. Pretty damn selfish, if you ask me.
Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.

Will you please tell us all specifically WHO PAYS CORPORATE TAXES? Where does that money originate?

I'd be willing to bet that you believe your employer pays half of your payment to Social Security too.
Corporations pay corporate taxes DUH. LOL

DUH...LOL where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes?
Jeebus what an idiot....Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.

Same ol' BS ... same ol' failure of logic.
Poor people generally can't even get credit because they can't qualify for anything more than the usurious rates offered by loan sharks. But some have no choice and they fall into the trap just as their well paid American neighbors do. MIss a payment and even the mainstream credit card companies jack up the rates and report you to one of the three credit bureaus…thereby ruining your credit and hindering you even further.

Oh yes, yet another thing DumBama and the Democrats fixed for Americans.

12 consumer protections in the Credit CARD Act

Obama isn't so dumb. I think he is quite bright and possibly one of our best presidents ever. Yes, he with the help of Congress reduced the abject theft credit card companies were perpetrating upon the American consumers.
No, I wasn't saying what you say I said. Wow, that took a lot of guts ….:lol:

What you didn't do is answer a simple question. Wow, that shows a lack of guts.
I answered your question,. If you are too dumb to comprehend the answer I can't help you! ANd don't worry about my "guts." I served honorably…did YOU?

You provided AN answer. The problem is it wasn't to the question I asked.

You have no guts. If you served, it was taxpayer money wasted.

As far as someone serving honorably, I can answer a simple question with yes. Seems you can't do the same.

I've got more guts than you will ever have metaphorically speaking but I admit you have a bigger gut than I do, ya friggin BIGGUT!

Whatever makes you feel better, BOY. I'm so far ahead of you intellectually, educationally, financially, and anything else on that scale you think you're in first place. You'll always be behind me and never catch up.
YAWWWNNNN! Yeah, you spend too much time on your computer to be rich. You are nothing but a fat slob surrounded by potato chip bags and a case of coke (hopefully coca cola but who knows?) You need to get off your fat ass and get some fresh air before you croak!
No, I wasn't saying what you say I said. Wow, that took a lot of guts ….:lol:

What you didn't do is answer a simple question. Wow, that shows a lack of guts.
I answered your question,. If you are too dumb to comprehend the answer I can't help you! ANd don't worry about my "guts." I served honorably…did YOU?

You provided AN answer. The problem is it wasn't to the question I asked.

You have no guts. If you served, it was taxpayer money wasted.

As far as someone serving honorably, I can answer a simple question with yes. Seems you can't do the same.

I've got more guts than you will ever have metaphorically speaking but I admit you have a bigger gut than I do, ya friggin BIGGUT!

Whatever makes you feel better, BOY. I'm so far ahead of you intellectually, educationally, financially, and anything else on that scale you think you're in first place. You'll always be behind me and never catch up.

I feel fine because I take care of myself. You need to get off your fat ass and get away from that computer once in a while…you'll feel better and maybe you'll think better too!
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.

You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.
Not a single one of them voted for it, so how is the GOP plan?
It's Nixon', Dole's, and the GOP's in 1993- every time the Dems put up a plan. Makes it pretty obvious they're actually against ANY system that's not the Pub scam "system"...
The Dims had a filibuster proof majority. They could have passed any plan they wanted to pass. The GOP couldn't do a thing about it.

I marvel at your ability to blame the GOP when the Dims were in total control of the government. Talk about deflecting blame and not taking responsibility.
Ever notice how people like JQP constantly worry about what someone else has or does.? If he spent half as much time worrying about himself and bettering himself, he might be one of those that people like him worry about. He shows a lot of envy about the possessions and wealth of other people. Must be jealousy.

It's much worse than that. He actually believes that the reason we have poor people is because the rich have too much money. As if they had less, it would somehow help those poor.

This is evident in his repeated posts of how much of "the wealth" wealthy people have, as if there was a limited amount of money in this country. There is no "the wealth." Every American can make as much as they desire, and it doesn't matter how much money rich people have. Nobody is stopping anybody from earning or investing.

Poor means you don't have adequate money. The solution to poverty? Get more money. How does one get more money? Work more hours and decrease your unnecessary spending.

As a country, we've tried that for 50 years only to have the same percentage of people in poverty today as we did BEFORE spending $22 trillion to do what JQP thinks will help them become less poor. Apparently the way JQP thinks the poor should get more money is to take it from those he thinks don't need as much as they have.

People like JQP talk about leveling the playing field and that many of the very wealthy had a head start above the poor. The country could take every bit of money that exists among all 320 million people that live here, divide it up EQUALLY, and in 20 years, those complaining now that there are people that don't have as much as someone else would be complaining again based on exactly what you said. It's the person. If someone wants to sit sleep until noon, sit on their ass, and play video games all day, go for it. However, realize that doesn't pay a lot and those that go out and do something meaningful are going to have more income and, eventually, more wealth.
I don't need you to speak for me. You have enough trouble speaking for yourself. You make self fulfilling hypotheses with no factual basis supporting them. Dividing all the money equally wouldn't be enough nor would that be desirable. But if that were to happen, division of property and assets would also have to occur. Then laws would have to be made to protect the interests of the common good against monopolistic tyrants and the proliferation of oligarchs .
But, if their political stewards,in the GOP had their way, there wouldn't be a middle class. The middle class is disappearing and you fiddle while Rome burns!

Actually it's quite the opposite. It's more like if liberals had their way.

It's liberals who are crying to let more foreigners in this country to take our jobs.

It's liberals who run those over priced colleges that put those kids in debt.

It's DumBama and the Democrats that came out with the idea of taking away income tax refunds from people who didn't participate in Commie Care.

It's DumBama that wanted to raise our energy costs sky high to pander to the environmentalists.

It's Democrats who have put all these people on social programs so they can no longer be considered middle-class.

It was DumBama that's responsible for greatly increasing the cost of cigarettes most of which are use by the middle-class and the poor.

If there were ever an enemy of the middle-class it sure isn't Republicans. It's Democrats who are robbing them blind.

Democrat policies expand the welfare state and create dependency then they blame others for the economy. If you give someone that doesn't really want to work the ability to not work by handing him/her as much or more than they could earn with their skills, only a fool thinks they'll work.

Where do you get that shit from? There are plenty of rich democrats and plenty of working middle class Democrats as well. The hardest working people in America are Democrats…Ever heard of Unions? The very word "LABOR" reeks of Democrat influence.
Democrats are the champions of LABOR..Hell they ARE LABOR! The lazy fucks are the Republicans who leech off the labor of Democrats and want most of the profit for themselves. The GOP does not WANT a middle class… They want a world of haves and have nots.
The GOP War on the Middle Class: It’s Time for Americans to Fight Back | PoliticusUSA's Archives
Stop being silly. If you make $20,000 a year it is impossible to live a $200,000 a year lifestyle. A family of 4 is impoverished if their income is 20,000. And their kids will have to go to school wearing second hand clothing and worn shoes. They will have to suffer all the indignations other more affluent kids heap upon them. If they do graduate from high school, college is out of the question unless they get an academic or athletic scholarship. But all too often, the damage done by poverty has already taken it's toll and the kids drop out to become fringe elements in an unsympathetic society.

That being said I want to make it clear that I am not talking about Black kids only. The face of poverty in America is White.

That's the point. People with skills to only make $20,000/year want to live like they make $200,000/year and when they can't, they blame others for why they only make that amount. Their answer, rather than doing something to increase it, is to tax those more than make $200,000 so the money can be used to offset their lack of skills.

Your entire rant makes it out as if those on the higher economic end OWE something to those on the lower end. That simply isn't true.

What the fuck are you talking about?Most Americans are in debt over their heads. Just getting a decent education leaves millions of them with oppressive debt. And heaven help any of those with such debt if they become seriously ill. They are doomed for decades.
See how that works? Further, too many go to colleges promising them success and come out with worthless degrees. Tack on credit card debt, rent, food and clothing PLUS TAX and the wealth of which you speak is reduced to a paycheck to paycheck existence.

Millions of middle class Americans have NO savings at all as a result of their oppressive debts…Debt accumulated in the name of trying to live a middle class lifestyle. Hmmm. I guess I am agreeing with you here except these people make more than $20,000 a year. These high earning, debt ridden college educated clones are the people you suggest poor people are trying to emulate by spending more than they should. And the rich get richer

Look, fella. Some of the ultra rich throw a few crumbs to their poorer compatriots through charity or other philanthropic devices.
But, if their political stewards,in the GOP had their way, there wouldn't be a middle class. The middle class is disappearing and you fiddle while Rome burns!

If, as you say, most American have that much debt, quit taking it on. No one forced them to do that. They chose to do it.

The colleges didn't pick the worthless degree, the student did.

Trying to live a middle class lifestyle on a low class income isn't the fault of anyone but the one trying to do that. It's not the fault of anyone but the choice maker.

You say the rich throw a few crumbs as if one person owes another person anything. No one owes me, you, or anyone else a damn thing. You owe yourself and if you aren't willing to do for yourself, do without. I don't give a shit.

Pay attention. I am are talking about middle class White people who make way more than 20,000 dollars a year. They are struggling with college and credit card debt, mortgages ,health insurance and auto payments /Insurance. Some have graduated from college only to return to their parents home to live in the BASEMENT.

Poor people generally can't even get credit because they can't qualify for anything more than the usurious rates offered by loan sharks. But some have no choice and they fall into the trap just as their well paid American neighbors do. MIss a payment and even the mainstream credit card companies jack up the rates and report you to one of the three credit bureaus…thereby ruining your credit and hindering you even further.

Lets make your statement "No one owes me, you, or anyone else a damn thing.: ring true. Lets do away with credit altogether. Can you even imagine what will happen then?

I have a solution. If you don't want high interest rates, don't take out loans with them.

I'm OK with doing away with credit. I don't have any debt so it won't affect ME. However, doing away with debt and one person not owing another person anything in life have nothing to do with each other.
I am still trying to understand how you can divide the two terms "owing" and "debt"? I don't think its possible to separate the two terms but i would love to see you try!
Quite simply they're not paying the noted amount and should be as they're using resources. Do you pay your power company for the power or cable that you use?
My point is that to build wealth you have to have people working for you for a small portion of what YOU gain from their labor!

Only in some cases. Look at those millionaire professional athletes, the entertainment sector such as Hollywood or the music industry, hedge fund managers, commodities traders, real estate tycoons........

As for those in actual industry, yes, they have people working for them. What's your point? Every worker who takes a job offered from somebody else realizes they are going to make their employer a lot of money. There is nothing wrong with that. I've never taken a job with the expectation that my salary would move along with the profit of a company or the owners paycheck. I agreed to do X job for X amount of money and benefits. Providing my employer lives up to his agreement, I live up to mine. End of story.

If you don't see anything wrong with 20% of the population owning 84% of the wealth and gaining more every year something is wrong with YOU.

How has the policies and doctrines of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama improved the situation you inexplicably abhor?

So long as I have all I need and want, I don't give a rat's behind as to how much YOU need, want or have. Why should it make a difference?

Have you been to church lately? This man can answer your question much better than I can:

As for all the loans you list, I have no clue as to how a recent college graduate could accumulate all that debt. The only person who could do such a thing is one with no personal responsibility.

Lets put a typical figure on that debt. Maybe then you can understand it better:

How The $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy

Two-thirds, that’s right, two-thirds of students graduating from American colleges and universities are graduating with some level of debt. How much? According to The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS) Project on Student Debt, the average borrower will graduate $26,600 in the red. While we’ve all heard the screaming headlines of graduates with crippling debt of $100,000 or more, this is the case for only about 1% of graduates. That said, one in 10 graduates accumulate more than $40,000.

Overall, the national student debt is 1.2 Trillion!
You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.

For the billionth time, all republicans don't live in taxachuttettes...

Obama care is not even the obama care the moron and chief signed..

And it's still not in full effect yet.
Obamacare has crashed and is burning. Total failure which is the goal of those who crammed it up our...throats in Congress.
Actually it's doing just fine and about as expected, especially considering the mindless GOP obstruction, their crony insurers' sabotage, and the fear mongering from their giant propaganda service. For example, in NY prices actually have gone down, and nationwide a majority of those who didn't get insurance on the exchanges never even looked at it because they thought it would be too expensive. Many don't even know about subsidies to make it cheap for many. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes...
LOL ---- "it's not a failure because people haven't signed up for it, and we haven't been able to rob the money from others in order to make it profitable for them."

Look at the numbers .... what is the average increase, by state, of premiums for Obamacare?
Here in NY- 0.00% Sorry about your red state shytte, dupes.
O-Care is a framework that the GOP obstructs reform of, and in fact sabotages. Looks like Dems may have the control it needs soon. Your New BS GOP is a disgrace, dupe.

You clowns on the left even try to blame DumBama's healthcare failure on the Republicans. Republicans had nothing to do with it. Commie Care was passed purely by Democrats only. It's failing. It's going downhill in a ball of flames.

"Barack Insane Obama. The greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.
Not a single one of them voted for it, so how is the GOP plan?
It's Nixon', Dole's, and the GOP's in 1993- every time the Dems put up a plan. Makes it pretty obvious they're actually against ANY system that's not the Pub scam "system"...
The Dims had a filibuster proof majority. They could have passed any plan they wanted to pass. The GOP couldn't do a thing about it.

I marvel at your ability to blame the GOP when the Dims were in total control of the government. Talk about deflecting blame and not taking responsibility.
For a month they did, superdupe. And they were lucky to get this thru duhhhhhhhhhhh.
Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.

Will you please tell us all specifically WHO PAYS CORPORATE TAXES? Where does that money originate?

I'd be willing to bet that you believe your employer pays half of your payment to Social Security too.
Corporations pay corporate taxes DUH. LOL

DUH...LOL where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes?
Jeebus what an idiot....Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.

Same ol' BS ... same ol' failure of logic.
Same brainwashed idiot. Businessmen...
No, I am taking about people I have researched and know something about. Sure there are some self made millionaires but a lot of them inherited their wealth. The self-made rich folks came about due to luck, some hard work and perseverance if you believe their version…but there is always another story they would rather you and I didn't know about how they gained their wealth. There may be a few exceptions.

Yes, just a few:

NCPA Study: Inheritance Has Little To Do With Wealth

My point is that to build wealth you have to have people working for you for a small portion of what YOU gain from their labor!

Are you saying the worker should make as much as the owner?

What you don't seem to get is that the worker has the option to become an owner.
Doing great in blue states and areas... Funny...The fact that it was the GOP plan just shows what mindless obstructionists the New BS GOP is, dupe.

For the billionth time, all republicans don't live in taxachuttettes...

Obama care is not even the obama care the moron and chief signed..

And it's still not in full effect yet.
Obamacare has crashed and is burning. Total failure which is the goal of those who crammed it up our...throats in Congress.
Actually it's doing just fine and about as expected, especially considering the mindless GOP obstruction, their crony insurers' sabotage, and the fear mongering from their giant propaganda service. For example, in NY prices actually have gone down, and nationwide a majority of those who didn't get insurance on the exchanges never even looked at it because they thought it would be too expensive. Many don't even know about subsidies to make it cheap for many. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes...
LOL ---- "it's not a failure because people haven't signed up for it, and we haven't been able to rob the money from others in order to make it profitable for them."

Look at the numbers .... what is the average increase, by state, of premiums for Obamacare?
Here in NY- 0.00% Sorry about your red state shytte, dupes.

Yep, so true, and we can trust you because you're a liberal and always tell the truth:

Employers with fewer than 100 workers will see premiums increase an average of 8.3 percent in 2017.

The state's Department of Financial Services approved rate increases requested by health insurance companies Friday. The higher rates are driven primarily by increases in medical costs and federal programs to redistribute risk across insurers, according to the department.

Premiums for individuals who buy insurance on the state's health exchange website will increase an average of 16.6 percent. That's a larger increase than in past years for the plans offered under the Affordable Care Act.

The bigger jump is driven by insurers getting more information about the cost of providing care to previously uninsured customers and the expiration of a federal program to support the new market.

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