Can someone die before God calls you home? a human being here on Earth....has to patiently wait his/her time when to say goodbye.

Not one second before his/her time

I know....but that's how it is.
There are good things that happen to everyone and bad. Those experiences and how we handle them make us who we are. Does God intervene some from dying? I believe that has happened.

But I believe God has a path for each of us. He wants us to have good lives but we will have to overcome adversities...that is natural.

When you time here is becoming short, just accept those things you cannot change a look forward to life without pain, meeting with others that have passed and smile.

And thank God for Loving You First.
What about all the suicides that fail because of various reasons and the people end up being saved? What about all the people who should have died, but survived experiences that should have killed them? I seem to remember a little boy falling through ice, being underwater for over 30 min. He ended up in a coma, but then recovered. Matter of fact, they've made a movie about him.

Better yet, if that is true, then why was it necessary for Him to call that cute little girl home by having her fall out of a cruise ship window, down 110 ft, to the concrete below in Puerto Rico? She had a very loving family who misses her very much, and her potential was snuffed out before she even had a chance. She could have been a potential great leader, or the person who cures cancer

Most people might say that God saved the boy but let die the girl.

Both are not true.

God is not behind you watching you every move you do.

He is not calling home to anyone. (who knows who invented such idea)

He doesn't even know when you were born.

Eventually he will know about it, but the biblical God doesn't behave the way YOU want him to behave.
You know, we don't have all of the answers. We aren't supposed to know all. Just be honest with yourself and talk with God often. You won't be disappointed.
In other words OP

Suicide is not a clever idea ok? it is the worst of the worst Eternity of suffering.
So far he is not doing something immediate. And sounds very positive even when his experiment has a different purpose.

Hope someone here knows him in person.
Better to die when GOD calls you home.

That's the way to go...not before...otherwise you might suffer eternal to speak

Wait for your time.

Does he use a cell phone or send a text?

I got it. If you skydive and your parachute doesn't open, don't answer your cellular device!
if a decision is made doubtful it was a calling, makes little sense for being judged beforehand for admission. euthanasia in certain circumstances seems proper when personally chosen.
We are talking about an entity which created all of space time (Genesis)...that is omniscience.

It says this entity created heavens and earth, in no place he created "time". He mentioned that in order to obtain the measure of time, the heavenly bodies must be used, to set seasons, days, etc.

Yes, you can give to this entity the attribute of "knowing everything", however, it won't apply "at every moment". A person can die today, and eventually God will know it, but he didn't cause, approve or ignore such death.
"let there be light" that is space, and time out of a void. The only place where God is not hell.
Put a gun to your head right now, jump off a bridge betcha you don't die .[/QUOTE]
Sounds like you've been there and talking from direct experience. You actually did put a gun to your head and jumped off a bridge?
Fatalism is dangerous, it's the reason people in India are careless with safety, they think they can't die until it is their fate to die.
Or maybe they believe too strongly in the inescapable fate of karma which they can't do anything about ,or so they believe.
The question doesn't make sense. If you jump off a high building, you will die. If you shoot yourself in the head, you will die. If you overdose on pills, you will die. Thinking that somehow a higher power will keep you alive after you do these things is dumb.

What about all the suicides that fail because of various reasons and the people end up being saved? What about all the people who should have died, but survived experiences that should have killed them? I seem to remember a little boy falling through ice, being underwater for over 30 min. He ended up in a coma, but then recovered. Matter of fact, they've made a movie about him.
It's a matter of chance and one's skill. Some suicides succeed and some don't because they didn't go about it in the right way. I remember reading about a Japanese war criminal who shot himself in the chest to avoid being put on trial. He missed his heart by so many millimeters and was saved because the Americans who went to round him up were able to save him in the nick of time.

Btw if there is a higher power who can intervene in saving one's life then why not consistently all the time or why some people and not others?
This is the reason why I don't believe there is a higher power involved in any of this.
It can only be by chance and the situation.
Can someone die before God calls you home?
The answer to that question is, "No". Here is the proof:
Matthew 10:29 Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent.
Sparrows were so plentiful and cheap, they would sell one and throw in a second for free. But even they are important to their creator. Every single one.
How much more important to God are His children...

As a side bar, not one human falls... yet not all are called home. Those covered in the blood of His Son are called home. The others will take their chances at the White Throne Judgment.
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The question doesn't make sense. If you jump off a high building, you will die. If you shoot yourself in the head, you will die. If you overdose on pills, you will die. Thinking that somehow a higher power will keep you alive after you do these things is dumb.

What about all the suicides that fail because of various reasons and the people end up being saved? What about all the people who should have died, but survived experiences that should have killed them? I seem to remember a little boy falling through ice, being underwater for over 30 min. He ended up in a coma, but then recovered. Matter of fact, they've made a movie about him.
It's a matter of chance and one's skill. Some suicides succeed and some don't because they didn't go about it in the right way. I remember reading about a Japanese war criminal who shot himself in the chest to avoid being put on trial. He missed his heart by so many millimeters and was saved because the Americans who went to round him up were able to save him in the nick of time.

Btw if there is a higher power who can intervene in saving one's life then why not consistently all the time or why some people and not others?
This is the reason why I don't believe there is a higher power involved in any of this.
It can only be by chance and the situation.
You forgot that there is free will. God does not help a person pull the trigger to kill someone, but evil does take over and those deaths are not bound by God calling you, He will however, receive you and welcome you.
Can someone die before God calls you home?

funny but how many people live past 110 years, maybe it's not being called at all rather has a lot to do with physiology and not the Almighty - as in there is no such thing as being called and making it back to the Everlasting isn't a call at all, an accomplishment (sabbath) and for some death is simply the end of the line.

might make the accomplishment before time runs out, bear.

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