Can Someone Do The Math.If GOP Wins All Senate Seats,How Many Will They Gain?

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate 2018

Here's my best guess...

Heitcamp gets crushed in North Dakota: +1.

McCaskill is dead in the water and sinking fast: +1.

Beto has no chance in Texas against Cruz: Hold.

Tennessee has been trending toward Blackburn. Will likely pick up coat tails from the governor's race, where the repub is ahead by double digits. I bet she wins: +1.

Nelson's lead in Florida is within the margin of error and he's below 50% in support. This usually favors the challenger. I'll go with Scott in a squeaker. +1.

Indiana has a 3rd candidate and Donnely luckily keeps his seat: Hold.

That leaves Arizona, Montana, and Nevada. All are within the margin of error. Law of averages says GOP gets one of those seats: +1.

None of that takes into account the shenanigans of the democrats over the last couple weeks...If any of those toss-ups break sharply, it won't be in favor of them.

My ain't-gonna-bet-on-it guess is that the GOP picks up 5 seats.
:dance: I heard a while ago that if the GOP wins all seats, they could have a commanding 59/60/40 Senate.
Well, if one of you guys out there, can do the math, please fill me and the rest of us on the best outcome for the senate if all goes well in the upcoming Red Wave.
IIRC, If the Republicans win every Senate race they gain 24 seats. If Republicans lose every race the Democrats only gain 8 seats.

And that is more evidence that the LWNJ members here who think the party of slavery will win a majority in the Senate are fucking delusional.

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