Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

The fact that there has been a long time prejudice against gays in many societies that prevented same sex marriage from being legally recognized does not mean that prejudice has become inviolable.

De facto same sex marriage, i.e., the forming of long term monogamous relationships between two homosexuals, that were marriages in every way except legal recognition, has always existed. They are as natural as heterosexual marriage,

because homosexuality is a naturally occurring orientation in a minority of humans.

So is Necrophilia, Pedophilia and Beastiality. :thup:

Because Humans do it doesn't mean it's Natural and it Definitely doesn't make Man/Woman Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

That's a Natural Fact. :thup:



Are you saying you can't tell the difference between adult homosexuality and pedophilia?

In their National Charter shortly after Stonewall the Gays Collectively called for the End of Age of Consent Laws while Regularly Marching with NAMBLA...

This all came to a head in 1994 when the ILGA was removed from the World Conference on Health and Disease for it's Alliance with NAMBLA.

Ask a Homo that Question, thanks! :thup:


Are you saying you can't tell the difference between adult homosexuality and pedophilia?

For some odd reason, the haters have a hard time with the concept of consent.

Using mal's 'logic', giving Americans the right to bear arms should have led by now down a slippery slope to 5 year olds having the right to own a machinegun.

Why did the Gays Demand an End to Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter then?... :dunno:


So is Necrophilia, Pedophilia and Beastiality. :thup:

Because Humans do it doesn't mean it's Natural and it Definitely doesn't make Man/Woman Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

That's a Natural Fact. :thup:



Are you saying you can't tell the difference between adult homosexuality and pedophilia?

For some odd reason, the haters have a hard time with the concept of consent.

Those on the Left who are Advocating for Adult/Child Sex question what "Consent" is and what is "Harmful" to Minors... Leftist, Pro-Gay Activists, each and every single one of them. :thup:

You have been Active on the Threads Naming them... So I will go ahead and Assume you Remember.


Reread my post and do your homework. My arguments have never been based on religion.

Or logic either, but what the heck, right?

You don't understand logic, so don't make those judgements

Says the man bringing up martians. I understand logic quite well. Your stating that straights that don't have children can get married but gays that do have children shouldn't be able to get married...defies logic.
Why would anyone would want to deny the joy of matrimony, commitment and love of same sex couples?
What harm does that do to anyone?
Mal, whatcha gonna do when SSM is legal in all 50?

Nothing... But you won't be done when it happens, and I Pity you and yours for having to Suffer that.

It was a lot better for you when you got the Help you Needed.



I'm already done and married...haven't suffered a bit. In fact, being legally married has been quite a boon, thanks for asking. :D
Mal, whatcha gonna do when SSM is legal in all 50?

Nothing... But you won't be done when it happens, and I Pity you and yours for having to Suffer that.

It was a lot better for you when you got the Help you Needed.



I'm already done and married...haven't suffered a bit. In fact, being legally married has been quite a boon, thanks for asking. :D

Not what I'm talking about... But you Know that. Pity is all I have for you and Shame for the APA for telling Society that your Mental Illness is Normal without backing it up.

You should have been getting Treatment and Therapy a long time ago.



Mal, whatcha gonna do when SSM is legal in all 50?

Nothing... But you won't be done when it happens, and I Pity you and yours for having to Suffer that.

It was a lot better for you when you got the Help you Needed.



When someone isn't exactly like you, you can't just say they "have a mental illness" and move on. That's incredibly, incredibly arrogant and egotistical. It implies that you are the center of the universe, and any deviation from that center (which is YOU) represents a distortion or rift in the true nature of reality. That is an extraordinary selflish position.

I suggest you reevaluate your position.
Why would anyone would want to deny the joy of matrimony, commitment and love of same sex couples?
What harm does that do to anyone?

What Harm does it do you if two Sisters or a Mother and Daughter Caring for a Child together have it also?... :dunno:

Or a Man and 14 Brides?...



Who is asking for that here?

If you are not, then you are asking for Special Rights that Exclude other Americans that would be Justified in getting Marriage "Rights" using the same Arguments the Gays have.

Try to keep up. :thup:


Mal, whatcha gonna do when SSM is legal in all 50?

Nothing... But you won't be done when it happens, and I Pity you and yours for having to Suffer that.

It was a lot better for you when you got the Help you Needed.



When someone isn't exactly like you, you can't just say they "have a mental illness" and move on. That's incredibly, incredibly arrogant and egotistical. It implies that you are the center of the universe, and any deviation from that center (which is YOU) represents a distortion or rift in the true nature of reality. That is an extraordinary selflish position.

I suggest you reevaluate your position.

I don't believe that people who aren't like me have a mental illness... Idiot.


I don't believe that people who aren't like me have a mental illness... Idiot.



No need to be defensive, Mal. I'm just pointing out that it's arrogant to say homosexual individuals have a "mental illness". That's all.

Just because they may deviate from your personal norm doesn't mean you have the liberty to call them "sick" (which is, in effect what someone suffering from a mental illness would be).
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Why would anyone would want to deny the joy of matrimony, commitment and love of same sex couples?
What harm does that do to anyone?

1. It's icky

2. Their god says no

3. It's icky

4. Gays can't have children the "natural" way

5. It's icky

6. It ruins straight marriage

7. It's icky

8. They can't own the word "marriage"

9. It's icky

10. It leads to incest

11. It's icky

12. It leads to beastiality

13. It's icky

14. It will cause women to divorce their husbands and marry each other

15. It's icky

Feel free to add more.
Or logic either, but what the heck, right?

You don't understand logic, so don't make those judgements

Says the man bringing up martians. I understand logic quite well. Your stating that straights that don't have children can get married but gays that do have children shouldn't be able to get married...defies logic.

You live illogically, you depend on those to believe in the not logical to bolster your points.

Let's try one more time shall we?

We have two genders that, when combined creates a demographic group that creates population

We have group that believes that somehow a demographic group that cannot create population is the same.

Logic says your being illogical.

Your answer that something is legal does not address it's logic.

Care to explain?
I am about done trying to reach them... I have concluded recently that the APA made a huge Mistake back in the 70's and Society is paying for it...

Many of them should be in Facilities... Instead they are out Raping the Constitution and Spreading AIDS while Confusing Children about where Babies come from 100% of the time.


Speaking of vaginas..

Gays use each other's anuses as artificial vaginas. Meanwhile lipstick lesbians are attracted to all things mannish in their bulldyke partners.

Think there might be some repressed heterosexuality in the homosexual population? Maybe we should help these folks come out of the closet?

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