Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Many years ago, it was thought you could get AIDS from milk. The one gallon plastic containers used to say "Homo Milk" on the side! lol
Speaking of vaginas..

Gays use each other's anuses as artificial vaginas. Meanwhile lipstick lesbians are attracted to all things mannish in their bulldyke partners.

Think there might be some repressed heterosexuality in the homosexual population? Maybe we should help these folks come out of the closet?

All I know Silhouette is that some people are attracted to the same sex, some are attracted to the opposite sex, and some are attracted to both.

I'm attracted to women and therefore married a woman. If I was attracted to men, then I'd marry a man. Why do people care so much about who other people choose to marry?

Again, if someone was pressuring YOU to be gay, or enter into a gay relationship, or forbid you from marrying a person of the opposite sex, I would be first in line to defend you. I would say "that's wrong, if Sillhouette wants to marry a person from the opposite sex he/she has the right to!".

But that's certainly not the case. It's all about doing what's right for you (so long as you're not infringing on the rights of others), and allowing others to do what's right for them.
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Speaking of vaginas..

Gays use each other's anuses as artificial vaginas. Meanwhile lipstick lesbians are attracted to all things mannish in their bulldyke partners.

Think there might be some repressed heterosexuality in the homosexual population? Maybe we should help these folks come out of the closet?

They are playing dress-up...

Most Lesbians, the ones that are trying to be Men, are products of Abuse.

It really is Sad and if the APA had not stopped Observing them for what they are they might be better off Mentally today than they are.

Instead they are Permanent Victims always looking for Validation.


Speaking of vaginas..

Gays use each other's anuses as artificial vaginas. Meanwhile lipstick lesbians are attracted to all things mannish in their bulldyke partners.

Think there might be some repressed heterosexuality in the homosexual population? Maybe we should help these folks come out of the closet?

All I know Silhouette is that some people are attracted to the same sex, some are attracted to the opposite sex, and some are attracted to both.

I'm attracted to women and therefore married a woman. If I was attracted to men, then I'd marry a man. Why do people care so much about who other people choose to marry?

Again, if someone was pressuring YOU to be gay, or enter into a gay relationship, or forbid you from marrying a person of the opposite sex, I would be first in line to defend you. I would say "that's wrong, if Sillhouette wants to marry a person from the opposite sex he/she has the right to!".

But that's certainly not the case. It's all about doing what's right for you (so long as you're not infringing on the rights of others), and allowing others to do what's right for them.

They don't need Marriage for any other Reason except to say they are Equal to Man/Woman which they are not. They crave a Validation that doesn't not Exist Naturally, so like their Sex, they are trying to get it Artificially.


They don't need Marriage for any other Reason except to say they are Equal to Man/Woman which they are not.

Who are you to claim that the love/attraction a lesbian woman feels towards her partner is more/less valid than the love/attraction a straight woman feels towards her partner? Again, your arrogance and inability to accept that your lens/feelings aren’t necessarily everyone else’s is sort of blinding you from seeing the whole picture.

They crave a Validation that doesn't not Exist Naturally, so like their Sex, they are trying to get it Artificially.

Gay people naturally exist. They aren't artificially created in labs, or taught to be gay in gay universities.
I am about done trying to reach them... I have concluded recently that the APA made a huge Mistake back in the 70's and Society is paying for it...

Many of them should be in Facilities... Instead they are out Raping the Constitution and Spreading AIDS while Confusing Children about where Babies come from 100% of the time.



I would bet most gay folks are smarter, make more money, and better educated than you and are not a busy body mother hen like you are.
You really need to go out and get a life mal. You look like the age of my kids but act like an angry, bitter old man.
You will be dead before you hit 55 from stress and a heart attack.
Anyone that believes same sex attraction is a mental illness is a dumb ass fool.
They don't need Marriage for any other Reason except to say they are Equal to Man/Woman which they are not.

Who are you to claim that the love/attraction a lesbian woman feels towards her partner is more/less valid than the love/attraction a straight woman feels towards her partner? Again, your arrogance and inability to accept that your lens/feelings aren’t necessarily everyone else’s is sort of blinding you from seeing the whole picture.

They crave a Validation that doesn't not Exist Naturally, so like their Sex, they are trying to get it Artificially.

Gay people naturally exist. They aren't artificially created in labs, or taught to be gay in gay universities.

Homosexuality is a product of 2 things... Choice or Defect. Those who Choose because Free Will has seen Humans Fucking Dogs and the Dead are part of it... And then there are those who don't know why their Brain is telling them to Defy their Natural Existence. It's Self-Destructive to the Species and they know, yet can't Control themselves.

The Definition of Compulsiveness. :thup:


You don't understand logic, so don't make those judgements

Says the man bringing up martians. I understand logic quite well. Your stating that straights that don't have children can get married but gays that do have children shouldn't be able to get married...defies logic.

You live illogically, you depend on those to believe in the not logical to bolster your points.

Let's try one more time shall we?

We have two genders that, when combined creates a demographic group that creates population

We have group that believes that somehow a demographic group that cannot create population is the same.

Logic says your being illogical.

Your answer that something is legal does not address it's logic.

Care to explain?

Logic dictates that procreation has NEVER been required for civil marriage. Nothing more needs to be explained.
Speaking of vaginas..

Gays use each other's anuses as artificial vaginas. Meanwhile lipstick lesbians are attracted to all things mannish in their bulldyke partners.

Think there might be some repressed heterosexuality in the homosexual population? Maybe we should help these folks come out of the closet?

They are playing dress-up...

Most Lesbians, the ones that are trying to be Men, are products of Abuse.

It really is Sad and if the APA had not stopped Observing them for what they are they might be better off Mentally today than they are.

Instead they are Permanent Victims always looking for Validation.



Says the man bringing up martians. I understand logic quite well. Your stating that straights that don't have children can get married but gays that do have children shouldn't be able to get married...defies logic.

You live illogically, you depend on those to believe in the not logical to bolster your points.

Let's try one more time shall we?

We have two genders that, when combined creates a demographic group that creates population

We have group that believes that somehow a demographic group that cannot create population is the same.

Logic says your being illogical.

Your answer that something is legal does not address it's logic.

Care to explain?

Logic dictates that procreation has NEVER been required for civil marriage. Nothing more needs to be explained.

You answer is not one based on logic

Logically, the number two would not be found anywhere in marriage law. The argument would seem to be that the federal government sent troops into the Utah territories to bolster polygamy as a proper form of marriage, when, in fact they sent troops in to insure that two was the only valid number.

That number only pertains if it is between and includes members of the two different genders.

You logic dictates that no number should be a part of marriage.
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You live illogically, you depend on those to believe in the not logical to bolster your points.

Let's try one more time shall we?

We have two genders that, when combined creates a demographic group that creates population

We have group that believes that somehow a demographic group that cannot create population is the same.

Logic says your being illogical.

Your answer that something is legal does not address it's logic.

Care to explain?

Logic dictates that procreation has NEVER been required for civil marriage. Nothing more needs to be explained.

You answer is not one based on logic

Logically, the number two would not be found anywhere in marriage law. The argument would seem to be that the federal government sent troops into the Utah territories to bolster polygamy as a proper form of marriage, when, in fact they sent troops in to insure that two was the only valid number.

That number only pertains if it is between and includes members of the two different genders.

You logic dictates that no number should be a part of marriage.

No it doesn't. What don't you understand about current law? Polygamy is illegal, marriage between TWO PEOPLE is not.

Because some people need a picture.

Males get arrested for going into Women's shower rooms with naked women

What part of separate but equal works millions of times a day do you not understand?

The reason restrooms are not considered separate but equal are for two reasons. One is privacy and the second, more important, is that nobody has challenged them in court.

Because some people need a picture.

Males get arrested for going into Women's shower rooms with naked women

What part of separate but equal works millions of times a day do you not understand?

The reason restrooms are not considered separate but equal are for two reasons. One is privacy and the second, more important, is that nobody has challenged them in court.

Bathrooms are not separate-but-equal | UCLA

Privacy?? A gay male, by definition, is sexually attracted to males. Hetro males must put up with the lack of privacy. If it were equal, hetro males would be allowed in women's shower rooms. As it is, they get arrested!

Let's get past that separate but equal being discriminatory when sexuality is concerned. It does not pass the smell test.

If there is a sexuality that needs protected status it is hetro.

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