Can Texas be put in play?

Democrats Launch Plan to Make Texas a Swing State

National Democrats "are taking steps to create a large-scale independent group aimed at turning traditionally conservative Texas into a prime electoral battleground, crafting a new initiative to identify and mobilize progressive voters in the rapidly-changing state," Politico reports.

"The organization, dubbed 'Battleground Texas,' plans to engage the state's rapidly growing Latino population, as well as African-American voters and other Democratic-leaning constituencies that have been underrepresented at the ballot box in recent cycles.

Waste of time. It would be like teaching algebra to cavemen.

How elitist of you.
People who love their country would also take an interest in how their tax dollars are being wasted or spent. They understand they have to live within their means based upon the parameters of what they can afford, they expect their government to be run the same way. I believe the American people are getting fed up to hear about another debate surrounding raising taxes, without a real serious debate on tackling our overwhelming spending problem. The typical American family sets up a budget and spends accordingly, when is this administration going to pass a budget plan and live with what they can afford to spend?

You dumbasses have been playing this game for 4 years. Where were you when Bush took a surplus to a record deficit and ruined the economy in the process. Are you people aware there are statements from Bush and Cheney saying deficits don't matter? Are you aware that the Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan didn't want the government buying pack government debt, because it's used to secure bank loans from the Fed. Didn't you notice you were fighting two wars and not paying for them? Don't you remember the tax cuts for the rich? Once Republicans ruined the economy, all of a sudden they want to be fiscally responsible, which is the exact opposite of what a government should do to have a rapid recovery during a recession.

For 4 years, enough time to earn a college degree, the Republicans have signaled they will do the exact opposite of what's needed to improve the economy, while tens of millions of Americans are suffering from what they have already done. It's all part of their "Starve the Beast" strategy to remove social programs and they don't care because the elites behind the Republican Party can accumulate wealth in good times or bad. The Republicans knew how to make the economy better and that's how they knew what to do to keep it from happening.

Hey clueless ... we never had a surplus, the federal government was just shuffling around debt. Do you honestly believe a SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR debt accrued between two administrations AFTER Clinton? Here I thought Bill Maher was the bad comedian.

If taxing the rich helps reduce the debt problem, then explain to me what's California's excuse? They have an income and corporate tax higher than any other state, yet California is suffering from the biggest debt. Exactly how does that fuzzy liberal math of taxing the wealthy work there Einstein? They got plenty of wealth from the riches of Hollywood, and Silicon Valley is very profitable as the location of the nation's technology hub. So what happened to all that surplus???

If Republicans don't care about social programs, why were Obama and the Democrats all to quick to tear apart the new "No Child Left Behind" policy in favor of unions .... because they were too "embarrassed" at how many of our schools were performing?

Why are the liberal Democrats angry about a little "choice and competition" through a school voucher program? If our public education system was really all that great, why is Obama allowed the choice to prefer a private school instead? Why don't we have "middle class income" families (who Democrats are supposed to represent) able to enjoy the same choice of what's best for their kids? President wants the choice of a rich private school, but the middle class don't deserve the same? How noble of Obama and the Democrats to think of the middle class that way.

Why is the quality of our children's public education system suffering, while the unions are get richer? When does the quality if our education and our kids begin to matter? We have European and Asian kids that can run circles around our nation's "quality" of high school education. Seems the Democrats put a lot more importance into unions than our kids, else our public education system would be second to none.

Hey clueless ... we never had a surplus, the federal government was just shuffling around debt. Do you honestly believe a SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR debt accrued between two administrations AFTER Clinton?

Apparently you don't know the difference between deficit and debt. For example, my monthly budget has an approximately $1000 surplus every month. However, having a car payment to make constitutes debt.
Democrats Launch Plan to Make Texas a Swing State

National Democrats "are taking steps to create a large-scale independent group aimed at turning traditionally conservative Texas into a prime electoral battleground, crafting a new initiative to identify and mobilize progressive voters in the rapidly-changing state," Politico reports.

"The organization, dubbed 'Battleground Texas,' plans to engage the state's rapidly growing Latino population, as well as African-American voters and other Democratic-leaning constituencies that have been underrepresented at the ballot box in recent cycles.

If the GOP continues to let the Left Portray them as Racists who hate Hispanics, Then it's only a matter of time before Texas goes blue. Thanks in large part to Immigration Policy.

lol see how that works.

Which is why they don't want to "reform" our Immigration Policy. Because what Dems mean by that is. Let even more poor folks from south of the Border, and Africa in. While letting less people from Europe in. Because the want to use Immigration Policy to load the Demographics of this country up so they can not lose, and they can continue to divide us along racial Lines, and count on Minority Votes.

Hispanics are perfectly capable of determining whether Republicans are racist. All they need to do is watch Fox, listen to Rush, read the message boards (hint hint) and see what legislation is being pushed by Republicans

For some odd reason, many Americans believe that Republicans hate them. Now, why would they think that?

Why are only the Hispanics being focused on for amnesty and immigration? Why are we willing to isolate THAT group and not lump them with all the other immigrants that are trying to obtain citizenship in this country? Preferential treatment or a possible voting block just dying to be tapped in to appease your political party, which is it Democrats?

Yes Republicans just have to be racist lol I can't even begin to count the number of Chinese, French, Germans, and Japanese people just trying to sneak across the border from Mexico. How dare they point to the Hispanics of a Latin American based country and blame them ...... it must be racial profiling! How dare those Republicans look at a situation "logically" when playing the race card is sooo much fun, and we can get away with it thanks to the media.
Hey clueless ... we never had a surplus, the federal government was just shuffling around debt. Do you honestly believe a SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR debt accrued between two administrations AFTER Clinton?

Apparently you don't know the difference between deficit and debt. For example, my monthly budget has an approximately $1000 surplus every month. However, having a car payment to make constitutes debt.

My argument and comments have always been focused on our nation's out-of-control spending and growing national debt. I have never said or suggested we had a surplus. As long as this nation wants to continue spending more than what we can afford, we will continue to be a nation of debt. we will be unable to pay our bills, under the growing burdens and weight of more "entitlements", an ideology of the left that this country simply can not afford.

Our Founders never envisioned a government system with so much power and control over its people, which is why they set up boundaries and specific limits to what our Federal Government can actually DO under the United States Constitution.
If the GOP continues to let the Left Portray them as Racists who hate Hispanics, Then it's only a matter of time before Texas goes blue. Thanks in large part to Immigration Policy.

lol see how that works.

Which is why they don't want to "reform" our Immigration Policy. Because what Dems mean by that is. Let even more poor folks from south of the Border, and Africa in. While letting less people from Europe in. Because the want to use Immigration Policy to load the Demographics of this country up so they can not lose, and they can continue to divide us along racial Lines, and count on Minority Votes.

Hispanics are perfectly capable of determining whether Republicans are racist. All they need to do is watch Fox, listen to Rush, read the message boards (hint hint) and see what legislation is being pushed by Republicans

For some odd reason, many Americans believe that Republicans hate them. Now, why would they think that?

Why are only the Hispanics being focused on for amnesty and immigration? Why are we willing to isolate THAT group and not lump them with all the other immigrants that are trying to obtain citizenship in this country? Preferential treatment or a possible voting block just dying to be tapped in to appease your political party, which is it Democrats?

Yes Republicans just have to be racist lol I can't even begin to count the number of Chinese, French, Germans, and Japanese people just trying to sneak across the border from Mexico. How dare they point to the Hispanics of a Latin American based country and blame them ...... it must be racial profiling! How dare those Republicans look at a situation "logically" when playing the race card is sooo much fun, and we can get away with it thanks to the media.

Because there are 12 million undocumented Hispanics currently here

Amnesty would not be granted immediately. Initially, they would be granted guest worker status. From there, they can earn citizenship
Ignoring 12 million people is not the answer
You dumbasses have been playing this game for 4 years. Where were you when Bush took a surplus to a record deficit and ruined the economy in the process. Are you people aware there are statements from Bush and Cheney saying deficits don't matter? Are you aware that the Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan didn't want the government buying pack government debt, because it's used to secure bank loans from the Fed. Didn't you notice you were fighting two wars and not paying for them? Don't you remember the tax cuts for the rich? Once Republicans ruined the economy, all of a sudden they want to be fiscally responsible, which is the exact opposite of what a government should do to have a rapid recovery during a recession.

For 4 years, enough time to earn a college degree, the Republicans have signaled they will do the exact opposite of what's needed to improve the economy, while tens of millions of Americans are suffering from what they have already done. It's all part of their "Starve the Beast" strategy to remove social programs and they don't care because the elites behind the Republican Party can accumulate wealth in good times or bad. The Republicans knew how to make the economy better and that's how they knew what to do to keep it from happening.

Hey clueless ... we never had a surplus, the federal government was just shuffling around debt. Do you honestly believe a SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR debt accrued between two administrations AFTER Clinton? Here I thought Bill Maher was the bad comedian.

If taxing the rich helps reduce the debt problem, then explain to me what's California's excuse? They have an income and corporate tax higher than any other state, yet California is suffering from the biggest debt. Exactly how does that fuzzy liberal math of taxing the wealthy work there Einstein? They got plenty of wealth from the riches of Hollywood, and Silicon Valley is very profitable as the location of the nation's technology hub. So what happened to all that surplus???

If Republicans don't care about social programs, why were Obama and the Democrats all to quick to tear apart the new "No Child Left Behind" policy in favor of unions .... because they were too "embarrassed" at how many of our schools were performing?

Why are the liberal Democrats angry about a little "choice and competition" through a school voucher program? If our public education system was really all that great, why is Obama allowed the choice to prefer a private school instead? Why don't we have "middle class income" families (who Democrats are supposed to represent) able to enjoy the same choice of what's best for their kids? President wants the choice of a rich private school, but the middle class don't deserve the same? How noble of Obama and the Democrats to think of the middle class that way.

Why is the quality of our children's public education system suffering, while the unions are get richer? When does the quality if our education and our kids begin to matter? We have European and Asian kids that can run circles around our nation's "quality" of high school education. Seems the Democrats put a lot more importance into unions than our kids, else our public education system would be second to none.


Hate to burst your bubble, but California has had a growing debt problem before AND after Arnold too office , under a liberal state controlled legislature and liberal policies .... like those programs that benefit illegal immigrants (education), as well as policies (sanctuary cities) that protect illegals over enforcing established Federal immigration Laws.
Democrats Launch Plan to Make Texas a Swing State

National Democrats "are taking steps to create a large-scale independent group aimed at turning traditionally conservative Texas into a prime electoral battleground, crafting a new initiative to identify and mobilize progressive voters in the rapidly-changing state," Politico reports.

"The organization, dubbed 'Battleground Texas,' plans to engage the state's rapidly growing Latino population, as well as African-American voters and other Democratic-leaning constituencies that have been underrepresented at the ballot box in recent cycles.

Waste of time. It would be like teaching algebra to cavemen.

How elitist of you.

Sorry, I can't help being elite.

I'd be more worried about your assumption that I meant the Texans were the cavemen and the Democrats were the equivalent to algebra.
Why are only the Hispanics being focused on for amnesty and immigration? Why are we willing to isolate THAT group and not lump them with all the other immigrants that are trying to obtain citizenship in this country? Preferential treatment or a possible voting block just dying to be tapped in to appease your political party, which is it Democrats?

Yes Republicans just have to be racist lol I can't even begin to count the number of Chinese, French, Germans, and Japanese people just trying to sneak across the border from Mexico. How dare they point to the Hispanics of a Latin American based country and blame them ...... it must be racial profiling! How dare those Republicans look at a situation "logically" when playing the race card is sooo much fun, and we can get away with it thanks to the media.

Because there are 12 million undocumented Hispanics currently here

Amnesty would not be granted immediately. Initially, they would be granted guest worker status. From there, they can earn citizenship
Ignoring 12 million people is not the answer

Should we be condoning illegal immigrants to break the law by not addressing the problem of how they got here in the first place? How exactly does that discourage illegal immigrants from breaking Federal Immigration laws?

Do we ignore the problem and allow it to continue if we are unwilling to enforce our own laws? How can we protect our citizens in an age of terrorism if we are unable, and unwilling, to control our own borders? How many blanket forgiveness declarations of amnesty is acceptable, especially now while so many Americans are struggling to earn the high paying incomes they once had? Is adding more people to the already growing unemployed workforce, a wise idea right now?
Why are only the Hispanics being focused on for amnesty and immigration? Why are we willing to isolate THAT group and not lump them with all the other immigrants that are trying to obtain citizenship in this country? Preferential treatment or a possible voting block just dying to be tapped in to appease your political party, which is it Democrats?

Yes Republicans just have to be racist lol I can't even begin to count the number of Chinese, French, Germans, and Japanese people just trying to sneak across the border from Mexico. How dare they point to the Hispanics of a Latin American based country and blame them ...... it must be racial profiling! How dare those Republicans look at a situation "logically" when playing the race card is sooo much fun, and we can get away with it thanks to the media.

Because there are 12 million undocumented Hispanics currently here

Amnesty would not be granted immediately. Initially, they would be granted guest worker status. From there, they can earn citizenship
Ignoring 12 million people is not the answer

Should we be condoning illegal immigrants to break the law by not addressing the problem of how they got here in the first place? How exactly does that discourage illegal immigrants from breaking Federal Immigration laws?

Do we ignore the problem and allow it to continue if we are unwilling to enforce our own laws? How can we protect our citizens in an age of terrorism if we are unable, and unwilling, to control our own borders? How many blanket forgiveness declarations of amnesty is acceptable, especially now while so many Americans are struggling to earn the high paying incomes they once had? Is adding more people to the already growing unemployed workforce, a wise idea right now?

They are illegal until the become legal

We are not offering blanket forgiveness. We are offering a guest worker program. Let them work. Let them pay taxes. Let them join our communities

Then they can have citizenship
Because there are 12 million undocumented Hispanics currently here

Amnesty would not be granted immediately. Initially, they would be granted guest worker status. From there, they can earn citizenship
Ignoring 12 million people is not the answer

Should we be condoning illegal immigrants to break the law by not addressing the problem of how they got here in the first place? How exactly does that discourage illegal immigrants from breaking Federal Immigration laws?

Do we ignore the problem and allow it to continue if we are unwilling to enforce our own laws? How can we protect our citizens in an age of terrorism if we are unable, and unwilling, to control our own borders? How many blanket forgiveness declarations of amnesty is acceptable, especially now while so many Americans are struggling to earn the high paying incomes they once had? Is adding more people to the already growing unemployed workforce, a wise idea right now?

They are illegal until the become legal

We are not offering blanket forgiveness. We are offering a guest worker program. Let them work. Let them pay taxes. Let them join our communities

Then they can have citizenship

Still don't see any policy that discourages further illegal immigration from Mexico, all I hear us amnesty and forgiveness for breaking Federal law. How do we prevent this problem from reoccurring into another amnesty policy from the executive branch?

All amnesty does is show illegals that we are prepared to look the other way if enough of you filter into this country illegally.
Should we be condoning illegal immigrants to break the law by not addressing the problem of how they got here in the first place? How exactly does that discourage illegal immigrants from breaking Federal Immigration laws?

Do we ignore the problem and allow it to continue if we are unwilling to enforce our own laws? How can we protect our citizens in an age of terrorism if we are unable, and unwilling, to control our own borders? How many blanket forgiveness declarations of amnesty is acceptable, especially now while so many Americans are struggling to earn the high paying incomes they once had? Is adding more people to the already growing unemployed workforce, a wise idea right now?

They are illegal until the become legal

We are not offering blanket forgiveness. We are offering a guest worker program. Let them work. Let them pay taxes. Let them join our communities

Then they can have citizenship

Still don't see any policy that discourages further illegal immigration from Mexico, all I hear us amnesty and forgiveness for breaking Federal law. How do we prevent this problem from reoccurring into another amnesty policy from the executive branch?

All amnesty does is show illegals that we are prepared to look the other way if enough of you filter into this country illegally.

Nobody said we take down the fences
As long as some continue to hire undocumented workers, they will continue to come. The answer is to punish those who hire them.
Should we be condoning illegal immigrants to break the law by not addressing the problem of how they got here in the first place? How exactly does that discourage illegal immigrants from breaking Federal Immigration laws?

Do we ignore the problem and allow it to continue if we are unwilling to enforce our own laws? How can we protect our citizens in an age of terrorism if we are unable, and unwilling, to control our own borders? How many blanket forgiveness declarations of amnesty is acceptable, especially now while so many Americans are struggling to earn the high paying incomes they once had? Is adding more people to the already growing unemployed workforce, a wise idea right now?

They are illegal until the become legal

We are not offering blanket forgiveness. We are offering a guest worker program. Let them work. Let them pay taxes. Let them join our communities

Then they can have citizenship

Still don't see any policy that discourages further illegal immigration from Mexico, all I hear us amnesty and forgiveness for breaking Federal law. How do we prevent this problem from reoccurring into another amnesty policy from the executive branch?

All amnesty does is show illegals that we are prepared to look the other way if enough of you filter into this country illegally.

There is no real way to discourage workers from Mexico and Central America from coming here. You can make it harder for them to come.

Walls work. Bigger walls work better than smaller walls. Is it friendly? No. Is it a happy thing? No. Is it humane to prevent people from wanting to better themselves by rolling up the virtual welcome mat? Hardly.

But in this age of being able to transport a nuke across borders in the back of a trunk or in a suitcase, we really need to secure the borders. That means a wall.

If I had unlimited means and an able body, I would like to pay to place aid stations in the CA, AZ, NM and Texas deserts for illegals to get water, shelter, and a safe place for them to be picked up by the border patrol for deportation. I know it wouldn't work out best for the U.S. so it's a bad idea but in human terms...perhaps it would be better.

The wall I'm envisioning is a fence from the Pacific to the Gulf. With a substantial road behind it for patrolling. Then another fence more substantial. Followed by a trench for drainage, flood control, etc. Then another couple of roads for patrolling, transport, and (what a lot of people don't know) improving the ability of Americans to travel to Mexico--traffic at border crossings is often bad. Another one across the Canadian border as well but obviously our southern border is more troublesome.

We are no longer a country that can do great things (great in scale--this isn't a Great thing by any stretch) due to politics so it won't be done.
They won't pay taxes, most of them don't make enough money to pay taxes. But, they can get a refund for the tax credits they claim. They won't join communities but will gladly replace the existing communities with mexican communities.

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