Can Texas be put in play?

On the orginal topic:

After further review, I don't think Texas will become a toss-up state. Yes, if you extrapolate current demographic and ideological trends, you can conclude that Texas will come into play in the not-too-distant future.

But before that happens, you would see states like Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, and New Hampshire become solid Democratic states. The battleground states would become states like Georgia, Arizonia, Indiana, and North Carolina. The GOP can't survive that. They will either protect their investment in the GOP brand before that or they will risk losing it all.

And I don't think that's gonna happen. The GOP had to accept school desegregation in the 70s. They had to face the fact that we weren't going to "win" in Vietnam, they've had to swallow Roe v Wade (although some are still gagging on that one), etc ...

The GOP will adapt. When the choice is adapt or die, I believe the GOP will adapt. And I think they will do it long before Texas slips into battleground-state status.
On the orginal topic:

After further review, I don't think Texas will become a toss-up state. Yes, if you extrapolate current demographic and ideological trends, you can conclude that Texas will come into play in the not-too-distant future.

But before that happens, you would see states like Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, and New Hampshire become solid Democratic states. The battleground states would become states like Georgia, Arizonia, Indiana, and North Carolina. The GOP can't survive that. They will either protect their investment in the GOP brand before that or they will risk losing it all.

And I don't think that's gonna happen. The GOP had to accept school desegregation in the 70s. They had to face the fact that we weren't going to "win" in Vietnam, they've had to swallow Roe v Wade (although some are still gagging on that one), etc ...

The GOP will adapt. When the choice is adapt or die, I believe the GOP will adapt. And I think they will do it long before Texas slips into battleground-state status.

Common sense says they would do that
What really needs to happen is identify the most extreme Congressmen and their districts. Congressmen who refused to listen to reason, compromise on anything, and have shown a general lack of understanding for the complexities of the issues. People who go on TV and make these outrageous nonsensical statements.

Find qualified moderates, intelligent and pragmatic candidates to run against them in the primary. Running ads that highlight every idiocy on their record. Show the voters in that district how their congressional leader failed them, took their tax money as salary, and did nothing but stall and block legislation.
That's why the joke is on the Democrats. Mexican culture is heavily religious, and Tejanos are at least equally as likely to back Republicans as they are Democrats, feeling that the "values vote" outweights whatever other issues that may be on the table.

The attitude of the Republican Party in regards to immigration reform, amnesty for the children of illegal immigrants, and their entire attitude towards immigrants in general resulted in 70% of Hispanics voting for Obama in the last election, even though Obama has been aggressively deported illegal immigrants throughout his term, something the Republicans under Bush had virtually ceased to do.

That they would vote for Obama in such number in spite of his lack of popularity within the Hispanic community, speaks volumes to the depth of animosity Hispanics currently hold towards the Republican Party. The rabid anti-Hispanic laws passed by the Republican State of Arizona, and which have been applauded by Republicans in Texas, Florida and other states with large Hispanic communities are hated by Hispanics, especially those born in the US who get pulled over and harassed by Arizona police. Many Republican governors have indicated that once the Supreme Court challenges to these laws have been dealt with, that they would consider enacting similar legislation of those portions of the laws which are allowed to stand. This makes Hispanics VERY nervous.

Unless and until the Republican Party completely disavows the politics of racism towards the Hispanic community, and sets out an agenda which embraces immigration reform which will allow millions of currently illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship, in some form, Hispanic won't vote Republican in large numbers.

And why would they? Republicans have done nothing but harass and intimidate minority groups. I cannot believe anyone could have watched the anti-immigrant rhetoric coming out of the Republican Party National Convention, with its sea of white faces, and listened to it's campaign ads about "traditional American values" and Obama is not one of "us" and thought that any of this would be appealling to those who weren't white.
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Democrats Launch Plan to Make Texas a Swing State

National Democrats "are taking steps to create a large-scale independent group aimed at turning traditionally conservative Texas into a prime electoral battleground, crafting a new initiative to identify and mobilize progressive voters in the rapidly-changing state," Politico reports.

"The organization, dubbed 'Battleground Texas,' plans to engage the state's rapidly growing Latino population, as well as African-American voters and other Democratic-leaning constituencies that have been underrepresented at the ballot box in recent cycles.

Ok, now let's clear things up here. What this really means is Democrats are organizing to have the Black Panthers be at polling stations to commit voter intimidation, deny the military vote, bring in all kinds of illegal aliens - then get voter ID removed by calling it racist, thus having illegals vote and Democrats vote infinite times. Rig voting machines like the SEIU did in Nevada - where when people voted for Sharon Angle, the machine voted for Harry Reid, rig voting machines like which were rigged when people voted for Romney, it voted for Obama. Reorganize ACORN under a different name like Battleground Texas and have people vote Democrat 72 times, to registering 7 year old girls to vote:

[ame=]FOX News Interviews ACORN Victim Registered to Vote 72 Times - YouTube[/ame]​

And no, ACORN has not gone away, they have just changed their names, like in Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Neighborhoods for Social Justice AND Pennsylvania Communities Organizing for Change. In other states like Louisiana: "A Community Voice", Minnesota: "Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change". Washington (state): "Organization United for Reform (OUR) Washington" Same organization, just a change of name.

So, it is obvious, the Democrats are now organizing to commit massive voter fraud in Texas, because afterall, the Democrat Party and voter fraud go together like a dog turd on the ground and a collection of flies.

Is that what Andy told you in a seance?
That's why the joke is on the Democrats. Mexican culture is heavily religious, and Tejanos are at least equally as likely to back Republicans as they are Democrats, feeling that the "values vote" outweights whatever other issues that may be on the table.

Maybe, maybe not:

The problem for Rubio — and other pro-reform Republicans — is that Latinos need more than a softer line on immigration if they’re going to support GOP candidates at any level of government. Latinos have been a reliable Democratic constituency for more than thirty years — Walter Mondale won 66 percent of Latinos, Michael Dukakis won 70 percent, and on average, Democratic presidential candidates finish with 63.5 percent support from Hispanic voters.

The reason is straightforward: Latinos are more liberal than the median voter. According to the most recent Pew poll on these questions (released last year), 75 percent of Hispanics say they support bigger government with more services, compared to 41 percent of the general population. Fifty-one percent say abortion should be legal, and 59 percent say “homosexuality should be accepted by society.” There just isn’t much appetite among Latinos for the traditional small government approach of the GOP. Comprehensive immigration reform may reduce hostility towards the Republican Party, but it won’t increase vote share.

Immigration reform: Great for the country, not for the GOP
On the orginal topic:

After further review, I don't think Texas will become a toss-up state. Yes, if you extrapolate current demographic and ideological trends, you can conclude that Texas will come into play in the not-too-distant future.

But before that happens, you would see states like Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, and New Hampshire become solid Democratic states. The battleground states would become states like Georgia, Arizonia, Indiana, and North Carolina. The GOP can't survive that. They will either protect their investment in the GOP brand before that or they will risk losing it all.

And I don't think that's gonna happen. The GOP had to accept school desegregation in the 70s. They had to face the fact that we weren't going to "win" in Vietnam, they've had to swallow Roe v Wade (although some are still gagging on that one), etc ...

The GOP will adapt. When the choice is adapt or die, I believe the GOP will adapt. And I think they will do it long before Texas slips into battleground-state status.

Common sense says they would do that

We can only hope common sense prevails in the GOP.
As long as some continue to hire undocumented workers, they will continue to come. The answer is to punish those who hire them.

That's only a part of the problem. The Federal government also needs to enforce current immigration laws against those states who harbor them a.k.a. "sanctuary cities". Those states that blatantly disregards Federal Immigration Laws, and chooses to burden taxpayers with those additional state costs in protect illegals (with additional costs to public schooling / providing tuition of illegals) should have such Federal contributions to those states reduced. If they want to harbor illegals, let the state burden ITSELF with the additional costs they want to impose on its own taxpaying citizens within that state. Allow these sanctuary cities to feel the pinch of placing themselves in the way of Federal ICE Agents who are tasked with thecenforcement of Federal law.
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Ignoring 12 million people is not the answer

Agreed. We should find them and deport them.

How has that been working out for the last 20 years?

It helps to have a Federal Government that's willing to give all their support and resources to those ICE Agents assigned with the task of enforcement of Federal laws.

January 28, 2013
Judge rules in favor of ICE agents suing Obama

By Jim Kouri

The agents filed their complaint in October, charging that unconstitutional and illegal directives from DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton order the agents to violate federal laws or face adverse employment actions. This is a major first step for the ICE agents in their case against the administration!

In his 35-page decision, Judge O'Conner found that the ICE agents and officers have standing, but that the State of Mississippi does not. He has not yet ruled, however, on the agents' motion for a preliminary injunction to halt implementation of the DHS directives.

The primary impetus for the lawsuit came last June, when Secretary Napolitano issued a memo offering deferred action and employment authorization to illegal aliens under age 31 who meet certain criteria similar to those outlined in the DREAM Act, which has failed to pass Congress on three occasions.

Even before that, though, ICE Director John Morton essentially gutted immigration enforcement by issuing a memo on prosecutorial discretion that, in effect, prohibits ICE agents and officers from arresting or removing any but the most violent criminal aliens. Under Morton's stated policy, most of the 12 million or so illegal aliens that the administration wants to legalize are currently safe from deportation.

The 10 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents filed a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration seeking an end of President Barack Obama's new non-deportation policy derided as Obama's Dream Act Light by opponents of his illegal immigration policies, according to the ICE agents' union.

The ICE agents filed the lawsuit in federal court in one of the state's most affected by the Obama policy – Texas. The agents allege that President Obama's policies have reduced the number of illegal aliens who will be deported back to their country of origin.

The ICE agents allege in their lawsuit that the Obama executive order causes a confusing situation in which they must choose between enforcing federal laws and being disciplined by their commanders, or obeying their supervisors thereby violating oaths of office and a Clinton administration law – passed by a bi-partisan Congress in 1996 – that mandates the deportation of illegal aliens.

In the 20-page legal complaint, the agents state they've been ordered to ignore an entire category of illegal aliens. The agents allege they were told to stop requesting proof of citizenship or immigration status.

"Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and her underlings want their agents and officers to just take the word of an illegal alien without verifying his or her statement," said former police commander David Scher. "It's as ridiculous as releasing a suspected bank robber who states he didn't commit the robbery without any verification by police officers," he said.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent Christopher Crane, President of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, the union representing America's more than 7,000 ICE agents and personnel, and Border Patrol agent George McCubbin, President of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing America's more than 17,000 border agents and personnel, both blasted President Barack Obama's de facto "Dream Act," and the actions of superiors at their respective agencies.

"The Administration claims it has diligently enforced immigration law and that the border is 'more secure than ever.' But those on the front lines know this to be untrue. They see the violence, chaos and lawlessness. They have lost confidence in the leadership of their agencies," according to the outspoken Agent Crane.

"This administration has engaged in a sustained, relentless effort to undermine America's immigration laws. They have handcuffed and muffled those charged with protecting the public safety and the integrity of our borders. Such action has not only weakened our security but our democracy, as well," he stated.
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That's why the joke is on the Democrats. Mexican culture is heavily religious, and Tejanos are at least equally as likely to back Republicans as they are Democrats, feeling that the "values vote" outweights whatever other issues that may be on the table.

The attitude of the Republican Party in regards to immigration reform, amnesty for the children of illegal immigrants, and their entire attitude towards immigrants in general resulted in 70% of Hispanics voting for Obama in the last election, even though Obama has been aggressively deported illegal immigrants throughout his term, something the Republicans under Bush had virtually ceased to do.

That they would vote for Obama in such number in spite of his lack of popularity within the Hispanic community, speaks volumes to the depth of animosity Hispanics currently hold towards the Republican Party. The rabid anti-Hispanic laws passed by the Republican State of Arizona, and which have been applauded by Republicans in Texas, Florida and other states with large Hispanic communities are hated by Hispanics, especially those born in the US who get pulled over and harassed by Arizona police. Many Republican governors have indicated that once the Supreme Court challenges to these laws have been dealt with, that they would consider enacting similar legislation of those portions of the laws which are allowed to stand. This makes Hispanics VERY nervous.

Unless and until the Republican Party completely disavows the politics of racism towards the Hispanic community, and sets out an agenda which embraces immigration reform which will allow millions of currently illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship, in some form, Hispanic won't vote Republican in large numbers.

And why would they? Republicans have done nothing but harass and intimidate minority groups. I cannot believe anyone could have watched the anti-immigrant rhetoric coming out of the Republican Party National Convention, with its sea of white faces, and listened to it's campaign ads about "traditional American values" and Obama is not one of "us" and thought that any of this would be appealling to those who weren't white.

This appears to be the position of those who are against the enforcement of current Federal immigration laws, but rather choose the road of appeasement through simple amnesty, which never solves the problem of illegals entering this country in the first place. If anything, amnesty only goes to encourage further disregard and the ignoring of immigration laws by immigrants looking to enter into the United States through any means necessary.
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Hispanics aren't much smarter than blacks. Voting against their interest.

Both seem to be smarter than poorly educated whites who vote Republican.

Please explain.

For one example, they vote for anti-union legislators yet the labor unions are what gave us a 40 hour work week, overtime, collective bargaining, job security. It is not a coincidence that wages have been stagnant since labor unions began their decline. And who does this affect most: those who work with their head or those who work with their hands? Usually the trades.

So you have people who don't see much in the way or wage raises, have seen their support on the assembly line dwindle as managers seek to please Wall Street, have seen their bosses get richer exponentially far outpacing their for the party that wants to see the gulf between the business owner and their employees actually widen. And that may not be the intended result of their actions and policies...but it is the end result and its' been proven over and over.

Just one of the many ways that the uneducated whites vote to slit their own throat over and over.

What's the Matter with Kansas? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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