Can the Dems regain control of the House in 2014?


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Doubtful, if you go by history. They would need 17 seats, and history suggests the president's party doesn't do that well in the midterms of his 2nd go-round. Sure, his approval rating is riding high right now, but what will it be going into the summer of 2014? If the economy doesn't pick up considerably, and many economists don't think it will, then Obama may not be able to help his own party much except to raise money for them. Which may be his greatest forte, far as I can tell he doesn't do anything else particularly well.

Gerrymandering. Dems are bitching about it all the time, even though they did the same thing when they had the chance. Assuming the repubs do not cave on the spending cuts in the sequester or raise taxes again, I see no reason why the same voters who voted them in a couple of months ago will switch to the dems or stay home.
Nah, don't worry.

The GOP did a great job of gerrymandering. They can continue to be a minority and still control at least one house of Congress for at least another 2 years after the midterms.
Nah, don't worry.

The GOP did a great job of gerrymandering. They can continue to be a minority and still control at least one house of Congress for at least another 2 years after the midterms.

Sure, blame it on gerrymandering.
Other thing is, the blue states are losing seats to the red states, and that has nothing to do with gerrymandering.
How many Senate seats of for grabs next year? Can the GOP grab the Senate?

My understanding is that the GOP would have to win 6 seats to take control of the Senate, Obama would shit bricks if that happened. 21 of the 35 seats to be contested are held by democrats, many of which are in what might be considered tossup states or states that went for Obama in 2008 but for Romney in 2012. That's a tall order even so, the repubs would have to get their act together and run some better candidates. Personally, I think many of those Dem Senators could be in real trouble if the economy tanks and they are seen as doing nothing about it. Which is one reason why Obama ain't going to have an easy time with his own party.
How many Senate seats of for grabs next year? Can the GOP grab the Senate?

My understanding is that the GOP would have to win 6 seats to take control of the Senate, Obama would shit bricks if that happened. 21 of the 35 seats to be contested are held by democrats, many of which are in what might be considered tossup states or states that went for Obama in 2008 but for Romney in 2012. That's a tall order even so, the repubs would have to get their act together and run some better candidates. Personally, I think many of those Dem Senators could be in real trouble if the economy tanks and they are seen as doing nothing about it. Which is one reason why Obama ain't going to have an easy time with his own party.

From what I read, at least 8 Democrat seats are up for grabs, I think 6 in states Romney won in November.
How many Senate seats of for grabs next year? Can the GOP grab the Senate?

My understanding is that the GOP would have to win 6 seats to take control of the Senate, Obama would shit bricks if that happened. 21 of the 35 seats to be contested are held by democrats, many of which are in what might be considered tossup states or states that went for Obama in 2008 but for Romney in 2012. That's a tall order even so, the repubs would have to get their act together and run some better candidates. Personally, I think many of those Dem Senators could be in real trouble if the economy tanks and they are seen as doing nothing about it. Which is one reason why Obama ain't going to have an easy time with his own party.

From what I read, at least 8 Democrat seats are up for grabs, I think 6 in states Romney won in November.

Anything is possible, especially if the economy tanks. But the GOP has to run candidates that are electable, they can't be having people running for the Senate saying the dumbass things we heard last summer.

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