Can the Devil repent, or be absolved by Man and leave Hell?

Guess my question's really, what would happen to a denomination or religion is a rogue element within it forgave the Devil? :)

Is there a mechanism to overrule or invalidate such a confession and absolution? Or would things be really chaotic for a while in that denomination until they figured it out? :)

Some things just can't/won't be done - ever - and sometimes there is no explanation, at least, not in the Earthly life....

A pastor was labelled a heretic for saying no one goes to Hell a few years back. Anything without a zero percent chance of occuring has a 100% chance of occuring given an unlimited span of time.
Guess my question's really, what would happen to a denomination or religion is a rogue element within it forgave the Devil? :)

Is there a mechanism to overrule or invalidate such a confession and absolution? Or would things be really chaotic for a while in that denomination until they figured it out? :)

Some things just can't/won't be done - ever - and sometimes there is no explanation, at least, not in the Earthly life....

A pastor was labelled a heretic for saying no one goes to Hell a few years back. Anything without a zero percent chance of occuring has a 100% chance of occuring given an unlimited span of time.

Using man's logic. People have been predicting the demise of Christianity since it started.... as well as phasing out of the Bible.... I won't debate it thought, time will tell.....
Guess my question's really, what would happen to a denomination or religion is a rogue element within it forgave the Devil? :)

Is there a mechanism to overrule or invalidate such a confession and absolution? Or would things be really chaotic for a while in that denomination until they figured it out? :)

Some things just can't/won't be done - ever - and sometimes there is no explanation, at least, not in the Earthly life....

A pastor was labelled a heretic for saying no one goes to Hell a few years back. Anything without a zero percent chance of occuring has a 100% chance of occuring given an unlimited span of time.

Using man's logic. People have been predicting the demise of Christianity since it started.... as well as phasing out of the Bible.... I won't debate it thought, time will tell.....

Never heard that, sounds like paranoia. More a religion gets attacked, stronger it becomes as adherrents close ranks against the attacker. Happened in ancient Rome when Christians were literally being fed to the lions. And there's nothing going on now as bad as that. Only thign the Romans achieved was ensuring Christianity gained in popularity and spread. Which it did.

Wanna get rid of a religion, my suggestions always been teach and encourage it. Nothing makes more atheists than being raised religious. :)
It makes me laugh too when people think when we die we become angels....
Where in the world did that idea come from...?
Sure, the Devil can ask for and receive forgiveness.

No doctrine or scripture prohibits such an
Genesis 3: 15 reveals that enmity will exist between woman and deception, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

Isaiah 14: 12 reveals to the depths that the devil has fallen, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

John 10: 35 tells of Christ talking to the Pharisees. It has nothing to do with Satan. We are all God's children, in that we are God's creation. So is the Devil.

Be careful of the Jeremiahs who profess to the servants of God but are rather the servants of the Fallen One. I raise my arm to the square and in the Holy Name of Jesus rebuke such on the Board and record their names for judgment on the Final Day.

I am messing with Jeremiah in the immediate paragraph. She has no power either here or in Eternity. I pray she turns to the real Jesus of the Bible.


However, if it happened, the spiritual world would be turned on its axis.

And it won't happen.
Not only funny, but hilarious.
Sure, the Devil can ask for and receive forgiveness.

No doctrine or scripture prohibits such an event.

However, if it happened, the spiritual world would be turned on its axis.

And it won't happen.
Genesis 3: 15 reveals that enmity will exist between woman and deception, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

Isaiah 14: 12 reveals to the depths that the devil has fallen, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

John 10: 35 tells of Christ talking to the Pharisees. It has nothing to do with Satan. We are all God's children, in that we are God's creation. So is the Devil.

Be careful of the Jeremiahs who profess to the servants of God but are rather the servants of the Fallen One. I raise my arm to the square and in the Holy Name of Jesus rebuke such on the Board and record their names for judgment on the Final Day.

I am messing with Jeremiah in the immediate paragraph. She has no power either here or in Eternity. I pray she turns to the real Jesus of the Bible.
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?
priest don't decide who is save or damned. That is the prerogative of Jesus. God has committed all judgement to his son
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?
Angels are a different class of being. A good comparison is man compared to a dog. They have some similarities but one is superior and one is meant to serve the other. Angels are messengers and protectors.
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?
1. Angels (or former angels) are not human. Therefore the Sacraments do not pertain to them because theirs is a different relationship with God.
2. A priest can pronounce forgiveness of sins only if the sins are confessed and the penitent is sincere. Keep in mind Satan is known as the Father of Lies.
3. Forgiveness of sins does not preclude God judging the heart. Judgement also determines the individual's place in the afterlife.
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?
No. Forgiveness is not universally on offer, contrary to what a lot of people think.
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?
Ask him , he might tell ya.
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?
No. Forgiveness is not universally on offer, contrary to what a lot of people think.
Since the blood of Jesus covers all sin for those who truly repent, you are wrong. Yes, the Devil could repent. But he won't.
The serpent has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning. It is his nature. He could go to a priest and say he repents and ask for forgiveness, but he would be lying about repenting. Any absolution the priest offered would be meaningless.
The serpent has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning. It is his nature. He could go to a priest and say he repents and ask for forgiveness, but he would be lying about repenting. Any absolution the priest offered would be meaningless.
That is your man's doctrine. Leave it to God to forgive who He will.
That is your man's doctrine. Leave it to God to forgive who He will.

"Man doctrine", in this instance, is not looking at temporal beings in a temporal existence whose choices/sins can be forgiven because they, by nature, are temporary.

The doctrine given to men takes a glimpse at an eternal existence where choices are also eternal. (He was a murderer from the beginning.) In other words, this murdering nature is not a temporary condition, or one where Satan thinks, I'll go ahead and murder for a few millennia just to see how that works for me. Instead, the eternal choice is, "I will be a murderer." When one exists outside of time, there is no "time" in which to change one's mind. When one exists outside of time, who they choose to be are who they will always be.

Because the idea of existing outside of time is one that totally and completely befuddles my mind, I am probably not explaining this well. But the point I'm trying to make is there is a difference between temporal (temporary) existence and eternal existence.
"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made..."
We have an adversary. This adversary is real, physical, God made and mortal. It's nature is that of a serpent.
I view the fallen angels as bound and not something to concern myself with. The serpent is not bound and is our enemy.
Satan has already been defeated. Him and his evil cohorts are absolutely no match against the power of Christ.
2 corinthians 11:13-15 the great deceiver..
Genesis 3: 15 reveals that enmity will exist between woman and deception, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

Isaiah 14: 12 reveals to the depths that the devil has fallen, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

John 10: 35 tells of Christ talking to the Pharisees. It has nothing to do with Satan. We are all God's children, in that we are God's creation. So is the Devil.

Be careful of the Jeremiahs who profess to the servants of God but are rather the servants of the Fallen One. I raise my arm to the square and in the Holy Name of Jesus rebuke such on the Board and record their names for judgment on the Final Day.

I am messing with Jeremiah in the immediate paragraph. She has no power either here or in Eternity. I pray she turns to the

But .... What about in Mathew and the temptation of Christ in the wilderness?
Guess my question's really, what would happen to a denomination or religion is a rogue element within it forgave the Devil? :)

Is there a mechanism to overrule or invalidate such a confession and absolution? Or would things be really chaotic for a while in that denomination until they figured it out? :)

Some things just can't/won't be done - ever - and sometimes there is no explanation, at least, not in the Earthly life....

A pastor was labelled a heretic for saying no one goes to Hell a few years back. Anything without a zero percent chance of occuring has a 100% chance of occuring given an unlimited span of time.
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?
1. Angels (or former angels) are not human. Therefore the Sacraments do not pertain to them because theirs is a different relationship with God.
2. A priest can pronounce forgiveness of sins only if the sins are confessed and the penitent is sincere. Keep in mind Satan is known as the Father of Lies.
3. Forgiveness of sins does not preclude God judging the heart. Judgement also determines the individual's place in the afterlife.
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?
No. Forgiveness is not universally on offer, contrary to what a lot of people think.
Since the blood of Jesus covers all sin for those who truly repent, you are wrong. Yes, the Devil could repent. But he won't.

From what I know...there is no atonement in the angelic realm. Christ came from the father as flesh and blood. we receive atonement of our sins through faith and belief in the saving grace of Christ.
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That is your man's doctrine. Leave it to God to forgive who He will.

"Man doctrine", in this instance, is not looking at temporal beings in a temporal existence whose choices/sins can be forgiven because they, by nature, are temporary.

The doctrine given to men takes a glimpse at an eternal existence where choices are also eternal. (He was a murderer from the beginning.) In other words, this murdering nature is not a temporary condition, or one where Satan thinks, I'll go ahead and murder for a few millennia just to see how that works for me. Instead, the eternal choice is, "I will be a murderer." When one exists outside of time, there is no "time" in which to change one's mind. When one exists outside of time, who they choose to be are who they will always be.

Because the idea of existing outside of time is one that totally and completely befuddles my mind, I am probably not explaining this well. But the point I'm trying to make is there is a difference between temporal (temporary) existence and eternal existence.
Since you are not God, I won't argue with your words. God will forgive whom He will forgive. Yes, the devil can be absolved by God.g
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?

The Devil has not as yet approached me and repented. I will reserve absolution until I can look him in the eyes and determine his sincerity. As for you though, the answer is NO!!
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?

The Devil has not as yet approached me and repented. I will reserve absolution until I can look him in the eyes and determine his sincerity. As for you though, the answer is NO!!
Since your not God, who cares. Leave it to God.
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?

The Devil has not as yet approached me and repented. I will reserve absolution until I can look him in the eyes and determine his sincerity. As for you though, the answer is NO!!
Since your not God, who cares. Leave it to God.

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
- Matthew 16, KJV

If a clergy person were to claim the Devil had repented its sins and the clergyperson absolved him, according to Matthew the Devil would HAVE to be forgiven.

Bit of a sticky wicket.

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