Can the FBI be fixed or should it be eliminated?

Can the FBI be fixed or should it be eliminated?

  • Eliminate it

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Shut it Down, can't be fixed

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Maybe if we....nah, it's gone, shut it down

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • But what if? Nope, close it. Adios!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Can't be fixed, must be closed

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters
Hannity used to say, there are good agents at the FIB. no there aren't. If they are good, they're cowards and they go along with it willingly and quietly to keep their jobs. They're no better than the ones giving the orders. This is what the left ALWAYS does.
Start holding these people to the jobs they are SUPPOSED to be doing, not the jobs they are doing as puppets for assloads of our tax dollars!!! If they fuck up, they get immediate retaliation in the form of having their pay withheld, salary cut in half, benefits put on hold, and having the IRS go through their finances since they started their job.

A lot more could be done, but the simplest and easiest detriments are usually the best when you need to keep your employees on-point and kept in line.
Trump's biggest failure was not fixing the DOJ.....

One good man can only do so much in spite of constant attacks from the left and backstabbing from the right, his alleged allies. They were backstabbing, underhanded traitors to the american people. LEFT and right. I won't be forgetting.
Where does one find an honest man willing to affect the purge that would be required if tge FBI was to stay in any capacity?

Wray would need to go immediately. To send a message to all within the FBI and a different message to tge American people watching closely, .ueller, Coney, McCabe, Wray, Baker, Clinesmith, and several others would need to be publicly raided, perp-walked, indicted, convicted, and sent to prison gor a very long time.

The FBI would need to be run by a strong, moral, ethical, Constitution and Law-abiding/defending Independent from outside the FBI, not one groomed from within.

The same goes for the CIA. Brennan should still be raided, perp-walked, Indicted, and sentenced to life in one if those hard-core prisons where he is made someone's bitch or killed.

Proven traitors like Feinstein, Boxer, Schiff, Swalwell, Pelosi, Biden, & Hunter should be tried and prosecuted for being traitors.

Others should suffer the same fates they had happen to others...robberies where nothing was taken, 'fell asleep in train tracks' ... 'vote them out'... etc...

This country could definitely use a good 'purge' to wipe domestic enemies from positions of power from where they have been and continue to destroy this country.
The FBI needs a deep, deep cleanse.

But ....

It's so corrupted, so rotten already.....that who knows if even with that it will be saved.

The CIA, on the other hand, needs to be eliminated now, finish the job JFK couldn't finish.
The FBI needs leadership that isn't dictated by liberal democrat policies. If that ain't possible there are half a dozen other federal agencies that can pick up the pieces. In that case the FBI will only be missed by Hollywood.
Not sure how he could fix the DOJ who held faux criminal charges over his head.
Good point but appointing Wray and Barr told me he wasn't going to get anywhere....and he should have been smarter...if he gets another chance I'm sure he will be....
Good point but appointing Wray and Barr told me he wasn't going to get anywhere....and he should have been smarter...if he gets another chance I'm sure he will be....

You still need to keep in mind TRUMP's appointments had to be approved. I do think he got smarter in finding work arounds towards the end of his term with appointments of people like Ratcliffe and Grenell. While people like McConnell had no hand in creating the Russia hoax, he and many other rinos used it as a means to control and prevent TRUMP from blowing up the swamp. I think nothing will be off limits to prevent TRUMP from winning another election.
You still need to keep in mind TRUMP's appointments had to be approved. I do think he got smarter in finding work arounds towards the end of his term with appointments of people like Ratcliffe and Grenell. While people like McConnell had no hand in creating the Russia hoax, he and many other rinos used it as a means to control and prevent TRUMP from blowing up the swamp. I think nothing will be off limits to prevent TRUMP from winning another election.
True but I actually had hoped Trump would have appointed temporary FBI and DOJ leaders while the approval process played out...Look how corrupt the DOJ is...this didn't happen over night and in my opinion it was and is the most pressing issue we face....

look at the lawlessness at the border...just today we hear 100,000 Americans have died due to fentanyl overdoses from across the border just this calendar year and the FBI and DOJ are busy using the patriot act to track parents that attend school board meetings.....

Maybe Trump was waiting until his second term but that was foolish....because he didn't have anyone in lead positions at the DOJ to protect the sanctity of the vote....

Its time we fight back with the same intensity as the dems made me so angry this morning to hear Christy on FOX news say he told Trump to just take the loss and let it go....that's not fighting its surrendering....and the republican party including Trump if he runs again will need to do whatever it takes to get back control of the nation...and people like Barr and Wray and Graham and McConnell are not going to help....
The fbi is a essential and much needed branch. It just needs someone to clean house and restore it is all.

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