Can the GOP survive without Wall Street Money?



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As the GOP gets weirder and farther away from traditional values, can it survive without the huge influx of Wall Street Funds? Even Wall Street is "diversifying". That's terrible news for a party that's 90% white, anti education and has gone off the deep end. Costing the country 25 billion by shutting down government isn't the way to attract wealthy donors.

And without Wall Street money, where are they going to get funds? From Jethro and Ellie Mae? Doesn't seem likely.
Dude, the Democratic party gets a shit ton of cash from Wall Street. Has been for a very long time. We are an oligarchy, after all.

Just check Chuck Schumer's finances, mm-kay? You know...the Senator from New York.

And remember Corzine? Come on...Corzine! Goldman Sachs. MF Global. Remember that travesty?
Can the Democrats they get as much of it as the Republicans or more important than that what would the Dems do without union money?
Wall Street CEOs open up about their gay sons | Money - Home

Wall Street will bring gay rights to the Republican Party.

75 Most Powerful Blacks on Wall Street

The Hispanic Impact on Wall Street

How Women Are Using Crowdfinancing to Redefine Wall Street

As the GOP gets weirder and farther away from traditional values, can it survive without the huge influx of Wall Street Funds? Even Wall Street is "diversifying". That's terrible news for a party that's 90% white, anti education and has gone off the deep end. Costing the country 25 billion by shutting down government isn't the way to attract wealthy donors.

And without Wall Street money, where are they going to get funds? From Jethro and Ellie Mae? Doesn't seem likely.

From watching the market go through the roof and how Republicans seem to be very detached from the fact would lead one to believe the Republican party has indeed lost Wall Street. The Republicans hold on to a previous generation financial mode of business. The world just does not work like that anymore. The financial model is not so much a named model but in a way of handling problems.

(I am multi-tasking ;))
Here are Democratic Chuck Schumer's top 5 donors:


See that name, Paulson & Co?

You know who that is? It's a hedge fund run by John Paulson. Does that name ring a bell?

It should.

John Paulson and Goldman Sachs knowingly put together the shittiest CDO they could make and then sold it to investors. Then they bet against that CDO. They bet it would fail.

This is like building a house out of cheap materials and stuffing it to the rafters with oily rags, in Arizona, selling it to a rube, and then buying fire insurance against it.

Only you showed the rube a fireproof brick house when you took his money.

Abacus 2007-AC1, my friend. They were fined half a billion dollars for pulling that stunt. With no admission of wrongdoing, of course. These guys receive police protection whlie stealing from your 401(k). And then if they get caught, they pay a fine that is less than what they stole!

So this is who Chuck Schumer accepts money from.


Here are the top 5 industries from whence his campaign cash comes:


Coming in at Number One: Securities & Investment. That's the technical term for "Wall Street".

ETA source:
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Here are Democratic Chuck Schumer's top 5 donors:


Coming in at Number One: Securities & Investment. That's the technical term for "Wall Street".

There are many firms that play the game like that but they are going to get cleaned up by Sen. Warren and others. Many on Wall Street, while they might not be the biggest or the oldest players, they are the up and coming players, don't play that game. And apparently neither old school nor new school are giving to the Republican party like they used to, if at all.

Paul, Weiss et al is a publicly traded corporate law firm. Schumer's biggest donor.

His second biggest donor is a fraud and a crook, as I have just proven.

Thornton & Naumes are a Boston law firm. And they are a New York Senator's third biggest donor.

Weitz & Luxenberg are personal injury lawyers out of California. And they are a New York Senator's fourth biggest donor.

NYU Langone Medical Center received a giant chunk of the $60 billion money from Congress after Hurricane Sandy, thanks to one Charles Schumer.

Things that make you go, "Hmmm...".
Here are Harry Reid's top 5 donors:


Hey! Weitz & Luxenberg! Where have we seen them before?

Things that make you go, "Hmmm..."

The top five industries which donate to Reid:

Wall Street CEOs open up about their gay sons | Money - Home

Wall Street will bring gay rights to the Republican Party.

75 Most Powerful Blacks on Wall Street

The Hispanic Impact on Wall Street

How Women Are Using Crowdfinancing to Redefine Wall Street

As the GOP gets weirder and farther away from traditional values, can it survive without the huge influx of Wall Street Funds? Even Wall Street is "diversifying". That's terrible news for a party that's 90% white, anti education and has gone off the deep end. Costing the country 25 billion by shutting down government isn't the way to attract wealthy donors.

And without Wall Street money, where are they going to get funds? From Jethro and Ellie Mae? Doesn't seem likely.

so you could not make your point without saying the 90% white bullshit? is that even relevant?.......and you have the gall to say you are not a racist?...
Here are Democratic Chuck Schumer's top 5 donors:


Coming in at Number One: Securities & Investment. That's the technical term for "Wall Street".

There are many firms that play the game like that but they are going to get cleaned up by Sen. Warren and others.


I watched the back alley fights during the lead-up to Dodd-Frank's passage. The letter after a politician's name was not a reliable indication of who fucked the American people, and who didn't.

Warren is way outmatched. Just like Obama was.

Remember Obama said he was going to clean up Wall Street? And then what did he do? He immediately began swallowing miles of their cock.

Wall Street's casinos and bucket shops haven't even closed for a day.
If you are just going through opensecrets looking at industries for politicians you will find that on every single candidate, just so you know.
Here are Democratic Chuck Schumer's top 5 donors:


Coming in at Number One: Securities & Investment. That's the technical term for "Wall Street".

There are many firms that play the game like that but they are going to get cleaned up by Sen. Warren and others.


I watched the back alley fights during the lead-up to Dodd-Frank's passage. The letter after a politician's name was not a reliable indication of who fucked the American people, and who didn't.

Warren is way outmatched. Just like Obama was.

Remember Obama said he was going to clean up Wall Street? And then what did he do? He immediately began swallowing miles of their cock.

Wall Street's casinos and bucket shops haven't even closed for a day.

Dodd-Frank is hardly a watermark of the financial industry. Sen. Warren has a very steep hill to climb but as the saying goes, "no mountain high enough." I don't remember Obama's big claim to clean up Wall Street. He would not be President if he did make that claim. Sen. Warren does have a steep hill to climb.
Can rdean survive with only 6% of his brain cells functioning?
If you are just going through opensecrets looking at industries for politicians you will find that on every single candidate, just so you know.

Yes. Wall Street owns Congress. That is the point I am making.

On one side it is Congress is being pried out of their hand and on the other they are letting go of Congress, at least the Republican side, because they can not buy influence like they used to. That's my point. :)
I don't remember Obama's big claim to clean up Wall Street.
Really. You don't remember Hopey McChangepants promising to clean things up?

He thumped and thumped and thumped Wall Street in his campaign speeches. Repeatedly.
If you are just going through opensecrets looking at industries for politicians you will find that on every single candidate, just so you know.

Yes. Wall Street owns Congress. That is the point I am making.

On one side it is Congress is being pried out of their hand and on the other they are letting go of Congress, at least the Republican side, because they can not buy influence like they used to. That's my point. :)

I have provided examples of Wall Street providing big funding to key Democrats.

Can you provide examples of Wall Street "letting go of Congress"?
Coming in at Number Two for Speaker of the House John Boehner:


Way, way more than they gave to Pelosi. More than ten times more!

That is hardly "letting go of Congress".

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