Can The Government Force You To Get A Vaccine?

Just to be clear ... a government may do ANYTHING they choose to do. Law, The Constitution, morality, these are just societal constructs that have no more intrinsic power to limit government than a dorm room bull session.

The only tangible thing limiting the power of government is exactly how much the majority (or at least a segment of the population able to use force) is willing to do to limit government.

We certainly are living in interesting times.
They can't FORCE you to get the toxic sludge injection, but they can make your life hell on earth if you don't do what they want.

As the article indicates, that is over a century old. Circumstances are not the same, social values are not the same, governmental reasons are not the same. Also, as the article states, this was a small area that was affected, not the entire planet. Also stating that the vaccine had been in use for a very long time, with more than enough years of testing done to prove the effectiveness and reliability of the drug(s) used.

Chicken pox and COVID are two entirely different monsters.

When I was little, I had chicken pox and pneumonia (not at the same time). I was not taken to the Dr. and I was not given any shots. I was sick as hell and felt like I had lava flowing over me, but I got through both of them without medical intervention.

Just because you get the vaccine does NOT guarantee you are safe from that disease.
People who have had chicken pox can get it again. Vaccinated or not. Same goes for STD's, viral infections, the flu, and other sicknesses and diseases.

If they want to push more people to get REAL vaccines for COVID, then they don't need to be pestering the public and coming up with Communist protocols for treating unvaccinated people like Hitler did the Jews.

The government needs to push Big Pharma and honest medical organizations like Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic and Baylor Hospitals to test the hell out of these drugs to get them deemed safe for human use by the FDA and other medical organizations.

If you force people to become government guinea pigs for Big Pharma, you're going to have a war on your hands.
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This is gonna get really ugly really fast if they try...
Just to be clear ... a government may do ANYTHING they choose to do. Law, The Constitution, morality, these are just societal constructs that have no more intrinsic power to limit government than a dorm room bull session.

The only tangible thing limiting the power of government is exactly how much the majority (or at least a segment of the population able to use force) is willing to do to limit government.

We certainly are living in interesting times.
That might be true in Israel, but not here, We have a Constitution and case law which sets very strict limits on government. Your remarks are very ignorant.
We have a Constitution and case law which sets very strict limits on government.

If the government simply decides to ignore The Constitution (which it has done many times in the past), they offer no protection.

Our society is dependent on social constructs that we all "pretend" are real.
The current trend is requiring a negative test result as an option if someone isn’t going to have proof of having had the spike protein instructional shots. I’ll be in the crowd requiring a negative test.

I don’t have any issues with temperature checks by businesses either. Keeping out a contagious person who is walking around in public is fine with me. This is what they should be doing, temperature checks, forget the already outdated shots, if we really want to do something about reducing public exposure to illnesses.

It will be interesting to see if these test kits have false positive results. That will be hard to measure in a timely manner, but they were able to find out last year that the CDC produced numerous defective test kits. Princess cruise ship passengers who were contagious were released into the public due to their avoidable, self-serving mistake. Huge error not immediately utilizing test kits proven to be effective yet CDC suffered minimal backlash.

I Want to clarify that the businesses should be able to decide what extra requirements it wants for its clientele, not the government.
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The current trend is requiring a negative test result as an option if someone isn’t going to have proof of having had the spike protein instructional shots. I’ll be in the crowd requiring a negative test.

I don’t have any issues with temperature checks by businesses either. Keeping out a contagious person who is walking around in public is fine with me. This is what they should be doing, temperature checks, forget the already outdated shots, if we really want to do something about reducing public exposure to illnesses.

It will be interesting to see if these test kits have false positive results. That will be hard to measure in a timely manner, but they were able to find out last year that the CDC produced numerous defective test kits. Princess cruise ship passengers who were contagious were released into the public due to their avoidable, self-serving mistake. Huge error not immediately utilizing test kits proven to be effective yet CDC suffered minimal backlash.

I Want to clarify that the businesses should be able to decide what extra requirements it wants for its clientele, not the government.
Hold it! The question is the legality of the order,
Hold it! The question is the legality of the order,
Directional guidance accepted! I tend to respond to specific posts in threads
when I need to make a direct response to the OP before doing so.

No. I don’t think our government politicians should be enforcing healthcare measures that aren’t even proven to work. This is not the same thing as a polio vaccine and a government getting behind a needed vaccine. Not even close. Anyone who thinks it is the same technology and route of delivery has been misled.

The government is going the wrong way in size. Biden’s organizers are creating an agency currently, when they already have an existing agency doing the same job- because the first agency can’t get it right, so the current organization thinks by creating a duplicate agency
and keeping the original one the job will get down lol No telling what other duplicate agencies they have created in that ridiculous Mammoth sized bill.
And ther
What the hell have my neighbors ever done for ME???
All of a sudden I'm supposed to be a saint for people I don't know and don't give a rats ass about? And they SURE as hell don't give a shit about me. WHY should I take a needle for THEM?
And there you have it folks.
if a government can force you to carry a pregnancy to term, within your own body, I guess that it is okay to force you to get a vaccine.

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