Can the KKK rebrand?

Can the KKK rebrand? Not unless a zebra can change its stripes or a leopard change it's spots.
"The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

State Sen. Stephen Martin says Democratic Party created the Ku Klux Klan | PolitiFact Virginia

You can't spell KKK without GOP

I love how Democrats think they can just sprinkle fairy dust over history.:lol:

You want everyone to believe that just magically one day in 1964 all the racists in the Democrat party switched to the Republican Party.

And that all the "good" Republicans who fought for the uncompensated abolition of slavery, fought the KKK, impeached Andrew Johnson (D), passed the 14th Amendment, fought against Jim Crow laws, pushed back against the Dixiecrats and were the movers and shakers to get the Civil Rights Act passed just one day became Democrats.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Give it up. That boat don't float.

ETA: All but a handful of Dixiecrats left the Democrats. I'll be happy to debate the bullshit point that the Dixiecrats ran to the Republican party anytime and anywhere. I'm loaded for bear. :)

Meetcha over here, TD :thup:

Nope, nobody said it was "one day in 1964". It took several days.
KKK Forms Neighborhood Watch Group in Pennsylvania

>>In response to a string of recent break-ins, the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has given a local Pennsylvania chapter the go-ahead to form a neighborhood watch group.

... “It’s just like any neighborhood watch program. It’s not targeting any specific ethnicity. We would report anything we see to law enforcement,” Frank Ancona, the organization’s imperial wizard and president, told PennLive. “We don’t hate people. We are an organization who looks out for our race. We believe in racial separation. God created each species after its kind and saw that it was good.”

According to its website, the organization -- headquartered in Park Hills, Mo., with local chapters in every state but Hawaii -- is a "non-violent" and "law abiding group" composed entirely of white Christians. The group claims to have &#8220;been misunderstood for years.&#8221; <<
The shooting at the Jewish center made it clear that so-called white supremacists are registered democrats. The shooter even ran for office as a democrat. KKK bigots were democrats during the 50's and 60's and the democrat party was the party of segregation. Robert Byrd, the democrat senator from W.V. was a KKK leader. The bigot supreme court justice appointed by FDR, Hugo Black, hated Catholics and coincidentally wrote the majority opinion regarding the modern version of separation of church and state that bigoted left wingers have used for fifty years to subjugate Christians.

A couple of examples, separated by sixty years, is nothing more than hasty generalization, which invalidate the premise. Secondly, Byrd spent the rest of his life repenting for his stupidity, while his colleague, Strom Thurmond rebranded himself as a Republican.

George Wallace repented his evil ways and switched to the Dem party.
Yes, they're called White Citizens Councils sometimes.
Their stated purpose was to maintain the Southern way of life.[segregation]
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The KKK is the Democrat party. No dispute with that. History is a stubborn fact.
they already have, it's called the Obama administration and the Democrat/progressive party

we have enemy's within folks...please never vote for one again

holy mother fucking shit....this is some dumbass shit.
Can the KKK rebrand? You mean the Democrats want to change their name to be true to their ideology? They should.

again more dumbass shit. Its amazing how you people seem to function on a day to day basis. I mean T i know you drink a lot, to that keeps you going, but seriously people like you should have been weeded out of the gene pool....
Instead of making this a political "my party's better than your party, you stink, no you stink" playground freeforall how about what they (and others like them) are really doing to rebrand themselves. Some have already shown it but not gone any deeper.
I have pointed out numerous times that the white racists have been pursuing a new tactic as seen on this and multiple messageboards everywhere. They use cherry picked "facts" and the debunked "science" of eugenics to build a basis for legitimacy by "simply pointing out" the difference in the races, concentrating on how inferior non whites are in many aspects. By building this supposed (and false) basis they claim it's not racism.
To put it plainly they're trying to build legitimacy for general acceptance of their platform.
Instead of making this a political "my party's better than your party, you stink, no you stink" playground freeforall how about what they (and others like them) are really doing to rebrand themselves. Some have already shown it but not gone any deeper.
I have pointed out numerous times that the white racists have been pursuing a new tactic as seen on this and multiple messageboards everywhere. They use cherry picked "facts" and the debunked "science" of eugenics to build a basis for legitimacy by "simply pointing out" the difference in the races, concentrating on how inferior non whites are in many aspects. By building this supposed (and false) basis they claim it's not racism.
To put it plainly they're trying to build legitimacy for general acceptance of their platform.

Very true. I have no issue with white pride. I just can't understand how white pride is defined by attacking other racial groups - verbally or physically.

The KKK is the Democrat party. No dispute with that. History is a stubborn fact.

I got yer history right here, chump. Oh wait, your own cartoon disproves you.

The guy on the rigth has the KKK hat on, right? What's the hat on the guy on the left say?

"CSA" -- Confederate States of America. THAT is who founded the KKK in December 1865 -- veteran rebel soldiers. I even have their names if you want them. It was one of several vigilante groups formed after the Civil War that those on the losing side didn't want to admit to losing (and were still denying it into my own lifetime). ALL of them that we know of were formed by veteran ex-soldiers of the CSA. NONE of them were formed by a political party.

And there's no such thing as the "Democrat Party" anyway. Get your nose out of Lush Rimjob's bunghole and you won't sound as ignorant as he does.
Instead of making this a political "my party's better than your party, you stink, no you stink" playground freeforall how about what they (and others like them) are really doing to rebrand themselves. Some have already shown it but not gone any deeper.
I have pointed out numerous times that the white racists have been pursuing a new tactic as seen on this and multiple messageboards everywhere. They use cherry picked "facts" and the debunked "science" of eugenics to build a basis for legitimacy by "simply pointing out" the difference in the races, concentrating on how inferior non whites are in many aspects. By building this supposed (and false) basis they claim it's not racism.
To put it plainly they're trying to build legitimacy for general acceptance of their platform.

Very true. I have no issue with white pride. I just can't understand how white pride is defined by attacking other racial groups - verbally or physically.
Complex motivations based on individual paradigms, some are taught, some are learned. What would you kill and die for to "protect"? It's a very personal question and people being people........ :dunno:
I don't have any issue with people celebrating their heritage as long as it isn't used specifically to create divisions among groups and races, which all too often it is by some The media, given their very nature, are more than willing to report on only those aspects which presents a grossly distorted view of events and peoples.

Hopefully I phrased that correctly. Sometimes the media does hit the nail on the head..... Not often but sometimes.
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I still want someone to define "white" to me as the term is being bandied about today as if we are some monolithic group.

White comes in many shades and many ethnic backgrounds. So I find the use of this term as being extremely bigoted by very ignorant individuals.

The KKK is the Democrat party. No dispute with that. History is a stubborn fact.

I got yer history right here, chump. Oh wait, your own cartoon disproves you.

The guy on the rigth has the KKK hat on, right? What's the hat on the guy on the left say?

"CSA" -- Confederate States of America. THAT is who founded the KKK in December 1865 -- veteran rebel soldiers. I even have their names if you want them. It was one of several vigilante groups formed after the Civil War that those on the losing side didn't want to admit to losing (and were still denying it into my own lifetime). ALL of them that we know of were formed by veteran ex-soldiers of the CSA. NONE of them were formed by a political party.

And there's no such thing as the "Democrat Party" anyway. Get your nose out of Lush Rimjob's bunghole and you won't sound as ignorant as he does.

1866 for the Pulaski version. Knights of the White Camelia in 67.


The KKK is the Democrat party. No dispute with that. History is a stubborn fact.

I got yer history right here, chump. Oh wait, your own cartoon disproves you.

The guy on the rigth has the KKK hat on, right? What's the hat on the guy on the left say?

"CSA" -- Confederate States of America. THAT is who founded the KKK in December 1865 -- veteran rebel soldiers. I even have their names if you want them. It was one of several vigilante groups formed after the Civil War that those on the losing side didn't want to admit to losing (and were still denying it into my own lifetime). ALL of them that we know of were formed by veteran ex-soldiers of the CSA. NONE of them were formed by a political party.

And there's no such thing as the "Democrat Party" anyway. Get your nose out of Lush Rimjob's bunghole and you won't sound as ignorant as he does.

1866 for the Pulaski version. Knights of the White Camelia in 67.


1865. Christmas Day to be exact. They, the Knights of the WC and the rest: veteran soldiers all. No political parties were involved.

The implied false equivalency is analagous to some wag pointing to David Duke, a Klansman who ran for (and won) office as a Republican, and concluding, "see? The KKK is made of Republicans". Fallacious in both cases.
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