Can the left blame Trump for the second wave of COVID too


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Hey man, the left built the safe space right. They received the gift of COVID providing safe spaces in a more literal form. While many conservatives called BS, progressives said let science blah blah, close everything, we must have our safe spaces.

Then on a dime they do this. Something aint right, is it in the food or on the media?
Trump haters would blame an asteroid impact on him. There is NOTHING that is not Trump's fault. That is crystal clear after 3 and 1/2 years of their blathering nonsense.
Trump haters would blame an asteroid impact on him. There is NOTHING that is not Trump's fault. That is crystal clear after 3 and 1/2 years of their blathering nonsense.
Yep. The Holocaust of the 1930's and 40's? Trump is responsible for this. The Spanish Flu epidemic right after World War I? Trump is responsible for this. The Great Fire of London in 1666 AND the Bubonic Plague in Europe in the Middle Ages? You guessed it, Trump is responsible for this. And perhaps the WORST thing of all, who is responsible for the duo Air Supply and their music? Trump, of course. You get the idea. They really ARE that stupid.
In 2007 I had a bed wetter tell me to my face the death of her dog was because Bush would not approve of universal veterinary care....

I shit you not.

You would not believe how much self control it took not to slap that stupid bitch.

It was my own fault for taking a lay over in San Fransicko and going to a bar there. It was like a black hole of ignorance.

You trumps are truly dumb people. No one has blamed trump for the virus. He is being blamed for his response to it.
You guys are simpletons. Any criticism of Trump has been unwarranted in your eyes. He gets a lot of criticism because he regularly does and says the wrong things. “We’ll be at zero by this weekend”, Looting/shooting, mexican/rapists, virus is a hoax, Mexico paying for wall, “NK is no longer a nuclear threat” “Putin says he didn’t do it and I believe him”.

If Obama had 1/10th of the dumbass statements you’d lose your minds.
You trumps are truly dumb people. No one has blamed trump for the virus. He is being blamed for his response to it.


In fact all of the free world was hit hard, Trump's response to it was blah. In fact Brazil is getting the blunt of it now, partially because the weather changed. If Trump would admit to global warming and cared about science they wouldn't have this problem.

Trump lied, people died.
You guys are simpletons. Any criticism of Trump has been unwarranted in your eyes. He gets a lot of criticism because he regularly does and says the wrong things. “We’ll be at zero by this weekend”, Looting/shooting, mexican/rapists, virus is a hoax, Mexico paying for wall, “NK is no longer a nuclear threat” “Putin says he didn’t do it and I believe him”.

If Obama had 1/10th of the dumbass statements you’d lose your minds.
The meat puppet faggot had 10X the dumb shit statements. If he was off teleprompter he was a stuttering cluster fuck.

You guys are simpletons. Any criticism of Trump has been unwarranted in your eyes. He gets a lot of criticism because he regularly does and says the wrong things. “We’ll be at zero by this weekend”, Looting/shooting, mexican/rapists, virus is a hoax, Mexico paying for wall, “NK is no longer a nuclear threat” “Putin says he didn’t do it and I believe him”.

If Obama had 1/10th of the dumbass statements you’d lose your minds.
The meat puppet faggot had 10X the dumb shit statements. If he was off teleprompter he was a stuttering cluster fuck.

That would be a “no” Everyone knows that Trump is the greatest at dumbass comments. In 8 years you guys recycle the same 3 slip ups by Obama and attacked him for shit he didn’t do or say. That damn tan suit!

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