Zone1 Can this site's software be updated to a better "ignore" function?

Yea, I know. I took an 18-month sabbatical from this community due to, in part, the inordinate level of terrible posters.

By the way, you dodged my questions. You lack the integrity to engage honestly so, goodbye and good luck.
I haven't dodged any question that I am aware of. Please enlighten me. I believe I have categorically addressed every question that you have put forward. There is a difference between getting the answer you wish for and getting an answer to your question. If you don't want the answer that you are given--don't ask the question. You are in control and you are more than welcome to put me on ignore if you so choose, but I will still weigh in on the topic if I find it of interest.
It is amazing that some folks are so thin skinned that they get upset with opinions that differ from their own. I only use ignore on dull and uninteresting members but won't use it if a person is entertaining despite having a different opinion than myself.
Yea, I know. I took an 18-month sabbatical from this community due to, in part, the inordinate level of terrible posters.

By the way, you dodged my questions. You lack the integrity to engage honestly so, goodbye and good luck.

As I recall someone had the crazy idea of making you a maud and you went on a thread spree telling everyone what you would and wouldn't tolerate given your newly acquired position and started peforming a whole relentless slew of maude actions that mirror precisely the attitude you're demonstrating here in this thread.

Then you quit and disappeared when you got called out on it.

But it's just whuhevs...
It is amazing that some folks are so thin skinned that they get upset with opinions that differ from their own. I only use ignore on dull and uninteresting members but won't use it if a person is entertaining despite having a different opinion than myself.

You must also believe that management is wrong to EVER censor ANYTHING, right? Anybody should be able to say ANYTHING they want on this site and anyone who disagrees with you is "thin-skinned", right?
As I recall someone had the crazy idea of making you a maud and you went on a thread spree telling everyone what you would and wouldn't tolerate given your newly acquired position and started peforming a whole slew of maude actions that mirror precisely the attitude you're demonstrating here in this thread.

Then you quit and disappeared when you got called out on it.

But it's just whuhevs...

That's not accurate but I don't expect a truthful and fair accounting from you.
You’re far more than just thin-skinned – you want to create an echo chamber impervious to other viewpoints, opinions, and dissent.

Not at all. I just want to block posters that spew all sorts of vitriol and garbage.

Do you complain about the monolithic number of people that this site has BANNED? Do you accuse management of being "thin-skinned" and wanting an "echo chamber"? If not, why not? I'm only suggesting that posters should have the ability to block others; I haven't said anything about banning anybody, yet, you attack me but give management a pass for BANNING people that post in a manner they seem unacceptable.

There are a lot of good posters in this community, but you've never been one of them.
Why does this community have a "Clean Debate Zone"? Aren't you guys outraged about that? After all, anybody should be able post ANYTHING anywhere, right?

Thanks for the laughs, geniuses.

All I know is I'm tired of my (and other folk's) threads being combined with Basqubromance threads.

You will be following a thread and boom! it is gone only to find out it's been combined with one of his multitude of threads.

Half of the membership has him on ignore because he starts so many threads so a person's threads should stand if who they duped is on their ignore list.

You got that right, man.

That cat's the single reason I stopped creating topical content.

I, for one, try to put forth some effort into framing topical content that will stimulate relevant, meaningful, perhaps even fruitful dialogue, but the last time one of my threads got merged with that guy's Romper Room level pablum, I decided right then and there that I'm not creating topical content on here any more.

He sits over in some foreign country and basically dictates not only the topical content itself, but the level of topical content on here. Really keeps it as dumbed down and nonsensical as he possibly can, seemingly in hopes of stimulating an equally shallow stream of dialogue. And he succeeds in doing that, unfortunately.

But if that shallow, American Idolish level of topical content is what the so-called uppers want, then, by all means, let em have it. Not my hill...
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You got that right, man.

That cat's the single reason I stopped creating topical content.

I, for one, try to put forth some effort into framing topical content that will stimulate relevant, meaningful, perhaps even fruitful dialogue, but the last time one of my threads got merged with that guy's Romper Room level pablum, I decided right then and there that I'm not creating topical content on here any more.

He sits over in some foreign country and basically dictates the level of topical content on here.

But if that shallow, American Idol level kind of topical content that the so-called uppers want, then, by all means, let em have it. Not my hill...

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